A42-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 2, 2002 Southwest Pennsylvania To Host Forage Workshop GREENSBURG (Westmore land Co.) Plan to attend the Southwest Pennsylvania Forage Workshop schedule to take place at the Westmoreland County Ex Auctioneer AU2425-L M PUBLIC AUCTION Fri., November 8,2002 4:30 PM To be held at 4401 Philadelphia Ave, Chambersburg PA 17201 4 miles North of Chambersburg, along Rte 11 at Kenny’s Auction FURNITURE starts at 9 PM; Nice mahogany china closet w/claw feet: walnut bookcase; Victorian dressing table, 2 Empire chests; 2 drawer old paint blanket chest; 18th Century turned leg stretcher base tavern table (overpaint ed. no drawer); treadle sewing machine; camel back trunk; 1900’s 3 pc mahogany bedrooms set; 6 leg cherry drop-leaf table; hutch table; jelly cupboard: oak china closet; oak washstand; early one drawer kitchen work table; blanket chest', oak bonnet chest with mirror; oak bed & dresser; grandmothers clock; oak stand; set of plank bot tom chairs; walnut turned leg desk; wood settee; mahogany foot stool; 3 pc birch bedroom set; blind door comer cupboard; old furniture in the rough - hutch, etc. GUNS NEW IN BOXES: Remingtons 700 - 7mm- 08; 270, 7 x 57; Classic 300 Win Mag; 7600 First Edition 7mm-08, 7mm-08; 30-06; Winchester 70 classic compact 308, 94, 32 Win Spc; Mossberg 500 grade 12g slug, 835 -12 g; Marlin 336 - 35 Rem; Spanish lOg dbl barrel; New England arms 12g MISCELLANEOUS: Jazzbo Jim “Dance on the roof’; leaded glass table lamp; iron stone foot bath; 2 g Cowden blue jug; few miniature lamps; coffee mill; New York blue jug; RR lanterns; tins; several kerosene lamps; daisy butter churn; Griswold Dutch oven; iron dinner bell; depres sion glass; wedding ring quilt; Fenton Silver Crest; 6 cut glass tumblers; salt dips; a lot of granite ware in various colors; Quimper plates; opalescent bowls; trivets; jardiniere; Hull vase; 3 Vol of 1631 London religious books; blue plates; syrups & cruets; decanters; wafer iron; ladles; blue pitcher; clocks; splint basket; Ig dovetailed candle box; John Deere pedal tractor w/wagon; pedal tractor; 3 Civil War stereo cards; plastic train TV lamp; Nippon plate; American beer thermometer; Conestoga wagon jack; L. Harmon Columbus GA 1862 Sword; 5 Erie skillets, Griswold block skillet. NOTE: A large amount of items not listed Auction in the back room begins at 6:30 with box lots outside, then inside for a variety of smalls & furniture not listed above Terms: Cash, good check Kenny’s Auction 717-264-6578 VISIT OUR WEBSITE; www.kennysaucfion.com tension Office in Greensburg on Thursday, Dec. 12. The work shop will begin at 9 a.m. Why should you attend? There are still many producers who ask each year whether or not they should be using a forage inoculant or addi tive on hay crop and/or com silage. This workshop is GUNS WANTED GUN CONSIGNMENT AUCTION THURS. NOV. 21,5 PM Currently have more than 150 guns with a lot of interest We offer good rates, a great facility and special ized marketing of your firearms to obtain the highest possible prices. We are a licensed gun dealer with same day back ground checks and delivery of guns to purchaser. This assures that your guns will not get into the wrong hands. Call today for more details. 717-413-6239 Catalog to be posted on our web-site by Nov. 11 www.shaffnerauction.com Shaffner Auction Co. Mark Diffenderfer AU-2897-L 717-492-0004 Marty Fleck 717-413-6238 “We treat your property as if it were our own” www.shaffnerauction.com PUBLIC AUCTION 20 Acre Farmette & Personal Property MON. NOV. 11,2002 9:00 AM 255 Oak Rd. Dallastown, PA DIR: 1-83 Exit 16S. take Rt. 74 (S. Queen St.) south into Spry, at Campbell’s Music Store turn left onto Oak Rd, follow 1 mile to auction on left. Watch for signs. 