A42-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 11,2002 Jersey Shore Livestock Market, Inc. Jersey Shore, Pa. Report Supplied By Auction Thursday, May 9,2002 RETURN TO FARM CALF: 100.00- 660 00. GOOD VEAL- 50.00-99.00. COMMON VEAL. 30.00-49.00. CHOICE STEERS 66.00-69.50 SELECT STEERS: 62.00-65.00. COMMON STEERS: 50.00-61.00. COMMERCIAL COWS- 39 00-46 50. C ANNERS/CUTTERS- 37 00-44 00 SHELLS. 27 00TO 36.00. CHOICE HEIFERS: 65.00-67.00. SELECT HEIFERS 62.00-64 00 COMMON HEIFERS: 50.00-61.00. GOOD FEEDERS: 65.00-85.00. COMMON FEEDERS. 50.00-64.00. BULIS 5000-57 75 Eastern Corn Belt Direct Hogs Des Moines, lowa May 7,2002 Report Supplied By USDA EASTERN CORN BELT DIRECT DAILY HOGS, for Tues., May 7, as of 1.30 p.m. CURRENT VOLUME TODAY: Pro ducer Sold: Negotiated Actual; 17,324; head; Other Market Formula. 5,478; Swine or Pork Market Formula: 31,474; Other Purchase Arrangement; 3,247; Packer Sold (All purchase types); Actual today 613 NEGOTIATED PURCHASES (In cluding packer sold)- BARROWS AND GIL LS 13,303 head. Compared to prior day’s close, mostly 1.00 higher. Base Market Hog, 185 lb Carcass Basis, Plant Delivered (9-1.1 inch backfat, 6 sq. in. loin/2.0 depth)- Range. $37.00-46.60, wtd avg $42 50. Prior week’s average market hog, (measurements based on slaughter data submitted). 198 2 lb carcass based, plant delivered (0.82 inch backfat, 6.75 sq. inch loin/2.25 inch loin depth) FFLI: 50 07%, price range $4O 76-48.72. Purchase volume by state of origin. Alabama 380; Delaware 142; Georgia 1,167; Illinois 17,969; Indiana 16,051; Kentucky 1,633, Maryland 70; Michigan 6,221; Mississippi 1,562; New York 367; North Carolina 7.127; Ohio 6,214; Penn sylvania 3,562; South Carolina 755; Ten nessee 802; Virginia 59; Wisconsin 2,086. Eastern Cornbelt Direct Feeder Cattle Weekly Springfield, 111. May 3,2002 Report Supplied By USDA Eastern Cornbelt Direct Feeder Cattle Summary for Illinois, Indiana, Michi gan, and Ohio: Feeder steers and heifers were 0.50-2 00 lower in a light market test Trading activity was slow and demand was light. Receipts this week: 26% beef type steers, 23% Holstein steers ind 51% heifers Confirmed sales 450 enter* See pages 823-830 this week, 750 a week ago and 1050 a year ago. Feeder Steers Medium and Large Frame 1-2 725-850 lbs 75.50-79 50 Holstein Steers Large Frame 3 load lot 950 lbs 57 00 Feeder Heifers. Medium and Large Frame 1-2. 650-700 lbs 78.00-80.00. Prices are based FOB the farm unless otherwise indicated. Delivered prices in clude freight, commissions, and other expenses Young Turkey Parts And Bulk Meat Des Moines, lowa May 7,2002 Report Supplied By USDA NATIONAL YOUNG TURKEY PARTS AND BULK MEAT, Frozen, unless specified, cents per lb, delivered lirsl receivers, part and full trucklots, as of May 7.2002. Thigh meat undertone was steady to sometimes barely steady Demand mixed and ranged slow to moderate with interest varying by processor and plant location Offerings uneven with avail ability dependant upon destination re quirements. Hen bulk parts undertone was fully steady to firm on 2-Jomt wings, mostly steady on full-cut wings, barely steady necks and drums. Tom bulk parts undertone was steady to instances firm mostly steady to fully steady on drums with some isolated unsettledness noted, 2-jomt wings at least steady, full-cut wings steady to instances fully steady, necks barely steady. Bulk parts demand ranged from slow on necks and hen drums to sometimes good on tom drums, balance fair Offerings of necks and hen drums were adequate to ample, full-cut wings light to adequate, tom drums and 2-jomt wings light at best, hen 2-joint wings short of buyers’ needs. Trading centered on heavy volume of fresh mechanically separated and on a fair volume of fresh tom breast meat for cur- rent shipments. DOMESTIC TRADING- BREASTS. 