Hereford Dams Of Distinction Named WOMELSDORF (Berks Co.) Recently the American Here ford Association named several animals in Pennsylvania as Dams of Distinction females. Craig Huffines, AHA’s execu tive secretary, said of the Dams of Distinction, “these are the most efficient cows in the Here ford breed. They have met the strictest requirements for early calving, reproductive efficiency, calving intervals no greater than one year, and weaning weight ra tios in the top end of the breed er’s herd.” More than 500 breeders who produced cows earned the dis tinction in 2001. There were 1,619 cows named to the presti gious list for this ybar, according to AHA officials. In order to be honored as a Dam of Distinction, each cow has to wean a calf born after January 1, 1999; produce at least three calves; initially calve at 30 months of age or less; have an in terval between the first and sec ond calves no greater than 400 days. In addition, a 370-day calving interval must have been main tained after her second calf. The longer initial calving interval al lows breeders to calve two-year old heifers prior to the mature cow herd; have weaning records submitted to the Hereford Per formance Program on every calf Pa. Launches West Nile Virus Surveillance Program HARRISBURG (Dauphin Co.) State Health Secretary Robert S. Zimmerman Jr., Envi ronmental Protection Secretary David E. Hess, and Agriculture Secretary Sam Hayes have an nounced that Pennsylvania is launching this year’s effort to de tect and control mosquitoes that 118 MOt SUSI TRA\ YAM/ TRA( Yep, it’s here. The all-new Suzuki Quadßunner® Ozark™ 250 ATV In the view of many enthusiasts, it’s the best mid-size 2WD sport utility ATV in the land. When compared wheel-to-wheel with comparably-sized competitive ATVs, the Ozark simply comes out on top Which is one reason it's named after a mountain range! Yet even with all its performance advantages, this remarkable Quadßunner is very reasonably priced So come in and climb on today! M & S SALES & SERVICE, INC. 3385 DIVISION HIGHWAY NEW HOLLAND, PA 17557 1 1/2 Miles West of Blue Ball On Rt. 322 m 717-354-4726 • Mon., Wed., Thun. 8-8; Tuea. & Fri. 8-5; Sat. 9-3 Suzuki Quadßunner® ATVs may be used onty by those aged 16 and older Suzuki highly recommends that all ATV riders take a training course We II even pay (or It For satiety and training course information see your dealer or call the SVIA at 1 600 852*5344 ATVs can be hazardous to operate For your safety always wear a helmet eye protection and protective clothing Always avoid paved surfaces Never ride on public roads Never carry passengers or engage in stunt riding Riding and alcohol or other drugs don t mix Avoid excessive speeds Be extra careful on difficult terrain produced; have progeny average 205-day adjusted weaning weight ratio of at least 105. “These are the cows that meet the highest standards of commer cial cattle production,” said Huff ines. “The cows must do her job, but also her owner must manage die herd correctly to give her the opportunity to excel. Only a small portion of active cows are recognized. All heifers have the potential of being a Dam of Dis tinction but only a small percent age fit the job description of an ideal cow year in and year out.” A complete listing of Hereford cows that were recognized and the breeders who produced them is available from the American Hereford Association on its In ternet web site at www.herefor Pennsylvania breeders with Dams of Distinction females for 2001 include: Sheila Miller and Emilie Miller, Womelsdorf; Kyle Zerbe, Womelsdorf; Delaware Valley College of Science and Agriculture, Doylestown; Flat Stone Lick, Marianna; Stanley W. Hunt, Slippery Rock; Rolling Shade Polled Herefords, East Greenville; Paul and Bette Slay ton, Bedford; and Twin Ponds Farm, McVeytown. One of die winners, Sheila Miller, along with husband Mi chael, has been raising purebred Hereford cattle in Berks County cany the West Nile virus. “It’s that time of the year again time to get your yard back in shape or just get out and enjoy Pennsylvania’s natural wonders,” Zimmerman said. “But don’t forget about the mos quitoes. “Last year, West Nile virus BE! H HERE. LIGHTER OVERALL BIGGER ENGINE ggJg?g} R lumutxunnßk First m 4 W tests since 1980. This is the third con secutive year Sheila Miller re ceived this recognition, and the second time daughter Emilie re ceived the honor. “It is as much as thrill that we are continuing to have our cows recognized as it was the first time we were noti fied,” said Miller. “This is a re peat performance for our two cows that received the honor last year.” The Millers own and operate Deitschland Farm, Tulpehocken Township, a 150-acre cow/calf operation. Emilie, a junior at Tulpehock en High School, has a 29-head herd of registered cattle under ECM Herefords that she keeps at her parents’ farm. Emilie, a ninth-year member of the Berks County 4-H Beef Club and third-year member of the Tulpehocken FFA has built and improved her herd of Hereford cattle during her lifetime. A cow that Emilie bred and sold to Kyle Zerbe was also on the Dam of Distinction list. Zerbe, 20, has 13 head of regis tered Herefords. He is a graduate of Conrad Weiser High School and an employee of the Pennsyl vania Department of Transporta tion. Zerbe, who finished 11 years in the Berks County 4-H Beef Club in 2000, said he is looking forward to owning a farm in the future and continuing to raise cattle. was detected in Pennsylvania in humans for the first time. Fortu nately, those people recovered. But last year’s experience makes it clear that Pennsylvanians need to do their part to eliminate mos quito breeding areas around their homes.” When transmitted to people, the virus can cause West Nile encephalitis, an infec tion that can cause an in ■ flammation of the brain. . I Anyone can get the virus, but I older adults and people with B compromised immune sys- B terns have the highest risk of B developing severe illness be -9 cause their bodies have a B harder time fighting off dis- B case. Agricultural Generators Spectrum Detroit Diesel .' L.P. Gas, Diesel, Natural Gas 5 to 2,000 KW t** ■*** <w tune**- "* ,i mrmim' , «J"mi i *-. * *m* «*.> * x Power Generation Systems Specialists Call Leonard Martin NAME STREET CITY TELEPHONE INSTRUCTIONS: Select sat of I the four options listed below I Jl. EARLY BIRO FULL INSTITUTE REGISTRATION MEMBER A SPOUSE CHILDREN (Ages sto 10 years) Number X S4O each = $_ This includes the Northern Tier Kickoff Social on Monday night, Tuesday Lunch Irtdustry Tour & Dinner Train Excursion, Wednesday Breakfast, One Educational Tour with Box Lunch A PYFA Banquet (| 2. FIII.I. INSTITUTE REGISTRATION Postmarked alter June 9. 2002 MEMBER & SPOUSE/GUEST Number X 575 each - S CHILDREN (Ages sto 10 years) Number X $45 each = $ This includes the Northern Tier Kickoff Social on Monday night. Tuesday Lunch Industry Tour & Dinner Tram Excursion, Wednesday Breakfast, and One Educational Tour with Box Lunch & PYFA Evening Banquet 11 3. PARTIAL REGISTRATION PACKAGE - For Tuesday. July 9* Only MEMBER & SPOUSE/GUEST Number X $5O each = $ CHILDREN (Ages sto 10 years) Number X $3O each = $ — This includes the Tuesday Lunch, Industry Tour & Dinner Train Excursion 114. PARTIAL REGISTRATION PACKAGE - For Wednesday, July 10“ Only MEMBER & SPOUSE/GUEST Number X 525 each = S CHILDREN (Ages 5 10 10 years) Number X SIS each = $ This includes the Wednesday Breakfast. One Educational Tour with Box Lunch A PYFA Banquet TOTAL REGISTRATION DUE: MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: PYFA Mail this PYFA institute registration form and payment to: Terry E. Martin, Sr., 930 Swamp Foa Road, Chambersburg, PA 17201 QUESTIONS Contact Terry at (717) 375-4581, FAX (717) 375-4099 or E-mail manmt@mnemet net INSTRUCTIONS: For registrations that include a Wednesday, July 10* Tour, select one of the following tours and list the number of participants Number (] TOUR OPTION 1 - Car Pool to Westfield Tanning, Dominion Gas Transmission, Inc & Patterson’s Maple Products The PYFA 2002 Summer Institute will be headquartered at The Penn Wells Hotel on Mam Street in Wcllsboro, PA. A block of rooms have been reserved for PYFA until June 9*. For the hotel, the rate will be 560.00 plus tax. The Penn Wells Lodge may also have some rooms at S6I 00 plus tax. When making room reservations be sure to mention that you are with the PYFA and that this group is listed with the hotel as Croup 109. Telephone numbers for the hotel for reservations are as follows. Telephone: (570) 724-2111; or 1-800-545-2446: FAX: (570) 724-3703 E-mail: nennwellff nldnrolog net d. jiCjTO— j W == jL = sLjW-Ji 25 to 135 KW Units In Stock! Service - Rental - New & Used Units In Stock 0330 Fonderwhite Road, Lebanon, PA 17042 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 11,2002-i PYFA 2002 SUMMER INSTITUTE “THE NORTHERN TIER EXPERIENCE ” July 0,9 * 10,2002 WELLS BORO, PA PYFA INSTITUTE REGISTRATION FORM & INVOICE DUE; June », 2002 - Float make 9,2001 (] TOUR OPTION 2 - Bus Tour to Temple Inland Particle Board Plant, Willamette Industries Paper Plant 4 Kmzue State Park (] TOUR OPTION 3 - Bus Tour to Adelphia Communications, & Wending Creek Farms I ] TOUR OPTION 4 - Bus Tour to Oswayo Fish Hatcheries, Hodman's Dairy Farm & Ram Forest Products [ ] TOUR OPTION 5 - Car Pool to PA Grand Canyon, Asaph Federal Research Center, Eagle Foods and/or Dietrich Foods HOUSING INSTRUCTIONS H) 717-273-4544 Fax 717-273-5186 early! GUEST/ SPOUSE’S NAME STATE EMAIL X $65 each = Number Tmffins ■A-
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