16-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 11, 200: B More Mail Box Markets Appear On On Page C 2 MAILBOX MARKET FOR SALE Chickens, brown egg lay ers. Year old, rhubarb for freezing or eating. Lane. Co. 717-285-4335. JD tractor 8263250, Old farm bell. Inf. earcom grinder, walking hillside plows, cultivators, 1905 ice box with slate shelves, exc. cond. Chester Co. 610-869-9597. Two steel wheeled JD plows one very old, other uses cyl. iron butcher pots. Stotweory hoy press. Chester Co. 610-869-9597. Air tire changer coats 40-40-SA. Clean $1,200. Gray 100 air bumper lack 5000 lb. $4OO. Emglo gas air comp. 5.0 Honda wheelbarrow type $5OO. Luzerne Co. (570) 455-6162. Bee Hives for sale. Deep singles, 2002 Queens $44. each on 4 way pallets or bottom boards. Lycoming Co. (570)998-8417. Harrow with automatic trash release. 24 foot, grain or hay elevator. Poplar lumber. Berks Co. 610-678-9326. JD GM #18707 1946 runs good, chains for 33-12.5x15 turf tires, Scot tish highland heifer calf, and bull calf. Lane, Co. 717-786-6059. N.H. 311 baler, well main tained, very good cond., delivery poss., Ind. Co. Call eves. 724-478-2963. Ford Aerostar Van XL 1993 inspected till 02-11, needs heater core and some trans. work. $2OOO. Lane. Co. 717-529-6068. New Holland 1002 bale stacker wagon $2,400; Massey Furgeson 300 self propelled combine 11' grain head, $2,700; GC, In diana 724-254-2291. HG wide gauge crawler new paint, orange, good cond. $3200. 1950 JP-A new clutch, brakes, paint, $3200. Lehigh Co. 610-533-1330. 770 Case gas tractor N.F. Cat H 3 point power shift used tires 900 R-20 10R 22.5. Northumberland Co. 570-=538-2106. Hyster 20,000 lb. forklift has rebuilt 4-53 Detroit diesel engine, single mast, new grower steering unit, $6500 obo. Chest r Co. 610-458-8433. Onan diesel generator, taken from yacht, 2 cyl, 1800 rpm, runs fine, 7.5 KW. low hours. Make offer. Chester Co. 610-913-7009. 2 wooden wagon wheels, 54 Vi dla, 2 Vi" x ’/i" rim spokes need replaced. Best offer. Call, Iv. msg. Hardford Co. 410-838-4682. SHP chipper $75. 11 HP Sears riding mower, $2OO. Truck cap $75. Kayak 14.5 ft. $3OO. Delaware Co. 610-459-3347. New Holland manure spreader Model 125, like new. $2500. Berks Co. 610-488-6177. : — — good shape, $7OO. IH 1300 Worthington air cooled pftmanless mowers, also compr. AA-25-L. Oilfield buying Cub Cadets, dead skid mounted. Suction un- or alive. Lane. Co. loaders. Serviced, clean, 717.336-3411. painted. Run w.belt pulley ———: rrrr — . off pwr. unit. $4OO. Onon 1990 P^is Co. 315-673-9807. 250 trail ?°H l^r ad S exc. cond. $1,700. JD 1990 GMC Suburban 4x4 STX46 lawn mower, 35t0 auto 8 pass., barn- hydro, $1,450. Leb. Co. doors front 8. rear, A/C, 717-866-0433. Commercial sewing"W Ain k AOA Chest Ca chines. Singer 211 V walk -610-696-2605. ing foot, Adler 220 double JD 32A sprayer 200 gal. needle 30" long arm, for hyd. drive 30ft. boom, canvas, nylon, uphol s2so. Montg. Co. stery. Lane. Co. 610-948-4658. 717-733-1157. 1982 JD 4420 combine Formal) C tractor with very good cond. Shed hyd. cultivators, like new kept. A/C, asking $11,500. rear tires, runs good, Lehigh Co. 610-767-4818. flood tin, easy to restore, Adams Co. 717-334-2726. 424 stainless steel Wea- w pTn » verllne cart good cond. ™KW PTO g«i. & $l2OO. Delaval milker with cart, $lOOO, 1 late style vacuum pulsa- h^/whote tion $l5O. JD 35 Harvest er $5OO. Lane. Co. » g 1; Ca ' 717-445-4637. 410-836-1252. Reg. Scotch Highland heif ers, bull calf. One to 24 months. Completely grass fed. Championship lineage. $BOO to $950. York Co. 717-840-4184. JD 6908 extavator, good cond. $11,500 obo. 93 Ford F 250 superod XLT 7.3 die sel 72,000 miles, $12,000. Call after 9 pm Lehigh Ca 215-541-0984. Lancfc>ride 5' 3pt finish mower $995; IH-510 grain/grass drill $1700; Yanmar 335-D 4WD $5,800. All good. Ross. De livery. Halifax Co. 434-585-2461. Belsaw 12 planer needs work, $lOO. 50 gal oil tank with hand pump, $75. Berks Co. 610-777-6352. 3 Hereford cows, nice, due mid June, $B5O ea Lane Co. 717-687-7096. 1989 Pacearrow motor home 34' sleeps six. Dual a/c, full kitchen,k generator, $9500. Trade? JD Skidsteer $lOOO trade sadde/tack, milk cow. Warren NJ. 908-813-0987. Anderson series E# rock picker $2,000 obo. 1966 Ford 850 fire pumper in tact engine, needs work, make offer. Monf. Co. 301-253-1481. John Deere 14ft. AW disc 3 pt. cement mixer $BOO. 68 Ford F-700, 18' grain box, A-1 running condi tion. Susquehanna Co. 570-934-2120. Chickens, brown egg lay ers. Year old. rhubarb for freezing or eating. Lane. Co. 717-285-4335. Ear corn approx. 