NOVEMBEI FRI 4 SAT NOV 1 42-IPM & 9PM antiques, primitives, antique 4 modern tools Horst Aucts 717-738-2132 FRI 4 SAT NOV 14 2 -10 each day - antiques, furniture, Royal Doulton character jugs, AR lanterns 4 ephemera, col lectibles Held RR Northum berland, located on Rt 11N 4 Ridge Rd at the Joann Cerven Rasper and the late Bendict Cerven home Roan Inc AU nno777-L 570-494-0170 SAT , NOV 2 - 8 30AM Estate auction of antiques, furniture, HH items, collectibles, tools, guns, vehicles, 17133 Virginia Ave , Hagerstown, MD.take I -81 to Exit #2 (Williamsport exit), left turn on Rt 11 N, go approx 2 1/2 mi, auction on right, Auc tioneer Ira K Drury, 301 -582- 0159 SAT NOV 2 - 8 30AM Antique ~ PORTERFIELD AUCTIONS ■*** LOCATED at 938 Lancaster Pk., BUCK, PA (Approx. 10 miles South of Lancaster Along Rt. 272,1/2 mile North of the BUCK) Fri., Nov. 8, 2002 (sp 5:00 p.m. DECOYS - TRAPS - FISHING I: SIGNED MITCHELL, GIBSON, PIERCE, JOBES & OTHERS'. MANY WORKING. RE TRAPS: Kompakt, Blake & Lamb, North Woods, New House & more LOTS OF OLD FISHING EQUIPMENT DEi 50+ RA Sat., Nov. 9, 2002 <& 10:00 a.m. HAND GUNS: J.P. Saver Western Marshall .22SA. Taurus REV .32HR Mag DA, Model PT99AF9 9mm Semi-auto. H&R Sportsman 999 .22 DA, Ruger Bearcat .22 SA, Single Six .22 SA, Model R9O .45 ACP Semi, Model MK II .22 Semi, Model 22/45 .22 Semi, Blackhawk .30 Carbine SA. Phoenix Arms HP22 Semi. Great Western Arms Co. .22LR SA. S&W K-22 “Masterpiece” 0.22 w/presentation case. Model 27 .45 stag grips. Model 4 .38 Nickel, Model 36 Chief’s Special, Model 17/K-22 “Masterpiece” .22LR, Model 34 .22LR, Model 57 .41 Mag, Model 14- 3, K-38 “Masterpiece”, Model 29 .44 Mag Colt 1917 .45ACP, Frontier Scout .22LR SA, New Service Model .41 DA, Police Positive Special .38 DA First issue, Police Positive Special .22LR DA Target Model, Police Positive Special .32, 1911 .45 WWI Commemorative, 1911 .45 U.S. Army (Ist Manufacturing), M 1991 A 1 10mm Delta Elite, 38 Super .32 2nd manufacture, 38 Super .32 Pre- War, 1903 Pocket .32 ACP, Army Special .38 DA, Python .357 Mag Beretta 1934 .38Semi. J. Stevens Arms 10 .22LR Target SS. Husqvarna SF3F 32Long Colt DA. Iver Johnson .32 Short DA. LONG GUNS: Connecticut Valley Arms Hawken ,50cal. Parker Hale 30-06. Daisy 25 88. Crosman Power Master 760, 1377. Stevens Model 940 E 20 Gauge, Model 311 A 16 gauge. British 303 4MK-1 bolt. Savage Model3A 0.22, Model 29 ,22S,L,LR pump. SS Kresge Model 151 410. H&R 22 Rim Fire Double Action, Model. 922 .22revolver, (3) 12 gauge single shot. (2) Mauser 98, Champion V .22LR. Marlin Model 19-S 12 gauge, Model 60 .22 Semi-auto, Model 1894 S 0.44 Lever, Model 22MN, Goose Gun 12 gauge 3” mag. Mossberg 200 K 12 gauge. Model 600 AT 12 gauge pump. Stevens Arms Springfield 12 gauge. Lefever Arms Nitro Special 12 gauge. Mass.. Arms Co. 12 gauge. Iver Johnson 12 gauge. Winchester Model 67-22 .22b01t, Model 9422 .22Lever, Model 68 .22b01t, Model 62A .22LR pump, Model 61 .22 Mag pump w/Weaver Scope, Model 67 ,22S,L,LR bolt, Model 62 .22S,L,LR pump. Model 97 12 gauge pump takedown, Model 1200 12 gauge pump. Model 1892 32WCF Lever 1906-07 Manufacture, Model 1886 45-70 Lever, Model 71 ,348 Lever, Model 62A 38-40 Lever, Model 64(Pre) 32WS Lever, Model 94 (Pre) 30WCF Lever, Model 70 Featherlight .243, Model 70 XTR 30-06Spfd, Model 70 (Pre) 30-06 Gov’t, Model 70 XTR .243, Model 70 XTR .27 W/3x9 Bushnell. Colt Lightning 44-40 pump. Remington 662 ,22Semi, Model 580 ,22b01t w/Weaver 4x scope. Model 581 ,22b01t w/Weaver 6x scope. Model 12-C ,22S,L,LR, Model 572 .22S,L,LR pump. Model 17 20gauge pump. Model 700 ,222b01t w/6x Banner scope, Gamemaster .35 Rem pump, Model 1903 30-06 bolt. Glenfield Model 25 22b01t. Springfield Model 52. New Haven Model 2831 410gauge bolt. Mossberg Model 82 410gauge bolt. Maverick 88 12gauge pump. Ithaca M-66 12gauge. Mauser 98 Bmm. Firearms Int., Spain Matador 20gauge. Fulton SxS 20gauge. 12 gauge break action guns: Worlds Challenge Ejector, H&R, Mass. Arms Co, Henry Arms Co, Wm. Moore Co., Dean, J. Reynolds, Keystone Ejector. J Rupertus, Sears Roebucks Company, Fulton Field Grade, Parker “D” Grade, L.C. Smith #2 Grade w/Damascus bbl. Browning Arms Co. Lightning, Browning, DeGuerre Herstal A-5, Browning Twelvette, A.G. Genez, Black Powder Shot Gun Percussion Walther IV .22 LR PR. Penderson & Son Presentation Model ,35Whelen, Grade 111 30-06 Gov’t. Sako Rll 222 Rem lu/f* f**'(P* m* gT' =~ frY —* ppp l. lllilllllii iililiiml Ml* m Lots of old and rare Ammo! Gun cabinets and more! FULL DETAILED LISTING & PHOTOS AVAILABLE ON WEB!! STATE ISSUED PHOTO ID REQUIRED TO TRANSFER GUNS. ALL GUNS AVAILABLE FOR PREVIEW DURING FRIDAY EVENING SALE! MANY ITEMS STILL BEING CONSIGNED! Terms: Cash, Certified funds, Visa & MC Bob Porterfield Auct. RH000285 1 877 TOP BUCK or (717) 284-5056 Auction - pedal cars 4 tractors, antiques 4 collectibles, hand crank telephone from Hershey Hotel, riding mowers 4 equip ment Fromßt 78 take the Jon estown exit 4 turn N onto Rt 72 Turn onto Awol Rd for 1/4 mi Turn R onto Silvertown Rd and proceed to sale adjacent to Lin da's Speedway From Lebanon, take 72 to approx 1 mi N of Jonestown , turn R onto Awol Rd Richard A Kramer, Auctioneer AU -003135-L SAT NOV 2 - 8 30AM Farm .Mach, Parts, Tools. Col- KKHbles, 1019 Taneytown Pike, Westminster, Md , along Rt 140 on the northwest side of Westminster, betweeen Mead ow Branch 4 Hughes Shop Roads, Nevm E Tasto, Auct, 410-374-4067 SAT , NOV 249, at 8 00AM Mach 4Tools, Vehicles, Real Estate, Antiques 4 Collectibles 2-DAY AUCTION OUTSTANDING GUN SALE SEVERAL LOTS OF AMERICAN & BRITISH OBSOLETE CARTRIDGES, PLUS SEVERAL LOTS OF MODERN AMMO H H Items Location App 60 mi N of Hgb Rte 225 S of Domsife, 1 mi W of Rte 225 on SR 3006,Yvonne Dockey- Romberger #AUI6B3L, RR Romberger #AU4OSI (570- 758-6004) . SAT NOV 2 - 9AM Antiques, collectibles, doctor's buggy, wagons, equip , tools, coins, toys, for Edgar Hough Jr New Windsor V F D Grounds at Rt 75 and Atlee Ave , New Wind sor. Md John Roop 4 Jack Downm. 