Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 11, 2002, Image 189
Chester County 1 - Home w/in-law suite and 25 acres “ Homes and 46 acres 4 ” H “" es ant * 9 acres for only $1,600 000 CENTURY 21 PIERCE fir BAIR Cali: Rich Goss 610-496-2410 jjU^H.q^qi=W»qq-qqL I q qB | q , 1 ,. U3^au , aOL ., aMoaa „ | l WANTED f 100 to 200 acres, part or mostly | wooded preferred. Price negotiable B Lower Northumberland, West g Schuylkill or Upper Dauphin Co, j Century 21 Carl Snyder j 717/896-8808 I 717/979-8042 ■jiqqqqqqaqqqqqqMaiaiaiamaiaauiiaijmma^i HAKKI N I \M) OK I \M) BAKKIN? 6 ACRES, Chester County 16 ACRES, Lancaster County I 41 ACRES, Chester County ! 34 ACRES, Chester County 1 42 ACRES, Lancaster County 1 (each parcel sold as farmette only) 3 EA - ONE ACRE BUILDING LOT Chester County S62M EA. 10 LOT APPROVED SUBDIVISION Chester County Call Chuck Arfinian or Gary Stapleton ARA REAL ESTATE, INC. 610*857*2141 or 717*529*2544 NEW BLOOMFIELD . $254,900 Farmhouse on 45 acres next to Little Buffalo State Park. 32 tillable acres, 13 wooded 40'x80' quonset steel building with electric and water. 40’x60' bank bam with 7-8 acres fenced for horses. Properly ideal for subdivision. 3300' hard road frontage Property fronts 3 sides of township roads 3 photos on Web! Ad #H3367 Call Wayne Hartzell homestead qwup . or 717-567-9152 www CALL COLDWELL BANKER -i/rfsv/ mjm ORGANIC LAND, ORGANIC HERD: Certified organic farm receives $2l/ewt and the price is guaran teed at s2o' 101 acres of high-lime soil with 90 tillable and 150 more organic acres available Neat stone front home with 24x24 living room, 3-4 bedrooms. 1 '/■ baths and eat-m kitchen Very good 50 tie stall bam with pipe line. 16x50 unloading silo 30x30 shed for heifers 30x30 heated shop For $350,000 you could buy with 55 milkers, 54 young stock, and full line of machinery This is a herd that will be freshening soon Bare farm $169,900. Mort Wimple Associates Real Estate Sates • Management FREE CATALOGUES u.S. ROUTE 20 E-mail wimple ©capital net SLOANSVILLE N.Y. 12160 Internet Page (518) 875-6355 www farmsunlimited com FAX: (518) 875-6749 '' 'Li iaaaa 2,225 Acres Located in Clearfield Co , PA, just 50 min from Penn State Untv & 5 mi from two exits on Interstate 80 Price includes hunting lodge, two log cabins, bunkhouse, stable, two tractor sheds, and fully furnished ranch house, as well as a large barn and two lovely ponds. The property is perfect for hunting clubs or corporate outings All buildings are in an exceptional state of repair $3 2 million Acreage can be expanded up to 5,200 acres Contact our website for pictures at:, telephone 814*355*2324 or Dave Nelson at telephone 814*857*7681 ext. 305 ,S9BM $295M $525M $295M $395M S2SM EA. PROPERTY WANTED!! $l,OOO CASH FINDER’S FEE BERKS, SCHUYLKILL, LEHIGH, OR CARBON COUNTY 50 to 175 Acres Must be Excellent Wildlife Habitat Quality Woods with Some Fields Water on Property Buildings a Plus but Not a Must Fair Market Value Phone or Fax (215) 795-2975 Attention Deer Hunters: 4 Trophy Buck taken this year, we have pictures. 83 acres, this property has everything for wildlife, private location, 30-40 acres tillable not being farmed and wildlife habitat, good stream, marketable timber... $225,000 75 acres, 70 tillable. $225,000 177 acres, 75 tillable, balance w00ded.. 5369,000 36 acres, 12 tillable, balance wooded $89,000 27 acres, 5 tillable, balance wooded $59,000 15 acres, open $49,000 12'/2 acres $29,000 3'A acres $21,000 Real Estate Herndon, PA 17830 Peter B. Cortelyou, Broker 570-425-9177 Fax 570-425-2305 Koch Homestead Realty Mm 91 Princeton St Wellsboro, PA 570-724-3500 W 523 - This 8+ acre parcel has endless commer cial possibilities. Access to Rt. 6 with an avg. daily traffic flow of over 8,000 veh. A real deal in this commercial area ofgrowth. Public utilities available. $199,000. #111024. W 515 - Prime commercial building in the heart of Wellsboro. Retail spaces, offices and apartments. Location has maximum exposure to public and shows positive flow for investment purposes. Call today for details! $490,000. #110939. Mll6 - STUNNING COLONIAL with a wrap around porch. This home has breathtaking views in every direction! Nicely situated on 11 acres and features a 20x40 inground, heated pool. $194,900. #111245. E 264 - 126 ACRES of rolling fields with some woods, rural views, hardtop road frontage Currently farmed, requires perc for building Elkland Schools. $104,000 #llllO6 I Check out our web site www.koch-real-estate.coml (Broker Owned) PETER B CORTELYOU 9 North Mam St Mansfield, PA 570-662-3287 WEST KY. DAIRY Grade A, 171 acres, 125 crop 40 pasture 4 bedrooms home all milking