4-8 lbs Grade A - avg 95 00, Fresh avg. 154 00; Plant Grade - 92.73. DRUM STICKS TOM - avg 25 33; HEN - avg, 24 00. WINGS, FULL-CUT: TOM - avg. 24.00; HEN - avg. 24.00. WING, V TYPE: TOM - avg. 28.00; HEN - none. NECKS: TOM - avg. 18.00; HEN - none. BREASTS, B/S, TOM avg. 129.00. THIGH MEAT - avg. 57.00. BREAST TRIM MEAT - avg. 88.00. SCAPULA MEAT - avg. 88.00. TENDERLOINS - avg. 119.00. DESTRAPPED TENDERS - avg. 120.00; Fresh 128.13. WING MEAT WITH SKIN - avg. 64.00. MECHANICALLY SEPARATED - avg 11 00, fresh 11.29 EXPORT TRADING: DRUM STICKS TOMS - avg. 23.97. WINGS, FULL-CUT: TOM - avg. 24.00. WINGS V-TYPE; - TOMS - avg. 28.50. TAILS 23 58. MECHANICALLY SEPA RATED: avg. 12.00 THIGH MEAT - avg 56.00. NTION ONEERS!! A Reminder orial Day Is May 27 y to get your ADS In EARLY National Sheep Summary San Angelo, Texas May 7,2002 Report Supplied By USDA At midwest market centers slaughter lambs and feeder lambs steady, slaugh ter ewes steady to 2.00 lower. At New Holland, slaughter lambs steady to 10.00 higher; slaughter ewes steady to 10.00 lower No comparison at Billings At San Angelo, slaughter lambs 2.00- 500 lower, slaughter ewes weak; feeder lambs 1.00-3.00 lower, instances 5.00 lower on lambs under 60 lbs 10,000 head estimated for today. Slaughter Lambs: Choice and Prime 2-3 90-ISO lbs: San Angelo: shorn and wooled 56.00-65 00; new crop 68.00- 71.00. Midwest: shorn 58.00-60.00; wooled 53.00-55.00. New Holland: new crop 80-100 lbs 95.00-105.00; 100-120 lbs 90.00-100.00; 120-150 lbs 75.00-90.00. Virginia: no test. Slaughter Ewes: San Angelo: Good and Choice 2-4 25.00-33.00; Good 2-3 32 00-42.00; Utility and Good 1-3 40.00- 50.00; Utility 1-2 30.00-40.00; Cull and Utility 1-2 20.00-30.00. Midwest; Utility and Good 1-3 17 00-22.00, Cull 1-2 12 00-15 00. New Holland Good and Choice 2-4 35.00-60.00; Utility and Good 1-3 25.00-40.00. Billings; Good 2-3 130- 180 lbs 22.50-33.00, 170-255 lbs 16.00- 21.00; Utility 1-2 Cull 1 13 00-19 50. Feeder Lambs' Medium and Large 1- 2 San Angelo, new crop 40-60 lbs 76.00- 81 00, 60-70 lbs 70.00-76.00; 70-90 lbs 68.00- Midwest: new crop 60-75 lbs 70.00- 75-90 lbs 60.00-70.00. Vir ginia: no test. Billings: 55-70 lbs 63.00- 64.50; 70-80 lbs 61.50-66.00; 80-90 lbs 57.50-58.50, 90-100 lbs 57.00-58.50; 100- 110 lbs 46.00-57.50. Replacement Ewes. Medium and Large 1-2; San Angelo: Mixed age ewes 110-130 lbs 50 00-53.00 cwt. Billings: Ewe lambs 145 lbs 49.50 cwt; ewes and lambs 70.00 per head. National Weekly Lamb Report Des Moines, lowa May 6,2002 Report Supplied By USDA National Weekly Lamb Report for week ending Monday, May 6. Prior Week Slaughtered Lamb Head Count; Domestic: From Forward Con tracts 655; From Formula Arrangements 35,292. Imported; From Forward Con tracts 0; From Formula Arrangements 1,197 Slaughtered Packer Owned Sheep: Domestic: 3,493 head; 66-85 lbs, avg. 78; lbs; dressing percentage range 49.2- 50.0%, avg. 49.7; Choice or better 98.2%. Formula Contract Purchases: No trade reported. Formula Purchases: Domestic: 3,488 head, 47-65 lbs avg. 60.8 lbs, 111.23- 142.20, wtd. avg. price 124.78; 17,1% Tv? Mrs Maurice Amidon ot 2698 NYS Rt 11, Lafayette, NY Dean SAT MAY 11 - 9AM Spring D Cummins Aucl 315-626-2248 lAY Machinery Consignment Auction AMTIfM ICC at Area Shopper complex Rt 19 MI'I lIUUCO Cochranton, Pa Simon Miller SAT MAY 11 - 9AM 547 Don- AuOO2Ol9L, Kevin Miller AA- nerville Rd , Manor Twp, Lane 002002-L 814-425-7276 Co, Pa By Mrs Robert Shuman SAT MAY 11 ■ 10AM Farm & Probst Family Auction AU- Conslruction Auction For Mr 7 001856-L 717-464-3700 By Order Of The Secured Party! 2 PUBLIC AUCTIONS SAT., MAY 18, 2002 @ 10:00 A.M. Greenhouses & Related Equip. Ist Real Estate 86+ Acres w/Buildings 2nd Former: “Mitterling Greenhouses” Beagle Road/Kelly Twp., Union County, PA (West of W. Milton or Lewisburg) Call For Details or Visit the Web Site N www.sitarauctions.com Col. Steve Sitar Ph. 570-586-1397 PA Lie. AU2124-L Five-Area Weekly Average Direct Slaughter Cattle St. Joseph, Mo., May 6, 2002 - USDA Market News Service Sales in Texas/Oklahoma; Kansas; Nebraska; Colorado; and lowa/Minnesota Feedlots for Week Ending Sunday, May 5, 2002 Confirmed Sales: 196,418; Week Ago iALES: LIVE BASIS SLAUGHTER STEERS: Head Count Over 80% Choice 1,992 65-80% Choice 4,421 35-65% Choice 59,294 1-35% Choice 3,147 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Over 80% Choice 1,243 65-80% Choice 5,919 35 65% Choice 38,150 1-35% Choice 455 DRESSED BASIS; SLAUGHTER STEERS Over 80% Choice 2,801 65-80% Choice 11,142 35-65% Choice 18,674 1-35% Choice 315 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS- Over 80% Choice 1,006 65-80% Choice 6,643 35-63% Choice 15,600 1-35% Choice 41 Weekly Accumulated W Head Count Live Steer 68,854 Live Heifer 45,767 Dressed Steer 32,932 Dressed Heif 23,290 Week Ago Weighted Averages Live Steer Live Heifer Dressed Steer Dressed Heifer Averages Live Steer Live Heifer Dressed Steer Dressed Heifer head, 65-74 lbs avg. 71.3 lbs, 112.63- 136.34,'wtd. avg. price 128.32; 11,673 head, 75-85 lbs avg. 79.1 lbs, 105.60- 131.44, wtd. avg. price 123.56; 2,525 head, 86-101 lbs avg. 96.4 lbs, 97.80- 116.09, wtd. avg. price 111.30. Formula Purchases; Imported: 329 head, 72-75 lbs, avg. 71.18 lbs, 109.24; 576 head, 79-84 lbs avg. 81.1 lbs, 121.79- 125.65, wtd. avg. price 123.78. 191,290, Year Ago 229,905 Weight Range 830-1625 900-1600 885-1550 900-1600 900-1540 820-1445 825-1450 920-1250 103.00- 50 103.00- 100 00-106 00 104 50-105.00 500-1075 518-1060 498-1060 688- 888 103.00-105 00 101 00-105 75 101 00-105 75 102 50 488-1036 445- 990 440-1064 509- 909 lighted Aver Avg. Weight Avg. Price 1,237.2 65.07 1,128 3 65 06 8161 104.34 736 6 103 93 62,640 46,538 39,943 19,628 79,239 1,209 8 75.23 58,133 1,099 1 75.11 42,523 • 776 2 119.59 26,308 705 4 119.18 PUBLIC AUCTION SAT., MAY 25,2002 ioa.m. Shop Tools, Scaffolding, Fire Restoration Items, 3 Old Mantles, Shutters, Old Pot Belly Stove, Large Pile Seasoned Walnut Lumber At 451 W. Christine Road (Route 272) Notting ham, Pa. From Route One bypass get off at Not tingham exit, turn left go to farm on right. Sign posted. Charles Shock local contractor retiring and will sell at auction. 10’6” Brake, 12” Craftsman radial arm saw, 10” Craftsman table saw. Sears planer/jomter, Rockwell and Delta chop saws, elect, snapper shears, Hilti fasting system, B&D generator on wheels, power and air nailers, port, saw table, comealongs, metal and wood clamps, roof shovels, pump jacks, circ. saws, shovels, rakes and other hand tools, bull float, gas trowel ing machine, cement tools, hand tools, Reddy heater, 1-1/2 H.P. air compressor, motorized roof ladder, 40’ alumn. ext ladder, step ladders, wheelbarrows, 5 H.P. wet/dry vac., 7 sections of scaffolding one rolling section, lot scaffold plank, Fire Restoration: 2 Sahara turbo dryers, electro gen unsmoke, Therma Gen, ULV and other fog gers, easy heat floor warming system, sprayers, port, elect, water heater, chemicals, masks, sprays and other supplies, Wagner sprayer, dehumidifier, detail touch up sprayer, airless paint sprayer on wheels, large box fan, conveyor mover, large shop heater, form stakes, adjustable frame braces, doors, windows, roofing, shingles, locksets, trim, millwork, treated and framing lumber, nails, screws, NICE LARGE PILE OF SEASONED WALNUT LUMBER, small pot belly stove, 3 old mantles, old shutters, and 100 s more good items folks warehouse is full. WYATT AUCTION SERVICE Robert W. Wyatt Auctioneer 610-593-6554 AU001252-L 610-721-4098 Avg. Price Range Weight Price 64.00- 00 1,305 66 02 64.00- 00 1,278 65 54 61.00- 00 1,233 65.01 63 00-66 00 1,226 64 78 1,215 1,199 1,115 1,095 64 50-66 75 63.00-66.00 63 00-66 00 65 00 850 831 802 788 104 75 104 70 104 05 104 81 104 10 104 58 103 64 102 50 747 743 733 709 f ßeef Breeds): 64.18 64 00 104 09 104 02 1,244 4 1,1265 817 1 746 8 Avg. 65.77 65 37 64 99 65.00
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