West Virginia Feeder Cattle Charleston, W. Va. May 6,2002 Report Supplied By USDA Regular Sales from Parkersburg, West on, and Greenbrier Valley, W.Va. from May 3 and 4. STEERS: 143 head. Med. and Lge. 1: 200-300 lb 94-100.00; 300-400 lb 86-94.00; 400-500 lb 78-87.50; 500-600 lb 83-97.00; 600-700 lb 73-86.00; 700-800 lb 69-74.00; 800-900 lb 62.00. Med. and Lge. 2: 200-300 lb 90-95.00; 300-400 lb 80-89.00; 400-500 lb 82-98.00; 500-600 lb 70-72.00; 600-700 lb 67.50-78.00; 700-800 lb 62.50; 800-900 lb 50-67.00. Small 1 & 2: 300-400 lb 90-97.00; 500-600 lb 67-77.00. HEIFERS: 106 head. Med. and Lge. 1: 200-300 lb 92.50; 300-400 lb 82-91.00; 400-500 lb 74.50-86.00; 500-600 lb 72-78.00; 700-800 lb 65-68.00; 800-900 lb 59.00. Med. and Lge. 2: 300-400 lb 75-86.00; 400-500 lb 68-76.00; 500-600 lb 65-70.00; 600-700 lb 64-68.00; 700-800 lb 62.00; 800-900 lb 54.50. Small 1 & 2: 300-400 lb 73-80.00; 400-500 lb 65-78.00; 500-600 lb 64.00; 600-700 lb 57-72.00. BULLS: 96 head. Med. and Lge. 1: 300-400 lb 82-97.00; 400-500 lb 79-91.00; Walk-In • Catalog • Web Sales - www.farmerboyag.com Call or email us today for a FREE catalog. TOLL FREE -1-800-845-3374 • 717-866-7565 Your Complete Fan Supplier WATERING SYSTEM by (jjijffßffffil ■uai j Jr/ Jr • Water Flow Controlled • Left or Right J-Type Connection This medicator accurately meters antibiotics, coccidiostats, drugs, disinfects, sulfas, vaccines, wormers, vitamins, fertilizers or chemical additives info livestock and poultry drinking water or into irrigation systems Radiant Gas Brooders Shenandoah f “L I * M«M Heats like the Sun and very fuel efficient PVC COATED HEX Birdwire Wetting Made of the finest high quality 20 ga. tensile steel wire mesh. Won’t crack or become brittle after years of exposure to sun or cold. HBHI 500-600 lb 84-90.00; 600-700 lb 68-80.00; 700-800 lb 63-72.00. Med. and Lge. 2: 300-400 lb 80.00; 400-500 lb 72.50-88.00; 500-600 lb 71-81.00; 500-600 lb 61-69.00; 700-800 lb 66.00; 800-1000 lb 45.00. Small 1 & 2; 300-400 lb 78.00; 400-500 lb 75-80.00; 500-600 lb 70-81.00; 600-700 lb 61.00. Roanoke-Hollins Weekly Feeder Cattle Sale Richmond, Va. May 7,2002 Report Supplied By USDA Hollins Weekly Auction for May 6 FEEDER CATTLE: 238 head. Prices bases on in weights. STEERS: 106 head. Med. and Lge. 1: 300-400 lb 100-109.00; 400-500 lb 93-94.75; 500-600 lb 89-95.00; 600-700 lb 76-85.50. Med. and Lge. 2: 400-500 lb 86-93.00; 500-600 lb 81.50-86.50. HOLSTEINS STEERS: 500-700 lb 62.50-69.50. HEIFERS: 85 head. Med. and Lge. 1: 300-400 lb 88.75-91.00; 400-500 lb 80-87.00; 500-600 lb 80-81.00; 600-700 lb 73.00. Med. and Lge. 2: 400-500 lb 72.50-77.00; 500-600 lb 75-80.00. BULLS: 47 head. Med. and Lge. 1; 300-400 lb 95-98.00; 400-500 lb 86-91.00; 500-600 lb 85-87.50. Med. and Lge. 2: 400-500 lb 80-87.00. jgggSfc VORTEX FAN