A42-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 13, 2002 Corn Belt Feedstuff St. Joseph, Mo. April 9,2002 Report Supplied By USDA Feedstuff prices were mostly steady to weak except for Distillers Dried Grain prices which were steady to slightly higher. Protein meals showed some weakness due to reformulation in many areas Feed demand remained slow and cheaper alternative ingredients ample Spring seems to have Anally arrived in the Midwest and planting season is just around the corner. Many areas in the Eastern Corn Belt are receiving some unnecessary moisture but planting con cerns are mild at this point SOYBEAN MEAL 48 percent rail 4.00 to 5.00 lower at 156.50-160.50 48 percent truck 4.00 to 5.00 lower at 159 50-165.50 per ton. CORN BY-PRODUCTS: Gluten Feed 21 percent, Interior Points, steady at 50 00-60 00; Chicago 3.00 to 4 00 lower at 51.00-58 00. 60 percent Gluten Meal, Interior Points, steady to 10.00 lower at 200.00- Chicago steady to 10.00 lower at 200.00-220.00 per ton. Rail Hominy Feed, Central Illinois Points, steady at 64.00-68.00; truck steady at 65.00- Crude Com CMI 50 points lower at 17.50-18.50 cents per pound. MIDDLINGS: Northwest steady at 60 00-65.00; Buffalo steady at 63.00- 67.00 per ton. ALFALFA PELLETS: Toledo, Ohio 17 percent dehydrated, steady to 1.00 higher at 149.00-183.00; meal steady to 1 00 higher at 152.00-186 00 15 percent steady at 134.00-160.00 per ton; meal steady at 137 00-163.00. DISTILLER’S DRIED GRAINS Central Illinois 5.00 to 10.00 higher at 70 00- 77 00, Chicago steady to 400 higher at 75.00-82.00; Lawrenceburg, IL steady at 70 00 Kansas and Nebraska steady to 10.00 higher at 90 00-105.00; PUBLIC AUCTION ♦MUNICIPALITY EQUIPMENT ♦FARM CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT ♦ LAWN & GARDEN ♦ TOOLS —SATURDAY ~ APRIL 20, 2002 @ 11 AM Greenfield Municipal Building, Lackawanna County Rt. 106 Greenfield Twp., PA (near Finch Hill Comers) Directions: Take 1-BIN to Exit 202 (Tompkinsville exit). Make ® onto Rt. 107 E thru Tompkinsville, next stop sign Make (L) onto 247 N to next blink ing light & make ® onto Rt. 106 E. Auction 1/2 mile on ®. From Binghamton -1-81 S to Exit 202, make (L) onto Rt. 107 E follow as above. Watch for auc tion arrows. From Honesdale - Rt. 6 to Carbondale, follow 106 W to Greenfield Municipal building on (L), watch for auction arrows!!! Consignment #1 from Greenfield Twp: JD #6lO backhoe, extend a hoe w/Ram Bucket; JD #6lO Extend hoe backhoe; Gradall #4400 diesel, up & down w/remotes, Gradall #63WD; 1985 Mack tandem dump w/new dump body; ‘93 Chevy K3O 4x4 1 ton dump; (2) Barber Greene #PF 180 pavers; Consignment #2 from Herrick Center, PA retired farmer: JD #219 hay bine; NH #315 hay baler w/thrower; Deutz-Fahr #KII2 52 tedder; NH #258 hay rake w/dolly wheels; NH #256 hay rake; NH #365 manure spreader; set of pallet forks; bucket for IH loader; NH tandem rake hitch; (3) metal rack hay wagons; (2) tandem axle, (1) 8 ton running gear, all w/adjustable tongues; (3) feeders; Consignment #3 from Scott Township farmer: JD model L senes 51 ground driven manure spreader in EXCELLENT condition; NH #269 baler; NH #404 cnmper; Hesston #5530 round baler; Kuhn #KHSOO tedder; wood en rack hay wagon (B’xlB’ w/8 ton running gear). Other consignments: CAT DBG dozer w/11’ blade w/ripers & pony mower, serial #15A3046; JD#lOlO dozer; JD B tractor; JD#6O farm tractor w/wf, ps; JD#lO5O utility tractor, 4x4 w/loader & backhoe (SHARP); 1H#330 utility, 3 pt, gas, wf; IH #504, ps, gas, good TA, 3pt, SHARP; (2) MF #2OC; Ford model 2000 farm tractor; (2) buffalo spring 4 ton rollers; Bomax vibrat ing roller; (2) 7500 watt generators, contractor series, industrial