Growers Learn New Pruning Methods At Franklin County Field Day DAVE LEFEVER Lancaster Farming Staff WAYNESBORO (Frank lin Co.) For tree fruit growers, pruning can be as much of an art as a science. While accepting some gen- Penn State plant pathologist Jim Travis points out canker on a peach tree. Pruning helps to prevent this fungal disese by increasing sunlight and air exposure to the branches. The Kauffman peach trees have few problems with canker. • *’ xs. We don't thfnk so. Blake has information and experience with new an< existing ROGERS® brand squash varieties that are right for your area and may return you more profit. Blake can help! Call him today. He is committed to your success. eral pruning guidelines, sea soned experts usually combine them with their own unique approach to the job. “If you put 50 horticultur alists together (for a pruning demonstration), the trees Siegers EED CO. Blake Myers (877) 879-1407 would not look the same,” said Rob Crassweller of Penn State’s horticulture depart ment. Crassweller joined local fruit growers for a March hands-on pruning field day at the Paul Hess farm north of Waynesboro. About 20 people participated in the workshop, featuring Gala apple and Baby Gold peach trees. Crassweller demonstrated an apple tree pruning tech nique relatively new to the region. Called the “vertical axe” or “French axe,” the goal is to simplify and reduce the amount of labor involved in pruning. One of the principles of this method is to avoid cut ting off the top of the tree the central leader in favor of letting it “go its natural way,” Crassweller said. Tra ditionally, apple growers have topped the central leader to limit its growth and invigorate lateral growth. But that makes for more pruning work in subsequent years to thin out new shoots that grow as a result of the cut. “Once you make that cut, you always have to fight (the increased number of shoots),” Crassweller said. A top cut might result in three new shoots the following year and increase to six or seven Call MO-M2-4MB lor a FREE catalog or vialt 4,*. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 18,2002, Grower and Marketer- Rob Crassweller of the Penn State Horticulture De partment demonstrates pruning on a Baby Gold peach tree. Paul Hess of Paul’s Country’s Market is in the background. shoots the year after, he upward growth and encour noted- age lateral branching. In the French axe method, Another characteristic of the weight and numbers of the French axe method is that fruit growing on the central i arge r branches are pruned leader serve to limit its (Turn to Page 14) iL£WI>LKg£ , • ROMAINE • BOSTON (Bibb) v • RED OAK LEAF Retail - Wholesale ' Harvested Daily At The Peak Of Freshness. Grown Year ‘Round In Controlled Environment Greenhouse. Highly Nutritious Clean Fresh flavorful 1396 Fish And Game Rd., East Berlin, PA 17316 Cell 717/324-0951 _ 201