301-898-3735 SAT NOV 2 - 9AM Antiques, furniture, HH goods, Car Al Starr Fireman’s Building, Wil low Street, PA Rt 272 behind Willow Street Fire Hall Miller 4 Siegnst Auctioneers 717-687- 6857 AU 1723 L SAT NOV 2 - 10 30AM Col lectibles, Antiques, 6260 Coun ty Rd 17, Campbell (Steuben Co ), NY, Off 1-86 from E , Campbell Exit 41, R to stop sign, L on Rt 415, first R onto Cty Rd 17 (McNutt Rd ), 4 Mi to sale, James P Pirrung Auc tioneers, Inc , AU-001672-L, AU-000776-L, AY-000205-L, 570-324-2813 SAT 4 SUN, NOV 2 4 3 10am-6pm Sat, 10am-3pm Sun Antique show, selected exhibitors, home cooking and baked goods Admission $2 50 Denver Fire Hall 425 Locust St Denver, PA Fcr info call 717-733-7083 SUN, NOV 3 - 10 30AM Firearms Auction, antique Colts for Or White Estate and other fine guns, Colts, Parker SHE, Winchesters, Brown ings, Marlin, Weatherby Hi- Standard, S&W, Garner Auc tion Center, 3 mi SE of Car rollton, OH, on St Rl 43, Larry Garner, Auctioneer, (330) 627- 5573 SUN NOV 3 -11 AM Public Auction - 5244 Muncy-Clark stown Hwy, Muncy, PA Fraley Auction Co, Inc 570-546- 6907 TUBS NOV 5 -10 AM 2 Day Public Auction -100 Laird St West Lawn, Berks Co Car guns & tools Dale L Putt Auctioneer 717-859-1430 WED NOV 6 - 2 30PM Furn antiques, glassware, pedal cars, HHold, tools, at Tyler sport Fire House, Rt 563, Tylersport, Mont Co PA, by Freed Aucl AU000294-L, 610- 287-8901 or 215-822-2826 FRI NOV 8, SAT NOV 9 - SPM, 10AM respectively, 2- day auction of decoys, traps fishing equip, guns, ammo gun sale Sal, at 938 Lancast er Pk, Buck, PA, approx 10 mi S of Lancaster along Rt 272 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 2, 2002-825 5 mi N of the BUCK), by Porterfield Auctions RH000285, 1-877-TOP BUCK. 717-284-5056 SAT NOV 9 - BAM Antiques, housewares, furniture, diecast model autos & trucks, books, videos, HO trains, collectibles, tools etc for Edward Kave nagh of Dover, Pa and the estate of Ruth E Leffler York, Pa Wmterstown Fire Co Hall, Pa Rt 24 between Red Lion and Stewartstown, York Coun ty, Pa Sechnst Auctioneers #Au-000820-L, #AU-000821 - L, 717-741-4489 SAT NOV 9 - 8 30AM 40th Annual Auction - Antiques, tractors, and carriages Over 100 farm tractors Loc on Ohio State Rl 9,6 mi Nof Car rollton, Ohio 5088 Kensington Rd Carrollton Ohio Loziers 330-627-4139 SAT NOV 9 - 9AM Absolute auction of antique furniture. Oriental rugs, antiques, col lectibles. glassware, silver prints Spnngetsburgy Fire Co Social Hall, 3013 E Market St, York, Pa tor Anne Peyton Liverant Brian L Gilbert #2256, Jacob A Gilbert. #336 717-252-1656 Fall JRPy) Toy Show & Sale Sunday, November 17,2002 Howard County Fairgrounds West Friendship, Maryland 9:OOAM - 2:OOPM Admission - $3.50 250 tables of new, old and collectable toys Info - (410) 489-7020 Ten Oaks Toys Clip ad for .50 off admission PUBLIC AUCTION SAT., NOV. 9, 2002 - 9 a.m. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE - FURNITURE ANTIQUES - COLLECTIBLES Location: 4060 Pinchtown Rd., Thoma.sville, Pa. From York take Rt. 234 west approx. 5 mi. to Lefever Rd. Turn right & go I mi. OR from East Bclm take Rt. 234 east approx. 5 mi. to Lefever Rd. & turn left. REAL ESTATE - 12 NOON Will be offering 10.6 (+ or -) acre farmette located m Dover Twp., Dover School Dist., York Co. Improvements of the property arc as follows, vinyl sided farm house w/kitchen, dining, I bedroom, large den & laundry room on Ist floor. 