11:00 AM 20 Acre Farmette 11:00 AM Totally renovated farm house (inside & out), 2800 Sq feet of living space, 3 bedrooms, 3 baths, country style kitchen, 50’ x 100’ pole building, 2 block buildings 1 w/office, 1 w/box stable, frame bam w/sidmg & large social room, 20 acres, York Twp., Dallastown Schools, call for other info. Recreational Items: 1996 Yamaha 1100 cc per sonal watercraft, 78 hours w/trailer, EZGO golf cart, golf cart w/windshield roof & cover Tractor & Equipment: Bombadier tractor, Diesel 3pt hitch, PTO, flatbed wagon, chipper vac Building Supplies: Pvc pipe, drain tile, insula tion, replacement window, boxes of decorative stone, railing, various piles of lumber, 755 gallon swimming pool (new), firewood, old 6 pane win dows, farmhouse doors, bam door w/old siding, old bam door hardware Tools: air compressor, air tool kit, folding saw horses, Gliden paint sprayer, assorted chain, tamper, socket sets, 6” bench grinder, misc. hand tools, comealong, router kit, ratchet tie downs, caster wheels, airless power painter, jumper cables & more Toys: Model boats, (30) NFL 1997 Matchbox trucks, (28) ML baseball Matchbox cars, black (Luge) sled, uncut sheet of sports cards, scooters, remote control trucks, new sports equipment, women’s & men’s golf clubs, 200+ golf balls & more Furniture: cherry king size poster canopy bed, cherry bookcase, oak mission style entertainment center, pine bedroom suite: dresser, chest of draw ers, nightstand, pressure treated outdoor gliders, rockers & stand, full size bed & frame, benches, rocking chair, Magnavox refrigerator, picnic table, patio table & umbrella Household & Collectible: 100% wool 4’x6’ ori ental rug, soaring eagle acrylic art, chandeliers, 1960’s 33 records, DVD’s, videos, sundial, brief cases, George Foreman grill (new), heaters, silver plate items, milkcan, linens & bedding Auction Conducted by: Rentzel’s Auction Service NAA Blaine N. Rentzel AU 761-L agS Dave Conley AU 3269-L Emigsville, Pa 717-764-6412 featuring one of the leading re searchers in the country on for age preservation. Dr. Limin Kung, professor of ruminant nu trition and microbiology from the University of Delaware is the fea tured speaker for the event. Kung has conducted extensive research on microbial inoculants and chemical additives for forage crops. His research is now focus ing on identifying methods that TERMS: 10% DOWN, BALANCE DUE IN 45 DAYS improve silage fermentation and aerobic stability. In addition to Kung, Dr. Gabr iella Varga, distinguished profes sor of animal science at Penn State will discuss “Transition Cow Nutrition and Manage ment.” The afternoon session will allow participants to do some hands-on evaluations of their TMR using the new Penn State forage particle separator, check their grain preparation, and anal- 2-DAY BAKER ESTATE AUCTION Located at 4144 Long Run Road (Pa. Rt. 477), Loganton (Clinton County), Pa. Watch for auction signs off of 1-80, exit #lB5 (old exit #27) on auction days. WED., NOV. 6, 2002 at 9:30 a.m. SAT., NOV. 9,2002 at 9:00 a.m. COMPLETE LIQUIDATION OF SUGAR VALLEY AUTOMOTIVE WEDNESDAY AT 9:30 A.M. QUALITY SHOP EQUIPMENT • TOOLS - Delta Rockwell #9OO radial arm saw; 6”x9” belt & disc sander, 4hp ISOOw generator; 8” table saw, Dayton l/3hp bench bandsaw, Lincoln air greaser; roller stand, Onan 4hp RV generator; Johnson “T” level, lawn & gar den tools, gas cans. Echo #SOOBL 20” chainsaw, floor shop hies, AMT l/2hp wood shaper/shaver; It chain hoists, sprinkle can, Rem 16” chainsaw, used mt doors, Mac creep er, 60 amp chrgr, Dayton 3/4hp bench grinder, jack stands. Shop Vac 16 gal w/dry vacuum. Grizzly #G1758 7”rd. Hip metal bandsaw; cube refrigerator, heavy duty ext cords, C clamps, sawhorses, conduit benders, baler twine, ratchet come-along, Skil circ saw, 18”. 