% This column is for read ers who have questions but don’t know who to ask for answers. “You Ask—You Answer” is for non-cooking ques tions. When a reader sends in a question, it will be printed in the paper. Read ers who know the answer are asked to respond by mailing the answer, which will then be printed in the paper. Questions and Answers to this column should be addressed to You Ask—You Answer, Lancaster Farm ing, P.O. Box 609, Ephrata, PA 17522. Attention: Lou Ann Good. Or, you may e-mail ques tions and answers to Igoo d.eph@lnpnews.com Please clarify what ques tion you are answering when responding. Do not send a self-ad dressed, stamped envelope for a reply. If we receive the answer, we will publish it as soon as possible. Please include your phone number because we some times need to contact the person to clarify details. We will not publish your phone number unless you request it. QUESTION - Beth, no last name or address given, wants to know how to ster ilize potting soil in the oven before planting vegetable seeds indoors. QUESTION - Ella Eber sol, 311 Newport Rd., Leola, PA 17540, will pay for the following used books in good condition: “Easy Growth in Reading, Looking Forward,” sth reader, Winstone by Ger trude Hildreth (can’t de termine where the book was printed), and “Around the Corner,” a Ginn Basic Reader by Ginn and Com pany, copyrighted 1048-1053-1957-1961, Phillippines copyright 1049. QUESTION - Mabel Harnish, Willow St., wants to know how to keep deer Medicare Covers Screening Exams CAMP HILL (Dauphin Co.) Men and women more than SO years of age and covered by Medicare are eligible to receiving screening exams for the country’s second leading cause of cancer related deaths. Colorectal cancer, or cancer of the colon or rectum, is second only to lung cancer and is most common in men and women age SO years and older. Having regu lar screening exams beginning at age 50 could prevent many cases of colorectal cancer. Screening tests can find polyps, which are tiny growths that can become cancerous. And the risk increases with age, with 93 percent of cases ask Oll^^g out of her garden in the summer without putting up a fence. Deer have already eaten off some tulips in her flower beds this spring. She saw deer tracks in her flower bed and on plowed ground. QUESTION - Leon Spory, 730 Roaring Run Rd., Boswell, PA 15531-1946, wants seeds for a pole bean called Lazy wife. He believes it is one of the best stringless bean he ever tried and is a good producer. He likes to plant a few seeds with the field corn, which eliminates the need for poles. QUESTION - Margaret Marshall, Rochester Mills, wants the words to the poem, "Gossip the Barber,” which she remembers was in a prose and poetry high school book in the 19405. QUESTION - Curtis Weaver, 1396 Creek Rd., Carlisle, PA 17013, has an Enterprize 2092 sausage stuffer and would like to buy a lard strainer basket and plate to fit inside. Any one have a used one to sell or know where he can buy it new? QUESTION - C. Faus, Hegins, has some ques tions about rhubarb stalks. She writes that in the fall, before frost kills the leaves, she harvests rhu barb stalks. The leaves will not feed the roots after they are killed by frost any way. Some people say the stalks and leaves have poi son in them at the that time of the year. Is this true? If so, why don’t they have poison in them when har vested before June 21? QUESTION - M. Nolt, East Earl, wants to know where she can purchase a cast iron 12- or 14-inch pizza pan similar to a Pizza Hut pan. QUESTION Nine-year old Alvin Stoltzfus collects business cards. He would like if people would send a few from their businesses diagnosed in people age 50 or older. A family history of colorectal cancer or colorectal polyps also increases the risk of developing colorectal cancer. Removing pol yps early can prevent cancer. These tests also can find colorec tal cancer early, when there may not be any symptoms and when treatment can be most effective. While early colorectal cancer often may have no symptoms, sometimes symptoms do occur. Symptoms to watch for include blood in or on the stool, a change in bowel habits, stools that are narrower than usual, general stomach discomfort, frequent gas or a collection of one if they no longer want it. Send to Alvin Stoltzfus, 1195 Mondale Rd., Bird-In- Hand, PA 17505. QUESTION - Amos Kauffman, 1860 Cambridge Rd., Honeybrook, PA 19344, is looking for a used Kitchen Center Oster mixer for parts. They are no long er manufactured, and the gears are worn in his. QUESTION - Mary Davis is looking for simple goat milk soap recipe that uses ice cubes. QUESTION - Ronald Strawbridge, Brogue, wants to know where to purchase cast aluminum name plates, cast on one side only. QUESTION - Fred Girth, 515 East Freehold Rd., Freehold, N.J., would like information on wooden shallow well handpumps. Likely made of cedar in the the 1800 s, they are six or eight feet long in four-inch square sections, bored, threaded, and porcelain lined, with leather gaskets between sections. Guth’s parents had one in use in the late 19205. QUESTION - Sam Par ker, 2970 Welsh Rd., Mohn ton, PA 19540, is looking for about 20 feet of green house “8-mil” UV-protected plastic. QUESTION - Lydia Seil er, Drumore, is looking for an old-fashioned, hand crank meat slicer. Call at (717) 284-4583. QUESTION - Mike Hart man, 962 Martin Rd., Need more, PA 17238, would like an owner’s manual for an Owatonna 595 roll baler. He would be willing to re ceive a photocopy, or make a copy himself and return the original. QUESTION - Gladys Stephens, R.R. 1 Box 1069 Starrucca, PA 18462, is in terested in the 1968 Frank lin Mint antique car/coin collection. She also col lects a variety of things for disabled children. QUESTION - Winona Homko, P.O. Box 308, 22 N. Spruce Street, Oxford, e mail winonamjo aol.com, is looking for in formation on an old iron bike mounted on a plank marked Everlast Sporting Goods Mfg. Co. in NY, No. G 530-3, made in USA. It pains, or weight loss. If you have any of these symptoms, discuss them with your doctor. Only he or she can determine the cause of the symptoms. If you are SO or older and are covered by Medicare, you may be eligible to receive the following colorectal cancer screening bene fits. There is no minimum age for having a colonoscopy. • Fecal Occult Blood Test Covered once every 12 months • Flexible Sigmoidoscopy Covered once every 48 months • Colonoscopy Covered once every 24 months for those at high risk or once every 10 years, but not within 48 months of a was purchased at an Army Depot many years ago. QUESTION - Shirley Or fanella, 1125 Slate Hill Rd., Quarryvilie, PA 17566, is looking for “horse oint ment” for arthritis. QUESTION - Ron Smith, 325 N. High St., Duncan non, PA 17020, wonders if there was a dairy named KOPF and Henry in Lancas ter County or elsewhere. QUESTION - Russ Brezler, 314 W. Seventh St., Waynesboro, wants to know of a supplier for axe and axe handles. He will supply patterns. QUESTION - A reader, who sent no address, wants to know where to find old cards manufac tured by Gibson, Cincin nati, Ohio. The seven-day cards have messages writ ten as if the animal wrote the message. The reader has cards numbered 4,5, 6, and 7. An example of the writing is the number 4 cards with the message: “Betsy Bear is at your door/With get-well #4 wish.” Anyone able to help her locate numbers 1,2, and 3? QUESTION - A reader needs a set of good beaters to fit a Spatula Smart Black & Decker hand mixer. It is a heavy duty power boost mixer. If you have a set, call (301) 791-9586. QUESTION - David Sim pler, Elkton, Md., writes that he used a product in 1972 call Purge-O-Matic from Stewatt Chemicals to clean soot from oil burners. It worked great, but he doesn’t know where to get it now. He doesn’t want to use soot sticks, he writes, because it will eat the fur nace. QUESTION - Maggie Keeler and her husband are responsible for obtaining heirloom seeds for a living history farm, The Burr House and Farm In West Virginia. Keeler writes that the 1751 house is the old est frame structure in the state. The committee has purchased seeds from Landis Valley Farm Muse um, but would like to ex pand the varieties grown through donation, pur chase, and seed swapping. They especially would like bean varieties and seeds for other favorite vege tables that have been For Colorectal Cancer screening sigmoidoscopy, for those not at high risk for colon cancer • Barium Enema Can be performed instead of a colonosco py or flexible sigmoidoscopy Medicare will pay 100 percent of the cost of the fecal occult blood test. For all other colorectal screening tests. Medicare will pay 80 percent of the approved amount after the yearly Part B deductible. Medicare patients are responsible for the 20 percent coinsurance and any deductible applied. For flexible sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy, Medicare patients must pay 25 percent of the Medi passed down through the generations. Send to Burr House and Farm Agricul ture Committee, Jefferson Co. Landmarks Commis sion, c/o Irvan M. Groff, 324 E. First Ave., Charles town, WV 25414. Or, phone (304) 724-1279. QUESTION - Donna Truesdell, S. Deerfield, Mass., wants to identify a source for replacement rubber caps for the ends of tension curtain rods. The rods are fine, but the rub ber caps have become fragile from sun exposure. ANSWER - A reader wanted the name of the Ohio vendor that sells wag ons. Thanks to Arvillla Keeny, New Freedom, who writes that she believes the vendor is Andy Weaver, 16891 Farmington Rd., West Farmington, Ohio 44491. Phone number is 1-800-882-8799. ANSWER - Mary Mont gomery, Doylestown, had questions about a gardenia plant that hasn’t flowered. Arvilla Keeny, New Free dom, writes a plant book that she has teaches that gardenias kept indoors must have high humidity and cooi nights (about 62 degrees), along with sun light. Gardenias thrive in greenhouses. The plants require an acidic soil and also can be successfully grown under artificial lights. Some gardenias bloom in.the summer and others are winter bloomers. ANSWER - Howard Gib son has this solution for Kathleen Salotti who, want ed to know how to rid moles from the garden: Place pieces of Wrigley Juice Fruit Gum near the mole holes. ANSWER - Harriet Tin ker, Cockeysviile, Md., writes that the hollow to mato variety that Elsie Mar tin, Hagerstown, Md., is looking for is called Vera Tomato Pepper, and is available from Totally To matoes, P.O. Box 1626, Au gusta, Ga. 30903-1626. Phone 1-803-663-0016. ANSWER - A reader wanted to know where to find a 3-inch porcelain light socket. Thanks to Terry Fake who e-mailed that he has one that fits a 3-inch electrical box with 2 3 /i-inch mounting holes center to center. Call him at (717) 867-1588. care-approved amount if the test is done in an ambulatory surgical center or hospital outpatient de partment. If you have a Medicare supplemental or Medigap plan, it may cover your coinsurance and deductible amounts. Check with your supplemental insurer if you are unsure what your secondary plan covers. If you are 50 or older and have not been screened for colorectal cancer, talk with your doctor about the colorectal screening op tions that are right for you. For more information on colorectal cancer, contact the National Cancer Institute’s Cancer In formation Service at 1-800-4-CANCER.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers