816-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Apnl 13, 2002 MAIL X MARKET F R SALE 1 s Cockshut wheel takes 12x38 tire, bolt on center w/good rim, ready to sand & paint, $lOO, Cecil Co, MD. 410-398-5723 Jenn Air 30” elect tree standing range glass top convection/dehydrator fea ture, black, exc cond , 3 y/o, $650, Lane Co, 717- 786-4832 eves Motor home chassis w/350 eng , 26,000 mi, 400 turbo trans rebuilt, 4 10 rear, all for only $550, Berks Co , 717-933-5076 Camaro 1980 305 VB, nice, ong cond . in storage 13 yrs, 87k, $3,800 080, Bucks Co. 215-345-4184 Poultry auto feeders, fans, brooders, nipple drinkers, 6 ton feed bin, 15 ton feed bin, Windham Co , 860- 423-4365 1912 brass aermore 4 chime whistle, 12 5 HP, JD mower, boat trailer, 4’ Ford mower deck, 1946 Jeep trk , Lane Co 717-442- 4279 Home grown medium red clover seed, $6O/bu , Col Co, 570-437-2420 Oats, $2 50/bu , straw, $1 60-$2/bale, 2 new mold boards #522329, fits IH 16" super chief, $45 each, Per ry Co , 717-789-3892 Liquid rubber, waterproof almost anything, roofs, decks, docks, equip , wood metal concrete, 5 gal pails, easy application, Lehigh Co. 610-767-6065 MF T 035 w/loader, running cond , ready to be restored, $2,500, Montg Co , 610- 489-4140 Straw, 4x4x8,1,200 lb from rotary combine, $65, never used Herdex, $135, 2,000 bu , corn crib, $250, Montg Co , 610-754-7012 Mulch hay 40 round bales, 80, Hesston PT7 haybine, $1,250 080, eves & Sat, Lane Co, 717-354-0327 1992Towncar, 133,000 mi, 5/03 inspection, $5,500 080, 1989 F 250 XLT super cab, 154,000 mi , 12/02 inspection, $5,990 080, Cumb Co, 717-776- 4373 Deutz Allis 385 planter, no til w/momtor, 4 row, mark ers, liq & gran , seed discs, JD 215 gram flex head, $2,995 each, Perry Co , 717-444-3246 1966 Cub Loboy, runs great, no attachments, $1,750, Sears suburban, 12 HP, lawn tractor, 48” deck, need adjusting, $lOO, Bucks Co, 215-794- 7173, 4x5 round bales of grass hay, stored inside, Lacka Co, 570-282-2557 Motorola business band radios, low freq , 100 watt base, 8 mobile units, works good, $5OO, Somerset Co , 814-443-4039 WANTED Bo|ks & Magazines Late 1800's, Early 1900's 717-692-4759 NT Oil Additive • Improves fuel economy • Eliminates metal to metal contact • Reduces wear • Protects rubber seals • Eliminates corrosion • Fixes automatic transmission shift cycle • A lubricity agent that can be added to any oil Guaranteed results. Call & leave message with address to receive information booklet Shop Help Wanted Joel King 105 Rahrers Mill Rd., Ranks, PA 17572 717-687-0186 Sano earth type pool filter & circulator pump, used last year when pool taken down, $35, Berks Co , 610- 562-5294 JD No 8 grass mower, extra parts, super 6 loader, fits JD 50 or Farmall, $lOO each 080, Berks Co., 610- 756-6172 JD 15 gal lawn & tree sprayer, new cond , Lane Co., 717-581-9329 Bushings for Keyway broaches, 50 plus, from 3- 4" to 3”, $5O for all, Mont Co, PA, 610-539-0428 1986 SlO 4x4 auto trailer hitch, bedlmer, topper, $2,600, Ontario gram drill, $250, wanted 1972 Honda CL3SO parts, Sch Co, 570-739-2693 Oats 2000 crop, 300 bu , Gehl 920 silage wagon, 2 beater, g c , wooden hay wagon, 16', Berks Co, 610-488-6743 Knuckle boom crane, max 3300# @5l/2’, 1100# @l3l/2’ for IT frame w/pump, $1,900, Mont Co , 610-940-2668 NH 256 rake, NH 489 hay bine, Hesston 540 round baler, JD 1209 mower con ditioner, Blair Co, 814-696- 4079 Round bales of Ist cutting grass hay, 4x5 steer hay, stored inside, $l5 at farm, Lane Co, 717-665-2408 Ong Worthington tractor w/sickle bar mower, pow ered by B Ford eng , wo, k mg cond , $4,000, Bucks Co , 215-257-4391 Grass hay, nice, not rained on, $lOO/ton at farm, will also deliver, Leb Co , 717- 949-2107 1996 Ford Ranger 4x4, ext cab, 4 0 V 6, 5 spd , black, 86,000 mi, most options, v g cond , $9,000, 6 p m -9 p m , Leb Co , 717-866- 5199 5 rubbers to be put on steel corn planter wheels, new, 5 for $2O, never used, no