AlB-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 11,2002 Pa. Weekly 13 Livestock Auctions Friday, May 3 Report Supplied By PDA CATTLE 4439... Compared with 4802 head last week and 4553 head a year ago. Compared with last week’s summa ry...steer beef types closed the week steady to .25 higher, but with light de mand on Holsteins they closed .25 to .50 lower, heifers fully steady, cows steady to 1.00 higher, bulls mostly 1.00 higher. STEERS: High Choice and Prime 2-4 67.50-71.50, Choice 1-3 62.00-69.75, Se lect and Low Choice 2-3 62.75-67.75, Se lect 1-3 57.00-66.50, Standard 1-2 52.00-58.50. HOLSTEIN STEERS: High Choice and Prime 2-4 58.75-60.25, Choice 2-3 54.00- Select 1-2 47.50-55.25, Stan dard 1-2 42.00-48.00. HEIFERS: Choice few Prime 2-4 61.00- Select 1-3 55.00-65.75, Stan dard 1-2 42.25-57.00. COWS: Breakers 75-80% lean 39.00- Boners 80-85% lean 38.00- Lean 85-90% lean 35.00- Shells 34.75 and down. BULLOCKS: few Choice 2-3 62.00- few Select 1-3 60.25-62.00. BULLS: Yield Grade 1 1000-2400 lbs 56.00- Yield Grade 2 900-2500 lbs 47.00- FEEDER CATTLE; STEERS: Medi um and Large 1 300-500 lbs 75.00-90.00, 500-700 lbs 52.00-71.00, Medium and Large 2 300-500 lbs 68.00-74.00, 500-700 lbs 53.00-76.00; HEIFERS: Medium and Urge 1 300-500 lbs 74.00-99.00, 500-700 lbs 67.50-73.00, Medium and Large 2 300-500 lbs 53.00-71.00, 500-700 lbs 50.00- BULLS: Medium and Large 1 300-500 lbs 63.00-95.00, 500-700 lbs 62.00- Medium and Large 2 300-500 lbs 56.00-81.00,500-700 lbs 53.00-73.00. CALVES 2794... Compared with 2950 head last week and 3351 head a year ago. Vealers steady. VEALERS: Standard and Good 70-120 lbs 40.00-70.00, Utility 50-100 lbs 10.00-40.00. FARM CALVES: Holstein bulls mostly steady, Holstein heifers remain active with prices holding steady...No 1 Holstein bulls 90-120 lbs 110.00-171.00, few to 190.00, No 2 80-120 lbs 70.00-150.00, No 1 Holstein heifers 90-120 lbs 90-120 lbs 440.00-695.00, No 2 75-125 lbs 160.00-500.00. Beef type bulls and heifers 70-120 lbs 105.00-200.00 HOGS 1301... Compared with 1283 head last week and 1550 head a year ago. Barrows and gilts .50 to 1.00 higher, sows steady to 1.00 higher. BARROWS AND GUTS. 49-54% lean 220-260 lbs 30.00-31.50, 45-50% lean 240-275 lbs 27.50-30.50, 40-45% lean 240-300 lbs 23 00-28 50 SOWS 1-3 300-500 lbs 18.00-25 00, 500-700 lbs 22 00-26 00 BOARS 14 50-15 50 FEFDFR PIGS 223 . Compared with 56 head last week and 80 head a year ago. 1-3 25-50 lbs 21 00-57 00, 50-70 lbs 39.00- per head. SHEFP 2968 Compared with 3360 head last week and 1418 head a year ago. Light lambs were 60.00 to 100.00 higher due to Orthodox Easter Holiday, heavier lambs were steady to 10.00 higher SLAUGHTER LAMBS; Choice 35-50 lbs 170.00- few 250.00, 50-70 lbs 105.00- 70-90 lbs 100.00-110.00, 90-110 lbs 90.00-100.00, 110-130 lbs 80.00- SLAUGHTER SHEEP: 21.00- TWO GRADED FEEDER PIG SALES 1387... Compared with 349 head last week and 824 head a year ago. Feeder pigs mostly steady, slaughter pigs 10.00 to 25.00 lower..l-2 35-40 lbs 78.00-87.00, 40-50 lbs 46.00-88.00, 50-60 lbs 30.00- few 94.00, 60-70 lbs 25.00- 70-80 lbs 49.00-72.00, 2-3 30-50 lbs 31.00-60.00; SLAUGHTER: 20-30 lbs 87.00-120.00, 30-40 lbs 92.00- 40-60 lbs 68.00-95.00 per cwt. Lebanon Valley Livestock Fredericksburg, Pa. Report Supplied By USDA May 6,2002 SALE NOT REPORTED MAY 6,2002. Lancaster Farming's Classified Ads Get Results! Middleburg Livestock Auction Middleburg, Pa. Tuesday, May 7,2002 Report Supplied By USDA CATTLE 309...(PDA)...(5upp1y in cluded 143 steers and heifers, 93 cows, 20 bulls and S 3 feeder cattle. STEERS: High Choice and Prime 2-4 1100-1420 lbs 68.75-71.00, Choice 2-3 1170-1495 lbs 65.25-69.25, Select 1-3 63.00-65.00, Standard 1-2 50.00-60.00. HOLSTEIN' STEERS: Choice 2-3 1285-1555 lbs 54.25-58.75, Select 1-2 50.00- few Standard 1-2 46.00- HEIFERS: Choice 2-4 1070-1475 lbs 62.75- Select 1-3 61.25-65.25, Stan dard 1-2 56.00-60.25. COWS: Breakers 75-80% lean 41.75- mostly 42.00-46.00, Boners 80-85% lean 38.00-45.50, bulk of sales 39.25-44.75, Lean 85-90% lean 36.75- mostly 37.50-43.75. Shells 35.75 and down. BULLOCKS: Select 1-3 55.00-61.25. BULLS: Yield Grade 1 1620-2485 lbs 55.00- Yield Grade 2 1150-2385 lbs 51.50-54.75. FEEDER CATTLE; STEERS: one Me dium 1 555 lbs 83.00, one Large 2 610 lbs 70.00, Large 3 295-480 lbs 62.50-74.50, 500-550 lbs 58.00-72.00, one 720 lbs 64.00; HEIFERS: one Medium 1 600 lbs 75.00, Medium and Large 2 465-505 lbs 65.00- one Medium 3 335 lbs 63.00; BULLS: one Medium and Large 2 230 lbs 77.00, 500-510 lbs 57.00-63.00, Urge 3 445-565 lbs 46.00-58.00. CALVES 20S...VEALERS: few Stan dard and Good 80-95 lbs 40.00-65.00, few Utility 55-80 lbs 17.00-25.00. FARM CALVES: No 1 Holstein bulls 90-125 lbs 150.00-175.00, 80-85 lbs 110.00- No 2 80-125 lbs 80.00- No 1 Holstein heifers 90-110 lbs 500.00-690.00, No 2 70-100 lbs 300.00- HOGS 85... BARROWS AND GILTS: 49-54% lean 235-255 lbs 28.75-29.75, 45-50% lean 235-280 lbs 26.25-28.25, 40-45% lean 270-290 lbs 25.00-25.25. SOWS: 1-3 335-445 lbs 14.00-21.50, few 510-660 lbs 17.50-20.00. BOARS: one 270 lbs 13.00. FEEDER PIGS 61... SLAUGHTER: 1-3 65-95 lbs 28.00-38.00 per cwt. SHEEP 32... SLAUGHTER LAMBS; Choice 20-35 I b s || » » 105.00-110.00, 50-60 lbs 9 5.0 0. SLAUGHTER SHEEP: 22.00-35 00. GOATS 38...(A1l sold by the head with weights estimated) Kids Selection 1 20-40 lbs 27 00. Selec- tion 2 under 20 lbs 12.00-22.00, 20-40 lbs 22.00- 40-60 lbs 42.00- Selection 3 20-40 lbs 20.00. Year lings: Selection 2 40-50 lbs 20.00- 60-80 lbs 47.00- Nannies: 50-70 lbs 30.00-47.00, 70-100 lbs 40.00- 100-140 lbs 59.00. Billies: one 70-100 lbs 95.00. CATTLE 216...