-Foraging Around, Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 13,2002 198 GRIFFIN, Ga. New sor ghums that flourish under day length conditions typical in the Unites States could result from a large-scale genetic screening program now being coordinated by Agricultural Research Ser vice scientists and coopera tors. The ARS Plant Genetic PFGC Changes Over The Years ( hci ilie p.iM ID scais ihcic lus been one name change ami M-M-ial leaileiclianjies m (he Pennsv Kama (’mini il as well as the National Oigam/alion I lie Pennsylvania Cmssliuul Council (PCit’) .is oigam/ed m l‘*()l) and all dialed with the Amei iesm hi assland Council (ACiC) m 1 1 >63 In 1968. as a icsnll ol Us continued growth anil image, and a majoi oigam/alional change to piov ule lor gieatci involvement by pin ale industi v. the American Grassland Council dunged its name to the Amei ican Forage and Grassland Council (AFGC) In 19/8 the name ol the Pennsylvania Grassland t annul was also dunged to the Pennsylvania Forage and Grassland Council (PI GO- to mote fully ieeogni7c the Council's mlc in suppoil ol the stale's loiagc-hvcsloek industry Dr. John F. Day lor, Penn State's Extension I mage Specialist, w.is the Inst ptesidenl of PGC and Chai les Wolgenuith. Genctal Managci Milton llcrshcy Fauns, its Inst Seetctaty-lieasurcr Bavlor seived as Picsideiit loi 2 yeais at which time he was named the Council's Executive Vice Ptesidenl Chat les Wolgemuth served as the Council’s Seeictaiy- Fieasuiei until Ins leave fiom Milton Ilcishcy Famis in 1908 at winch lime Richard C. Ilann. newly-appointed Superintendent of the Milton I letshey School Fauns, was elected as the Council's new Secictaiy -1 rcasuici. I lann has continued to serve in that capacity until the picscnl. Recently, in addition to his Secretary-Treasurer icsponsibihties, he was asked to assume live responsibilities of the Council's Executive Uuector, a new position. John E Baylor iclited from Penn State in 1983 but continued to save as the Council's Executive Vice Picsidcnl fot oncycai when Penn ’'tale's new Extension Eoiagc Specialist. Dr. Sidney Ituswoi th. .isMimctl liMl puMtiuii Hu.sworlli resigned hum I’ciiii Shile m 1989 .'-2t^.*jL..i£**Jr