Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, November 02, 2002, Image 167
i Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 2.2nn2-D97 EI "URP— / PIERCE S TRAILER sales L,, -URISLJRfeWtria Shipley Swine Genetics ll I L»iit», PA (717) 826-3089 ) ° P 80 86 Marion Rd. N.E. \ Authorized dealer for I Newark, Ohio 43055 ij MONARCH, MORITZ AND PA. INTERNATIONAL jiMMIM v UUMrm Hampshire & Call Collect 740-745-2911 Horse, livestock, utility, flatbed, equipment trailers swwe |QQ£QgSBuBSS3IIH| Yorkshire [ 740-745-2328 | 111 ; where oeneticit Figures Mem ; Boars & Gilts \ Boars, Bred Gilts, Open Gilts, Semen | All From Powerful I (Terminal & Production) V „ . T .. m/ , liak U S Yorkshire, Berkshire, AI Genetics \ F 1 Females (L.w. xh) (L.wxL) (LxH) Custom Leather REHSj?» L-l Duroc, boors & gelts, w/ Durocs - Lg. White - Landrace - Hampshire s Harness 'l||B|nKU can f,9ures ' ( f an deliver, t The Best In Leaness, Production & Muscle j Draft Horse to 7® 7*862- 3 6 1 o. il ; KUBifitfftttiil L / r l e De'iyery, Semce^^J Miniatures bennecoff-s hogs j i S22j2ST ~ Whin 'JmBP Order your prolect pigs anywhere Satisfaction V, . now ' Hampshire, Berk- ; Guaranteed'Boar Semen Manufacturing >. T!*>V shire. Poland Chino, Du- : NRT I HIIT ■B&fe - Dealers Welcome ■ r-• gg LSTgiI 717-23M966 J ~C“ . Center Square Harness Shop I °'^~ 6sB2 '-—-— 246 Forest Hill Rd.. Leola, PA | , , / I /W# ruSSS*. * 717-656-3381 boors/ proiect pigs. Con | ADtJAI Tl ■1- 3 . Manufaaurcr Large Shelter / deliver. Wilson York- ARNOLD IF -1111 ! *ltL ByPort-A-Hut g shires,7l7-235-3478 UcfA/* riDUC V I y aiuUalt huK I j»— * I n taIB °' BBIB ■ HIB ■ ■ ™° lB aiaaiafiiaagai 8 Feeder pigs< |RW> fARWJ Jr ’ —~~rW L sni ' l ' l%l Approximately 12’ wide, T high or 14 wide 8’ | S p Duroc & large white I INDIVIDUAL FARROWING AND high, ireassembled 7’ sections giving a choice of n N cross. 610-987-6136 II CALF HUT BY PORT-A-HUT 14’, 21’, 28’ length Set up in 2to 4 hours Built 9 | l| All stee | completely assembled. tor livestock Completely portable 20 gauge ® j 0 || ventilated, 7 1/2’ long, optional front wall protectors added on the inside ™ n T ] [' " HHMMMIijH doors, guard rails, pig rollers and pens Can be used for almost anything 91 Ida i HLUBijj||||U Skids and all hardware for assembly included | * II iimtliß LEMMON FARM B From H 855 Alexander Spring Road, Carlisle, PA 17013 3 ID] • Pseudorabies : ; Crossbred •Landrace 717-249-8434 877-642-8312 Code 8434 g 11 free Herds li Yorkshire High Meadows Farm, Delhi, NY 607-746-7845 a 9 ' **-rson j Leon *-■ Arnold Km —-I-si——^ i U 717-273-5880 44x8’ precast gang hog Sunny Henry S. Kauffman ide . 610-273-7371 hoeing <tr HEAVY DUTY ■■ SHEEP ■ L»l AND goats Year old Jacob & cross bred ewe sheep, best offer. 215-257-6467 Bred Sable goafs, milk/ show, (3) does $250, (1) doe, $350, (1) buck $2OO, $lOOO/all. 717-292-5058 Dorset 4-5 year old agressive ram. 717-687-6857 Nubian buck, purebred, disbudded, 6 mon old. Call eves, 610-488-8118. Yearling Romney Ram $l5O. Southdown cross Ewe, 4 years old, $lOO. 856-694-3385. 100% S.A. Boer buck, reg. Top Gun, eggs, pensive, eggsfile in bloodline, out standing buck, born Feb 22, 'O2, $500.717-867-4731. Boer Goats Complete Herd Sale, (22) full bloods, (50) 1/2’s, 3/4’s & 7/B’s. (717) 485-3181 I Sheepman Supply Co. 75% 8. 87% Kafahcfln white Dorper crosses, a better hair sheep. March bora good size, good muscle, shed well. Scrap! enrolled flock. If you see them you will love them! Many to choose from Call NJ 856-467-1165 Flock of sheep, 30 ewes, 2 rams, ewes are bred, 100 per hd. 610-593-7414. Reg. Suffolk ram & 3 crossbred rams. Genetics from Lyn Lee, Sickels, Hoeing, Nichals. Leb. Co. 717/821-2537 after 3pm 3 bred Lamancha year lings, $300.732-928-9213 Bred nonnie goofs, Boer X, also 2 Boer bucks. 