816-Lancaster Farming. MAIL X MARKET R SALE w 0 s 215 retired new beanie babies. $3 each, black porcelain wood stove with automatic 3 speed fan. $l9O. Dauphin Co. 717-599-5379. Snowplows 9' 8 1/2' 8' 7 1/2' 7' 6 1/2' 6' blade, pumps, frames, call Rich. Clinton Co. 570-726-7545. 9 ton tag a long trailer, beaver tail, ramps, new lights no rust. $3OOO. Clearfield Co. 814-378-5553. Hudson trailer 1997 10,000 lb. deck over wheels, bumper pull, 16' deck 4' beaver tall flip-up ramps, stored inside $2900. Cumb. Co. 717-697-5144. John Deere snow blower fits 3/8 8< 3/6 tractors like new. $875. Mifflin Co. 717-667-2795. 4 bottom Oliver semi mount plow with colters field ready $5OO. Mary land. Carroll Co. 410-756-4424. Trailer 12 ton beavertall, 610 Homilite trash pump, bale kicker wagon, little Ford asphalt roller, best offer. Mercer Co. 609-737-6519. Fence posts, locust, 4x4xB, $B, call evenings or weekends. N.J. Burlington Co. 609-261-0696. Ford posthole digger $475 - 1957 cub w/matt mower $1750 - Ford 8 ft. 3 pt. disc Ford 8 ft. York rake $4OO. Ford 28 3 pt plow $275. Bucks Co. 215-598-7546. Aussie saddle - excellent condition. 18 inch seat. Call & leave message. $3OO. York Co. 717-938-9588. IH 10661 H 886 NH 900 Har vester 411 NH discbine 430 JD lawn tractor with dump grass collector. Lane Co. 717-367-0799. 2 AKC female Golden Re trievers approx. 7 yrs. old. Northumberland Co. 570-758-2078. Com Stalk Shredding Will travel for larger acreage 717/486-7602 iniminiimiiinmimiif WE HAVE THE FURHACE! • The Original since 1976 • All stainless steel construction • Burns wood up to 16” diameter and 30" long •12 hour burn • Locate it 10 to 100 feet from your home • Heats home and household hot water •10 year warranty • Connects to your existing central, duct or hydromc system • Underwriters Laboratories Listed • Patented DOUGLAS FISHEL Gettysburg-New Oxford 717-624-3639 Saturday, November 2, GT 270 bushel dryer, 1976 I. 16 ft. dump, M.F. 410 combine w/heods, FI 25 J. plow. Ml. wheel rake. Carbon Co. 610-377-7773. Singer portable sew'g machine 8. case like new. $250, blue angel fuel OK burner. $75. Mont. Co. 215-887-4476. Eves/Sun. 3615 legend bush hog, new. Never used. HDIO shaver pest driver like new. $l5OO Honda 400 Foreman $3BOO. Rock ingham Co. 540-833-2132. J.D. 12' 4 section spring harrow NJ. 2 row narrow super shelter. NJ. 2 row narrow corn picker. Lane. Co. 717-786-7143. 10 ton soybean meal $2OO. Ton-apple tree you cut down and hou., 2 crossbred boars $2OO each. Lane. Co. 717-354-5741. 1997 350 Ford truck with reading panel bodies pipe racks nice service truck good condition. $12,500 080. 768-3769. Lane. Co. 717-355-0164. . MF 410 combine w/4 RN corn, 13 ft. groin & shred der attach, shed kept. Field ready. Berks Co. 610-926-2806. MH 101-SR-all there. Should run. Nice. Needs paint. W-loader. $l2OO un less running. Minn 27-42 complete. Stuck 5N 10756. Lane. 717-529-4066. 8-B:3OAM. Nine room farm house to remove log and limestone wide attic flooring antique doors and hardware. Mif flin Co. 717-543-5857. Angus and Angus cross steers and heifers 6 to 600 lbs. Weaned started on feed delivery avail able. Sch. Co. 570-345-4489. 2002 N.H. 355 grinder mixer hyd. Dr. w/scate long au gers good cond. Lane. Co. 717-626-4398. 1997 Chev. SlO 4x4 ex. cab at AC with cap. 61.000 A-l cond. Col. Co. 570-784-0848. 1989 Dodge d!5 pass, van runs good; dog kennel; parts washer; Horz-band saw; concrete table & benches best offers. Chester Co. 610-857-2539. Seed wheat cleaned & treated from certified seed; heavy test weight; Case DKI2S backhoe for skidoader; N-H 320 baler with thrower. Northum berland Co. 570-286-1260. Bray breeding wheel extra magnets wlc bed ding chopper good cond. $650. Shultze chopper with front gear on steel Dauphin Co. 717-365-3409. New Idea com picker No. 7 one row in good cond. with a lot of extra parts. $5OO. Carbon Co. 610-377-3809. Wanted 3 wheel golf cart that runs. Chester Co. 610-476-1203. Hand hewn oak timbers. Buying "straight" 6"x6", 8"x8", 10"xll", 12"xl2" etc. Must be oak. Entire barns. You deliver. Adams Co. 717-677-9698. Formal cub Lo Boy with snow blade and mower runs great. $2OOO or best offer. Bucks Co. 215-962-9480. N.I. corn picker 323 Wis con engine mount good cond. $lBOO 080. O.F.A. equity $9445. Sell for $5667. Leb. Co. 717-866-8514. Horse manure for your garden. Boer goats for sale. Horses for sale if not sold going to auction. Car bon Co. 610-379-0045. Int SOOG Dozer 86 VW Golf Diesel all running VW Jetta running parts car. Ask for John Fulton. 717-573-4218. .1989 Chevy S-10 Blazer 2.8 V-6 5-speed 4-wheel drive 117 k inspec. til Sept. 3 new radiator 2,750 080. Lane. Co,. 