Cumberland Valley Produce Auction Shippensburg, Pa. Report Supplied fay Auction October 22 and 24 APPLES: 3.75-8.50 'A BU. BEANS: GREEN S.OO-8.00, YELLOW 3.00, LIMA 1.00-5.00, ALL Vi BU. BROCCOLI: .40-.60 HEAD. CABBAGE: RED .50, GREEN .10-.70 HEAD. CAULIFLOWER: .20-.90 HEAD. CUCUMBERS: 4.00-6.50 ‘A BU. EGGPLANT: 2.50. PEARS: 3.00-5.50 ‘A BU. PEPPERS: GREEN SM. TO LRGE. 3.00- RED SM. TO LRGE. 2.00-6.00. PLUMS: 2.00. POTATOES: RED 3.00, WHITE 3.00- >/ 2 BU.; SWEET 2.50-7.00 'A BU. PUMPKINS: NECK .80-1.00 EA. RED BEETS: 3.00-4.00 ‘A BU. SQUASH: YELLOW 3.50, ACORN 5.00, BUTTERNUT 3.00-7.00 'A BU., PATTY PANS 2.50, SPAGHETTI 4.00. TOMATOES: RED SM. TO LRGE. 10.00-18.00 ‘A BU.; GREEN 4.50-7.00 V% BU. ORNAMENTALS: FACE PUMPKINS .20-2.20 EA.; GOOSE GOURDS JO; BABY PAMS .10; INDIAN CORN .20-.90 BUNCH. SALE DAY NEXT WEEK IS TUES., 9 A.M. Randall G. Renninger Certified Public Accountant Specializing in agriculture and construction industries “We help business people discover ways to cut costs, save taxes, and be more profitable” Call about our FREE seminars 535 W. Orange Street, Lancaster, PA 17603 (717)299-6480 ♦ Fax (717) 299-6390 CAROLINA* Gore-Tex Logger 400 Grams Thinsulate Boot D, EE Width Non-Steel $114.95 Steel-Toe $119.95 We will ship to your door - U.P.S. Shipping Add $7.50/Pair, 2 Pairs $10.50 K a Weaver’s Store, Inc. Route 897, Fivepointville