Lebanon County Holstein Club Celebrates Banner Year Youth Were Top Quizzers In The State, Will Travel To Louisville DAVE LEFEVER Lancaster Farming Staff RICHLAND (Lebanon Co.) The Lebanon County Holstein Club celebrated a shining year at its annual banquet and meeting here Oct. 25. Youth quiz bowl members in 2002 showed they have the depth of dairy knowledge to compete with the best teams in the country. The club recognized quiz bowlers for their sweep of the Pennsylva nia Holstein Convention in February. The senior “A” team of Brad Hoover, Daryl Maulfair, Jared Zimmerman, and Hannah Bomgardn er placed first out of 14 teams. Second place went to the senior “B” team of Amanda Martin, Harrison Miller, Kyle Seyfert, and Jeremy Mack. Senior quizzers went on to take third place at the National Holstein Convention in New Jersey this summer. They will travel to Louisville, Ky., Nov. 8-10 to compete for the national 4-H title. Junior quiz bowl teams also made a strong appearance, placing sec ond and third at the state convention. Members of these two teams were Nathan Heim, Erin Williams, Lauren Williams, Joel Bomgardn er, Aaron Hoover, Chanelle Horst, Janelle Zimmerman, and Chris Blauch. The third junior team was represented by Brendon Hoover, David Maulfair, and Cody Hostetter in their first year of competition. Nathan Heim, Harrisburg, was named outstanding quiz bowl mem ber because of his “enthusiasm and willingness to learn,” said Duane Nolt, youth adviser. Hannah Bomgardner of Lebanon received the annual scholarship for a Lebanon County youth pursuing a dairy career. She is a fresh man at Delaware Valley College, majoring in dairy science with a food science minor. On graduating, she plans to look for a job that in cludes dairy farm inspections and research work. Bomgardner’s achievements include placing first at the All-Ameri can dairy management contest, competing as a member of the win ning quiz bowl team, and serving offices in the junior Holstein club. She has also been active in both 4-H and FFA. Youth adviser Duane Nolt noted some of the character traits written by those who had nomi nated Bomgardner for the scholarship. “She is a very active and hardworking indi vidual,” Nolt said. “She is a leader, not a follow er.” Nolt also said that Bomgardner “can speak her mind on issues that she feels strongly about.” She is the daughter of Sonny and Kathy Bom gardner. Youth production winners for milk, butterfat and protean, respectively were Aaron Hoover, ■Kdlly'Homing, and Daniel Eberty, 2-year-old class; Brad Hoover, Chanelle Horst, and Kelly Reist, 3-year-old; Daniel Eberly (milk and pro tein) and Dustin Homing, 4-year-old; Brad Hoo ver (butterfat and protein) and Erin Williams, 5-year-old. Aaron Hoover was also recognized as winner (Turn to Page A 22) CALL THE SOU. EXPERTS Mahlon King, Certified Soil Consultant, 717-354-8594 CROP & SOIL PRODUCTS & SERVICES • Specializing in soil fertility • Nutrient Management • Complete soil testing Planning through BROOKSIDE • Soil amendments LABORATORIES . Fohar fed Traces • Complete soil recommen- . Sol , ams and dations, including balancing prod S cts 6 deslgned for for major and trace commercial, organic mmerals & biological • Computerized soil reports cropping systems • High level of technical • High quality plant support. nutrition. fc. HOMESTEAD NUTRITION, INC. JMiL 245 White Oak Road, New Holland, PA 17557 nfirSGr 717-354-4398 • 888-336-7878 ■ , ThtH—khyatoitt FnmrheGround Vp Lebanon County senior and Junior quiz bowl teams had a winning year, and the senior “A” team will compete for the national 4-H championship in Louisville this month. Pic tured from left are Janelle Zimmerman, Joel Bomgardner, Aaron Hoover, Harrison Mill er, Chanelle Horst, Nathan Heim, Brad Hoover, and Jared Zimmerman. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 2, 2002-A2l
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