Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 29, 2002, Image 55

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    Dairy Recipe Entries Wrap Up June Dairy Month
(Continued from Page B 14)
longer talk but would enjoy
cards from our readers. Her ad
dress is 1785 Quarry Road,
Lebanon, PA 17046.
2 packages yeast
1 cup warm water
2 cups milk, scalded
IV* cup shortening
1 cup sugar
3 teaspoons salt
4 eggs, well beaten
2 cups mashed potatoes
12 cups flour
2 teaspoons melted butter
Crumble yeast over lukewarm
water, scald milk, cool to
lukewarm. Cream shortening,
sugar, and salt; blend in eggs and
mashed potatoes.
Add yeast mixture to milk and
stir into creamed mixture. Add
flour to make soft dough.
Place in large greased bowl.
Rub the melted butter over it.
Cover, let rise in warm place
until doubled. Punch down, let
Pinch off dough into cookie
size and roll (they don’t need to
be perfectly round) and lay on
greased cookie sheet. Let rise.
Bake at 350 degrees, which
may vary in ovens, for 15-20 min
utes or until golden brown. Cut
them in the middle and fill with
your favorite icing. Delicious!
Hello from White Birch
My husband Curvin and /
with our two children, Ryan,
five, and Jessica, three, live on
a 120-acre dairy farm. We milk
90 cows and raise all our heif
Life on the farm is busy, but
a niff,place fo t raise a family.
The'children enjoy feeding the
calves and helping Daddy with
other small farm chores.
Lancaster Farming is always
extra special in June, we’re
anxious to see all the recipes
and hope to try some new ones!
Have a safe and happy sum
Ruth Ann Weaver
1 cup butter
1 cup shortening
2 cups granulated sugar
3 eggs
3 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons vanilla
4V4 cups flour
16 ounces cream cheese
4 cups confectioners’ sugar
5 tablespoons flour
2 teaspoons vanilla
V/2 cups chocolate chips
6 tablespoons butter
Before baking, press a hole in
the center of the cookie. When
cool, sinead filling on top of the
cookie and a drop of topping on
top of the filling. Bake at 350 de
grees 8-10 minutes or until the
cookies are slightly brown at the
edges. Yield: 10 dozen.
We like to use this recipe for
cookie exchanges, gatherings,
or Just for our family at home
on the farm. The combination
of cookie, filing, and chocolate
make it an enjoyable treat any
time, anywhere!
Thank you for publishing
such an interesting newspaper;
it is usually the highlight of
Saturday evenings to browse
through the Lancaster Fanning
and see what’s new in the farm
ing, buying, selling, and cook
ing line. Keep up the good
1 baked 9-inch pie crust
2 cups milk
3 tablespoons butter
Vi cup sugar
2 eggs
2 tablespoons cornstarch
X A teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon vanilla
Vi cup peanut butter
Wi cups confectioners’ sugar
1 cup whipping cream
Put milk, butter, and sugar in
a heavy saucepan and heat until
almost boiling.
Beat together eggs, cornstarch,
and salt, and add to milk, stirring
all the time until thick. (I like to
add a little of the hot milk to egg
mixture before pouring into the
milk. I also use a wire whisk as
the pudding gets smoother). Add
one teaspoon vanilla.
Mix peanut butter and confec
tioner’s sugar together to make
crumbs. Save two tablespoons
crumbs to put on top of pie.
Sprinkle the rest of the crumbs in
the bottom of the pie crust and
pour warm pudding on top. Let
cool, then whip one cup whip
ping cream and put on top of pie.
Sprinkle crumbs on top.
This pie is my husband and
three sons’ favorite pie. I used
to work as a cook at a restau
rant where I learned to make it.
Although we don’t live on a
farm my husband and I both
grew up on a dairy farm and
our sons, ages 5 and 3 years old
and a one-year-old, love to go
to the uncle’s farm about a
quarter mile down the road
from us.
The Martin family of Denver Includes A.J., Hannah, An
drea, Josh, Anna, Neil, Nona, Brenda, Jon, Gene, Chris,
and Dale.
V/i cups graham cracker
'A cup sugar
Vi cup butter, melted
24 ounces cream cheese, soft
1 cup packed brown sugar
15-ounce can solid pack
2 tablespoons cornstarch
VA teaspoon ground cinna
Vi teaspoon ground nutmeg
5-ounce can evaporated milk
2 eggs
32 ounces sour cream
'/a cup sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Additional ground cinnamon
In a bowl, combine crumbs
and sugar; stir in butter. Press
onto the bottom and V/i inches
Mary Zook
up the sides of a greased 9-inch
spring form pan.
Bake at 350 degrees for 5-7
minutes or until set. Cool for 10
In a mixing bowl, beat cream
cheese and brown sugar until
smooth. Add the pumpkin, corn
starch, cinnamon and nutmeg;
mix well.
Gradually beat in milk and
eggs just until blended. Pour into
Place pan on a baking sheet.
Bake at 350 degrees for 55-60
minutes or until center is almost
set. Combine the sour cream,
sugar, and vanilla; spread over
filling. Bake five minutes longer.
