830-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November SAT NOV 2 - 9AM Farm equip, van, tools, furniture, guns 7186 Ironstone Hill Rd Dallastown, York Co Auctioneers Kenneth Keeny AU 2797 L (ph 717-993- 3448) Marietta Thomas AU32SIL and Paul Miller AA2B23L SAT NOV 2 - 9 30AM Consign ment Auction - hay, milking equip, farm equip, trucks Loc at Donn Fetterotf term approx 2 mi E of Aaronsburg Along Rt 45 or 3 mi Wof Woodward RonJ &RonS GiDigan *AU339-L & #AU343O - Call Donn Fetterolf at 814-349- 8213 SAT NOV 2 - 9 30AM John Deere Rental Returns, Cranes, 20 Mi E of Syracuse Use Exit 34 (Canastota) off 1-90 NYS Thruway, pay toll turn R, Sale site is 1/4 mile on L, Rt 13, Canasto te, NY, Auct Alex Lyon & Son. 315-633-2944 SAT NOV 2 -10 AM 1 1/2 Story Cape Cod near Bnckervtlle Cor ner of Hershey Rd & Rt 322 between Bnckenrille & Clay, Eliz- FAJUft f'RIDAY.NOV. 22, ■t.'’ LOCATION: 1891 Windy Hill Rd, Lancaster, PA From Lancaster Rt 30E, get off Rt 462 exit, turn right onto Rt 462 W, short distance to light, turn left onto Strasburg Pike to Windy Hill Rd , turn right to auction on right TRACTORS Case 2090 Diesel Tractor w/Power Shift, Cab Air & Heat, Case 1290 Diesel Tractor w/Case 562 Loader, Case 995 Diesel Tractor, 1976 Ford 4x4 F 250 VB, 8’ Bed, Auto , Farm Tags FARM MACHINERY Landoll Disc Chisel, 5 Tooth w/Buster Bar, 1H 710 4B 16” Auto Reset Plow, Athens Wing Disc - As Is. Dunham 12’ Cultimulcher, JD 7000 4RN Complantcr, Dry Fert, Monitor & No-Til Attachments, Welsh 300 Gal. Field Sprayer I2R Boom, Vfcon 321 10’ Disc Bine, Kuhn 3 Pt. Rake/Tedder, NH 320 Baler w/Hyd Press, Belt Thrower, SSJJickup - EjL Cond.. (2) 18’ Stnckler Thrower Wagons on JD Running Gears, NH 30’ Bale Elevator, JD 3 Pt 5’ Rotary Mower, 3 Pt. PTO Military Generator, 1976 Ford F 250 Pickup 4WD V 8 8’ Bed - Farm Tag, Case 220 Hydriv 10 HP w/42” Deck; Wood Splitter, Case 220 Hydnve 10 HP w/42” Deck, Craftsman Welder/Generator 5 KW, Plus Other Sm Items NOTE: Not many sm items - not a long sale Auction to begin w/sm items, immediately followed by machinery & tractors Food Stand Terms are cash or PA check Terms By: RON & JOYCE LEAMAN Auction Conducted By; 717-299-6479 Randal V. Kline, Roy E. Good, Keith Snyder, Auctioneers Lie. #499, #2116, #3433 (717)445-4309 FALL CONSIGNMENT AUCTION Saturday, Nov. 16, 2002 9 A.M. Kutztown Produce Auction 209 Oakhaven Road, Fleetwood, Pa. FARM EQUIPMENT: JD 4030 diesel, JD2020 gas w/loader, Case 1845 diesel skid loader, JD 2940 w/hi-10, R 4 CAT Crawler with blade, JD 45 hydra-push manure spreader, NH 357 grinder mixer, NI 323 1 row picker, MF 124 baler with thrower, Ferguson 3 pt. rake, NH 33 flail chopper, JD PTO rake, 5 ft. Bush Hog rotary cutter, JD 10 ft. offset disc, JD 1240 4 row com planter, gravity wagon. Farmhand wheel rake, 140 gal. field sprayer, Heneke silage blower 1000 rpm # sickle bar mower. LAWN & GARDEN: JD 318, JD 400,8 HP wood splitter, trac vac lawn vac, lawn sweeper MISC.: Rissler 105 mixer with beam scale (reconditioned), Surge Alamo vacuum pump, boxes of nails, seed cleaner, 1 skid of paper bags, 9 dock carts, Bicycles, Dexter twin tub wringer washer, 100+ dolls some from the 60’s and 70’5,2 table saws, new storm doors, work clothing. Cannon 25 PC copier. Many more items too numerous to mention. Some items subject to prior sale. Receiving days Tue., Nov. 12 thru Fri., Nov. 15, 8 A.M. to 5 PM. Loader tractor will be on site all day Friday, or call 610-683-6321 for appointment. ALL CONSIGNORS WELCOME CALL FOR DETAILS. 