Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 13, 2002, Image 5
ipennfield ■■l Dairy feed technologies GUCKET MOL DOH! Wass die nachbra sin am schwetza waich des: PENNFIELD FORAGE REPLACER Western Alfalfa Hay (plus whole fuzzy cottonseed, citrus pulp & fiber pellets). Fan Provides more feed energy than hay alone. Backed by 5-years of extensive research. Guaranteed analyses. Money back guarantee. Contact your Pennfield dairy consultant j . information! ! ! til tHpmNUi ffec Buy 5009 It : $119.95/taa** e is for the week of 4/15/02 and includes B~ton quantity; midweek,-and 4% cash discounts lohrerstown Rood ♦ P.Q, Sox 4366 ♦ Lancaster, PR 17604 • ♦ 7T7-299-2561 COWS LOVE 5-Ton Minimum Delivery WORKHORSE PEDAL ,1 8 thru Saturday, July 6 Feed* and receive o B&D (indudw battery and charger) for FKE. FREE B&D Reciprocating Saw. 75002,75003,75(M . - -”E r< IT! 'Vf- *< <\ \T' *’ >