610-593-2634. John Deere model 700 grinder mixer w/hay at tachment, good condition. $2,900. Fauquier Co. 540-439-8455. Patio door 72" with wood grills and screen $350; Brass celling lights $75; Small Kohler bathtub; tan $4O. Lane. Co. 717-664-2629. Rotary cutter trailer type 7 foot Ford model 954 fair condition. Cuts good. $7OO. Lacka. Co. 570-587-0987. D.S. wood and coal stove with grates good for shop or basement call 717-354-7517. $lOO. Lane. Co. Oliver mounted three PT plow three sixteen with cushion spring trip beams for Oliver 1550 or 1555. $250. Northontion. 610-863-9412. Two young bottle fed very friendly pygmy goats ages 3 and 4 were used in 4-H $5O each. Montgomery Co. 215-234-0520. O.H. Muller milk tank 800 gal N.H. rake No. 268 on steel crop sprayer 3-2' boom al item. A-l shape. Lanco. 717-354-5802. 6000, 12,000 15,000 gallon, heavy, air tank/fuel tank. Delivery possible. Lane. Co. 717-354-5691.8 AM. KHn dryer lumber 4/4 walnut red oak poplar white pine reasonably priced. Call after 5 pm Adams Co. 717-677-4501. 2 antique treacle sewing machines 1 Singer patent 1850, 1 Domestic $l2O each 080. Both work. Lane Co. 610-273-2667. AKC Mastiff puppies bom 9-17, fawn colored, shots, wormed, farm raised. Cherry firewood, you cut. No Sunday cals. Lane. Co. 717-529-6535. Circulation Main: 717-394-3047 717-721-4412 • 717-721-4411 Monday, Wednesday & Friday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Thursday 7:00 am to 5:00 pm Fill in your name, address, telephone number Check appropriate payment box *52 issues - $36.00 104 issues - $65.00 in PA, MD, DE, NJ, NY, OH, VA, WV * All other states: 52 issues - $47.00 Outside U.S. - Call for price quote Payment must accompany order - Allow three weeks for subscription to start. Cut your mail label from a recent issue and place in the space provided below. Write your new address and telephone number on the form below. In addition, provide a requested date for address change to take effect, Send 3 to 4 weeks prior to your requested date. RENEWALS Lancaster Farming will send a renewal notice to you prior to the expiration date of your subscription. You may renew your subscription using the form below. To insure proper credit for your subscription - Attach Your Mailir from a recent Lancaster Farming issue and check the appropriate payment boxes Renewal - Change of Address Please send this form & payment to: Lancaster Farming PO Box 609 Ephrata, PA 17522 (Check appropriate Boxes) Rates Effective Through 04/30/03 □ New Subscription □ Renewal - Attach Mailing Label Above □ Address Change - Attached Mailing Label Above Date to Change / / PA. MD. □ $36.00 -1 yr (52 issues) □ $47.00 -1 yr (52 issues) □ $65.00 - 2 yrs (104 issues) □ $87.00 - 2 yrs (104 issues) Name + 4 □ I have enclosed a Check/Money Order □ AmEx □ Please charge my credit card □MC □ Visa □ Discover i i i i i i i i i i i rrm Signature for Credit Card Payment Only NON REFUNDABLE Antique 1950 Chev. 4 dow sed. 6 cyl. Eng. block real nice shape $4,500 080. Serious inquiries only. Harford Co. 410-836-3782. 10 Hereford feeder cattle. 500-700 lbs, 7 buds, 3 helf ers. Lane. Co. 717-665-4239. Dexter bull bom 7/30/02 can be registered asking three hundred and fifty dollars. Chester Co. 610-942-3602. Horizontal trilling machine Garvin no. 13 40" table with vise and tooling heavy. $550. Col. Co. 570-458-5959. Dachshund; miniature wlrehalr AKC, mother field champion $5OO, Plano free to nonprofit needs repair, stainless steel trays $5. York Co. 432-9483. Young Hereford bull 600-800 lbs. Ready for breeding Lehigh Co. 610-965-5692. JD 3010 diesel tractor In any condition for parts salvage or engine parts or complete engine. Lane Co. 717-354-5347. 350 model Ford low mile age Cargo van 10'-14' call 900 PM 856-358-0728. NEW SUBSCRIPTION ;e of addre! HAN .ancaster Fi Attach Your Mail Label Here wv Telephone (credit card number) Hobart meat band saw made In U.SA - Deep wen pump and tank are all ok. Cumb. Co. 717-258-3955. Hand hewn beams, most ly pine, about 7x7, some 24 ft. 15-20 total, choice $5 ft, all $2 ft. Juniata Co. 717-463-3938. Contractor clearance sale, building material, tods, equipment, hard ware plumbing, new, used unique items. Call for walk thru appointment. Chester Co. 610-869-7496. Trailer hitch for 1996 Nis san Pathfinder, genuine Nissan $5O, chrome grile for 1996 Ford FI 50, $5O. York Co. 717-938-6692. Oak firewood, make offer. Lane. Co. 717-336-4494. F-cub needs hood, crank shaft $5OO firm. Oliver HG-68 has wiys 4 cyl En gine $9OO. Wanted: Origi nal Ford Model TT truck. Chester Co. 610-495-6170. 10 ft flatbed $4OO, Ivelo stake dump needs elec work $2700. Large truck air compressor $3OO 5.5 hp Honda $5O. Bucks Co. 215-541-9909. Stlhl chain saw chaps new In box $4O. Steel plate lifting dog one ton capacity never used. $l5O. Chester Co. 610-358-270 Z 104 issues - $87.00 Ither Stati State exp date
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