610-683-7161 or fax 610-683-5429. PRODUCE - CRAFTS, MUMS, NURSERY EVERY TUBS., THURS. & SAT. AT 9:00 AM. abeth Township 5 Hershey Pd, Lititz Open house Sat Oct 5 1-3 pm & Sat Oct 12 1-3 pm Auction by Richard E Haller 627-1546 Martin Auction Service SAT NOV 2 -10 AM Real estate Located at R R #1 Mt Pleasant Mills, Snyder Co, PA Turn oft Route 11 & 15 above Dutch Kitchen Restaurant onto Chap man Hollow Rd Travel 3 7/10 miles to Stauffer Rd. make R & travel 2/10 mile to auction on right Watch for auction signs Roger A Lauver, Auctioneer AU -002634 L (570)374-3793 SAT NOV 2 -10 AM Public estate auction, truck, car, camper, gazebo, guns, house hold items, etc South of Harris burg, turn off Rt 230 in Steelton at the Family Dollar Store onto Chambers St, Auction located at comer of Chambers and Elm St, house # 830 Auctioneers Robert L Leitzel AU 002062 L and Tim Kline AU002998-L 570-837- 0280 .CTIONFFRS skrelderc 2002 AUCTION STATE-0 F-1 H F-A RI SE MI CO NE) U CTO R MANUFACTURING EQUIPMENT. BY ORDER OF AMERICAN ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS, INC. REPRESENTING AGERE SYSTEMS 2525 NORTH 12TH STREET • READING, PA WED. NOV. 13 & THUR. NOV. 14 AT 9:00 AM •WAFER FABRICATION PHOTOLITHOGRAPHY PLASMA PROCESSING, WIT PROCESSING DEPOSITION, THERMAL PROCESSING • METROLOGY/INSPECTION •LASERS •ASSEMBLY • AUTOMATIC TEST EQUIPMENT • ENVIRONMENTAL •TEST INSTRUMENTATION •POLISHING TERMS 10% buyers premium for onsite purchases 13 1/2% buyers premium for knlmc itirchaso : or additional information contact auctioneers or rcc our website ar www michaclfox com ~ BID LIVE ONLINE' SEE OUR WEBSITE AT www michaelfbx.com FOR INSTRUCTIONS. Rfr 7 camixrr XSX-J PinilKMH’ ' OWWUMATIWM Enterpckm me A MICHAEL FOK tST.»’t.tlOH - t tMtriuWy 1800) 722-3334 • wwwnrrchaellbif com flitW S. Ac I'A lx 1A1M2273L RobtnD Slienwn M LctAU-002566L COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE AUCTION 9.5 ACRES SAT., NOV. 23,2002 ATI PM Former Keystone Public Auto Exchange Facility * 10,000 Sq. Ft. Butler steel bldg, on 9.5 acres along Rts 22/322 between Dauphin & Clarks Ferry Bridge. Bldg, consists of 5,000 sq. ft. of office/restrooms and 3 large drive through bays w/overhead doors on each end. 3 phase elect, cen tral A/C, gas heat, well/septic. 9.5 acre tract of land fronts on Old 22/322 now Service Rd. Fenced perimeter, parking for over 1,000 vehi cles, outdoor lighting. Great visibility TERMS: Deposit of 10% day of auction, balance in 45 days at settlement. Sale subject to seller confirmation. For insp. contact Auction Co. 717-236-3752. KERRY PAE auctioneers AUI3G7 ABSOLUTE AUCTION SAT. NOY. 23,2002 AT 2 PM 2 FIVE UNIT TOWNHOUSE BUILDINGS 700 - 736 STONEY CREEK DRIVE MIDDLE PAXTON TWP, DAUPHIN, PA PARCEL #l-700-716 Stoney Creek Drive - 2 story 5 unit townhouse bldgs. Each unit has 2 BR, 1.5 bath, kitchen, dining area, living room, base ment, 1024 sq. ft. each unit. Separate utilities. 