g|oorotoch The highest air flow and lowest energy costs— EVER! Exclusive Vortex™ Warranty • Lifetime - propeller & housing cone • 2 year - motor warranty See Us For A FRE& Design & Cost of a TUNNEL VENTILATION SYSTEM To Fit Your Building QUALITY PRODUCTS AT WHOLESALE PRICES • Stainless Steel Shut off Ball • Stainless Steel Seat • 360° Trigger Pin • Attracts Chicks OLESALE AGRICULTURAL SUPPLI FEED BINS (Qjfr We assemble, deliver and set up bins on your farm * Weather tight die-formed roof HyjUl ‘Fast flowing hopper 3sLL^9j| CORE AUGERS ™ BPIHj 'A' and Fiex-flo™ AUGER SYSTEM in 21/4” dia. to 5” dia. 3* & 4’ CRAFT PAPER FOR FEEDING Same type used by larger integrators Jj yf (SckMate Easy-to-Attach SNAP-C -SWIVEL Chick Feed Dispenser with Feeder Tray We will Install on All Models of Auaer Tubes. r EXPERIENCED & KNOWLEDGEABLE . SALES STAFF J \i Plasson® * DRINKERS v T\irkey Drinker HER BOY AG Supi 1-800-845-3374 Staunton Weekly Feeder Cattle Sale Richmond, Va. May 6,2002 Report Supplied By USDA WEEKLY AUCTION at Staunton, May 3 FEEDER CATTLE: 572 head. Feeder steers steady. Feeder heifers 3-5.00 higher. Feeder bulls steady. Prices per cwt. based on in weights. STEERS: 390 head. Med. and Lge. 1: 300-400 lb 90-105.00; 400-500 lb 90-106.00; 500-600 lb 82-96.00; 600-700 lb 80-95.00; 700-800 lb 69-73.00; 800-900 lb 69-74.60; 900-1000 lb few 65.50; 1000-1100 lb load lot 68.35. HOLSTEIN STEERS: 22 head. Med. and Lge. 2; 300-500 lb 77-80.00; 500-700 lb 62.00; 700-900 lb 46= 49.00. HEIFERS; 115 head. Med. and Lge. 1: 300-400 lb 84-94.00; 400-500 lb 77-84.00; 500-600 lb 76-86.00; 600-700 lb 73-77.00; 700-800 lb few 75.00. BULLS: 45 head. Med. and Lge: 300-400 lb 90-105.00; 400-500 lb 85-94.00; 500-600 lb 80-90.00; 600-700 lb 75-83.,00. g “A New Concept in Chick Feeding” s tr^T-) Z- * ~v*- x x >~\4J Broiler Drinker A Breeder Layer Drinkers Eighty-Four Livestock Auction Eighty-Four, Pa. Monday, May 6,2002 Report Supplied By Auction CATTLE 25 l...(PDA)...Compared with last week's sale..cows steady to 2.50 high- STEERS: Choice 1-3 980-1335 lbs 63.00-65.00, Standard 1-2 50.00-56.00. HEIFERS: Choice 1-3 980 & 1190 lbs 61.00 & 61.50, Standard 1-2 44.00-55.00. COWS: Breakers 75-80% lean 41.00- one 47.00, Boners 80-85% lean 37.00-42.50, Lean 85-90% lean 34.50- Shells 34.00 and down. BULLS: Yield Grade 1 1325-2320 lbs 53.00- Yield Grade 2 955-1880 lbs 44.50- FEEDER CATTLE: STEERS: Medi um and Large 1 310-500 lbs 86.00-95.00, Medium and Large 2 525-840 lbs 58.00- HEIFERS: Medium and Large 1 305-570 lbs 72.00-83.00, Medium and Large 2 335-475 lbs 55.00-70.00, 500-760 lbs 54.00-69.00; BULLS: Medium and Large 1 400-475 lbs 81.00-89.00, 530-700 lbs 70.00-74.00, Medium and Urge 2 315-475 lbs 64.00-77.00, 515-870 lbs 50.00-66.00. CALVES 156...