equipment silos, bins barns, sheds, now milking $420,000. We have others Call 800-725-9427 nights 270-889-9966 days Wiley Horn Real Estate 215 E 21st St Hopkinsville, Ky 42240 HORIZON CLEARFIELD COUNTY - Near Bigler 3 bedroom ranch on 5 attractive & private acres 2 fire places. equipped kitchen & hardwood floor Plus outbuild ings Great for horses sfso,ooo. CAMP - Elk, deer, bear, turkey, fish Near Sinnamahonmg in Cameron County Rear lot fronts on water 2 story house 2 baths Equipped kitchen Partially furnished Gas & elec tric heat $54,900 CAMP SITE - 18 acres off Eagleton Forest Rd, Clinton County 1000 gal holding tank Owner will finance $32,000. LOG HOME - Near Eagleville in Eagle Nest Forest, Centre County Open kitchen & living room plus 3 rooms on lower level with outside entrance On one acre $89,900. •eat (814) 355-8500 www newhorizonr«atestat«pa com House: 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, kitchen, living room, family room with fireplace, laundry room. Separate 2-car garage, 2-story barn, chicken house w/capacity 46,000 layers, 48 x 100 implement shed & shop Call 570-568-1936 LANCASTER COUNTY FARMS ★ A 2 story brick & vinyl dwelling with 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, mod. eat in kitchen, formal dining room, Ig. living room with brick FF beautiful family room in basement with wood stove, oil forced hot air baseboard heat, heat cost less than $5OO per year, oversized 2 car garage. Central air includes a 4675 S.F warehouse, with 448 s.f. for 2 offices and powder room, 2 loading docks, 1 plus acre lot located in Rapho Twp Asking $349,500. Must see to appreciate ★ 54 Acre 37 tillable acres with brick house and bank barn, would make good horse farm. Asking $338,000. When You Need A Farm Salesman Call Gene 1255 S Market St., Elizabethtown, PA 17022 717-361-HOME 717-665-HOME Gene Kreider, Realtor 717-367-1112 (Fax) 1-800-850-1069 (PA Only) 717-898-2345 or 717-653-2646 717-367-3500 or 717-653-6600 Q, DEMEREE REALTY AjO* 171 N. Gardinier Rd. IrTtKoS SB|R| Little Falls, NY 13365 jfaVwSWffl George Demeree, M^l7? le l ■< Phone (315) 823-0288 #5l-A - NEW LISTING - Hobby farm w/155 A. - 60 tillable, 44 pasture, 50 woods - nice 3 B.R. home w/attached 2 stall garage - also trailer to rent out - 2 story barn w/62 stalls, B. Cleaner, B.T. - like new 32x40 ft. match, shed with 12’ doors, wood stove & oil furnace - 40x40 ft. mach shed - 2 silos w/unloaders- drilled well, 2 springs & 2 creeks - $lBO,OOO #655 - Dairy/Hobby Farm w/103 A. -60 tillable -10 pasture &30 woods - barn w/52 ties of pipeline & B.T. - good 8 rm. home w/new wiring, carpet & paneling & garage - also workshop w/220 wiring & garage - creek & Ig. pond - located on quiet rd. w/mce setting - also 6 5 A. lot w/water, sewer & electric & sawmill w/full line of equip, avail. - farm only for $130,000 - REDUCED TO $125,000 403 E Mam St, Elkland PA 16920 814-258-7X17 H-801 - Dairy farm w/450 A. & 267 tillable - Ig. well drained fields - Ig. tie stall barn for 104 cows & 70 youngstock, free stall heifer barn (30-35 head) & calf barn for 35-40 head - 36x60 ft. insulated shop, 26x60 ft. tool shed, trench silo & 2 very nice homes - also 100 A. of woods w/good timber - $450,000 B-131 - Dairy/hobby farm on dead-end road w/beautiful view - 200 w/125 tillable - 40x240 ft. barn for 70 cows plus youngstock - 2 Ig. silos, trailer hook-up & 3 B.R home - $170,000 W-304 - Historical Stagecoach Inn with unique Round Barn that has been published in many journals with 100 acres of land bordering the Chenango River. This picturesque property lends itself to a variety of opportunities (horse/hobby farm, bed & breakfast, restaurant, art gallery, etc.) or just a beautiful rare history filled home - $395,000 #BO9 -482 A. dairy farm w/300 tillable - Ig. free stall barn for 140 head, 2 story barn w/64 stalls, 160x43’ one story barn, also dry cow barn, Ig. par lor & holding area, 120x24’ covered feeder w/concrete floor, 3 mos. manure laqoon, 4 bay comm, shed, 2 Ig. mach. sheds, horse barn & shop - also 3 Ig. silos w/unloaders, 400 ton gram drying bin &19 rm. 2 fam home, Ig 3 B.R. ranch plus two 2 B.R. apartments - also featuring 100x230’ lighted horse arena & stands - $850,000 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 11,2002-D49 # lowa Farm For Sale # 180 Acre 108.5 tillable, good dairy barn, 4 BR Home & Misc. Buildings Only 7 Mites South of Mennonite School & Church. Chickasaw Co. Ask for Joyce Hinz, Broker Hinz Real Estate 715 Gilbert St. Charles City, IA 50616 800-475*7764 Days Call Joyce 641-228-1880 After 7 PM. 50 acre farm located in Union County, PA. A homesale SERVICES GROUP Broker