100% occupied. Offstreet parking. Public water/on site septic, gas heat, A/C. Built in 1974. PARCEL #2 - 720 - 736 Stoney Creek Drive - 2 story 5 unit townhouse bldgs. Each unit has 2 BR, 1.5 bath, kitchen, living room, dining area, base ment. 1024 sq. ft. each unit. Separate utilities. 100% occupied Off street parking. Public water/on site septic, gas heat, A/C. Built in 1974. INSPECTION - Open House Sun. Nov. 10 1-3 PM. TERMS - Properties are being sold to high est bidder to settle the estate of Olga Fried. Deposit of 10% on each parcel day of auction. Balance in 45 days at settlement on Jan. 9. 2003. Parcels will be offered separately, then combined and sold in a manner which produces the highest selling price to the estate. For income/expenses contact auction co. and leave fax # or email address ESTATE OF OLGA FRIED GREGORY T. FRIED, EXECUTOR KERRY PAE AUCTIONEERS ■ ml AIM ‘ ?< '.7 » ABSOLUTE AUCTION Uc SAT., NOV. 23,2002 at io:«o a.m. KV Located along Route 25 3 miles west of 1-81 (Hegms’ exit 112) VV in the village of Fountain, Schuylkill Co., PA. jQh The former Felty’s Diner will be sold to the highest bidder! APPROX. 1.2 ACRES Approx. 200’ of frontage along Route 25. The dining area is a circa 1930’s railroad dining car with original counter, tables, galley area & restrooms. The dining room has central air. A large addition houses the kitchen, storage & furnace areas. FOR INSPECTION CALL: (570) 682- 3016. INSPECT NOW, ARRANGE YOUR FINANCING AND BE PRE PARED TO BID & BUY AT THE AUC day of the sale, farther terms & conditions to be announced when the real estate is offered at 10 a,m. Raetone S/S Double Door Refrigerator (53”x81”); Manitowac Series 200 Ice Maker; Small Hobart S/S Commercial Dishwasher; Wells Elec. Griddle w/Dual Control; Wells 2 Basket Deep Fryer; Norris Milk Dispenser w/3 Head Milk Shake Maker; Chest Type Ice Cream Freezer w/Topping Dispensers; GE Upright Freezer; Royal Alpha 580 Cash Register; S/S Steam Table w/6 Holes & Side Pan; 9’4” S/S Work Counter (half Butcher Block Top) w/Drawers & Shelves; Server 2 Pot S/S Food Warmer; 4’ & 5’ S/S Work Tables; 6’ Butcher Block Top Work Table; (2) Metal Storage Racks; S/S Utility Cart; Bunn-O-Matic 5 Burner Coffee Maker; Drip-O-Lator 48 Cup Coffee Maker; (2) GE Microwaves; Toastmaster Double Waffle Maker; Toastmaster 4 Slice Comm. Toaster; (4) Square Tables; (42) Metal Folding Chairs; Restaurant China by Buffalo Pottery; S/S Flatware; Alum. Stock Pots; Asst. Pots/Pans/Trays/Cooking Utensils; Roasting Pans; Kerosene Heater; 14” Cl Frypan; 7-Up Clock; Swab Wagon Co. Clock; Lg. Crockery Mixing Bowl (crack). Note: The auction will begin with the real estate followed by the restau rant equipment. This will be a short auction, please be prompt. Terms: Cash or PA Check with Picture ID Hairy Brown, Esq. Estate of Gloria H. Felty Pfeiffer, Brown, DiNicola & Goodman Robert L. Felty, Sr., Executor fIEIDEDT MIKE, AUCTIONEER AU-1599-L (570) 425-2256 I#CIDER I KLINGERSTOWN, PA