2nd floor has master bedroom & 1 smaller bedroom Full attic & basement. Refrig. & stove are included. Brick faced walk-in porch. Property also has block 43'x46’ two car garage & butcher shop w/kettle fur nace & ventilator w/full loft overhead. Other out buildings are 30’x70’ pole bldg, w/two doors; 3 sided 20’x60’ pole bldg ; 2 other small utility sheds. FURNITURE - ANTIQUES - COLLECTIBLES Oak S-top roll top desk; smaller C-top desk; oak high chair w/fancy design; oak wash stand; oak 3 drawer dresser w/beveled mirror & gingerbread; Howard Miller grandfather clock. Oak claw teet bowed front china closet, grained blanket chest w/ball feet; 3 pc maple dinette set (Ige. dinner table & six chairs, server; 12 pane step-back hutch); 3 pc. bedroom suite; small hope chest w/100 different kinds of wood; 7 pc. liv. room suite; RCA floor model TV, VHS-VCR, 3’ dry sink w/dark stain; blue stuffed reclmer; wooden cra dle; Session mantle clock; Herring Hall 20”x21”x28 1/2” safe, inlaid porch benches; cedar wardrobe; 4 metal beds; Kenmore microwave, small dropleaf table; record cab.; Maytag washer & dryer; Kelv. chest type freezer, #6 H.B. Pfaltzgraph crock w/blue decoration; cast iron horse & lamb banks; glass log cabin bank; Ige dinner bell. Bavarian mustache mug, pink & green depression (S&P’s, 7 1/2” water pitcher, veg bowl; water glasses; dessert dishes; small shots); apple cookie jar; sev crocks & jugs, Gnswald #7, Wagner, Victor fry pans. New Haven 8 day mantle clock, chicken on nest, corn choppers, sleigh bells; cast iron dacshsound foot scraper, slaw cutter; rug beater; butter churn, dough cutter; painted 1 & 2 man saws, washbds. apple peeler, gram flail; coffee grinder; straw kmle, broad axe. Ige block plain; Universal meat grinder, 1905 pal ice cream scoop, pan scales, buck saw, glass basket, Shirley Temple cup & pitcher, old bee smoker, German cuckoo clock, Rogers silverware, Belson handpamted tea set, Pfallzgratf (blue) dmnerware set tor 8, peanut butler glasses (corn Bower, chrysanthe mum, day lily; hibiscus, ins, nasturtium: poppy, pansy, pomsellia). Southern York Co 1932 band picture, painted milk can, unusual hand seeder, Lionel tram (6033, 6034, 6037, 6066), milk bottles (Krail's, Green's, Penn York Sanitary’ Miller Bros., Elm, Greenspol, Kress, Warner's. Highland, Borden Wieland, 1970's comic books, Ige collection ot oil cans (Texaco, Gull, Singer, Surge), local feed bags, FW Newman ice pick. York, Glen Rock garage puzzles, adv hand lans. Ige adv thermometers. & much more. TERMS: CASH or GOOD CHECK with sufficient funds Any statements made auction day supercedes all printed material REAL ESTATE 10% down & bal m 45 days Not responsible lor accidents Refreshments avail able. owners: PHYLLIS SMITH & the late GEORGE SMITH 4060 Pmchtown Rd , Thomasville, Pa , POA Elizabeth Flory AUCTIONEER- MIKE STERMER, Lie #2959L STERMER’S AUCTION SERVICE, 6264 Big Mount Rd., East Berlin, Pa. PH: (717) 292-2245 TOY SHOW FREE ADMISSION SUN., NOV. 3 9 AM - 2 PM 150 Tables Indoors Show Held Indoors At The Leesport Farmers Flea Market Off Route 61, Leesport, PA Contact Charles Gallagher 610-562-9404 I? *• »■ * •fits'*
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