Ida’s Notebook Idaßisser » RED WING SHOES INS’ ALL Allensville Shoe Shop Box 7 State Route HONEY BRi Brandywine Shoe Shop 1620 Cambridge Rd. ASTER Red Wing Shoe Store 106 S. Centerville Rd. Woods Edge Plaza Fitting You Right Is Our #1 Priority. MADISONBORG MILI.RRSRIIRG SPRINGFIELD LL Fisher Harness & Shoe Shop Star Route, Box 47 MARTINSB Zimmerman Harness RD 2 Box 36 814-793-3961 MIFFLINTOWN Lost Creek Shoe Shop One of our younger grandchil dren just had a birthday and in vited us to her house for a meal. The next day she had a party, and one of the features was pony rides for everyone. The Amish neighbors provided the pony and the children enjoyed the new ex perience. Another grandchild, who lives far away, also had a party in Au gust. She had a tie-dying party. Her mother bought pillowcases for all of the girls and also kits to use. They were well-pleased with the results and now can use them for slumber parties. The girl also RG asked her mother to make a freezer of homemade ice cream to eat with the cake. This summer a grandson had a pool party for his birthday. Be cause his parents have a large new pool in their back yard, they invited a lot of his little friends. He sent us pictures of the cake served on their screened-in porch. I remember when our son was invited to a birthday party that included bowling. This was a while ago, and I thought it would be an expensive party because they paid for everyone. Then they went to a restaurant for refresh ments. Tall Pines Country Store 796 Kessler Rd 717-362-3024 (voice mail only) REHRERSBURG Leo’s Shoe Store REiGsSKtN'G Godfrey St. 717-933-8169 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 7, 2002-811 Red Wing Shoe Store 511 Baltimore Pike 610-544-1664 When I was 5 years old, my mother invited some neighbor girls to our home. I have a picture of the group in my new express wagon. Believe it or not, I still have the wagon. Recently, I read my mother’s diary of the event. And she noted that I did not act very nicely. No wonder I did not have any more parties. Some folks look forward to their birthdays while others don’t even want to think about them. We hope that most of our chil dren’s parties will leave pleasant memories. Made in U.S.A.