New Exhibit Halls Scheduled For Washington County Fair A groundbreaking ceremony was conducted April 18 for new exhibit halls at the Washington County Fair. The $1,379 million project is scheduled to be complete by Aug. 1, several weeks before the start of the fair. Two new exhibit halls will con tain food preparation areas used by food vendors. A dome-shaped cover, similar to that on the Sil Walk-In • Catalog • Web Sales - Call or email us today for a FREE catalog. IX)LL FREE -1-800-845-3T74 • 717-866-7%5 July Fan Sale ——— a* Airstream® Basket Fan • 24" and 36” diameter • 1/3 hp and 1/2 hp high velocity cooling fan • Misting Kits available Canarm Ceiling Fan • Water proof • Meets Class 1 - Group C and D Class 2 - Group F and G standards • Aluminum blades and louvers 5-year Limited Warranty Available in clear, translucent, white or dairy ver Dome show tent, will cover the area between the two build ings. One of the buildings is 140 by 148 feet, and the second building is smaller. Ron Miller of the Pennsylvania Agricultural Fair Program said many other fairs also are making improvements. “Many buildings at fair grounds across Pennsylvania were built in the late 1800 s or early 1900 s,” Miller said. “Fairs can’t be operated in the s&t* A Division of (fiSijt) r Jr Km Ltl& Lion systfms w QUALITY PRODUCTS AT WHOLESALE PRICES See The Light! Engineers & Veterinarians agree, the best building is a naturally ventilated building. Herculite® Heavy Duty Black Out Tunnel Curtains and Hardware • Low maintenance operation • Single or double hemmed • New one-piece, galvanized lift-off cover •From 3’6” to 11’9” • Curtain controllers available “PERFORMANCE™” SLANT-WALL BELT DRIVE FANS/CONE OPTIONAL LIFETIME-GUARANTEED FIBERGLASS COMPOSITE HOUSINGS / CONE OPTIONAL “ mvt'nL/f/tt-iory ” Airstream® Variable Speed Fan Control • Set to run continuously or shut off at a specific time • Band widths and minimum speed can be set internally • High efficiency PSC motor • Full and variable speeds • Upright mounting for unrestricted air flow See Us For A FREE Design & Cost of a TUNNEL VENTILATION To Fit Your Building r M Lila Lton systems " Komfort (Cooler Evaporating System • Efficient cellular water media can reduce temper ature up to 20 degrees • Adaptable to most new and existing production facilities • Bleed-off Valve and Screen Filter reduce plugging Service and replacement parts available ARMER BOY AG Sup OLESALE AGRICULTURAL SUPPLI Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 13, 2002-A3l Despite Storms, Drought Persists In Southeastern Pa, UNIVERSITY PARK (Centre Co.) Most of the slow-moving, drenching rainstorms that slogged through Pennsylvania during the last two months some how missed the southeastern cor ner of the state where a drought persists, according to an expert in Penn State’s College of Agricul same way they were 20 years ago,” Miller said. “Fair boards have to be more progressive and look at year-round uses for the fairgrounds.” “Washington County Fair Board had the foresight in plan ning the new buildings,” said Gerri Moore, president of the Pennsylvania State Association of County Fairs. “This is on the cutting edge,” she said. “Other fair boards will be looking at what they’ve done.” Airstream® Galvanized Fan • 36” and 50” diameter o. tural Sciences. Fourteen southeastern and southcentral counties are still under a stat >declared drought emergency, according to Bryan Swistock, water resources exten sion specialist. They include Bed ford, Fulton, Franklin, Cumber land, Adams, York, Lancaster, Chester, Delaware, Berks, Lacka NCBA Conducts Leadership Conference WASHINGTON, D.C. John Allen, Sarver, Butler County, was one of 42 beef producers who re cently completed a seven-day na tionwide tour as part of the Na tional Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA) Young Cat tlemen’s Conference (YCC). The 22-year-old program is designed to develop leadership qualities in young beef industry leaders, who were nominated by their respec tive state cattlemen’s associa tions. The May 30-June 7 YCC tour started in Denver, Colo., with an introduction to NCBA and a pre sentation on the beef industry’s strategic plan and direction. The group then participated in a Con tißeef case study, discussing cur rent industry issues. A Cattle Fax outlook presentation highlighted current cattle trends. Participants visited a King Soopers (Kfoger) grocery store, viewing the meat case and also toured Warren Analytical Lab, a state-of-the-art laboratory provid ing analytical services for the food and agricultural industries. Finally, they stopped by Con Agra Beef Company headquarters for a presentation and barbecue with top management. The group traveled across the country to see more aspects of the beef industry. In Kansas, the group visited Grant County Feed ers, a 112,000-head capacity feed yard. In Nebraska, the group toured a tannery and packing plant. The group then traveled to Chicago where they learned about futures trading and toured the Chicago Mercantile Ex change. They also met with the Bruss Company, a meat purvey or. The last stop of the YCC tour was Washington, D.C. The par ticipants first received an, issues YOUR PARTS ARE READY & WAITING. • Pick up the phone to order your parts & accessories for your car or truck. • We’ll ship them right to you. • In most cases if you call by 3PM your parts will be packed up and shipped the same day via UPS Ground (except week ends). The right parts, at the right time, right on the phone? Yes, We Do! T ip* -J National ‘u 1 m"I Auto Storoo OPEN 7 DAYS MON. - FRI. SAM TO 9PM SAT. & SUN BTO 5 TOLL FREE 1-877-227-1900 wanna, Schuylkill, Lehigh, and Northampton. Three eastern counties face a drought warning Bucks, Mont gomery, and Philadelphia and seven others are listed under a drought watch: Perry, Dauphin, Luzerne, Carbon, Monroe, Pike and Wayne. briefing from the NCBA-Wash ington staff that detailed top poli cy issues affecting cattlemen in the nation’s capitol. Then the group headed to Capitol Hill, where they had a unique opportu nity to meet with various mem bers of Congress and discuss poli cy issues most important to them. The Congressional Beef Cau cus Picnic on Capitol Hill, spon sored by NCBA, brought hun dreds of people together, including key members of Con gress, their staff, and major in dustry representatives. The group had informative meetings with top government officials, includ ing Karl Rove, senior adviser to the President and USDA Secre tary Ann Veneman. Finally, they toured and barbecued at White Stone Farms, a large Angus oper ation in Aldie, Va. The conference is co-sponsored by state and breed affiliates, IBP (part of the Tyson Foods Family), Contißeef and NCBA. John Allen