Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 29, 2002, Image 61

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    Dairy Recipe Entries Wrap Up June Dairy Month
(Continued from Page B 16)
V* cup shredded Parmesan
2 tablespoons lemon juice
Cook linguinc according to
package directions. Meanwhile,
in a skillet over low heat, melt
butter. Stir in flour, salt, and pep
per until smooth.
Gradually stir in milk. Bring to
a boil and stir two minutes or
until thickened. Remove from
Combine cheese, toss with
lemon juice. Add to the sauce,
stir until Cheese begins to melt.
Drain linguine; add the cheese
sauce and toss to coat. Enjoy!
This is a very good recipe.
It’s just enough for two people,
but / double it for my family of
We live on a farm, but we
just sold our milk cows a year
ago. We are now raising re
placement heifers. I think my
husband and I and our children
needed a break after 20 years.
Some day my husband and I
would like to go back into
milking but God only knows.
So we are enjoying a little to
gether time with each other. I
hope you folks enjoy this reci
1 cup cinnamon sugar graham
cracker crumbs
3 tablespoons sugar
3 tablespoons melted butter
Preheat oven to 325 degrees.
Combine crumbs, sugar, and but
ter; press into bottom of 9-inch
springfomj at 325,. de
grees ror 10 minute/ Remove
from oven, and increase oven
temperature to 450 degrees.
3 8-ounce packages cream
cheese at room temperature.
V* cup sugar
2 tablespoons flour
3 large eggs
2 tablespoons milk
1 tablespoon vanilla extract or
1 teaspoon pure vanilla.
Combine softened cream
cheese, sugar, and flour, mixing
at medium speed until well
blended. Add eggs, one at a time,
mixing well after each addition.
Blend in milk and vanilla. Pour
mixture over crust. Bake at 450
degrees for 10 minutes. Reduce
oven temperature to 250 degrees,
continue baking 25-30 minutes
until toothpick or knife comes
out clean. Remove from oven to
wire rack, cool 5 minutes, then
run knife around cake pan to
loosen from rim of pan. Cool
completely before removing rim
of pan.
Make a clear sugar sauce:
Fourth Of July Initiative
Americans gear up to celebrate
life, liberty and the pursuit of
outdoor fun for the Fourth of
July holiday, the National Pork
Checkoffs Pork Information Bu
reau (PIB) is promoting all-
American pork ribs as a cele
bration of delicious independence
from everyday grilled meals.
The Checkoff-funded PIB this
year is showing consumers about
the versatility of pork ribs and
highlighting ribs as the natural
summer cookout choice for the
Fourth of July. A print and radio
initiative that focuses on ribs pre
pared with an ethnic twist is
being conducted as part of this
consumer effort.
Dairy royalty in the Brubaker family includes, from left,
Crystal, dairy ambassador; Candice, dairy darling, and
Heather, Lancaster County alternate dairy princess.
2 tablespoons flour
V*-Vi cup sugar
l'/2-2 cups water
Optional: 1 teaspoon lemon
Mix sugar and flour; slowly
work in water until smooth,.
Cook over medium heat or mi
crowave until thickened. Remove
from heat, cool.
Add fruit of choice: strawber
ries, cherries, blueberries, or kiwi
slices. Mix gently, spoon over
cheesecake, and serve, or spoon a
21-ounce can of cherry or blue
berry pie filling over cheesecake
to save time.
Helen Fester
2 eggs
1 tablespoon flour
1 tablespoon softened butter
1 tablespoon sugar
1 teaspoon salt
1 pint com, (Whole or creamed
1 cup milk.
Beat eggs and add ingredients.
Mix well and pour into buttered
casserole. Bake at 350 degrees
until firm on top, approximately
45 minutes. For topping, crumble
2 bread crusts in fine pieces while
V* cup butter browns. Toss crum
bs in brown butter and sprinkle
with salt.
