Al6-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 5, 2002 GRAIN, CATTLE, HOG, & MILK BFP FUTURES MARKETS Markets Courtesy of Chicago Board and Mercantile Exchange Closing Bids: Thursday, October 3, 2002 Com Symbol:C 10/02/02 10/03/02 10/03/02 10/03/02 10/03/02 10/03/02 10/03/02 10/03/02 10/03/02 10/03/02 10/03/02 *CASH* DEC 02 MAR 03 MAY 03 JUL 03 SEP 03 DEC 03 MAR 04 MAY 04 JUL 04 DEC 04 Total 10/02/02 Soybeans Symbol:S 10/02/02 10/03/02 10/03/02 10/03/02 10/03/02 10/03/02 10/03/02 *CASH* NOV 02 JAN 03 MAR 03 MAY 03 JUL 03 AUG 03 10/03/02 10/03/02 10/03/02 10/03/02 SEP NOV JAN NOV Total 10/02/02 Soybean Meal Symbol: SM 10/02/02 *CASH* 10/03/02 10/03/02 10/03/02 10/03/02 10/03/02 10/03/02 10/03/02 10/03/02 10/03/02 10/03/02 10/03/02 10/03/02 Total 10/02/02 Sept 30,2002 CHEESE PRICES REMAIN STRONG • Blocks averaged $1.2890/ pound for the week. • Block-barrel $0,162. • USDA announces Livestock Compensation Program. Block cheese prices remained strong - 4ast - week,- - averaging- - Open 2554 2616 2634 2646 2530 2420 2480 2484 2486 2334 Volume Qpen_lnt 51383 482632 Open 5354 5394 5424 5414 5414 5380 5250 5070 5114 4874 Volume Qpen_lnt 61843 203409 Open High Low Last 16900 16900 16900 1665 1693 1698 1710 1708 1712 1698 1675 1615 1620 1628 1600 Volume Qpen_lnt 35546 131693 sold. Twenty-three carloads of and “food service buying patterns blocks were sold during the re- are steady and unaggressive.” It mainder of the week. Clearly, is still early in the holiday buying someone is buying this cheese! season for dairy products. Barrel cheese, while above sup- USDA announced last week a port, is still not fairing as well as Livestock Compensation Pro blocks. For the week of Sept, gram to help drought-affected 23-27, barrel cheese averaged livestock producers. The new $1.1270 per pound. In fact, about program will make $752 million 39,600 pounds of process cheese available for this new initiative, from the Midwest entered the Livestock producers should con dairy price support program. The tact their local Farm Services block-barrel spread this week av- Agency to see if their county is el eraged $0,162 per pound, well igible for the drought assistance, above the normal range of Finally, with much fanfare, $0.03-$0.05 per pound. This gap USDA’s National Agricultural $1.2890 per pound. This is well will likely narrow in the coming Statistics Service (NASS) re above the support price of weeks, meaning; one price will leased a report on the structure of $1.1314. USDA reports that some *T e , to more h,gher ’ and the the VS - dak J herd ; re P« rt cheese buvers are scratchine their ° ther ower ' was onl y made available over the . . y. . g Grade AA butter prices at the Internet. This marketing effort heads wondering c “^ ent SU P’ Chicago Mercantile Exchange re- raised my expectations. Unfortu ply and demand conditions war- manned fairly steady, averaging nately, it didn’t say much, rant this price level. $0.9817 per pound for the week. Basically the NASS report That said, sales at the Chicago USDA reported that surplus compared two types of milking Mercantile Exchange were cream from the West continues herds: those with more than 500 strong. On Monday, SepL 23, 22 to-be a problem. Demand for this _ _ carloads -of- ■ • * • • fCurß * >Pa ®*A*2i ....... spread