Sunday calls, Sch Co, 570-943-2331 Ford 7600, cab, dual pow er, dual hyd , cast center, power adj wheels, 2,800 ong hrs, exc cond, $12,500, Northampton Co, 610-837-6019 NH L 325 skid loader, 4 cyl Wise eng, bucket & manure forks, $4,500 080, eves after 6 p.m , Lane Co, 717-664-0093 NH 489 haybine, gc, ooumatic 5 cow pipeline milker, Mueller 800 gal bulk tank, small sq bales, mixed hay, Fulton Co , 717- 573-2805 40 show ease tie stalls w/water bowls, VE milk temp recorder, milk tanks for waterers, NH forage wagon #27 blower, York Co. 717-993-2919 MF 1235 hydro 4x4, 3 pth., dsl , 5’ mower, 125 hrs., exc cond, $14,500, Northumberland Co, 570- 988-0673 White 485 12’ or 24’ spring reset field harrow, $BOO, 89 Dodge dually dsl. enclosed utility, B’, v.g, $5,900, Adams Co, 717-677-0800 1992 6'6”xl4' Burkett gooseneck stock trailer, $1,700, 9 ton tnaxle pintle Lowboy trailer, $7OO, 18, 18’ roof trusses, $350, Adams Co., 717-677-0800 16' fiberglass boat & trailer, 90 HP Mercury, needs work, no title, $l5O 080, Fred Co, MD, 301-293- 1745 Steiner silo unlodader 12’, $1,200, 105 Rissler TMR, $1,750, 1 owner, spring farm, Bedford Co, 814- 793-1887 18' agro trend dump wag on, 20 ton gear, 445/65- 22 5 tires, $7,500, Tioga Co , 570-549-2919 Greenhouse 30x100, 3 y/o, 48" fan, motorized louver, 4 ceiling fans, 240,000 bfu heater, used for tomatoes, $3,900, Lane Co, 717- 463-2917 Allis Chalmers snap cou pler scraper blade, 6’, fits WD 45, fair cond , $450, call after 6pm, Lane Co , 717-653-8207 Reg Angus bull born 2/12/01, B/R new design 036 son calving ease, Per ry Co, 717-536-0059 Round bales mulch, $lO, Farmall B running, good tires, WD9 parts, old JD tractor parts, Jefferson Co , after Bpm, 814-856-2885 Cub Cadet 149 hydro, 16 HP Kohler eng, mower deck, snow plow, gc , $995, tractor cab ton MF 1100, needs work. $5O, Col. Co.. 570-799-5521 Brand new Appalachian car hauling trailer, 16' self stor ing rams, brakes, both axles breakaway kit, 7,000 lb gvw, $1,750, Chester Co-610-399-5184 MF #lO sq hay baler w/wagon loading chute, 540 rpm PTO, low acreage, shed kept, exc cond, Wayne Co, 570-224-6365 JD 214 garden tractor w/4’ cut mower, garage kept, $1,425, Northampton Co , 610-837-6454 Free 20x40 Martin silo, you dismantel, we'll haul, JD 15 single disc gram drill, gram drill, $250, Luz Co , 570- 379-3346 Wheelhorse Cl2o tractor w/42” mower, rebuilt eng , g c , $B5O, Sussex Co , 973-702-0855 IHC corn planter, 4 row, 30” or 40” 3 seed drums, fert boxes, like new, owner's manual, always shedded, exc cond, model 400, $5OO, Balto Co , 410-374- 9750 Hustler excel zero turn mower, model 4420, 4 cyl Kubota dsl, 28 HP, 72” deck. 1.068 hrs , $4,200 080, Bucks Co., 215-493- 0889 1996 Ford FISXL, 4x4, 4 9 liter, 6 cyl, 5 spd , A/C, AM/FM, bedlmer, Berlin cover, 77k, new msp, $ll,OOO firm' Lane. Co, 717-733-0946 Ridgid model 1224 power drive threading, 120 V, pipe 1/4" to 4” NPT enclosed wheel stand, 8R.2 heads, foot pedal, auto, oiling, used 2 jobs, $4,500, Luz Co.. 570-455-6162 80 sq. good used alu roof ing, $2O a sq , 90 pcs , 2"x10"24' /0 ng 100 pcs 2"x10”19’long, 11 sq white painted steel roofing, $l5 a sq , John S King, Honey Brook, 610-273-9628 AC rotobaler, JD 25 front mounted 40 loader, JD 3 btm HD MH 2 btm tractor drawn plows, Sch Co, 570-345-2461 Round bale wrapper, heavy duty roll off, used few sea son, still very nice, $7,000, no Sunday calls, Cumb Co. 717-477-0727 AC 4x16” hyd reset plow semi mount, $4OO, Ford 2x14” rollover plow, $5OO 080, Ford 335 loader trac tor, $5,000, Lane Co., 717- 665-5993 1985 F 250 dsl p/u, $l,BOO, new radiator for 95 Ford Taurus, $9O, Fred Co, 301-898-7200 Deutz DXI2O w/cab, needs door tractor in g c rubber, $7,800, Cumb Co., 717- 423-6188 JD 3020 NFE, tires 90%, runs good, $6,000, wheat straw, $2.50/bale, JD 340 & JDX4 snowmobiles, both run, York Co, 717-244- 7568 Concrete H bunks, $lOO each, surge 2” pipeline tak en out, $BOO, 4 stall calf hutch, $5O, 80. Berks Co., 717-933-9457 IH 826 tractor German di _ tractor German .... steel cab, wide front, worked well before fire, $3,000 080, Dauphin Co , 570-758-4448 Tree trimmer, cherry picker, Edwards Dyfia soar, 3 , wheel model 14 HP, Kohler 16’ reach, $1,600 080, Bob, Franklin Co , 717-749- 5434 . 