PUBLIC SALE THANKSGIVING DAY THURSDAY NOV. 28, 2002 @ 8:30 AM THE LATE ED COYMAN COLLECTABLES, TRACTORS, FARM EQUIP., BUTCHER TOOLS, TOOLS & MISC. LOCATION: 2489 CRALEY RD. WRIGHTSVILLE, YORK CO., PA Midway between Craley & Martinsville From Red Lion take 624 N. 5.7 mi. on left along 624 or 4/10 mi. S of Craley on 624. COLLECTABLES Cl hog troughs, pine porch benches. Anvil & Cone anvil, rope bed, sleds, buck & cross cut saws, cant hooks, single trees, Copper wash boiler, Garden cult., stone fork. Ford shop manuals 1955-1960, cythes, seeder, Farmette 1 whl garden tractor, egg bskts, sev. pcs. of Guardian service ware. TRACTORS & FARM EQUIP. Ford 800 w/sauder loader & 8 N, Farmall H w/loader (not running), AC CA wAVFE, Economy 14hp w/mower deck 1 btm plow & cult, Ford tractor jack 13-6-28 tires & whls, 3 pt 2 btm plow, 3 pt. boom, IH 3 pt. post hole digger. Woods 3 pt. 6’ rotary LN, 3 pt. 9’ yard rake w/adj. whls. 3 pt. 6’ scrapper blade, IH 14’ flatbed wagon, 2 whl flatbed trlr, IH hyd cyl & oth ers, 175 gal. trlr sprayer. Gravely 450 commercial riding mower, Gravely walk behinds w/mower deck & Sulky’s, Craftsman 18hp riding mower, 4xlo machine shop cart w/hitch, AC front whts Lawn Broad caster, 2whl dump cart, 3 pt. platforms, AC side dresser & 1 row cult. BUTCHER TOOLS, TOOLS, MISC. Meat benches, stirrers, tubs, Ig. alum kettle, SS Habart meat slicer, SS 8’ table w/adj. legs, buckets, iron kettles, laddie set, Berkel meat slicer, meat grinder, knives, Hollymatic patty match LN, Black Max sanbom air comp LN, Ridge pipe wrench tools, C clamps, 2T floor jacks, Bottle jacks. Torch outfit, garden tools, log chns & binders, bottle jacks, PA grinders, Porta pow ers, new band saw in box. Impact wrenches. Craftsman roll a way tool chest&tool boxes, LN., sev. wrenches, sockets of all sizes, IH 3/4 drive socket set, battery charger, screw drivers, files, drills, hammers, many boxes of new bolts, nuts, washers, new Poulan chain saw, bolt bins, pick up tool box, bench grinders, 16’40’ alum, ladders, upright air comp, bag truck, air greaser, work benches, 55 gal. drum of rotella, 15/40, lawn edger of LN, roll a way tool cabinet, rolls of wire, garden tools, alum, ramps, homelite gener ator, step ladders, Dynamoark rototiller, 40’ trlr larps, Miller portable gas welder. Safety gas cans, AC spark plug cleaner, gas propane heater, battery charger, iron pile. INSPECTION OF ITEMS: Day before sale 9AM til dark TERMS: Cash or local check. Out of state checks must be approved. AUCTIONEERS NOTE: Don’t miss this sale for Ig. amt. of all kinds of good tools. No Lg. items will ben sold before 12 noon. owner: DEBRA LEIPHART Announcements day of sale take precedence over advertising. AUCTIONEERS: Rick Forman AU-1163L Ralph Brenneman AA-708L 717-927-1305 REFRESHMENTS SERVED, OWNER & AUCTIONEERS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS TENT WILL BE PROVIDED IF INCLEMENT WEATHER. •e v fc* 5* £ Turbo-Air Glass Sliding Double Door Cooler (used approx, one year); Peerless 10 Burner/Double Oven Gas Range; Raetone S/S Double Door Freezer (53”x81”);
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