A34-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 2, 2002 Pa. BQA Program Announces Fall Workshops For Producers MIDDLETOWN (Dauphin Co.) The Pennsylvania Beef Quality Assurance Program has scheduled both classroom and chute-side training sessions for the fall. These sessions will help train, certify, and recognize beef pro ducers who adopt and maintain BQA guidelines and best man agement practices. Producers who complete a two-part training workshop will receive a certifica tion manual detailing the BQA criteria and including helpful re ference materia] and forms which can be copied to enhance good recordkeeping. Certified produc ers will also receive a certificate of completion, an attractive “Certified Producer” farm sign emblazoned with the program’s blue and gold logo, and ear tags or back tags to identify their cat tle as coming from the farm of a certified producer. Training and evaluation are handled by extension and indus try professionals whose purpose it is to assist producers in 'taking the necessary steps to ensure the safety and quality of beef. Workshop dates and locations are as followed: Classrooms Somerset-Bedford County Areas: • Monday, Nov. 11 7 p.m. at Rural Electric Coop, Somerset Westmoreland-Indiana County Areas: • Tuesday, Nov. 12 7 p.m, Only one person in the whole world couldn’t benefit Christmas Clubs. You guessed him—Scrooge. Everyone else will find that Christmas Clubs at Northwest are an 2.50 % Annual Pertenloge Yield Minimum Deposit $l.OO Open your Christmas Club account today and look forward to happier holidays ahead. ® NORTHWEST SAVINGS BANK Good Banking. Good Friends. www northwestsavmgshank com at Westmoreland County Exten sion Office, Greensburg Juniata-Mifflin County Areas: • Wednesday, Nov. 13 7 p.m. at Juniata County Exten sion Office, Mifflintown Lancaster County Area: • Thursday, Nov. 14 7 p.m. at Blue Ball Elementary School, Eastern Lancaster County Mercer County Area: • Monday, Nov. 18 7 p.m, at Mercer County Extension Of fice, Mercer Chute-sides Indiana-Westmoreland County Areas: • Tuesday, Nov. 19 6 p.m. at Indiana Farmers Livestock Market Snyder-Union-Juniata- Northumberland County Areas: • Wednesday, Nov. 20 6 p.m. at Middleburg Livestock Auction Berks-Lebanon-Schuylkill: • Thursday, Nov. 21 6 p.m, at Leesport Livestock Auction For more information about the Pa. BQA Certification pro gram, the workshops planned for your area, or to sign-up for a workshop in your area, call Scott Wright at (717) 939-7000 or your local extension office. from our easy way to save for those special holiday gifts, while earning interest at the same time 201 West Main Street, New Holland, 355 5350 24 E Mam Street, Mount Joy, 653-8121 350 Locust Street Columbia, 684 2868 744 South Broad Street Lititz, 625 3001 2296 Sourh Marker Street, Elizabethtown, 367 8070 24 W Orange Street, Lancaster 392-6264 922 Columbia Avenue, Lancaster, 393 0900 1195 Manheim Pike, Lancaster 393 0700 1 West Mam Avenue Myerstown, 866 2929 Dutch Way Shopping Mall, Rte 501 N , Schaefiferstown 949 2829 HARRISBURG (Dauphin Co.) Shorthorns competed for champion distinction at the Pennsylvania State Shorthorn Show at the 46th Annual Key stone International Livestock Ex position on Friday, Oct. 4, at the Pennsylvania Farm Show Com plex in Harrisburg. Taking home the premier ex hibitor banner was RC Farm, New Waterford, Ohio. In the female Shorthorn class es, 888 Sassy Lassie 110 exhibi ted by Cow Creek Cattle Compa ny, Westminster, Md., was selected to receive the grand champion female. The reserve grand champion female was the entry exhibited by Tice Farms of Lebanon. Entering the winner’s circle in the bull Shorthorn competition was MSF Heritage 115 exhibited by McElhaney Stock Farm, Hookstown, for the grand cham pion bull. RC Magic owned by RC Farm from New Waterford, Ohio, took home the reserve grand champion bull. Cow/calf pair: 1. Lovely Valley Farm. 2. Windy Hollow Farm. Spring heifer calves: 1. Kurt Fleener. 2. Stoney Ridge Farm. 3. Masonic Homes. Junior heifer calves: 1. Masonic Homes. Junior heifer calf champion: Masonic Homes. Reserve junior heifer calf champion: Kurt Fleener. Winter heifer calves: 1. Adam Zurin. 2. Kyle Fleener. Senior heifer calves: 1. Elyssa Hevner. 2. Member FDIC Shorthorn Show Conducted at KILE SHORTHORN OPEN BREEDING SHOW RESULTS SHORTHORN CEDAR CREST EQUIPMENT^ m for Your Waste Handling Equipment Needs m These units for SALE or RENT 2002 Houle 5250 gal., lights, brakes, steering, 28Lx26 tires Rental Unit CALL FOR PRICE Houle 9’ Stationary Pit Pump J Houle 3 W J TRANSFER PUMP Excellent Condition $1,500 Houle Z 8” 3-polnt MAXI PUMP Hyd. Primer Kit, 2o’x6” Fill Pipe $2,950 Muonic Homes. 3. Heart Felt Farms. Calf champion female: Elyssa Hevner. Reserve calf champion female: Masonic Homes. Late spring yearling females: 1. Tice Farms. 2. Michelle Morrison. 3. Windy Hol low Farm. Early spring yearling females; 1. Cow Creek Cattle Co. 2. Kyle Fleener. 3. Ed Moyer. Junior champion female; Cow Creek Cattle Co. Reserve junior champion female: Tice Farms. Junior yearling females; 1. Stoney Ridge Farm. 2. McElhaney Stock Farm. Senior champion female: Stoney Ridge Farm. Reserve senior champion female: McEl haney Stock Farm. GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE Cow Creek Cattle Co. RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE Tice Farms Group of two females; 1. Masonic Homes. 2. R C Farm. Spring bull calves; 1. Windy Hollow Farm. 2. Windy Hol low Farm. Junior bull calves: 1. R C Farm. Junior bull calf champion: Windy Hollow Farm. Reserve junior bull calf champion: R C Farm. Senior bull calves; McElhaney Stock Farm. Calf champion bull: McElhaney Stock Farm. Early spnng year ling bulls: 1. McElha ney Stock Farm. 2. McElhaney Stock Farm. Junior champion bull: McElhaney Stock Farm. Reserve junior champion bull; CEDAR CREST EQUIPMENT Parts Stores: East Earl—7l7-354-1 800-646- McElhaney Stock Farm. 2-year-old bulls: 1. R C Farm. Senior champion bull: R C Farm. GRAND CHAMPION BULL McElhaney Stock Farm RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION BULL R C Farm Group of two bulls; 1. Masonic Homes. 2. R C Farm. Super cow class: 1. Masonic Homes. 2. R C Farm. 3. Windy Hollow Farm. Get-of-sire: 1. Masonic Homes. 2. R C Farm. 3. Windy Hollow Farm. Best six head: 1. Windy Hollow Farm. Premier exhibitor 1. R C Farm. 1 Give’em what i they want BEEF!, Adam Zurin, Mount Joy, exhibited the Junior champion heifer In the Shorthorn junior breeding cattle show. brakes, 28Lx26 tires Rental Unit CALL FOR PRICE 2002 Houle 4800 gal., lights, brakes, steering, 28Lx26 tires CALL FOR PRICE 2002 Houle 32ft. Multi-Purpose L P'- 8” Fil 339 1
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