How Much Fish Must I Eat? COLUMBUS, Ohio “I’m hearing a lot about omega-3 fatty acids found in fatty fish. But from reading labels on cans of tuna, it looks like I can get more omega-3 by eating my baseball glove.” Someone asked Chow Line personell at Ohio State Ex tension, “How much tuna do I have to eat to do me any good?” Although a baseball glove does sound tempting, experts say that fatty fish are the best source of omega-3 fatty acids, which carry many health benefits including reduced risk of heart attack, pre vention of stroke, prevention of depression and reduced aggres sion. Experts recommend 400 to 650 milligrams of omega-3 a day, or 3 to 4 grams a week, to get these benefits. This translates into two meals a week of oil-rich fish. Unfortunately, canned tuna has a wide range of omega-3s. Al bacore tuna tends to have more. The STREAM MAP OF PENNSYLVANIA was completed in 1965 after a thirty-year effort by Howard Higbee, a former Penn State Professor. The map is known as the LOST STREAM MAP to some anglers. Professor Higbee succeed ed in creating a map of the high est detail possible...a map that shows every stream and lake. He painstakingly plotted by hand the location of 45,000 miles of streams onto a 3 by 5 foot map. The map sold extremely well—until it was lost several years later. Incredibly, the printer entrusted with the original draw ing and printing plates declared bankruptcy, then carelessly hauled Higbee’s 30 years of work to a landfill. The few remaining dog eared copies became a prized fisherman's possession. Professor Higbee was offered $4OO for one of his last maps. And state agencies were forced to keep their copies under lock and key. Experts told Professor Higbee that reprints were impos sible, because the maps were printed in non-photographic blue. Then, in 1991, at the age of 91, Howard Higbee's dream came true. Computers made it possible to reprint the map. Howard said, “I never thought I'd live to see this day.” You would need to eat at least 14 ounces of canned albacore tuna a week to get the lower recom mended amount. If that’s too much tuna for you, try cooking up one of these for a week’s worth of omega-3: 6 ounces fresh mackerel; 10 ounces canned sardines; 11 ounces pick led herring; 12 ounces fresh salm on; or 13 ounces canned salmon. If you find fatty fish foul, you can also get your weekly level with: 3.5 ounces of mayonnaise; 3 ounces of blue cheese salad dress ing; 3 ounces of black walnuts; or 5 ounces of cooked soybeans. Note: these are not portion sizes. Omega-3 fAtty acids are one type of unsaturated fat important in immune system function and vision. Research indicates a pos sible link between diets higher in omega-3 with reduced rates of cancer and heart disease. The most common type of omega-3 fatty acid is alpha-linolenic acid, ery angler and boater needs these maps Pennsylvania, New York, New England, New Jersey, Ohio and Maryland/Delaware are loaded with great Fishing holes...many of them overlooked. Thousands of miles of streams, rivers and lakes are now easy-to-locate on one map. The 3-foot-by-3-foot Pennsylvania map shows 45,000 miles of streams plus lakes. The 3 l/2-foot-by-41/2-foot New York map shows 65,000 miles of streams plus lakes. The 3-fool-by-4-fool New England map shows 36,000 miles of streams plus lakes. The 2 l/2-fool-by-3- foot New Jersey map shows 8,300 mill foot Ohio Map shows 29,000 miles of i Maryland/Delaware map shows 12,001 Professor HigbeeV Stream Maj maps of their kind RAVE REVIEWS "It is amazingly detailed and names some creeks in the Mohawk Valley that can’t even be found on topo graphic maps." —John Pitarres, OBSERVER-DISPATCH, Utica “If you’re looking for the most definitive maps ever created depicting every sin gle creek, river, stream, pond and lake . then ‘Professor Higbee’s Stream Maps’ are without question the finest ” —Howard Brant, THE NEWARK STAR LEDGER “It is in showing where to find out-of-the-way trout streams that makes the map such a treasure to the fish- erman ’’ —Joe Gordon, TRIBUNE-DEMOCRAT, Johnstown found in many types of salad and cooking oils, especially soybean or canola oil. The other types, eicosapentae noic acid (EPA) and docosahex aenoic acid (DHA) are both found in fatty fish. You can get too much of a good thing. If you consume more than 4 grams of omega-3 a day, you’re at a higher risk of uncon trolled bleeding and hemorrhagic stroke. That’s no good. Unfortunately, no