A26-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 2, 2002 (Continued from Page A 2) to Monday, ail classes of goats sold mostly steady. Kids: Selection 1 20-40 lbs 44.00-50.00. Selec tion 2 20-40 lbs 30.00-45.00. Selection 3 20-40 lbs 20.00-30.00. Yearlings: Selection 1 60-80 lbs 55.00-65.00; 80-100 lbs 60.00-64.00. Selection 2 60-80 lbs 50.00-62.00. Selection 3 60-80 lbs 35.00-50.00. Docs/ Nannies: Selection 1 50-70 lbs 46.00-58.00; 70-100 lbs 50.00-65.00; 100-140 lbs 68.00-74.00. Selection 2 50-70 lbs 40.00-SS.OO; 70-100 lbs 40.00- 100-140 lbs 40.00-50.00. Selection 3 50-70 lbs 50-70 lbs- 34.00-45.00; 70-100 lbs 36.00- Bucks/Billies: Selection 170-100 lbs 61.00- 100-150 lbs 80.00-120.00; Few 150-200 lbs 125.00-144.00. Selection 2 70-100 lbs 60.00- 65.00; 100-150 lbs 64.00-78.00. / Lancaster County Weekly Cattle New Holland, Pa. Report Supplied By USDA Friday, November 1,2002 CATTLE CALVES 2809 1856 3260 1640 2371 1654 THIS WEEK LAST WEEK LAST YEAR Compared to last week, slaughter stems mostly steady, few late sales Thursday .SO-.7S lower. Holstein steers steady, few over 1600 lbs sharply lower. Slaughter heifers steady in a light test. Cows 2.00-5.00 lower. Bulls mostly steady. This weeks' supply included 38 percent steers, 7 percent heifers, 40 percent cows, 3 per cent bulls, and 12 percent feeders. SLAUGHTER STEERS; High Choice and Prime 2-4 1215-1450 lbs 66.00-68.00. Choice and Prune 2-3 1150-1425 lbs 67.25-69.00, few high dressing 69.00-71.50. Choice 2-3 few 4 1135-1450 lbs 63.50-66.00; 3-4 1450-1500 lbs 62.75-63.85, 1500-1575 lbs 56.75-61.50. Select and low Choice 1-3 1100-1450 lbs 61.25-65.50. Select 1-3 1100-1450 lbs 57.00-62.00. HOLSTEIN STEERS: High Choice and Prime 2-3 1420-1525 lbs 57.00-58.75; few 1625-1750 lbs 47.75-50.75. Choice 2-3 1325-1550 lbs 54.00-57.00. Select and low Choice 2-3 1200-1500 lbs 51.00-54.50. Select 1-2 1200-1615 lbs 47.50-51.50. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Choice 2-3 1135-1480 lbs 60.50-63.75. Select and low Choice 2-3 1100-1450 lbs 56.50-62.00. Select 1-2 1100-1500 lbs 50.00-54.50. Heiferettes: Com mercial to Choice 2-4 1165-1579 lbs 54.00-57.75. Farm Bureau To Conduct Workshop CAMP HILL (Cumberland Co.) The Penn sylvania Farm Bureau will be conducting its first minicommodity workshop on Thurs., Nov. 7 at the Susquehanna County Cooperative Extension Office in Montrose. The workshop will run from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. and will include a complimentary lunch and ma terials. “Before long, it will be 2003, and farmers will be gearing up for another planting season. Now is the time for farmers to gather useful informa tion and learn about new topics. This workshop will enable participants to find out more about our new Farm Bill and how it will impact our operations. It will also discuss new threats to ag riculture and what you can do to protect your self,” said Guy F Donaldson, president of Penn sylvania Farm Bureau. Everyone is welcome to attend, but please reg ister by contacting Ginny Wright at (570) 278-1919 or Mike Pechart by e-mail mlpe chart@pfb.com or call him at (717) 761-2740. %.■ **VN.*tf >H_y_».