MAIL OX MARKET F R SALE ft s Hlpollto lantern, like new, used very little. $75. Lane. Co. 717-492-0208. 1995 6x12 enclosed trailer with electric brakes, spare tire, tie downs in side 2980# G.w.t $l3OO. Lane Co. 717-284-9941. 1990 Jeep wrangler $4OOO, 1987 Harley 883 $3OOO, 1976 Seoray cabin cruiser $BOOO, Hay small square bales $1.50/ea. Perry Co. 717-582-7222. Finn pipe for heating $.BO per foot. Amos Lapp, 2599 Rt. 25., MDlersburg, PA 17061. Dauphin Co. NH 824 2RN com head $lBOO. 6RN JD conserva tion corn planter, dry fert. monitor U.G. $3OOO 080. IH 5100 7xlB grain drill, grass depth wheels $3500. Union Co. 570-523-3328. 59" Woods belly mower for Ford 2 and 9 N trac tors $275. 2 - 7x9 wood garage doors with hard ware 525/ea Northum berland Co. 570-648-6932. Sauder snow plow. T HV duty for wipe front, end farm tractor, exc. cond. $275. Lane. Co. 717-733-7124. Black pony saddle with riding gear, used very little. $125. Union Co. 470-966-5952. 1963 Ford F-500 dump truck, oak bed. V-8 5-spd. w/2 speed rear good cond. $l5OO. Snyder Co. 570-374-6627. MF 410 combine parts AC 600 NT planter $450, NH 460 haybine $450, MH 13x7 grain drill $l5O. Northumberland Co. 570-758-9220. AKC Doberman, 9 months, female tall ears done all shots, friendly. Chester Co. 610-942-4784. Heavy duty Pdyethellne spreader won't rust holds 808 lbs. Fert. seed lime sand rock salt 48'L 18'H 30 wide. Camden Co. 609-567-0697. Mahoning Outdoor Furnaces I | Standard Models *■-- i Wood or Coal H Models Bum Wood, Oil, i» an> cxiHtU Sepiirate crtnl.usUon chamber licul s\s(cm. Installation find SltlokestACk (oil & gas Ollly) & UussorlCN Avtiilalilc. Clyde K. Alderfer 570*539*8456 R.D.#l, Box 246, Mt. Pleasant Mills, PA 17853 MAILBOX MARKET Only ads submitted on this official form will be published in our mailbox markets. No photo copies accepted! ( Please NO PHONE CALLS • Please PRINT LEGIBLY Attach Your master Farming Mailing Labi Check One: For Sale I I Notice I I Wanted I I If You Do Not Wish To Be On The Internet Please Check Here I I No Phone Calls Please! Bobcat skidloader 2600 hrs, good shape, hydro static drive bucket and forks, new tires and new battery. Leave message. Dauphin Co. 717-365-3915. Jeep CJS 1961 metal top 4 cylinder three speed trans. and drive train in good cond. $975. Wyo ming Co. 570-833-5007. Diamond Rio truck 16.5 ft. steel dump 15,000 miles on new engine 35,000 GVWR. Tag along trailer 24,000 GVWR. Columbia Co. 570-799-0849. 2 bird cages #1 19 In. x 19 in. x 30 in. #2 9 in. x 13 in. x 16 in. Berks Co. 610-775-3979. LP gas refrigerator, slightly smaller than regu lar size, no freezer. Works good. $275. Dau phin Co. 717-362-9333. For sale 966 IH bad TA good strong engine. Asking $3BO. Yates Co. 315-536-8446. 2 12' step ladders. A frame type like new take one or both. $55 each. Bucks Co. 215-598-3818. Belting wheels 18W 65H $l4OO. Wanted NH 166 in verter. Can be in need ot repair. Bedford Co. 814-766-3656. Heavy duty wood spllt ter. Lane. Co. 717-626-4165. Two rear tired 18.4x34. 95% tread. Mounted on J£>. Wheels $450 for both. White four bottom plow, nice. Lane. Co. 717-627-2263. 