Exclusive to IxMKOSter Forming MICHELLE KUNJAPPU Lancaster Fanning Staff McKEES ROCKS (Allegheny Co.) For producers interested in investigating building options, American Steel Span will again be represented at the Pennsylva nia Farm Show. The event “affords a hands-on approach to selling our build ings,” said Peter Pennline, direc tor of national advertising and marketing. “Part of the plan is to erect a small building at the show. It is so valuable for a farmer to actu ally walk into one of our build ings and have that person experi ence the quality of the building firsthand, versus a photograph,” he said. Dealerships selling American Steel Span buildings have exhibi ted at the Farm Show about every year, estimates Pennline. open For Rent 717/665-7732 Leave Message or write 125 Falrland Rd. , Lltfftz. PA 17543 Farm Show 2003 Exhibitor Spotlight Pennline recommends to deal ers which shows to attend. “It’s up to them who wants to take it,” said Pennline. The dealership that has exhibi ted in the Pennsylvania Farm Show in the past is known as Steel City Buildings in a space of 600 square feet. “Farming is one of our major markets,” he said. “So we try to get in many farm shows.” The show is valuable for the “quantity and quality of the at tendance and the fact that we have sold so many buildings there. It is not unusual for a deal er to sell 15 buildings in one show. That’s a pretty good sale.” American Steel Span and American Steel Span Plans Exhibiting At Farm Straight Steel Corp., owned by Arnold Davis, are 17 years old. The company manufactures 5,000-6,000 buildings a year that are sold through various dealers across the nation. 6 (It Is so valuable for a fanner to actually walk into one of our buildings and have that person experience the quality of the building firsthand, versus a photograph. 5 5 Two factories, the first located There are approximately 35 to in McKees Rocks, and another in I^ea |® rs nationwide. Dealers, rather than headquarter person- Ambndge, employ about 275 em- ne i ( attend the trade shows perti ployees combined. nent to the business. ABMBI V The Ambridge plant manufac tures straightwall buildings and the McKees Rocks factory manu factures arch or Quonset-style buildings. Peter Pennline American Steel Span 7 or 8-way dosttidial/htackleg At weaning and UtaaChoice* , 14-28 days later IBR-BVD-PI3-BRSV viral vaccination Pastemelh htemtyiiai bacterin/leultotoicoid Intcmal/extemal parasite control For more information about PreVAC and other available protocols call John Schmidt, your local Pfizer Animal Health representative, at 315-364-6788. Animal Health 'Call 1-888 688 6881 for full details Bovi-Shield, Dectomax One Shot SelectVAC Ultra Choice and WeanVAL are registered trademarks of Pfizer Inc @2002 Pfizer Inc SVC 1201033 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 2, 2002-A23 *®®® 8 At weaning and Bovi-Shield* 14-28 days later At weaning Ac weaning or 14-28 days later To Continue Show Peter Pennline is direc tor of national advertising and marketing for Ameri can Steel Span. One Shot- Dectomax*
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