(A11 calves sold per cwt). VEALERS: Standard and Good 65-120 lbs 41.00-75.00, Utility 50-90 lbs 20.00-42.00. FARM CALVES: Holstein bulls and Holstein heifers steady..No 1 Holstein bulls 90-130 lbs 140.00-162.50, No 2 80-120 lbs 80.00-142.50; No 1 Hol stein heifers 85-125 lbs 450.00-590.00, No 2 60-120 lbs 160.00-435.00, Beef type bulls and heifers 75-125 lbs 110.00-150.00, 170-285 lbs 74.00-104.00, one 120.00. HOGS 18... BARROWS AND GILTS; 45-50% lean 235-270 lbs 34.00-38.00, 40-45% lean 235-310 lbs 29.50-32.00. BOARS: 415 & 450 lbs 10.00 & 12.50. ComptfHbte itotftftt&ts mikl SmvkMs Govtmmmt RepmenUttkm Imha&jf r invoMrfiin v ***• ■" ■** - t & Jjov*t* *' V < * ¥ Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 11,2002-All FEEDER PIGS 0...N0 MARKET TEST! SHEEP 21S...SIaughter lambs steady to 30.00 lower. SLAUGHTER LAMBS: 5 High Choice and Prime 128 lbs 70.00, Choice 35-50 lbs 102.00-117.50, 55-75 lbs 90.00- 80-100 lbs 86.00-93.00, Good and Choice 40-70 lbs 62.50-82.50. SLAUGHTER SHEEP: 15.00-33.00, Yearlings 50.00-57.50. GOATS 47...(A11 sold by the head with weights estimated). Billies: 70-100 lbs 54.00- 100-150 lbs 113.00-124.00. Nannies: 50-70 lbs 25.00-44.00, 70-100 lbs 60.00- 100-140 lbs 63.00-71.00. Kids: Selection 2 20-40 lbs 30.00-38.00, 40-60 lbs 49.00-66.00. Selection 3 20-40 lbs 21.00-27.00. Weekly Auction at Marshall, May 7 FEEDER CATTLE: 133 head. Prices per cwt. based on in weights. STEERS: 39 head. Med. and Lge. 1: 400-500 lb 81-88.00; 500-600 lb 80-81.00. Small 1: 300-400 lb 59.50; 400-500 lb 53.50. Med. and Lge. 2: 300-400 lb 69.50; 500-600 lb 73-80.00. HEIFERS: 61 head. Med. and Lge. 1: 300-400 lb 78.50; 400-500 lb 72-77.50; 500-600 lb 73.50-76.00; 600-700 lb 71.00. Small 1: 300-400 lb 62.00; 400-500 lb 60.50; 600-700 lb 46.00. Med. and Lge. 2: 400-500 lb 68-71.00; 500-600 lb 63.50- 600-700 lb 64-69.00. BULLS: 33 head. Med. and Lge. 1: 300-400 lb 95.00; 400-500 lb 80.50-85.00; 500-600 lb 77-81.00; 600-700 lb 67.50- Med. and Lge. 2; 300-400 lb 74-80.00; 400-500 lb 70.00; 500-600 lb 70-74.00. Discover the advantages of DFA membership - top-level premiums, programs that enhance your bottom line, numerous secure milk markets, and representation in government policy making. Join our producer-owned organization and you can pave the way to maximum profitability and stability for your dairy operation As the largest dairy cooperative in the country, DFA can make a significant impact on the dairy farming industry. With local programs and support, we can help secure your farm's future. For more information about the benefits of DFA membership, call 1-800-926-2667. Dairy Farmers <>f America Large enough to make a difference, small enough to care. PO 80x4810 Syracuse NY 13221 4810 ©2OOl Dairy Farmers of America Marshall Weekly Feeder Cattle Sale Richmond, Va. May 8,2002 Report Supplied By USDA MW