15 ton. Northampton Co. 610-746-9749. 10' dump trailer, gas en gine powered, 2 5/16 ball electric brakes, 2 way gate, tanden axle, $l3OO obo. 23' boat. $5OOO. York Co. 717-764-0316. Radial 20.8R38 + tube 55% rubber $3OO. 95LX14 tire 8. tube 45% rubber. $2O. Northampton Co. 610-252-1344. David Bradley two wheel with plow lawn roller cul tlvertor brush hog, $3OO. Columbia Co. 759-570-8330. I I Antique Tractors ■ 28-50 Hart Parr ! Needs Total , Restoration $3,500 22-40 Hart Parr Nice Original Tractor, Needs Engine Work $9,500 12-24 Hart Parr Nice Original Tractor, Disassembled, Needs Restoration Completed $5,500 18-32 Crossmotor Case Running Condition, Needs Minor Repairs $5,500 12-20 Crossmotor Case Needs Total Restoration, Partly Disassembled S*,7SO 17-30 Minneapolis Crossmotor, Running Condition, Needs Minor Repairs $5,500 T-20 International Harvester Crawler Original Running Cond, Like New Undercarriage $3,500 Fordson Rand Roller Needs Restoration $*,750 Tt»e Red Shed 180 Paks Grove Cohgansey Rd. Bridgeton NJ 08302 856-455-4493 after 6 pm E-mail theredshed@aol.com Pictures Available Upon Request ■ * esites* See pages 823-830 98 20 hp. Wheel Horse tractor, hydraulic con trols 48" deck with vac bagger. Excellent cond. $3,000. Lane Co. (717) 548-3323. IH 440 baler with thrower, excellent cond. $l,lOO, Gehl silo filler with table, engine from JD 12A com bine. York Co. (717) 927-6293. 4230 D sleeve set $l5O. 1219 or 1209 S/N 285000 up $65. New knife Holland 3R transplanter $l,lOO. Luzerne Co. (570) 788-1508. Aluma poles 2-24; pumps, benches, roof braces, shoes $9OO. AKima planks 24’L X 12" W $4OO. 20'L x 12" W $3OO. Luzerne Co. (570) 455-6162. Circulation Main: 717-394-3047 717-721-4412 • 717-721-4411 Monday, Wednesday & Friday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Thursday 7:00 am to 5:00 pm Fill in your name, address, telephone number Check appropriate payment box *52 issues - $36 00 104 issues - $65 00 in PA, MD, DE, NJ, NY, OH, VA, WV * All other states 52 issues - $47.00 Outside US- Call for price quote Payment must accompany order - Allow three weeks for subscription to start Cut your mail label from a recent issue and place in the space provided below. Write your new address and telephone number on the form below In addition, provide a requested date for address change to take effect. Send 3 to 4 weeks prior to your requested date. Renewals Lancaster Farming will send a renewal notice to you prior to the expiration date of your subscription You may renew your subscription using the form below To insure proper credit for your subscription - Attach Your Mailin from a recent Lancaster Farming issue and check the appropriate payment boxes. Please send this form & payment to: Lancaster Farming PO Box 609 Ephrata, PA 17522 (Check appropriate Boxes) Rates Effective Through 04/30/03 □ New Subscription □ Renewal - Attach Mailing Label Above □ Address Change - Attached Mailing Label Above Date to Change / / DE. NJ. NY. OH. VA. WV All Other States □ $36.00 -1 yr (52 issues) □ $47.00 -1 yr (52 issues) □ $65.00 - 2 yrs (104 issues) □ $87.00 - 2 yrs (104 issues) Name Address + 4 □ I have enclosed a Check/Money Order □ AmEx □ Please charge my credit card □MC □ Visa □ Discover uni i i i i i i rrm Signature for Credit Card Payment Only NON REFUNpABLp John Deere 50 restored good engine, new paint, 2 cvl, 1954 new decals, new seat, $4500 obo. Ask Jake. Juniata Co. 717-436-5570. Go-cart everything new! Engine, shp Briggs, Torq - converter, chain, sprock ets, tires. $6OO. 5 Max on radios with extras. $250. Cecil Co. 410-398-7680. Antique ABC wringer washer. Good cond., cast iron roasting pot, blue, outside with tulips, made In Holland, oval. Cecil Co. 410-398-7680. Rabbits ready to go, very cute and fuzzy, very tame, $lO a piece. Grey and white. Dauphin Co. 717-692-4751. ICRIPTI NEW SUB; CLIP HERE Renewal - Change of Address Lancaster Farm! Attach Your Mail Label Here Telephone (credit card number) 1997 Toyota Tacoma 4x4 ext. cab, black, automatic V 6, sun roof, aßov wheels, CD, 59,000 miles. Lane. Co. 717-484-4191. 1950 s Cushman motor scooter, does not run, turns over. $350 obo. Standard twin tractor, doesn't run. $l5O. Lane. Co. 717-336-3411. Ml 12A ground drive ma nure spreader, like new, hauled 295 loads & manu al book. $l2OO. Bobcat skid loader 610 hrs, hook for backhoe, $4500. 717-354-9144. Cub Cadet 108 with mower deck, runs good, $550. Original Cub Cadet needs restored with mower, $5OO. Lane. Co. 717-336-341.. 104 issues - $87.00 Label State exp date m t '4
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