*>*»S***t*lT ** SLAUGHTER COWS: PERCENT LEAN WEIGHT BULK LOW DRESSING Breakers 75-80 Over 1400 lbs 35.50-42.00 33.00-35.50 Boners 80-85 Over 1200 lbs 34.00-40.00 37.75-34.00 Lean (Hi-Yield) 85-88 Over 1200 lbs 31.00-36.00 29.50-31.00 Lean 88-90 Over 1000 lbs 27.00-33.00 25.50-27.00 Lean (Light-Wt) 85-90 750-1000 lbs 25.50-29.00 22.00-25.50 SLAUGHTER BULLS: Yield Grade 1 1250-2140 lbs 44.00-51.50, couple high dressers SB.SO-60.00, few low dressing 42.00-43.50. Yield Grade 2 1025-2010 lbs 42.00- 46.00. Bullocks: Couple Choice 2-3 1200-1590 lbs 50.50-54.00. Few low Select 1-2 900-1390 lbs 44.75-49.00. CALVES: Compared to last week, vealers steady to 5.00 higher. Holstein bulls returning to farm unevenly steady. Holstein heifers steady to weak, although no 600.00 heifers sold this week. VEALERS; Few Good and Choice 145-195 lbs 78.00-89.00. Standard and Good 85-115 lbs 25.00- Utility 45-115 lbs 15.00-25.00, few 10.00- SLAUGHTER CALVES: Good and Choice 300-400 lbs 59.00-69.00; 400-500 lbs 56.00- 63.00; 650-700 lbs 50.00-58.00. RETURNED TO FARM; Holstein Bulls 95-125 lbs 72.00-117.00; 25 head 95 lbs 124.00; 80-90 lbs 35.00-100.00, mainly 50.00-85.00. Plainer type bulls 90-115 lbs 40.00-70.00; 75-90 lbs 30.00-55.00. Beef type bulls 95-105 lbs 100.00- 120.00. Holstein heifers 95-115 lbs 400.00- 80-85 lbs 265.00-390.00. Plainer type heifers 85-110 lbs 170.00-370.00; 70-80 lbs 80.00- Jersey Shore Livestock Market, Inc. Jersey Shore, Pa. Report Supplied By Auction Thursday, Oct 31,2002 RETURN TO FARM CALF; 70.00-205.00. GOOD VEAL: 50.00-69.00. COMMON VEAL: 10.00-49.00. CHOICE STEERS: 63.00-65.00. SELECT STEERS: 60.00-62.00. COMMON STEERS: 32.00-60.00 COMMERCIAL COWS: 33.00-39.75. CANNERS/CUTTERS: 24.00-31.00. SHELLS: 22.00 TO 25.00. CHOICE HEIFERS: 60.00-62.50. SELECT HEIFERS: 55.00-60.00. COMMON HEIFERS: 35.00-54.00. GOOD FEEDERS: 60.00-78.00. COMMON FEEDERS: 20.00-59.00. BULLS; 38.00-51.00. Even with limited resources, you can work for yourself and set your own hours. Use your Bobcat machine to lift, dig, carry, load...and do hundreds of other jobs with a choice of more than fifty attachments you can rent or buy. Your Bobcat dealer can help, with a special financing plan designed for first-time buyers with a limited credit history. Be Your Own Boss. Build Your Own Business. Buy Your Own Bobcat. See your local dealer for a Demo and More Information Best Line Lining Inc. BS & B Repair Cumberland Bobcat Muncy, PA Mifflinburg, PA Carlisle, PA 570-546-8422 717-966-3756 717-245-9981 800-321-2378 *■*£££ •. »T-~--- i*iv Cattle; STOCK COWS: 37.00-44.50 SLAUGHTER COWS: Utility & Commercial 35.00- Canner & Boning Utility 33.00- Cutter & Boning Utility 30.00- Calmer tt Low Cutter 30.00-34.50; Shells 30.00 & down. BULLS: YIELD GRADE 1 1500#-2000# 39.00- YIELD GRADE 2 10004-1400# 38.00- FEEDER STEERS: M & L 1 300-500# 80.00- 250-280# 80.00-93.00; M 600-900# 55.00- HEIFERS: M 1 & L 1 300-500# 68.00-77.00; LI 400-650# 60.00-75.00. BULLS: M & L 1 300-620# 70.00-91.00. CALVES: Veal Prime 70.00-85.00; Choice 60.00-84.00; Good 35.00-70.00; Farm Calves #1 Holstein Bulls 90-120# Few 35.00-115.00; #2 Holstein Bulls 80-100# Few 10.00-50.00; Beef - Bull & HlfsTHd. 50.00-34.00. HOGS; Barrows & Gilts #l-2 210-255# 30.00-40.00; #2-3 255-280# 28.00-42.00; Sows #l-3 300-500# 17.00-35.00; Feeder Pigs 1-3 15-20# 5.00-17.00/Hd. 1-3 25-35# 10.00-41.00/ Hd. LAMBS: High Choice 80-100# 60.00-87.00; Choice 40-75# 60.00-114.00; Feeder Lambs Good 50.00-95.00; Sheep 16.00-32.00; Fat Sheep 20.00 and down. GOATS: Large 45.00-125.00/Hd.; Medium 30.00-70.00/Hd.; Small 10.00-30.00/Hd. HORSES: Horses 20.00-52.00; Ponies 20.00-48.00. Correction After Section C presstime, an error was noted in the Pa. DHIA/ Dairy One averages on page C 3. The header with the listing of Goats, Holstein, Jersey, and Mixed should read Averages By Pounds Of Fat. Lancaster Farm ing apologizes for the mis take. and build Bobcat of Reading Reading, PA 610-926-2441 Pennsylvania Livestock Auction Waynesburg, Pa. Thursday, Oct 31,2002 Report Supplied By Auction our own business with Bobcat "a Burchfields Inc. Martinsburg, PA 814-793-2194 Weekly Meat Production Under Federal Inspection WASHINGTON, D.C., Oct. 25 - (USDA-NASS) - Total red meat production under federal inspection for the week ending Saturday, Oct. 26, was estimated at 958.9 million lbs., according to the USDA's Agricultural Marketing Service. This was 1.1% higher than a week ago and 2.6% higher than a year ago. Cumulative meat production for the year to date was 3.3% higher compared to the previous year. MEAT PRODUCTION (million pounds) (excludes condemned) Week Ending (1) Beef CaU/Veal Pork (2) Lamb/Mutton Totals (3) 26- 553.4 3.6 397.8 4.1 958.9 19-Oct-02 551.1 3.9 389.6 3.9 948.5 Change: up 0.4% dn7.7% up 2.1% up 5.1% up 1.1% 27- 522.5 3.8 404.3 4.1 934.7 Change; up 5.9% dn 5.3% dn 1.6% 0% up 2.6% 2002 YTD’ 22,077.3 150.9 15,733.6 170.0 38,131.8 2001YTD 21,252.4 154.6 15,320.8 176.1 36,903.9 Change: up 3.9% dn 2.4% up 2.7% dn 3.5% up 3.3% 1- Previous week estimates may be revised. Year ago data are actuals. 2- Excludes lard. 3- Totals may not add due to rounding. 2002 totals are subject to revision. LIVESTOCK SLAUGHTER (head) Week Ending Cattle Calves/Vealers Hogs Sheep/Lambs 26- 716,000 19,000 2,053,000 62,000 19-Oct-02 714,000 21,000 2,009,000 60,000 Change: up 0.3% dn 9.5% up 2.2% up 3.3% 27- 690,000- 20,000 2,041,000 59,000 Change: up 3.8% dn 5.0% up 0.6% up 5.1% 2002 YTD: 29,060,000 817,000 80,238,000 2,535,000 2001 YTD: 28,809,000 801,000 78,480,000 2,486,000 Change: up 0.9% up 2.0% up 2.2% up 2.0% AVERAGE WEIGHTS (lbs.) Week Ending: LIVE; Cattle Calves/Vealers Hogs Sheep/Lamb 26- Estimate 1273 310 263 131 19-Oct-02 Estimate 1270 307 262 131 27- Actual 1255 316 268 140 DRESSED: 26- Estimate 777 191 195 66 19-Sep-02 Estimate 776 jgg |Cj 65 27- Actual 76( 195 199 &q PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL SLAUGHTERED BY CLASS CATTLE HOGS Wk Ending Steers Heifers Cows Bulls/Stags Barrows/Gilts Sows Boars/Slags 12- 50.0% 32.0% 16.4% 1.6% 96.6% 3.1% 0.3% 13- 48.3% 33.1% 16.7% 1.9% 96.7% 2.9% 0.4% II! * ** a % Clugston Ag & Turf Inc. Chambersburg, PA 717-263-41033 Juv.iiir.'.v. i i.v.i ; i i ■ Be •' -anr* Your Own Boss ment. ui Grumelli’s Service Quarryville, PA 717-786-7318
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