24” pipe wrenches, B&D 1/2” hammer drill, Hotpomt A/C, air hose, halogen lamps, garden cul tivators, wheelbarrow, 4’, 6’, 8' stepladders, scythes, cider press, 5-gal greaser, 100+ anvil; spools/wire, flat & V-belts, flex conduit, apple crates, parts cabinets, air fittings, Ig. bench vise; com grinder, log & tow chains, 3ph shp motor, cement mixer, alum. ext. ladders; pot ter’s furnace, wall cabinet, blacksmith drill press & vise, insulators, t/groove flooring, 1-dr. cabinet; butcher kettles & ring, (2) lard presses; log & tow chains, floor jacks; hog hook, air car hfts/jacks; hand-dovetailed 4-dwr. chest; Ertl die cast “Gulf” truck collection, oil dram hyd jacks; Stihl 015 chainsaw; toolboxes, fire extinguishers, Graudy tandem axle rototiller SATURDAY AT 9:00 AM QUALITY SHOP EQUIPMENT • MACHINIST-TOOLS - Barnick MacPherson spring compressor; Snap On scanner, Mac/Devilbiss air paint gun, Sun #LS2OO oscilloscope, files, chisels, hollow punch set, nut drivers; Snap On torque wrench; cooling system tester, Snap On #ACTSSOO halogen leak detector; drill indices, brake calipers, dent pullers, ball jt remover, tape meas; tire bars, body dollies & hammers, tailpipe expander, block tester, 76 pc. Snap On tap & die set; drill chucks, Micronata tester, DavisSensitone II instru , central mike set, BHJ dig cyl. gauge, engine lifts. Blue Pt extractor set, Mac disc brake caliper set, diesel comp, tester, Snap On driver set, Snap On #ACT33OO refrigerant center; Mac lOt body & frame kit, Emglo Shp port, compressor; tin snips, tubing cutter, Century anti freeze/coolant recyder; voltage tester, Mac vac press kit. Blue Pt lug nut tool; Bear #l4lO brake drum lathe; Snap On screwdrivers, tailpipe expander, Haromic damper pulley puller, Rebco racing scales, Snap On, Mac adj box & open wrenches, ratchet wrench, chain pliers, compound meter; Mac pliers, tire regroover, 2-pc Crafts tool chest. Snap On puller set; Archer lockout set; B&D buffer, handsaws, wood levels. Library of Mitchell repair man uals; engine stands, 1-1/4-2” comb wrench set, Snap On #ECO!34 AC recover/recycle/rechgr.; bolt cutters, crowbars, load straps, valve spring compressor, Zira value grinder set; 1/2” drills, Rimac spring tester; B&D 7” grinder, router, Mac thread set ter, Goodson harness tester, Mac 13-pc. hole saw kit; Makita disc grinder; cord hte 2-pc. Snap-On 11-dwr. mechanic tool chest; Mac stool, Yale l/2t chain hoist, drill press vise, Mac power steering puller set, Dayton l/2hp furnace fan, vac pump set. Snap On wheel bal ancer; swivel head bolt cutters, air regulators. Snap On stud remover, timing hte, Miller #225 AC arc welder; Ig qty variety machinist tools, number, letter stamps. Crafts 1/2” bench grinder, Coats #4O-40A air tire machine; Snap On diag center, Aamco cyl hones, Mitutoyo grad, analog dig. 0”-6” grad, set micrometers; Zyglo crackjesler, 2-stage 7-l/2hp 80 gal. upright air compressor; PAC autodiag.computerj'TOOO dig therm , #ACT, Air tools inc.: _spark plug dm . rmpafl wrenches, ratchets, etc (some Snap On), Snap On, Mac, Craftsman s/k, sockets of all sizes, spred wr, ext deep, shallow, 6, 12, 24 pt pliers incl.: slip jt. wne, needlenose, dikes, etc , Fenner-Stone 2hp 2-post shop lift; torque wrench, Yorktown 2-pc tool chest, Grizzly #G4OII sheet metal roller/cutter; Weaver shop press. Solar #5OO boost er chgr.; Shadow Groff scale, IR Iph 3hp upright air compressor, Snap On #ADR 12v start/chgr. systems tester, #MT 1522; Buffalo l/3hp 1/2” bench drill press, Solar SOamp plasma cutter; (2) acy/oxy welding outfit w/gau , hoses, torch, cart. Snap