York County Society 26 York County Society of Farm Women 26 conducted its Febru ary meeting at Eat and Park Res taurant in New Cumberland. Nine members were present. President Jan Sechler con ducted the business meeting. Donations were made to the Heart Association, Cancer Fund, and American Diabetes Associa tion. The Spring Rally will be con ducted at the York Expo Center on May 15. Christine Erdman from the £ * I I I i • P.S. - Don’t Forget Your Father-In-Law! 7 ij 1 PLEASE SEND MY FATHER LANCASTER FARMING Jfl W I \ PA, NJ, OH, MD, DE Jft ny.va&wv (Check One) uj I □ $36.00 -1 YEAR « \| L □ $65.00 - 2 YEARS □ NEW SUBSCRIPTION Vi If/ OTHER STATES □ RENEWAL W JR |/ □ $47.00-1 YEAR «U // , />L a $87.00 - 2 YEARS ft* 7/1 ENCLOSED IS A /| Jk* □ CHECK □ CASH □ MONEY ORDER □ VISA □MC □ DISC. JkJ jjpj, * M (To help correctly cod* your address, please furnish COMPLETE address At an example, Include number of prj f/ J m ■ It th# dwelling, street name, city end state. When appropriate, Include other specific information such as suite, M Jry mJjR apartment, floor, box number, etc. If you have an R.D., please Include Box Number) jSr lS NAME \| W Jk | ADDRESS 4&I * / CITY STATE SJ Y l£t ZIP+4 COUNTY Jt\ Y Send Gift Card From 4A ivf Credit Card # iFi if Send us your coupon now with your payment to: / Lancaster Farming & <A P.O. Box 609 Cj Ephrata, PA 17522 VJ Jr Allow 2 weeks for delivery of your first issue. We can also Jr add 1 year to existing subscriptions sent in for renewal. Cardiac Unit spoke on problems of the heart, strokes, etc. Members celebrating birthdays in February were Martha Huston and Evelyn Beshore. The groups’ March meeting was also at Eat and Park with 11 members attending. The group will entertain Group 30 from York. Donations were made to Salva tion Army and Red Land Li brary. The program was on Saint Patrick’s Day. Evelyn Beshore gave a reading on the Irish holi day. Game prizes were won by Doris Beshore and Doris Good lander. Lancaster County Society 18 Lancaster Women Society 18 met on April 20. Mary Lou Shel ton was hostess to 19 members and guests. President Mildred Kreider called the meeting to order. Roll call response was to name the president in office on the date Subscription Price: $36.00 per year; $65.00 - 2 years $47.00 per year outside of: PA, NJ, OH, MD, DE, NY, VA &WV of one’s birth. Devotions were led by Martha Stoner on the theme of prayer. Prayer is for every mo ment of our lives, not only for troubled times. The attitude of prayer present always in our hearts and minds. Henry Reist, the ‘popcorn man,’ fluently described the farmers especially in Pennsylva nia and Ohio who have added the growing popcorn seed, to the seeds they have been planting traditionally to fill out the hill use of their fields. Many varieties are available. The shape is a de sirable mushroom one. Much moisture in the seed to make a good popcorn. Saudi Arabia is a good market overseas. Reist passed a half dozen bowls around for the ladies to taste. Some kinds had sugar added. One bowl was a lovely pink. A new variety pops in three minutes in the microwave. After committee reports and spring rally news, the meeting was dismissed. I I Maryland Seminar Introduces Food Editors To Beef Value Cuts DENVER, Colo. Food edit ors from Better Homes and Gar dens, Southern Living, Parents, Good Housekeeping and other key publications were intro duced to the new beef value cuts and discussed other new prod ucts and beef industry trends at a seminar hosted by the beef in dustry’s R & D Ranch. The seminar was conducted April 8-9 in Queenstown, Md. The effort was a project of Food Communications, funded by beef producers through their sl-per-head checkoff and coor dinated for the Cattlemen’s Beef Board (CBB) and state beef councils by the National Cattle men’s Beef Association (NCBA). A total of 11 editors/writers, representing a circulation of more than 20.6 million, partici pated in this event. It was the first news media group to be given hands-on experience cook ing and tasting dishes using beef value cuts, said Bob Rolston, cattle buyer from Englewood, Colo, and chairman of the CBB/NCBA Public Relations Subcommittee. The editors also took part in making their own cheeseburger fries. Editors at the seminar were also given a ranch tour of the University of Maryland’s Beef Cattle Research and Education Ranch. “We wanted to educate these influential editors on the value of beef value cuts, how they’re different, and how they’re cut and cooked,” said Rolston. “The idea is for them to go back out IHEATMOR OUTDOOR WOOD FURNACES c*»: n Wc C4««i 888-763-8617 800-743-5883 stainless Meel Jamestown, NY Staunton, VA h■ r For Value-Added Sales or for Personal Use 1 i Process meat easily and affordably with Chop- i ■ Rite Two Meat Processors. Make sausage for your J own use or to sell. Save time and money and have ■ ■ the freshest ground meat ever. 1 SIJSi Made,n ■ :*f\ ly J *4 Prices ® As Low As i m i Call 1-800-683-5858 ™®a mm. [us a] Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 11,2002-815 and communicate their experi ences with consumers who will help boost the demand for beef.” The beef industry created beef value cuts using information from its Muscle Profiling study. As a result of the study, funded through the checkoff program, the industry has introduced a new product line of moderately priced cuts from the underuti lized chuck and round. The new cuts help meat processors, man ufacturers, retailers, foodservice operators and cattle producers improve overall profitability while supplying more options to the consumer. “This was another important step in the process of introduc ing the new beef value cuts to consumers. The food editors play a major role in commu nicating beef information to con sumers,” said Carl Blackwell, NCBA’s executive director of new product development and culinary initiatives. “This initia tive creates products that are a great fit for today’s lifestyles - which is why the beef value cuts initiative was just recognized as one of the Top 10 Product Inno vations by National Provisioner for 2001. Such new cuts as the Flat Iron Steak, Shoulder Ten der, and Sirloin Tip Steak offer tremendous potential.” Blackwell said the beef value cuts program is intended to offer greater benefits to cattle produc ers by enhancing the value of and increasing demand for un dervalued beef primals. 4 Sizes - 18 Colors - Wood or Cool Grates Forced Draft - Ash Auger Clean Out COMPARISON WITH OTHER OUTDOOR UNITS • Burns up to 1/2 less wood • Emits up to 1/2 less smoke • Corrosion Warranty up to 10 times longer Dealerships Available in some areas Eastern US Distributor Outback Heating Inc. 531 Old Skippack Rd. Harleysviile, PA 19438 on the Web: www.chop-rlte.com
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