Cool on a wire rack for 10
minutes. Careftilly run a knife
around the edge of the pan to
loosen; cool one hour longer.
Chill overnight.
Remove sides of pan. Let
stand at room temperature 30
minutes before slicing. Sprinkle
with cinnamon. Refrigerate left
overs. Yield 12-14 servings.
This is a good dessert to
serve when our family gets to
gether for a holiday meal. My
husband and / have three sons,
two of whom are married and
we have five grandchildren.
V* cup chopped onion
4 tablespoons butter
2 tablespoons flour
Vi cup water
8 ounces Velveeta cheese
3 eggs
Vi cup bread crumbs
1-pound package frozen chop
ped broccoli
2 tablespoons butter
Place broccoli in colander to
Irene Homing
thaw and drain. Saute onion and
butter. Stir in flour and water.
Cook over low heat, stirring
until mixture thickens and comes
to a boil Add cheese and cook
until cheese is melted.
Combine broccoli and sauce.
Beat eggs well and add to mix
ture gently.
Pour into greased 11/:-quartI 1 /:-quart
casserole. Cover with bread
crumbs and set with two table
spoons butter.
Bake at 350 degrees for 30-40
This is a recipe our family
enjoys and hopefully your fam
ily will, also. I look forward to
your weekly paper and Home
on the Range and Cook’s Ques
tions, also Ida’s newsy articles.
I especially look forward to all
the June recipes for lots of new
recipes. Happy cooking.
Anna Martin
In mixing bowl combine cream
cheese and sugar. Add eggs, milk,
butter, lemon juice, and vanilla.
Beat until smooth.
Add dry ingredients to cream
cheese mixture and mix just until
Fold in apples and bran flakes.
Fill muffin cups 2 A lull. Combine
topping ingredients and sprinkle
over batter.
Bake at 37S degrees for 20-25
minutes. Yield: 1 dozen.
Dwane and I live on a small
farm with our four children;
Christopher, 9; Heidi, 6; Jere
my, 4, and Nicole, 2.
We enjoy living in the coun
try where the children have lots
of space to play They enjoy
helping to care for the animals
too. We enjoy Lancaster Farm
ing especially the B section.
1 frying chicken, cut up
'/« cup flour
X A cup butter, melted
1 teaspoon onion, chopped
1 cup light cream
1 can cream of mushroom
1 cup mild Cheddar cheese,
Dash salt
Dash pepper
Dash paprika
Roll chicken in flour and place
skin down in melted butter in a
9x13-inch baking dish. Bake un
covered at 425 degrees for 30
In a bowl mix cream, soup,
cheese, salt, and pepper and pour
over chicken. Sprinkle with pa
prika. Cover with foil and bake at
325 degrees for 20 minutes.
Serve with rice. Makes 4-6
My husband and I enjoy this
quick and easy recipe. It’s also
a very nice company dish. I
Norma Van Hom
The Newswanger family includes Dwane and Karey
along with children Christopher, 9; Heidi, 6; Jeremy, 4;
and Nicole, 2.
3 ounces cream cheese
3 A cup sugar
2 eggs
'A cup milk
'A cup butter, melted
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 teaspoon vanilla
VA cups flour
VA teaspoons baking powder
'A teaspoon baking soda
A teaspoon salt
1 cup diced, peeled apples
'A cup crushed bran flakes
I I A teaspoon sugar
1 teaspoon cinnamon
Karey Newswagner
don’t have to spend a lot of
time in the kitchen. I can spend
that time with my friends and
family. That’s what life is all
about, isn’t it.
Darlene Heisey
Mt. Pleasant Mills
2 cups dry macaroni
3 cups milk
2-3 cups cubed Velveeta cheese
2 cups cooked cubed ham
2 tablespoons dry onion or one
fresh onion
2 cans cream of mushroom
Vi quart frozen peas
Vi quart frozen corn
Mix together. Pour into a
6-quart casserole dish. Let it set
overnight or make early Sunday
morning. Bake Vh hours at 350
Mary Martin
New Holland
3 tablespoons minute tapioca
3 tablespoons sugar
1 or 2 eggs, separated
2 tablespoons sugar
Vi teaspoon salt
2 cups milk
3 A teaspoon vanilla
Mix tapioca, salt, 3 tablespoons
sugar, milk, and egg yolks in pan.
Let stand five minutes.
Beat egg whites until foamy;
gradually beat in two tablespoons
sugar, beating to soft peaks. Set
Cook tapioca mixture over me
dium heat to a full boil, stirring
constantly 6-8 minutes. Gradu
ally add to beaten egg whites,
stirring until just blended. Stir in
vanilla. Serve warm or chilled.
This is quick and easy to
make. Since we live on a dairy
farm, there’s always plenty of
milk. We also have a few chick
ens to supply us with eggs.
/ always look forward to
June Dairy Month recipes.
We with you all a happy and
healthy summer.
Alverta Zeiset
2'A cups cooked mashed car-
1 tablespoon chopped onion
3 tablespoons melted butter
3 egg yolks, beaten
1 cup bread crumbs
2 cups rich milk
2 tablespoons sugar
V 2 teaspoon salt
Dash pepper
3 stiffly beaten egg whites
(Turn to Page B 16)