nutritional information was available for “baseball glove.” If this is your preferred source of omega-3, I suggest soaking it in 10.5 ounces of chicken fat, and feast away! Chow Line is a service of Ohio State University Extension and the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center. Send questions to Chow Line, 2021 Coffey Road, Columbus, OH 432 10- 1044, or Stream MAPS of Pennsylvania, New York, New England, New Jersey, Ohio, & Maiyland/Delaware that 10% of all the anglers catch 90% of the fish. Regardless of which group sou fall way to up your odds...simply try new fishing waters. \ow, with this map yini can find lakes. Pinpoint the best fishing in PA, NY, NE, NJ, OH & MD/DE with this valuable guide. Easily locate streams and lakes shown on the Stream Map both alphabetically and geographically. Your map and guidebook will take you to the select fishing waters. T 6RDER YOUR COLOSTREAM MAPS j Available rolled or folded ALSO AVAILABLE in heavy gauge LIFETIME j GUARANTEED, glass-like dear-lamination, wnte-on wipe-off surface, j with brass eyelets for easy hanging PRIORITY MAIL INCLUDED {Stale Stream Map ROLLED FOLDED LAMINATED jPA3FT x 5 FT _525.95ea _525.95ea. _s4s9sea. ]NY 3.5 FT x 4.5 FT _525.95ea. _525.95ea _545.95ea. { ME 3FTx 4 FT _525.95ea. _525.95ea. _545.95ea. jMJ2SFT x 3 FT _525.95ea. _525.95ea. _S4s9sea. jOH3FT x 3 FT _525.95ea. _525.95ea. _545.95ea j MD/DE 2FTx3 5 FT _525.95ea. _525.95ea _545.95ea. | Check or money order enclosed $ | EACH ROLLED AND LAMINATED MAP SHIPPED IN A STURDY STORAGE TUBE ! Name ! Address | MAIL TO LANCASTER FARMING Dept. Map | 1 East Main St., P.O. Box 609, Ephrata, PA 17522 j Payable; 1 Check Enclosed Visa "1 Mastercard 1 Discover i Card #— | Exp Date. I I •Signature Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November Ida’s Notebook Ida Risser Public sales are conducted for many reasons. Some are con ducted to sell collections of coins, guns or farm machinery. Some times real estate is sold to settle an estate, other times antiques are the drawing card for a big sale. The auctioneer keeps the sale lively with chatter as he sells each item. Some auctioneers have a following of people who attend most of their sales. Spring and fall are busy times for public sales. Preparing for a sale is a great deal of work. There are boxes and boxes of trinkets that have accumu lated over the years. It often takes weeks to get ready for a sale. I’ve helped to empty three different houses in Great Gift! preparation for a sale. It is an in teresting job if you have the time to devote to it. Sometimes at a sale, you must buy something you do not want in order to get what you do want. One unusual thing that I saw at a sale was a barrel filled with crutches. Another unusual item was a complete set of good dish es, which sold for $l. Recently 1 went to a sale in an other county to buy some family antiques for our children. They simply live too far away to get the spinning wheel, yam winder, dough box or quilts that were used by their ancestors. So, I sat and bought these things for them. But, the one thing that I got for myself, I forgot and left it at the sale. It was a struggle to find it as someone else had carted it off. My son bought a beautiful very old settee and also a schnitzel bunk that his great-grandfather used to make coffin lids. It is al ways interesting to have a story to go along with an antique. L CHRISTMAS SPECIAL a Unde Arthur Bible and Bedtime Stories (0(d Classic) Bible Stories-$125 Bedtime Stories-$75 Bible Friends - $65 P 717/299-6022 6 1 m CLOSED SUNDAYS, NEW YEAR, gfeLJ EASTER MONDAY. ASCENSION DAY. WHIT MONDAY, OCT. 11, THANKSGIVING, FI«IHHE CHRISTMAS & DECEMBER 26TH FISHER’S FURNITURE, INC, NEW AND USED FURNITURE USED COAL & WOOD HEATERS COUNTRY FURNITURE & ANTIOUES BUS. HRS. BOX 57 MON.-THURS. 8-5 1129 GEORGETOWN RD. FRI, 8-8, SAT. 8-12 BART. PA 17503 Got Wood? WE HAVE THE FURNACE! • 304 Stainless steel .. • No smoke, ashes or wood trash in your home • 12 hour burn | from your home r , J • Connects to your £ jUI existing central duct on hydraulic system The Hardy Outside Heating System Heats your home and House Water *lO Year Warranty ._.SSSg tuR^ CE VFooo«u« [vy Laboratories , nc .Heating Homes In NY and PA Since 1982 WILLIAMSON ENTERPRISES 330 Williamson Ave., Philadelphia, MS 39350 601-656-2639 Dealers 877-606-3113 Wanted 2,2002-B9
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