V* to 1 pound ground beef
1 small onion, chopped
Salt and pepper to taste
1 16-ounce package frozen
tater tot potatoes
1 can cream of mushroom
soup (10 3 A ounces)
Vi soup can milk
1 cup (four ounces) shredded
cheddar cheese.
In a large skillet, brown the
meat and onion. Drain any fat.
Season with salt and pepper.
Place in a greased VA quart to 2
quart casserole dish. Top with
tater tots. Combine soup and
milk; pour over potatoes. Sprin-
The effort includes distribution
of a media kit to newspaper food
editors nationwide encouraging
them to write stories about the
versatility of barbecued pork ribs.
Also the kit includes three new
recipes featuring sauces with
multi-cultural influences.
To reach more Americans with
messages about ribs, representa
tives from the PlB’s spokesper
son network will conduct “DJ
Drops” at radio stations in 13 key
markets in the weeks leading up
to the Fourth of July.
Jill Appell, a pork producer
from Altoona, 111., and a member
of the Pork Checkoff Demand
Enhancement Committee, said,
Elizabeth Hauenstein
Forest City
Fannie Fisher
kle with cheese. Bake at 350 de
grees for 30-40 minutes. Yields
3-4 servings.
We really like this casserole.
Sometimes I put green beans on
top of the hamburger.
My husband Keith and I,
with our two children, Jennifer,
3, and Brenton, Vh, live on a
dairy farm near Annville. I re
ally enjoy the June dairy reci
Joanna Homing
2 quarts milk
1 cup evaporated milk
V* cup granulated sugar
Vi teaspoon salt
'A cup brown sugar
4 eggs
Vi cup flour
'A cup cornstarch
2 tablespoons butter
2 teaspoons vanilla
Vi teaspoon maple flavoring.
Pour milk and evaporated
milk into a saucepan. Add granu
lated sugar and salt. Cook over
medium heat until hot, but not
boiling. Beat together brown
sugar, eggs, flour, and corn
starch. Add a little hot milk and
stir. Pour into hot milk mixture
and bring to a boil, stirring con
stantly. Remove from heat. Whip
in butter and flavorings. Cover
with waxed paper and cool.
When cool, whip again, it will
make it lighter.
Top with the following:
2 cups whipped topping
Va cup graham cracker crumbs
1-2 tablespoons peanut butter
Spread whipped topping over
cooled pudding. Mix graham
cracker crumbs and peanut but
ter with a fork until it reaches de
sired consistency. Just before
serving, sprinkle over pudding.
Christine Brubaker
5 tablespoons butter
Vi cup sugar
Promotes Pork Ribs As Cookout Choice
“The DJ Drops will be a fun and
effective means of using public
relations to highlight pork ribs as
the natural choice for Fourth of
July celebrations. It also will
demonstrate that pofk ribs are
ideal to grill all summer.”
DJ Drops are visits to targeted
high-listenership radio stations
by trained spokespeople during
heavy-talk time periods, such as
the morning commute.
To make the visits fun and at
tention-getting, the spokespeople
will deliver all the fixings for an
outdoor barbecue to DJs, includ
ing the most important menu
item a mouth-watering sam
pling of “Latin Pork Back Ribs
with Smoky Pineapple-Mango
Vi cup milk
2'A teaspoons baking powder
V «teaspoon salt
'A teaspoon nutmeg
VA cups flour.
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Cream butter and sugar, and
beat in egg. Add dry ingredients.
Mix alternately with milk. Fill
greased muffin tins about half
full. Bake for 25 minutes. When
done, brush with melted butter
and roll in mixture of 'A cup
sugar and 'A teaspoon cinnamon.
Makes 1 dozen.
/ We have 45 cows on a dairy
farm, and a greenhouse I like
to wait customers off. I have a
sister and three brothers. Vm
11 years old. My birthday is
July 18.
Rose Smucker
3 tablespoons butter
2Vi cups uncooked macaroni
1 teaspoon salt
'A teaspoon pepper
Vi pound Velveeta cheese
1 quart milk.
Melt butter in 2-quart baking
dish. Pour macaroni into melted
butter; stir until butter coats mac
aroni. Slice cheese and dice; add
salt, pepper, cheese, and cold
milk to macaroni. Bake uncover
ed at 325 degrees for IVi hours.
Don not stir while baking. This
comes out of oven golden brown
and creamy.
This is a dish our whole
family likes and it uses a lot of
dairy products.
My husband, James, and I
live on a dairy farm with our
four children, Jennifer, 7; Mi
chael, 6; Amanda, 4; and Roe
land, 2. Dairy products are
often used in a lot of our meals.
Our youngest son is not satis
fied unless he has as glass of
milk with every meal!
Living on a farm is a great
place to raise a family.
Alma Burkholder
2 cups granulated sugar
Vi cup of m ilk
1 cup butter
10 marshmallows
6 ounces chocolate chips
Nuts (optional)
Cook sugar and milk to soft
ball stage. In a separate pan, over
low heat, melt butter, marshmal
lows, and chips. Mix the two and
add 1 teaspoon vanilla flavoring.
Nuts may be added if desired.
Pour into greased 8-inch by
8-inch pan and cool before cut
My husband and / still live
in a rural area of northern
Maryland. We still love being
outside city limits! Our chil
dren are all grown and mar
ried, but most live close to us.
We enjoy the B Section of
the paper and often try new rec
ipes. Keep up the good work!
Olivia Merryman
The goal is to inspire im- permarket meat case and to the
promptu on-air discussion about Checkoff-funded Web site, pork
pork and ultimately to drive con-
Whlteford, Md.
2 cups graham cracker crumbs
2 tablespoons sugar
Vi cup butter
4 8-ounce packages cream
cheese, softened
1% cups sugar
7 eggs
3 8-ounce cartons commercial
sour cream
1 tablespoon plus 1 teaspoon
vanilla extract.
Combine first 3 ingredients,
mixing well. Firmly press mix
hue into bottom of a greased
9-inch springform pan and chill
Beat cream cheese with an
electric mixer in a large mixing
bowl until light and fluffy. Grad
ually add VA cups sugar, mixing
well. Add eggs, one at a time,
beating well after each addition.
Stir in sour cream and vanilla;
mix well.
Pour mixture into pan. Bake at
350 degrees for 1 hour and S min
utes. Turn oven off. Allow
cheesecake to cool in oven 4
hours, (do not open oven door.)
Remove from oven. Loosely
cover; refrigerate 12 hours. Re
move sides from springform pan;
transfer cheesecake to a serving
platter. Cut into wedges and
serve on chilled dessert dishes
with strawberries or pie filling on
top. Yield: 12-16 servings.
Johnetta Pruitt
Boyce, Va.
1 3-ounce package gelatin, any
1 cup boiling water
1 cup milk.
Add boiling water to gelatin.
Stir until gelatin is dissolved.
Cool until it begins to thicken.
Add milk slowly, beating con
stantly. Refrigerate until Arm.
This is an easy dish to pre
pare and children love it. We
have three young children and
they all enjoy dairy products.
Marlene Martin
2 3-ounce packages vanilla in
stant pudding
3 cups milk
8 ounce package cream cheese
8 ounces whipped cream top
12 ounces Oreo cookies.
Mix milk and instant pudding.
Add cream cheese and whipped
topping, Beat together. Break
cookies in plastic bag or food pro
cessor. Line a 13-inch by 9-inch
dish with Vi of the cookies, then
pudding. Place remainder of
cookies on top.
This is a good recipe to dou
ble and take to a church din
ner. It is light and tasty after
you’ve already had a large
meal. It is, for sure, the most
favorite dessert of our family.
Betsy Derstine
(Turn to Page C 2)
sumer traffic to pork in the su-