1957 JD 720 dsl. pony start, g c , $4,700, York Co , 717-246-8095 45’ Dorsey flatbed, 24.5 spread axle, air ride, $3,500 or $4,500, complete w/log bunks, Potter Co, 814-228-3251 12 y/o standard carriage horse, good build, sound, long stride trotter, works in field, has papers, Lane Co. 717-738-7298 NH 790 harvester w/824 corn head, exc cond., used less than 100 acres, $10,500, Lane Co, 717- 354-7142 JD 410 loader for JD 4100 or 4200, $1,500, like new, Lane. Co.. 717-354-7142 642 Bobcat skid loader w/choice of wheels, air boss, beltings, new tires, $6,700, binder w/alum. loader, tandem axles, $2,400 080, Dauphin Co, 717-365-3915 THD Wise eng , 20 HP, 2 cyl, $6OO, NH 451 mower wheelchair, gc , Centre Co, John A Stoltzfus, 5129 Brush Valley Rd- Rebersburq, PA 16872 Line welder 225 w/Onan eng, ready to use MF super 90 eng. parts, no Sunday calls, Lane Co, 717-656-4842 Int 45 vibra shank, field cult 12' 3 pt, $650, Lane Co, 717-872-5514 5 yr saddlebred, traffic safe 6 sound, family broke, acclimated, style, Earl Hoover, 1022 Ridge Ave , Ephrata, PA 17522, N/East Green Dragon Roosters, 10 mcs old, Rhode Island reds & barred rocks, $5 each 080, York Co, 717-586-0399 Circulation Main: 717-394-3047 717-721-4412 • 717-721-4411 Monday, Wednesday & Friday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Thursday 7:00 am to 5:00 pm Fill in your name, address, telephone number Check appropriate payment box *52 issues - $34.00 104 issues - $63.00 in PA, MD, DE, NJ, NY, OH, VA, WV * All other states: 52 issues - $45.00 104 issues - $85.0^ Outside U.S. - Call for price quote » L Payment must accompany order - Allow three weeks for subset(WSn to start. 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To insure proper credit for your subscription - Attach Your Mailm from a recent Lancaster Farming issue and check the appropriate payment boxes CLIP HERE Renewal - Change of Address Please send this form & payment to: Lancaster Farming PO Box 609 Ephrata, PA 17522 (Check appropriate Boxes) Rates Effective Through 04/30/02 □ New Subscription □ Renewal - Attach Mailing Label Above □ Address Change - Attached Mailing Label Above Date to Change . / / PA. □ $34.00 -1 yr (52 issues) □ $45.00 -1 yr (52 issues) □ $63.00 - 2 yrs (104 issues) □ $85.00 - 2 yrs (104 issues) Name Address + 4 □ I have enclosed a Check/Money Order □ AmEx □ Please charge my credit card □MC □ Visa □ Discover ii i i Signature for Credit Card Payment Only NON REFUNDABLE NH 492 haybme, real g c , $4,500 080, 2 5 bag Essick masonry mortar mixer, g.c, $750, Lane Co . 717-445-0372 Vertical feed mixer, flex auger, B’x7' overhead door, pulley for 200 Farmall, tobacco lath, s bed trk cap, 12' silo unloader, Lane Co, 717-653-4748 Haybme Hesston 420 self propelled, 10’, runs good, ask $2,500 080 or trade 7 Cambria Co, 814-322- 1295 NH 1495 self propelled haybme, Ford dsl cab, air cond , $4,400 OMO, Lane Co , 717-445-4978 CHANGE OF ADDRESS Lancaster Farming Mail Label Attach Your Mail Label Hen Telephone (credit card number) Tanks, 16,000 gal steel, 800 to 1,200 gal. poly tanks, cone btm. & ball in steel cradles, Lane Co., 717-354-4996 150 gal field sprayer on wheels, 21 ’ new pump, very clean, $250, call after 5 30 p m . Berks Co . 610-777- 7349 IH 9 0 dsl, complete in fram w/trawy & 2 spd rear, $2,500, window & door pro filer, $1,500, Berks Co. Bethel, Berks Co, 933- 9427 White 348 3B 18” spring reset plow w/coulters, new moldbds., $1,300, NH 477 haybme, g c , field ready, $1,700, Lane. Co., 610- 286-7093 ither Stati State exp. date
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