(PDA)...(5upp1y in cluded 93 steers & heifers, 68 cows, 7 bulls and 48 feeder cattie..steers steady to .50 higher with a good supply of quality steers, cows steady to 1.00 higher on a light supply, heifers steady, bulls mostly steady. STEERS: Choice 2-3 1145-1490 lbs 65.00-70.50, Select 1-3 57.50-69.25, couple Standard 1-2 50.00 & 55.50. HOLSTEIN STEERS: High Choice and Prime 2-3 1265-1540 lbs 57.00-58.00, one 64.50, Choice 2-3 1140-1580 lbs 54.00-57.00, return to feed 52.00-55.00, Select 1-2 52.00-55.50, couple Standard 1-2 40.00 & 48.00. HEIFERS: couple Choice 2-3 1190 & 1240 lbs 65.50 & 65.75, Select 1-3 54.50- Standard 1-2 40.50-52.00. COWS: Breakers 75-80% lean 41.00- Boners 80-85% lean 37.25-45.50, Lean 85-90% lean 35.00- Shells 34.00 and down. BULLS: Yield Grade 1 1260-1705 lbs 55.50- Yield Grade 2 1015-2455 lbs 51.00- FEEDER CATTLE: STEERS: Large 3 305-480 lbs Holsteins 57.00-70.50,515-855 lbs Holsteins 48.00-50.50, Medium and Large 2 820-870 lbs 55.00; HEIFERS: one Large 1 450 lbs 86.00, one Small 2 370 lbs 60.00, Medium and Large 2 620-670 lbs 38.00-49.00; BULLS: one Small 2 360 lbs 59.00, one Medium 2 775 lbs 52.00, Large 3 435-450 lbs Holsteins 47.50-50.00, Large 3 610-930 lbs 48.50-53.00. CALVES 148...VEALERS: Standard and Good 70-125 lbs 42.50-70.00, Utility 55-95 lbs 32.50-45.00. FARM CALVES: Holstein bulls 5.00 to 10.00 lower with little discounts on No 2, Holstein heifers 10.00 to 20.00 higher..No 1 Holstein bulls 90-120 lbs 130.00-157.50, 80-85 lbs 95.00-102.50, No 2 90-120 lbs 95.00-145.00, 80-85 lbs I"" 60.00-105.00; No 1 Holstein heif- ers 95-115 lbs 400.00-620.00, No 2 STRAW & GRADS{ SALE Every Thursday at 12 NOON Vintage Sales Stables, Inc. (Rt. 30, Paradise, PA) For more information (717) 442-4181 (717) 768-8204 Leesport Livestock Auction Leesport, Pa. May 8,2002 Report Supplied By USD A 80-110 lbs 135.00-410.00. Beef type bulls and heifers 85-130 lbs 100.00-140.00. HOGS 24...8arr0ws and gilts 2.00 high er. BARROWS AND GILTS: 40-45% lean 240-280 lbs 26.75-27.50. SOWS: couple 1-3 365 & 475 lbs 17.00 & 18.50, one 530 lbs 21.50. FEEDER PIGS 103...1-3 25-30 lbs 125.00-132.50, 50-70 lbs 62.50-78.00 per cwt. SHEEP 49... Slaughter lambs 25.00 to 50.00 lower on lighterweights. SLAUGH TER LAMBS: Choice 30-50 lbs 100.00-145.00, 60-70 lbs 90.00-100.00, Good and Choice 65-110 lbs 46.00-50.00. SLAUGHTER SHEEP: 19.00-40.00, Yearlings 47.00-50.00. GOATS 56...(AU sold by the head). Nannies: couple 40 lbs 36.00 & 45.00. Bil lies: one 125 lbs 85.00. New Wilmington Livestock New Wilmington, Pa. Report Supplied By PDA Monday, May 6,2002 CATTLE 97...