90 Ford 150XLT lariat 1/2 ton 4x4 4spd stick over drive low miles very nice looks and runs like new. Lane. Co. 717-687-9309. SawmiH Ireland 4HB hand set w/blower, power unit, tower edger, log deck, planer & parts. $5OOO roll er conveyors 3'x6o' $BOO. Bradford Co. 570-882-8822. Rye seed cleaned 8> bagged $5.50 per ba JD 4 bottom mounted plow. Befco 8 wheel hay rake. Cecil, MD. 410-378-2730. AD FORM Here County Phone No. Pennsylvania bank stocks cash now prefer small local issues. Also acreage in central PA. Cumberland Co. 717-697-6345. Belly mower for Farmall BN complete hand lift. Centre Co. 814-349-5587. Wanted: A-C #417 farm loader. Must be nice, no repair welds. Also want ed, Monarch #35 crawl er any condition. Sch. Co. 570-644-3713. Wanted trucker to haul 24 foot camper and John Deere B tractor from Bucks County to North ern Virginia Approx. 200 miles. Loudoun County. 540-668-6234. GM Goodwrench 350 V-8 4 barrel 4 bolt main low miles. $350. Parting out 3/4 ton Chevy rear's auto trans 1-transfer. Sch. Co. 570-386-3143. Me. Deering 14 in. 2-botfom plow! $5O 7 foot Dunham disc $25. New Idea No. 8 mature spread er for parts. $3O. York Co. 717-236-7338. Ford cabover wanted from 1938 to 1956 for res toration leave phone number and year week days. 6 PM to 8 PM. Berks Co. 610-369-1995. Portable hog shelters 12x32 $lOO each. Woods 6' finish mower $125. Pride of farm 12 hole hog feeder. $25. Berks Co. 610-473-2802. 1972 Oldsmoblle, 455 rocket runs good. AT, PS, PB, cold air. Good body & interior. $l2OO. Mossburg 20 gauge bolt action shot gun. $125. Chester Co. 610-593-5346. Rye seed cleaned In 56# bags $5.25 can deliver call BAM or BPM. Montgom ery Co. 610-754-7772. Engine maintenance stand will revolve weight up to 5,000 pounds. $5OO. Snyder Co. 570-837-3412. Utility trailer. Internation al. 4xB; Spare wheel and tire: Very good condition. Asking $350. Montg. Co. 215-947-2865. REQUIREMENTS BEFORE FILLING OUT FORM' Requirements: 1) Subscribers allowed “one" free Mailbox Market per month only (Ad will appear 1 week only) 2) Lancaster Farming Mailing Label must be attached 3) Limit: 20 words 4) Phone number must include area code. 5) Your County must be included 6) Markets must be received in office by Monday or will be held until following week's issue. 7) No Business Ads accepted. ** The Lancaster Farming staff has the right to reject any Mailbox Markets that do not meet these requirements ** Sundance hot tub 7-8 adults. 3 yrs. old excellent condition. Kept under roof. Mifflin Co; 717-935-5279. Tire chains, galley stove, tumbler $25. Mixer, 12 volt sander, 30" Bandsaw rockwell H£). belt sander, Bal marbles, JD. Turbo 330-733-7044. Half ton + uncleaned boards and poles for heating 080. 1940's electric Pepsi cooler $250. Two Texaco gas pumps. Cumberland Co. 717-766-1603. Oliver 99 4 speed 4 cylin der $3250. Oliver 6 speed 6 cylinder gas $4OOO. Good condition. Virginia 434-286-3352. Sheep: two Columbia - $7O each; three colored $4O-$5O each. Papers available for Columbias. Perry Co. 717-567-3629. Oliver 99 4 speed 4 cylin der $3250. Oliver 6 speed 6 cylinder gas $4OOO. Good condition. Virginia 434-286-3352. JDSO W cults, 3PT #5 mover $2500 Farmall H $l5OO. Andrew Yoder 36346 Bethel Church Rd. Mechanlcsville MD. 20659. St. Mary's. 1990 MACK mid liner 24' Morgan van lift-gate $10,500 080. 