High 2610 2554 2620 2650 2654 2536 2436 2492 2484 2486 2334 Low 2610 2522 2590 2622 2632 2514 2410 2476 2484 2486 2324 High 5165 5410 5450 5474 5480 5470 5384 Low 5165 5322 5364 5390 5394 5400 5360 5220 5052 5110 4874 5250 5094 5120 4874 1653 1677 1687 1698 1697 1697 1685 1665 1614 1615 1628 1600 1672 1699 1709 1720 1715 1717 1698 1681 1630 1625 1628 1600 Lean Hogs Date 10/02/02 *CASH* 10/03/02 Oct 02 10/03/02 Dec 02 10/03/02 Feb 03 10/03/02 Apr 03 10/03/02 May 03 10/03/02 Jun 03 10/03/02 Jul 03 10/03/02 Aug 03 10/03/02 Oct 03 Chge + 12 -24 -24 -20 -20 -22 -4 unch -4 -6 -4 Last 2610 2544 2606 2640 2642 2514 2426 2484 2484 2486 2330 Composite Volume Open_lnt 10/02/02 10597 35432 Live Cattle Date 10/02/02 *CASH* 0 650065006500 +1 10/03/02 Oct 02 6660 674266476722 +22 10/03/02 10/03/02 10/03/02 10/03/02 10/03/02 10/03/02 Chge -53 +4 + 12 + 10 unch + 2 -4 Last 5165 5380 5426 5452 5452 5452 5384 Composite Volume Open_lnt 10/02/02 16276 108952 -10 5230 5082 5116 4874 Pork Bellies Date + 6 unch + 22 10/02/02 *CASH* 10/03/02 10/03/02 10/03/02 10/03/02 10/03/02 Chge -150 1667 1692 1702 1712 1708 1710 1693 1670 1621 1623 1628 1600 Composite Volume Open_lnt 10/02/02 Oats 10/02/02 10/03/02 10/03/02 10/03/02 10/03/02 10/03/02 10/03/02 10/03/02 -2 unch Total 10/02/02 ~ . T , . Previous Previous Open Low Last Chge Volumeopen lnt 0 0 3250 4948 5873 21844 1033 5051 244 1321 23 708 136 1127 33 255 5 155 0 23 0423342334233 4305 434542504272 4100 414240504082 4760 478547154770 5280 529752555267 6050 607560406065 6280 629062406275 6080 608060706075 5822 583558205820 5350 535053505350 Open High Low Last Dec 02 6925 702569027020 +55 Feb 03 7135 719071107177 +2O Apr 03 7165 721071507207 +25 Jun 03 6725 676567076760 +2O Aug 03 6725 679067006790 +2O Oct 03 6875 688068756880 unch ~ ir . ¥ Previous Previous Open High Low Last Chge Volume open 0 0 0 760076007600 +4OO Feb 03 7750 791076507752 Mar 03 7715 783076107700 May 03 7800 780077707770 Jul 03 7750 775077007700 Aug 03 7550 755075007500 1281 527 Open *CASH* DEC 02 MAR 03 MAY 03 JUL 03 SEP 03 DEC 03 MAR 04 2090 2042 1994 1940 1700 1574 1610 Volume Open_lnt 1493 10122 -239 +42 +l2 +lB -8 +lO -7 +4O +25 Previous Previous Volume Open_lnt -20 -10 +BO +B5 +5O High 2260 2124 2070 1994 1940 1700 1574 1610 Low 2260 2090 2040 1990 1940 1700 1574 1610 Average Farm Feed Costs for Handy Reference To help farmers across the state to have handy reference of commodity input costs in their feeding operations for DHIA re cord sheets or to develop livestock feed cost data, here’s last week’s average costs of various ingredients as compiled from regional reports across the state of Penn sylvania. Remember, these are averages, so you will need to adjust your figures up or down according to your location and the quality of your crop. Corn, No.2y 3.02 bu., 5.41 cwt. Wheat, N 0.2 3.65 bu., 6.09 cwt. Barley, N 0.3 1.83 bu., 3.91 cwt. Oats, N 0.2 1.82 bu., 5.69 cwt. Soybeans, No.l 5.53 bu., 9.24 cwt. Ear Com 77.51 ton, 3.88 cwt. Alfalfa Hay 128.75 ton, 6.44 cwt. Mixed Hay 130.00 ton, 6.5 cwt. Xipiptfiy Uqy,-i- 6.31 cwt. 4356 15859 48476 23791 12080 8061 626 58 8500 1879 572 878 91 1205 42 17 12 505 22 Chge -34 unch -10 -14 -4 unch unch unch Last 2260 2110 2052 1990 1940 1700 1574 1610
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