On #YA 212 A 230 amp mig welder; Mohawk 2-post 2hp shop lift; quality Mac Ford Mustang 35th ann. ed. mach. tool chest (#5O of 300), 27”x67”x74”; Lowbuck man pipe bender COMPUTER • OFFICE FURNITURE • INVENTORY - Sony #FD Majica lOx Zoom dig. camera; Maxon CB radio, Toshiba fax, desk chairs, phones, check writer, computer desk, printer stand, IBM compatible computer w/HP desk jet 970 CXI printer, scanner, metal shelves; fire extinguishers, lateral file cabinets, fluor. gl display cabinet, Sharp #ER23865 cash reg., cell bag phones; Whirlpool dehumid , Inventory incl: gaskets, NAPA parts, racing shocks, gears, valves, springs, br. fluid, tire repair, de-icer, 10/30w oil. antifrz./coolant, air fit tings, windshield wash , lug nuts, bolts, screws, etc., Anco wiper cabinet w/mv, inner tubes, roll, pm asst, Redline syn. racing oil, Powermist T-11l racing fuel; new racing dirt tires MACHINE SHOP SPEC. EQUIPMENT - Winona Van Norman connecting rod hone, Robbi #RO7O cap grinder type machine, Jet spray cabinet, 3hp, 2’x30”x64”, IDL #650 ser. #4946 seat, guide cyl. head mach. w/mountmg rollover table, Kwik-Way cyl. boring system w/stones, torque plates, BNJ block true, Kwik-Way boring bar w/table, tooling, BHJ sonic tester, Van Norman #570 rotary bench w/toolmg, Blast-It-All glass header, Ihp, 4’x4’x6B” fluid test system mach. (test cyl. heads); BHJ cyl wall digital g..uge kit ROLL BACK • BACKHOE • VAN • FARM MACHINERY • AUTOS • SALVAGE - 1H 2500 series #B backhoe; 80” rd Gulf sign w/post; Ford F 350 World Built 17-1/2 roll back, PB, PS, V-8, 4-sp. 5/03 Pa. insp. 16” tires; Ford 350 Holmes wrecker 4x4, 4-sp„ PB, PS, Ford Econoline 350 Leisure Van 4x4 conversion, 16” rubber 1/03 Pa. insp., elec, brake, AT, AM/FM/cassette, PB, PS, V-8, dual tanks, trlr. hitch; Bolens Husky #lBB6 lawn & gar den tractor 18hp, 60” cut, hydro, 3pth, live pto, chains, elec start, sulky land roller, Ford F 350 custom 4x4 4-sp. AM/FM/cassette A/C “T” tag dump truck, diesel, PB, PS, w/Westem 7-1/2’ snowplow; 250 gal skid tank w/Gas Boy pump, ‘95 Sth wheel goose neck 35’ Transport Prolite trlr., 10,000 GVW, tandem axle, generator, 15” tires, road ready car transporter; GMC Sierra 3+3 3500 crew cab dually pickup w/Eagle cap, 4-sp., A/C, CB, V-8, 16” tires, tow package bed liner, Ford 3pth #939 trlr. mower, alum dock plate; 2 sec disc., gas pumps; 7’ 3pth cultivator, Ferg 3pth Z btm #1934 plow; 24’ transport elevator w/3/4hp motor; sulky land roller; N H. #33 flail chopper, 3pth dirt scoop; 3pth 5’ cultivator, IH #37 hay baler; salvage Incl.: I-beams, heavy scrap, 10’ workbench, (2) car trailers (rough), alum, box trlrs., heads, engines, parts, trannys, etc, alum, galv. roofing, approx. 30 scrap vehicles, Chrysler Imperial MG, Triumph sports cars, Chev. #3O step van, GMC RV van, Ply duster. Ford pickups, etc AUCTION NOTE: The late Mr “Doc” Baker maintained a unique workshop of great qual ity. Plan to attend two days of great auction. TERMS: Cash, approved or traveler’s checks only Out-of-state buyers must have a current bank notarized letter of credit warranting funds Everything sells to the highest bidder LUNCH & PARKING AVAILABLE • TENTS, IF NEEDED OWNER: ANSON A. “DOC” BAKER, JR. ESTATE Conducted by Scott Younkin & Associates f v IfeS (570)313*011 yze some manure samples as a way of diagnosing rumen digesti bility and forage and grain pro cessing. Cost of attending the work shop is $lO per person if you reg ister by December 2, and $2O if you register after December 2. For additional information and registration details, please call Eugene Schurman at (724) 465-3880 or email HYPERLINK “mailto:exslO@psu.edu” exslo@psu.edu.
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