1983 C7O 19' flat bed. $l2OO 080. Mont. Co. 215-453-0739. John Deere 301 A industri al gas loader tractor, ex cellent condition includes tire chains, rear weights and loader $4BOO offer. Baltimore Co. 410-833-8304. Two Franco Beige coal stoves fair condition. Leb anon Co. 717-865-5456. Used water stutter for bologna making (717)249-8840. Cumber land Co. 10 yd roll-off service, haul scrap metal, demo, junk vehicles, roofing, etc. York, Lancaster, sur rounding areas. York Co. 717-764-0316. FREE TO SUBSCRIBERS ONLY PLEASE READ ALL Mail To; Lancaster Farming Mailbox Markets 1 E. Main St. P.O. Box 609 Ephrata, PA 17522 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 2, 2002-817 Zero turn Hustler $2200. 12 ft. Hustler wing $B2OO. Gravely Promaster 50 $9OO. Bobcat 48" + 60" mower $l5OO. John Deere 48" F 525 mower. $25. Salem Co. 856-223-9077. Victor oxy-acetylene out fit, tanks, torch, gauges, cart. VG condition, ideal for farm use, can deliver. $375. 215-536-9672. Bucks Co. New and used windows, lumber, doors, cheap. Concrete insulation blan kets 6'x2s' $25 each. "DAVE" Call for details. Chester Co. 610-656-2784. Bam cleaner w/motor and chute, fits 18" gutter, Patz compatible, used 4 months. Balt. Co. 410-357-5271. 5000 bushel grain dryer $2OO, outdoor heavy pig pen wire and 4 feeders would make good deer feeders. $2O each. Lane. Co. 717-687-8995. 1990 Ford F-150 XLT Lari at 4.9 L auto 4x4 93K reg cab 8' towing pkg MD. Insp $4600 080. Wash. Co. 301-432-6524. Tree shear 1989 hydro ax also John Deere 540 skid der. Star Tannery, VA. 540-465-4423. New Idea PTO 214 ma nure spreader new paint. Good original wood good tires three beaters $BOO. Delivery available. Lehigh Co. 610-767-4735. Set of house trailer axels with springs and wheel and tires. $75. Adams Co. 717-334-8664. Old washing machine kick-start engines, Briggs & Stratton from 1930'5, several to choose from $45 - $65. Kent Co. 302-492-8225 after 7 pm. CAT D-4 1944, winch hyd blade v.g. undercarriage $3300, TD-6 used tracks $350, JD-A unstyled new tires. $3200. Hunterdon Co. 908-782-2966. Old open frame generator SRW; reliant 2HP drill press %" chuck $425. York Co. 717-741-2740.- Llamas two female nice halter trained $5OO each. 4'/ 2 mo. Lane. Co. 717-445-5631. 1940 2spd. Oliver 60 row crop w/orig. 2x trip on steel. $lBOO. Both BO 500 gal Girdon flat top tank w/compressor. Make offer. Blair Co. 814-793-9379. MFI3S tractor and equip ment new paint and tires $5OOO 080. Call evenings after 4:00 PM 301-620-9343. VG cond. Washington Co. 301-620-9343. Stannah chairlift - very good condition. M Farmall - very good, Zimmerman mfg. forage box to mount on truck. Chester Co. 610-932-8999. 1984 Ford Bronco w/pwr angle plow asking $2500 1984 Cadillac Eldorado - own owner asking $5,000 call/leave message. (908)689-3938. 87 Chev 8' fleetside pick up bed, no rust, no dents tailgate 8< bumper in cluded. $3OO 080. Montg. Co. 610-279-2244. Large dog house wood 1940 grey Taminate 48"x29" table 4 chairs gold plastic metal legs 1 leaf 11'/: wide 10 sleds. Chester Co. 610-444-2896. WWII Japanese relics hel mets canteens shoes nambu pistole brought home 1945 make offer will separate. Chester Co. 610-268-8239. 24' hay rack on wheels Good shape Lane. Co. Stephen Beiler. 717-768-8064. 100 Fraser fir Christmas trees. 