Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 11, 2002, Image 185
East woast Trailers Honesdale, PA • 570-729-887'' standup ramp, dovetail ss'7so 24' 14,000 lb, gooseneck, standup ramp, dovetail $3,700 100 Trailers -AH Sizes in Stock DUST CONTROL TRUCKS OFF ROAD TRUCKS (3) 86-88 Cat D2SC, EROPS, 4x4, AC, 5000 gal. Klein Tanks, 4 Sprays, Auto. Turret, Excellent Condition $92,500 97 613 C. 2750 Hrs., EROPS, 5000 gal, Excellent Condition $145,000 ON ROAD TRUCKS (15) 88-2001,2000 to 4000 gal. Tanks on S/A & T/A Automatics & Manual Trans. Call for complete specs & prices. We stock and sell Klein drop-on water tank kits from 2000 to 35,000 gal. Parts • Sales • Rentals Repairs of Water Trucks WEST CHESTER MACHINERY Flanders, NJ • 973/347-1101 ~ <4 —., *m~" 4x4 QUAD CAB • 2001 DODGE 2500 4x4 _ 92 FORD P 250 SUPER GAB 4x4 Gorgeouslit, Heavy Duty, 3/4Ton, Loaded Laramie SLT, Greit RunnlngThick. DleselPower, Auto, A/C, Lock 24 Valve Cummins Turbo, Diesel, AT,Tow Pkg, Out Hubs. Tow Package $11,900 Remaining New Tk Warranty * '*?^HHMHHPr 86 DODGE 3800 CLUB CAB 4x4 V«ry ClMn, Only 78,000, Original Mllaa, Excellent Body, Cummlna,Turbo Dleael, Auto, A/C,Tow Package $12,900 • 95 DODGE 2500 4X4 Great Tk for Work or Around the Firm, 5 SpTrans, Cummins Diesel GREAT PULLIN MACHINE 2001 FORD F3SO SUPER DUTY 4X4 Super Cab, Wry Nice Clean Tk, Powerstroke Turbo Diesel, 6 Sp, A/C, Only 26,000 Miles, NewTk Warranty GOOSENECK HAULER 99 FORD F 450 SUPER DUTY .. 4w r,i D^nr~r. M o^res°p ni>^: ooo Both Gooseneck A Class 3 Hitches Remaining NewTk warranty ‘ MS* ' 11 FOOT MECHANICS BODY 2000 FOND 450 SUPER DUTY Rudy To Work. Powontroko Diesel, AT, */C, Rtmalning New Tk Warranty, Chrome Wheel Simulators weather OUBrd, In Stock' On Display! E.M. KUTZ, INC. Whitehall, PA Reading, PA EDWARD J. KOZEL TRUCK & EQUIP. INC. 1249 Layton Road, Clarks Summit PA 18411 570-587-2548 • Fax 570-586-2808 Lease Purchase Available • Rentals Available CAT DBK, 65% UC Strate Blade Tilt, 3rd Valve No Ripper Head Cracked As Is $27,000 Repaired $34,000 Open ROPS CAT DBH, Open ROPS, 70% UC, Straight Blade Semi-U , Rebuilt Motor, Tranmission and Torque Converter, 1,500 Hrs., Very Good. $26,000 25KW ONAN GEN., Gas, Propane or Nat Gas, Like New $3,500 CAT 977 L, 1977, 50% Plus UC, Clean. Runs Good EUCLID 30-TON, Engine Rebuilt KOHERING 1066, 1978 V-12-71, Runs Real Good.. ..$19,000 4Yd. Excavator CAT 1979 9418, 3400 Hrs., CROPS, GP Bucket/ Teeth, 80% UC, Tight, Clean. .. . $19,000 CAT 966 D, Good Tires, Tight, Runs Good .$35,000 INTERNATIONAL TD-25C, Needs Engine Repair, 60% U.C CAT D 9, Mid 60s Ripper, Cable Blade, 60% UC, Needs Finals with Parts.. $4,500 MACKTRI AXLE, 1975 300 Mack Motor 17-1/2 Ft Steel Dump, 44,000 Rears, Working Every Day .$ll,OOO 2300 W. CUMBERLAND ST. (Rt. 422) LEBANON, PA 17042 (Across From Lebanon Valley Mall) 2000 * 2 AVAILABLE Powerstroke Turbo Diesel, 6 Sp, A/C, Low Milts, Rtmainlng NtwTk Warranty Super Clean, Only 69,000 Milts, PowtrstroktTurbo Diesel, 5 Sp A/C. Loaded XLT, Aluminum Wheels, Great Lookln’Truck GOOSENECK PULLERS, FLATBEDS, WORK & DUMP TRUCKS * *.*&■ .** !y l 4x4 CHASSIS CAB. 2001 DODGE 3500 A Real Nice One, Super Clean, Only 31,000 . T.AJC, 4x4 10 FOOT BED • 2002 FORD 450 SUPER DUTY DUMP Like New All Remaining Fact Warranty Power Stroke Turbo Diesel, AT, A/C, Fold Down Sides TRUCK & VAN EQUIPMENT Van Racks Van Interiors 1-800-974-9779 CUMMINS TURBO DIESEL « 1994 DODGE 2500 4x4 Heavy Duty 3/4 Ton, Runs Great Auto, A/C.Tow Package Ready To Go $14,900 24 VALVE CUMMINS * 2001 DODGE 2SOO 4X4 A Real Powerhouse, Auto, Loaded, All Options, Like New With All Remaining Warranties, Only 18,000 Miles 6 BPD. SHORTBED 2000 FORD P 250 4X4 Super Duty, Powerstroke Diesel, 6 Spd, Loaded XLT, Comfortable 40/20/40 Seat, Aluminum Wheels, Tow Pkg., Gorgeous Reef Blue 4X4 FLATBED • 95 FORD F3SO Local lOwnarTrada, Only 62,000 Milas, Powarstroka Turbo Olesal, 5 Sp. A/C, Goosaneck & Class 3 Hltchas DURAMAX DIESEL • 2001 CHEVY K 3500 n „. c nnft n. Ui. . MECHANICS SPECIAL •94 FORD F SUPER DUTY Only 5,000 Ml fas, Rsms IninQ NcwTK Wsrrsnty, FLATBED DUMP Duramax, Allisor Trans, A/C, Gooseneck 7 3Turbo Diesel, 5 Spd, A/C, XLT, Pkg, Heavy 15,000 “ Class 3 Hi,ches GVW, Needs Engine Work fl 1,900 ONLY 11.000 BOLES 650 SUPER DUTY - 2 AVAILABLE 97 FORD SUPER DUTY DUMP TRUCK 1 Reg Cab, 1 Super Cab, Cummins A Powerstroke You Won’t Find A Nicer One Powerstroke Diesels, Atilson Auto A 6 Sp Manual Trans, 26,000 GVW, Turbo Diesel, 5 Spd. A/C, Limited Slip Axle Call For Details $15,000 $19,000 $4,500 SOLID FRONT AXLE 1 TON PICKUP HEAVY CHEVY * I TON 4X4 96 CHEVY K 3500 1991 FORD F 350 Local Truck Only 86.000 Mites, High Output 6 5 Turbo Great Truck for Around the Farm, Diesel Power, Auto, A/C, Diesel, AT, limited Slip, 410 Gear,Tow Pkg, Nice Dual Tanks, Lock Out Hubs Two Tone, $15,900 WAITING PON YOU. 2000 POND P 250 SUPER CAB *** SHORTBED 4X4 ftMl Nice Only 31.000 Miles,6l/2 Ft Bed, Powerstroke Turbo Diesel, AT, A/C, 40/20/40 Seat, Aluminum Wheel*.Tow Pkg. S 8P DIESEL • 94 FORD F3SO CREW CAB DUALLY pJJSfX. K 3 Big, Strong 454 V. Vu.o Sg, R«l Strong A XLT, PowerstrokeTwta Diesel, Loaded XIT, Wilting to Pull the Big Load Runs Great Well Maintained utecKituut $11,900 CAB OVER DUMPS CHEVY W 4 (ISUZU) 3 To Choose From 97-95 Turbo Diesel, Auto, 12 Foot Steal Beds, Great Fuel Mileage, Short Turn Radius Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 11,2002-D45 r a, /J2S* . 1 from Lancaster 2 WHEEL DRIVE • 95 DODGE 3900 Cummins Turbo Diesel, AT, AC, Tow Pkg, Chrome Simulators, Great Truck, Only $10,900 mf* £ * *• 14 FOOT DUMP STAKE BODY 99 FORD 550 Heavy 17,500 GVW. Powerstroke Turbo Diesel, 6 Sp A/C, Only 21,000 Miles,Tow Hitch 4X4 FLATBED DUMP 2000 FORD 550 A Very Herd Tk To Find, 14 Foot Body, Only 28 000 Miles Heavy 17 500 GVW, PowerstrokeTurbo Diesel 6 Spd, A/C,Tow Pkg Check It Out 12 FT CAB OVER DUMP • 2000 MITSUBISHI Low Miles, Turbo Diesel, 5 Spd, A/C, Very Nice Truck