Real People Help Farmers: Jose I^cido Who n pigs fl\ 1 That’s when Jose Tatando will stop woiking with FonnssKania fai nteis to implement emnonmental best management practices A dedicated consenationist, Jose woiks tnelessh to const)uct streambank fencing and testoie wildlife habitats and wetlands on fauns acioss westein FennscKanu )ose has built a foundation of u list with Pennsylvania iai meis that has proved to be the coineistone ol Ins success m protecting not onlv otn natmal lesources, but also out agncultuial hentage Learn More Real People Build Partnerships; 1 What do (he emuonment and being a banket base in common Von mas be thinking “not much,’ but for those who know Bill Woiobec, the list is endless In real life Bill is a banket, and, in his tiee time, he spearheads an imiedible paitnership that has lesulted in (he lesloiation some would sas “lebmlding ' of Big Beai ( leek using nalmal stieam design pnmiples ‘This project denionsuates viable solutions to a host of problems lepiesentative of those experienced b\ almost evci v stream in Pennsvlvama,' Bill said Using the stieam channel as .1 mad to haul heavv equipment and locks in and out of the woik aiea, Bill and a host of paitneis soaped off several feet of streamhed to restoie the gradient and leconstiuct banks and channels All tins m just one week s time 1 Being a banket came in hand), as Bill managed to raise more than $400,000 in matching monev and seemed a $370,741 grant from the 1 viommg (.ountv (.onservalion Distnct Bill has pioved that paitnei ships and peiseveiance ate poweiful tools in leslonng and piotecling out vvateisheds His innovative approach to watershed restoiation has paid off, espenallv now that Big Bear (ieek is seeing new signs of life as nuqflies and wild trout return to the area Lc ' ,n ‘.'e'e Works Real People Are Making a Difference And You Can Tool Everyone's heard the saying "think globally, act locally." Green Works helps turn that slogan into reality by focusing on the environmental issues in your own backyard Through television, Internet, radio and printed publications, Green Works A Publication of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection Of the Environmental Fund for Pennsylvania Undei |ose's dues turn, the Faitneis foi Fish and Wildlife, pait of the Foundation foi California Cimeisitt of Pennsshania hast seemed sexeial state and h deial giants foi paitnenng with fatm ei s c onti ibuted to the cause with loin giants totaling moic than $1 million Reaping the benefits ol Jose's dedication (ai meis ha\e cleanei dunking water foi then animals, diought loleiant glasses for their feed and me teased eiosion < ontiol Jose s efloits also ha\e extended to building paitneiships, enabling him to have fai-reaching effei is on our watersheds With his paitneis, |ose has been teeogni/ed at national, stale and local le\els (01 his woik on Pike Run in Washington Counts T it*'" ~ mMr ’if' r» w I*' ink ' ’ JlT 1 !' 1 MX J' > f l l ■"ii. brings you the stories of everyday people making involved, check out the resources Green Works a positive impact on the environment has to offer. Learn More: If you have an environmental problem that needs a solution, or if you're just ready to get Real People Respect Our Rivers: ChfK I'oiier dnertoi of the Rncrs Piogiam at the Wildlands Consci \ an<\. Chi is Koc hei has made it hn mission to piotect, piesene and restoie the plmiral and biological health .)! oui ineis and sti earns Developing successful paitneiships (o puseise our watersheds, Chns knowswhat it means to he a wateishcd stewaid, and he knows how to make it look eas) “Mission impossible’ is not a phtase in Chris Kochei \ vocabulars i earn More > > > ' , * u , Real People Share Love of Nature: Vif hen < at ole Wilhams-Gieen was a child, hci mothei shaied hei contagious lose of tiatuiewuh ('aiolc and hei ft lends, taking neighboihood ehild ten on five-mile walks 10 look at the fields and trees Ibda), Caiole shates hei lose of natuie with the (Inl dten patents and teachetsof Southwest Philadelphia Ovei the next 21 months, Carole and het 10 veai-old nonprofit organization, the Cobbs ('reek Community Fnvuonmenial Education Centei, will be able to teach 1,240 students with the help of a giant horn DEP A major goal of the Cobbs Cteek ( ommunitv Fnvuonmenial Education Centei is to engage childien and adults as communitv stew aids Together, thev will tackle the testoialion of the ( obhs C leek watershed, iemoting debus and invasive vegetation, conn oiling etosion, planting native lives and wildtloweis and lepamng nails Cat ole is a successful visional \ Just last Octobet Caiole succeeded in opening the doors to what is believed to be the fust African American-founded in ban environmental education centei with a creek and riparian forest at its dooistep As with her vision for retrofitting the histone stables at 63“* and Catharine Streets to sei ve as the new headquatters for the center, Carole sees the Cobhs Creek watershed growing greener through communitv involvement Cmr \lc: Tackling the entile Lehigh Rivei watershed, Unis is leading the wav thiough a Rivets ( onsei vation Plan his most lecenl in a chain ol plans that aie helping idenlilv the |ih\st(al, biologic al and ' utlnral h alines in a wateished Chi is also speaiheaded a mine diamage assessment of the Lehigh Rivet waiushed, which has suite lead to a restoration project on the laigesl mine diamage disthaige in the wateished This will no doubt have an met edible influence on the health ol the watershed Willi Chris' help, Wildlands C onset vanc\ has surcesslulh completed a nnmbei ol othei slieam lestoiation and impnnemenl projects in noith eastern Pennsslvama, securing mimeions giants from seveial state and tedeial piograins including ! / 1 ■ i Lmtf % ' fresidtnt, Cobbs Crock Community Environmental Mutation Cento, Inc