6 ft. height. Potter Co. 814-274-8556. Anvil 300 lb. B. from Reading. Railroad Ruther ford car shop dated 1918 $350 firm. Dauphin Co. 717-566-8762. Wheat and barley straw, clean no weeds or grass, can deliver. Ml 325 2RN corn picker. 12 husking rolls. Berks Co. 610-367-7256. AC HD4 crawler loader diesel eng good cond. $5OOO. 610 682 4966 John. Berks Co Cocker Spaniel AKC pup pies 7 weeks old 5 males 4 females Ist shot and wormed. $lOO for some. Call Berks Co. 610-488-6337. JD 530 tractor, 1958, 3 pt. hitch, PS, 45 loader, 2 buckets, nice paint, all original, $4BOO, York Co. 717-382-4881. Oliver 347 chisel plow five shank extra points three point hitch good condition. $B5O. Montour Co. 570-742-7463. Green branches for holi day wreaths etc 100 Ev ergreen trees available for you to cut or trim. Call 570-366-2462. Schuylkill Co. 80,000 BTU propane fur nace $2OO, New class II hitch for 88 Chevy pickup. $65. Juniata Co. 717-463-3535. New Idea 2 row mounted corn picker with shelter and husking bed. $250 080. IH 82 combine $l5O. North'd Co. 570-286-1029. Farmall 100 with 3pt. nice cond. Also Honda 500 4x4, 2002 mod. with winch 8< plwo. $5500. Ex. Juniata Co. 717-436-6488. Water tank, Bft. diame ter, 30 ft. long, Vi inch wall, 10,000 gal. recent use for windmill opera tion, good condition, $l5OO. Lebanon Co. 717-865-6860. New 9x32 tires and tubes. $4OO also plow parts for two wav plow for JX3.M. Bucks Co. 215-249-3420. Ford 771 loader all hyd. w/6' utility bucket no rust for Ford 2000, 3000, 4000 painted with decals. $2400 080. Bucks Co. 215-343-9177. Pint jars for lids 250 quart jars for rubbers 650 lots of sizes and logos. Lane. Co. 717-665-7700. Bunnies for sale about two mo. old. Lane. Co. 717-354-2772. 1987 Ford 655 A diesel backhoe 750 hrs. ext. hoe cab nice buckets good cond. $17,500. York Co. 717-757-1109. 1989 Subaru station wa gon high miles, little rust 5-speed. Dependable $BOO 080. Lane. Co. 610-593-2634. 1930 Irish Fordson, full round spokes, $l7OO. Doc tors buggy, needs can vas, otherwise nice plus other small buggy, $975. Berks Co. 717-933-5398. Two year old white park heifer exposed to white park bull in July Aug. $BOO. Can deliver. N.W. Berks Co. 717-933-5232. Used polyethylene pallets 48x40x5 4 way entry can be stored outside will not rot like wood $lO each. Lebanon Co. 717-867-1951. Two feed bins 12 and 15 ton also used waters, feeders, and brooders. 80. Juniata Co. 717-463-3233. Bridgeport milling ma chine 9"x42" table, set new collets $l9OO. Power - matic variable speed. Drill press $425. Berks Co. 610-367-4139. 7 yr old Stand Bred horse family broke 3 old gray stand bred horse will drive nice horse. Lane. Co. 717-733-3135. New Holland combine grain bin auger, like new, shields parts, book for parts, also electric water heater. Lane. Co. 717-355-9551. Ford T-brd wheels, yr 90-97, with 225/75R/15 snow tires mounted, 2 $25 all, 080, Presto 12 qt. pressure cooker canner. $2O. Lane. Co. 717-336-5696. 3 door bar cooler Dan Patch org. Frame beauti ful picture 8 yr gelding blue roan Tenn. walker big horse. Sch. Co. 570-875-0176. Vinyl fence 4 rail gray ap prox. 170' two gates with hardware $6OO. Lane. Co. 717-656-9596. 84 Chevy 70 series grain truck with removable sides 8.2 diesel runs good needs some body work. 3200 Lane. Co. 717-336-7288.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers