Jj CATTLE 10 reg. Jerseys, 5 heifers & 5 young cows, due Nov, Dec, Jan. DHIA records. 717-284-3562,717-468-1561 PLAN AHEAD young jer sey bulls for next years breeding. Top pedigrees healthy herd. Berks County Drysbach 610-562-3966 10 Close Holstein Al sired heifers, $1350. 30 short bred Holstein heifers, 3-5 mo. bred, $l2OO. Brook side Farm 518-966-4754 Reg Holstein Bulls, any 24 reg. Jerseys, 19 Ist & age. Dams records up to 2nd calf, 1 EX. Also 15 30,000 milk, 1,200 fat. reg. Brown Swiss. STUMP ACRES 570-965-2790 717-792-3216. York Co. Pick from herd of 120 reg. & grade Holsfeins. 570-965-2790 Penna dairy will pay fop price for healthy, bred heifers. Also milk tank. 1-800-8 5 2 - 2 6 97 443-691-2313 (6) Holstein heifers, bred 6-8 mos, will trade for open heifers. 717-899-6893 Full blood Piedmontese bulls & heifers. 717/ 624-9007 No Sunday calls Angus 4/02 heifers, local show qualify, w/updated pedigree. 5650-5750; Angus 1/02 bulls, easy calving, updated pedi grees, 5850-51,000. 410-489-4463 or 410-489-0029. 9 bred Red Angus cows; 6 purebred Red Angus heif ers. 610/637-6635 day, 610/444-2850 eve Reg polled Hereford bull, v.g. bloodlines, sire was Nat'l Champion @ Den ver Nat'l. He will make a nice herd bull 51000. Cal vert Co., AAD 410-257-7548 10 Holstein cows due w/ 2nd & 3rd calf, out of good herd, will freshen soon. Will deliver. 717-328-2235 5 Holstein Al heifers due to freshen soon, out of good herd, good size, will deliver. 717-328-2235 1 Brown Swiss cow due w/2nd coif 11/15, good size, will deliver. 717-328-2235 Reg. Holstein bulls. All sizes and ages, from Pre mier cow families of the Holstein breed. Alien H. Keener 717-285-7426. Custom Heifer raising, 40 years experience. By the pound, not by the day. Death loss guaranteed. Trucking provided. Large number preferred. 570-398-2688. 21 Angus heifs, bred to CE Angus bull. Due Apr/ May, Guaranteed Safe, Harford Co., MD, Del Avail. 410-734-7380. 30 Holstein feeder steers, 250 bs, dehorned & vacci nated. 610-987-6136 DAIRY FARMER DO YOU NEED HELPING HANDS? Host young ex change farmers from abroad to farm. Info; IFE, 85-43 107 St., Queens, NY 11418/Fax 718-847-4480. Registered Texas Long horns: bulls, heifers, cows. Reasonable prices. 717-637-3090 Reg Black Angus Heifer, fop bloodlines, 8 mos, $650.717-249-8694 Slmmenfal heifer, $750. Show equip; Clrcuifeer blower, dryer, good cond, $135. Clip Master, animal clippers, EW6IO, variable speed, v.g cond, $l6O. 717-225-6279 Experienced farmer will raise calves, 0-6 mon on our farm. Lane Co area. Call Charlene Martin, 717-892-6830. CHAROLAIS Bulls, open & bred heifers. Top genet ics at reasonable prices. Cameo Farm, Frederick Co., MD 301 -831-9243 Springing Holstein heifers and young dairy cattle for sale w/3 day guaran tee. Delivery available. Please call 410-756-6112, 301 -471 -2655 ask f/Mike. Reg polled Hereford bulls, 7months old, Dk red color. Well muscled, gen tle disposifion.will make Ex herd sires, A/Wlvlc Farm 570-833-5007 FOR SALE OR LEASE; Registered Holstein Bulls by popular sires; dams records to over 30.000 AA. Many to choose from Berks Co. Stumpland Farms 610-488-1965. Angus & Jersey bulls, ready foT service. Stump Acres, 717-792-3216 York. Texas Longhorns;Cows, bulls & calves for sale at all times. 717/642-0079 farm; 717/642-8716 house. 11 Large springing Hol stein heifers due Nov. to Dec., $1550.13 Short bred Holstein heifers, $l2OO. AH farm raised. 717-328-5446 28 reg. Holstein heifers from 1 herd, from 3 mo. old to 15 mo. old. Herd was sold. Herd DHIA was over 24,000. 717-284-3562, 717-468-1561 45 Cow Holstein herd, pick 45 or SO from a herd of 70. DHIA 21,000, 47 Ist & 2nd. 717-284-3562 Reg. Holstein bulls, ready for service, dams EX to 38,000, 1300, grand dam EX92 43.000, next dam EX 32,000. Glen Valley 610-593-2274 (4) Holstein Jersey cross heifer calves, 1 mo old. Bedford Co. 814-766-3469 Bulls for sale. Dam & GR dam, 35-40,000 milk. 5925/eo. 717-866-7110 Herd of 68 cows, Holstein & some Jersey Holstein cross. 410-734-6925 Reg Holstein bull. Dam EX93, 2E, 36,040 m, 4.0, 1443, 3.3, 1188. Sister to Rudolph former top bull in Canada. Moses King. 610-932-6062 8-B:lsam 717-529-9007 8 bred Charlois cattle 8. 1 bull. 570-458-0557. Looking for someone to board Holstein heifers in the Baltimore/Harford Co area. 410-358-4853. WANTED good farmer to feed Holstein heifers in the Lancaster/York Co area. 410-578-1669. WANTED cows 8< heifers for new dairy operation. 443-677-3269. (3) Open Holstein heifers, good health & size. Vet checked. Reasonable price. 717-352-2776 Holstein Buis sired Eland, Marshall 8. others, from proven cow families. Weoverllne Holsteins, 717-933-9853 15 VA Holstein heifers, 650bs, $750 guaranteed & delivered. 28 VA black feeder steers, SISIbs, $.87/lb delivered. 434-292-1170 10 Holstein feeder steers, 300bs, dehorned 8< vacci nated. 610-987-6136 2 y/o Jersey heifer, open, well bred, healthy, $5OO. 717-653-2073 (2) Jersey bulls, dehorned, handled everyday, about 6 mos old, healthy, asking $lOO/ea. 717-653-2073 11 Beautiful Chariots heif ers, bred, reasonable. 410-969-9324 Herd Reduction Sale. Registered Highland Cat tle, all colors. Serious in quiries only. 570-253-1810. Complete Dairy Herds for sale Also groups of open & bred Heifers 717-789-3003 Simmentals MID . AT S,C McClure Mills Farms sc *bbling service Huntingdon County, Pa. WEAVER (814) 542-2588 (days) Call Anytime (814) 542-4960 (eves) (800)658-8070 CATTLE WANTED Dairy Cows or Heifers, all ages, registered or grades (717) 656-8420 Leroy S mucker No Sunday Calls Why not Cattle 9 Wcslem, Historical, Thrifty, Colorful, Gentle, Lean-Nutritious-Healthy. A Bright New Future www.itla.com / 817-244-8855 BULLS We have service age bulls, and younger available. We specialize in choosing the right bull to fit your breeding program, focusing on type, longevity and production. WELK-CREST HOLSTEINS Matthew T.Welk 717-548-2597 HOLSTEIN BULLS Bulls ready for heifers or cows out of proven good cow families with proven bulls in Al lineup Moses King 610-932-6062 8-B:lsam or leave message 717-529-9007 Lancaster, Lebanon, Lehigh & Northampton, Counties, PA BQO-789-COWS or focaHy 610-748-285^ Calls the night before V appreciated!! 2” Wide Grooves for Superior Footing An effective and economical way to protect cattle from injury due to slick cor ate Holstein Bred Heifers FOR SALE Excellent Quality Donald Bare 717»397»0869 Young Farmer wants to buy Holstein & Jersey heifers {814) 224-5909 Show Steers Hummel Cattle Company With over 25 years in the Club Calf business The calves are ready!! Open House November 9th and 10th! We will offer 20 black Maine X Angus steer calves at affordable prices' We have a tew select bull calves for sale. And you must see the heifers in this year’s crop 1 These calves are competitive and can win anywhere! Bid will be taken until 3 00 Sunday, November 10th Call (570) 286-2384 for an appointment to view the calves or for more information. Come see the calves, their moms and sisters! Our own bred and raised calves have been past winners in Snyder, Union, Lycoming, Wayne, Centre, Susquehanna, Lehigh, Dauphin, Mifflin and Lancaster counties as well as numerous counties in Ohio We have also had winners at the Hoosier, Reserve at Denver and Reserve at the PA Farm Show. Our next production sale is scheduled for 2004 - come and see what’s in store! Hummel Land & Cattle Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 2, 2002-D25 Down a Injured Cattle Frederick & Carroll Co., MD Adams Co., PA & Surrounding Areas Prompt Payment GERALD ANDERSON 717-528-4365 • 717-432-4225 (shop) HEALTHY HEIFER FARMS • All heifers grouped by age &■ size • All heifers fed TMR with Rumensin • Free Stall trained • Vaccination & worming program Rf J J • Al breeding with pregnancy checks • Cut age at first calving to 24 months • Expanding to 12 pens with isolated receiving area • Located in Lancaster Co • Dedicated to Crowing High Quality Dairy Replacements Call for pre-shipping requirements 717/684-5563 I Some of Canada's Finest Purebred or Grade Holstein Herds For Sale Also Fresh and Springing Cows or Heifers Show Cattle Available a inr - C3// - FARMS * Cell 519-274-5452 519-662-3205 Herd Reduction Sale of registered Angus includes: jg -*■ 23 cows bred to calve from QC 1/29/03 to 4/19/03 < « I I • 3 are carrying heifer calves ““ based on the ultrasound IE pregnancy test o • 4 are carrying bull calves Z 3 cows with fall born calves at Side DC -» 2 breeding age bulls ® Call Bob Livingston at 717/741 -8395 (work) fjpl 717/428-3526 (home) D BJ 717/577-6400 (cell) § MV EXOTIC M|l ANIMALS CAMELS “" " appaloosa llamas AMERICAN INDIAN DOGS I Lost World Ranch ■ Box 464 I Burkes Garden I VA 24608 I Phone ft Fu I . 876-473-2347 I ‘■V.*n.JSWSI jy}wr@ , aetsco|>e.<iet ■- - - -i ]■-™P Herd of 45 cows mostly Reg, avg 69 lbs peaked @B2 lbs w/4% test Plus some bred heifers No BST, low SCC 125,000 717-768-3320 * 717-351-1017 Elk calves male & fe males born in May & June, also 13 point bull Elk, mature 11 point bull. You shoot, you kill. Adams County 717-677-8881 evenings at o-nn
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