(PDA)...Compared with last week’s sale..cows .50 to 3.00 higher. STEERS: few Choice 1-3 1120-1415 lbs 66.00- HEIFERS: few Choice 1-3 1095-1345 lbs 63.00-68.00. COWS: Breakers 75-80% lean 40.00- Boners 80-85% lean 41.50-46.00, couple to 47.50, Lean 85-90% lean 38.00-42.00. Shells 37.00 and down. BULLS: couple Yield Grade 1 1250 & 1380 lbs 55.25 & 58.00, few Yield Grade 2 980-1460 lbs 49.00-50.00. FEEDER CATTLE: STEERS: couple Large 1 260 & 308 lbs 86.00 & 89.00, few Large 2 190-265 lbs 60.00-74.00; HEIF ERS: few Medium 2 425-565 lbs 60.00- BULLS: few Medium and Large 2 595-810 lbs 58.00-73.00. CALVES 115...VEALERS: Standard and Good 75-110 lbs 55.00-70.00, Utility 50-75 lbs 26.00-45.00. •Will Not Rust Equipment* • Low Rates per Acre • • Lower Costs, Higher Yields* Nutra-Flo® Pure Grade™ Liquid Plant Food has the highest nutrient usability available. When applied in-furrow, 2x2, foliar or in a transplant solution you have the ability to achieve greater fertilizer efficiency with lower rates equaling greater profits. 5-15-15 9-18-9 0-0-30 20-0-0-8 Low-Salt • Chloride-Free • Neutral pH • 100% Available PARS, Inc. Kevin Grubb Elizabethtown • 800-929-2676 New Enterprise • 814-766-3576 Charlie Bomgardner Annville* 717-867-2890 Herb Fritz Orangeville • 570-683-5950 Doug Wood Millerstown • 717-694-3648 Horst Feeds Shippensburg, PA *717-776-3322 Contact a Pennsylvania Nutra-Flo® Dealer TODAY! FARM CALVES: No 1 Holstein bulls 85-120 lbs 120.00-140.00, No 2 80-115 lbs 75.00-110.00; few No 1 Holstein heifers 80-130 lbs 400.00-500.00, few No 2 75-110 lbs 200.00-400.00. HOGS 148... Barrows and gilts steady to 1.00 higher. BARROWS AND GILTS: 49-54% lean 210-250 lbs 34.00-35.25, few 40.50, 45-50% lean 200-280 lbs 32.25- 40-45% lean 240-300 lbs 28.25- SOWS: 1-3 370-685 lbs 21.00-24.50. BOARS: few 225-370 lbs 14.75-21.50. FEEDER PIGS SS...One small lot 1-3 33 lbs 47.50 per head. SHEEP 69... SLAUGHTER LAMBS: Choice 55-75 lbs 100.00-120.00,75-100 lbs 99.00- SLAUGHTER SHEEP: 30.00- few Yearlings 46.00-47.50. GOATS 17...(A11 sold by the head with weights estimated). Kids: Selection 2 under 20 lbs 10.00-30.00, 20-40 lbs 30.00- one 55 lbs 37.50. Nannies: few 50-70 lbs 40.00-42.50. Billies: one ISO lbs 92.50, one 75 lbs 65.00. New Holland Dairy Sale New Holland Sales Stables Report Supplied by Auction Wednesday, May 8,2002 96 DAIRY COWS, 76 HEIFERS, 13 BULLS. MARKET LOWER. LOCAL FRESH COWS 635.00- FEW 1685.00-1875.00. LOCAL SPRINGER 854.00-1475.00. BETTER FRESH COWS 1875.00- LARGE HEIFERS 1610.00-1875.00. SHORT BRED HEIFERS 675.00- OPEN BREEDING AGE HEIFERS 1285.00- BULLS: 235.00-950.00, PUREBREDS 450.00- UPSTATE LOADS FRESH 1050.00- 1 AT 2125.00. CANADIAN LOAD FRESH 710.00- FRESH HEIFERS 460.00-1350.00, 1 AT 1675.00. SMALL HEIFERS 750.00-1585.00. SMALL OPEN HEIFERS 1050.00- SMALLER OPEN HEIFERS 160.00- Art Benjamin Lancaster • 717-892-1556 Romberger Farm Supply Klingerstown • 570-648-2081 Little Britain Agri-Supply Quarryville • 717-629-2196