215-766-0534. wmnjirjsjMnnidLzrcin'. Quality l FEEDER PIGS For Sale ; From r Pseudorabies f Free Herds p Fred Patterson [' (931)364-7050 ’c ’ ’ n urnrcnr7J'jru' r ~ri ; jp Large Selection Service Age Boars & Gilts Duroc, Hamp & York • 100 White Line • Open Gilts Ready To Breed Monthly 1 -800-551 -4647 Delivery Available Home Of High-Quality Tested Genetics! Since 1953 - 4 generation hog family PARRISH FARM SUPERIOR GENETICS 1 05140 Co. Rd. J, Edon, Ohio 43518 ■ji We Don’t Want All The Business.. Just Yours! rJI fjfil Let our years of experience work for you. |f=|y 4-H CLUB PROJECT PIGS FEEDER/ROASTING PIGS Bred for April, May, June & July litters Duroc, York, Spot, Chester, Landrace & Hamps . Grant Lazarus 610-767-3595 after 9 pm \ Calvin Lazarus 610-799-3375 - Pure Ouroc - Reflection x Salsa x Tabasco Stress Negative This Boar was Res Champion KILE 2000 Produced 2001 KILE Champron Boar • 2001 KILE Champion Barrow (on foot) 2001 KILE Res Champion Barrow (on rail) • 2001 MD State fair Supreme Barrow Champion • 2002 DE State Fair Supreme Champion Female • Many, Many Other Champions 2001 & 2002 • 2002 MD State Fair Grand Champion Duroc Boar • 2002 MO State Fair Supreme Champion pair of Barrows 2002 Reserve Champion Eastern Regional Duroc Gilt KIMi Pure Hampshire-Hi Flyer x Heat Wave Stress Negative Produced Many, Many Champions Over Years Recently 2002 Res Champion‘Progeny Test (Pa State) 2002 Supreme Boar •OE State Fair • 2002 Grand Hampshire Market - Carroll Co • 2002 Res Grand Hampshire Market - Carroll Co 2002 Grand Champion Hampshire KILE 2002 Grand Champion Hampshire Eastern Regional Gilt FLASH hmei.mii < 1 laaKulSiaa Pure Hampshire - Black Oise x Titanic Stress Negative 2001 KILE Grand Champion Boar first Year 2002 Crawford Co, Grand Market Hog Many To Be Shown Yet *2002 McKean County Grand Champion *2002 MD State Fair Grand Champion Hampshire Boar *2002 MD State Fair Supreme Champion Boar *2002 Solanco Fair Grand Champion ■ NEW THIS FALL UilliWSl - Pure Hampshire - Twister x Neat Stress Negative This Boar is Tall fronted, Clean Headed, Huge Top, Big Square Butt, He Can flat Out Movei His Grandmother is Blockbuster Dam Bought at World Pork Expo 2002 from Ron Iverson BHSB3- Pure Duroc - After Midnight x Spitting Image Stress Negative This is the Boar I Have Been Looking for Many Years' Hand Picked from John Humker This Summer 2 Litter Mates Exhibited & Sold at S T C This Boar is Extended in All Ways Huge in frame, Easy in His Movement, Plus Muscle in All the Right Places Get in on the Ground floor' $5O 00 a Strong Dose on All Boars Picked up at Farm 24/7 or UPS to Your Door Also Great Set of Boars, Gilts, Farm Show Pigs Available Here or Delivered to Your Door or KILE - Harrisburg Oct. 5 Dave 717-235-6966 Glen Rock, PA W/Mhoglequipment iICM AND !■ SUPPLIES Pullets, 17 wk. old brown egg layers, Nov. & Dec, Shirk ' S 717-445-6423 I POWER SYSTEMS ELECTRIC, INC. | I I C i! I SPECIALIZING IN GENERATOR SALES, b | SERVICE AND RENTALS b | Myerstown, PA | S (717) 933-5617 (800) 875-6964 | I Used Gen Sets | B (2) 28 kw Diesel (1) 90 kw 1 ph Diesel | I (1) 55 kw Diesel (1) 35 kw I ph LP Gas b E Ml 175 kw Diesel (l)4OkwLP g (1) 125 kw Ui (|) 150/100 VI phOnan Diesel b P New & Used Transfer Switches | g rnmrnmmmmmmnasißtlSMlM a ■■ POULTRY ■EB and SUPPLIES Bobwhite Quail Chukar Patridge • Pheasants iMPIONS Mature Birds • Flight Conditioned Kelly’s Game Farm Charles L. Kelly 717-445-8318 • 610-781-4172 ceii 161 Laurel Road, East Earl, PA 17519 HIGH PRESSURE WASHING AND DISINFECTING For More Information Call: BEITZEL’S SPRAYING Witmer, PA 17585 717-392-7227 or Toll Free 1-800-727-7228 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM CERTIFIED COMMERCIAL APPLICATORS LICENSED Spraying Since 1961 INSURED slat, $3O; 10 12-hole double SS wet & dry hog feed ers, $5O; 20 SS sow feed ers, $2O; Edstrom micro cool controller $75; 8" pit fan, new, $4O. 717/532-4748 ♦*. • • Breeder Houses • Layer Houses • Pullet Houses • Turkey Houses • Dairy Barns • Veal Pens • Broiler Houses We spray For All Types Of Beetles and Insects That Cause Structural Damage to Your Poultry House POULTRY AND SUPPLIES 400 Jay Dee wire chicken nest bottoms. 717-229-2450 eves. Chuckar Partridge chicks or eggs for sale. 717-575-4134 Baby chicks: fast growing broiler chicks, high pro duction layer chicks, brown and white egg. Call Moyer's Chicks, Quaker town, PA, 215-536-3155. Chicken plucker, made by Pick-Wic JS-18, drum size 27 inch w/aufo door, $2095. Homemade chick en plucker cap for 4 birds, 23 inch drum $7OO. 717-656-7321 ATTENTION EGG PRODUCERS NOW AVAILABLE 50# BAG YORK CALCIUM CHIPS ECONOMICAL REPLACEMENT FOR OYSTER SHELLS G & G Feed & Supply, Inc. Manheim, PA 717-665-5001 • Hog Finishing Bams • Sow Units