w/elec. start, 357 cc, brand new; 1980 Ford 1 ton, 5 sp, w/Hobart Mig-A-Arc 350 amp welder w/23 cyl. Perkins diesel (VG); NH #489 haybine; 4 star tedder; JD #1209 haybine; 1984 GMC 3500 series, 2 wheel drive, 454cid, 4 sp, w/wheel lift & hyd boom, new rubber, SHARP; JCB #2ISS Backhoe, clam shell bucket on front & rear, 4x4, 1780 hrs, SHARP: CAT 9318 clam bucket, ROP; IH Cub w/sickle bar; 11 ’ Reading utility body, 1 yr old; 2’ back pack; (5) 250 gal. fluid tanks w/metal cages; 1990 Mercury 4 door, loaded; 1 pair pallet forks; 18’ motor boat; Kawasaki motorcycle; 1997 Dodge 1/2 ton 4x4 extend cab, 318cid, loaded; 1991 Ford Fl5O 4x4,302, new rubber, lock outs, loaded; 12-1/2 hp ditch witch; 18hp Sears lawn tractor w/44” deck; Toro 11 hp w/collection system; JD #3BT lawn sweeper; lOhp Wheel Horse; lOhp Dynamark; Jacobsen model LFIOO diesel, 9’ reel mower; Toro #220 diesel, 9’ reel mower; (2) gas golf carts; Kawasaki mule; MF #l2 baler w/kicker; Case #630 back hoe; 1982 Ford cab & chassis, VB, stick; asst, chain saws, push mowers, snow blowers; PLUS ... Truck load of NEW TOOLS!!! This is a partial listing l !'! Accepting consignments Thursday the 18th & Friday the 19th - 9 a.m. to 6 p m Terms: Cash or Check w/dnver’s license. AUCTIONEERS John Regan #AUOO3IS6L Umondale. PA Phone: 570-679-2376 Tom Randt #AAOO2S2BL Minneapolis steady at 77.00 per ton. BREWER’S DRIED GRAINS: Newark, NJ steady at 83.00; Williams burg, VA steady at 73 00 per ton Virginia Broilers And Fryers Harrisonburg, Va. April 9,2002 Report Supplied By USDA Movement of ready-to-cook whole birds was moderate to slow and clearing the market at a reasonable rate. Demand was moderate to light with average buyer interest and trading. Live supplies was moderate for the market being re ported with an estimated slaughter of 1,381,000 compared to 1,372,000 last Tuesday. Weights was desirable. Pro cessing schedules was moderate. Supply and demand of bone in breast were mod erate for the market being reported. Actual slaughter for the week of 04/01- 046 was 6,532,875 head, average weight 4.97. Negotiated F. 0.8. dock prices, 2 pounds and heavier ice-packed broilers and fryers, trucklot sales of US Grade A or equivalent were steady at .44 - .55 per pound; less than trucklot sales .44 -.63 per pound. Eastern Region Whole Young Turkeys Des Moines, lowa April 11,2002 Report Supplied By USDA WHOLE YOUNG TURKEYS, FROZEN, Consumer Sizes, Commodity Pack or Equivalent, US Grade A, cents per lb, delivered (minimum of 10,000 lb lots) for Apr. 11: CURRENT SHIPMENTS: Eastern Region: HENS, 8-16 lb FROZEN: Offers 58.5-59; Sales 58.5, wtd. avg. 58.5; 200,000 lbs. TOMS, 16-24 lb FROZEN: Offers 53.5-54; Sales 53.5, wtd. avg. 53.5; 80,000 lbs. FRESH TURKEYS, with timers or equivalent, US Grade A delivered first receivers. Eastern Region, cents per lb, week of Apr. 8. SALES (Promotions included) HENS 8-16 lb 67.40, 100.000 lb. TOMS. 16-24 lb 62.67; 60,000 lb. Sheep and Goats Direct Buying Market Nashville, Tenn. April 10,2002 Report Supplied By USDA Possum Hollow Sheep and Goat Direct Buying Market at McMinnville, Tenn. Prices updated every Wednesday as of 04/10/02. Estimated receipts this week 1,000 head; last week 1,240; last year 1300. Light lambs steady to 3.00 lower, heavy lambs 1.00 to 5.00 higher. Kid goats steady to S.OO lower; mature goats steady to 3.00 lower. Prices per CWT. SHEEP: SLAUGHTER LAMBS: Choice and Prime 40-60 lbs 82.00-92.00; 60-80 lbs 70-80.00; 80-110 lbs 66-75.00; 100-120 lbs 60.00-67.00. FEEDER LAMBS; 40-60 lbs 65-75.00; 60-80 lbs 62- 70.00. SLAUGHTER EWES & RAMS: All wts. 25-33.00. GOATS; SLAUGHTER; Selection 1- 2; 30-45 lbs 80-85.00; 50-75 lbs 85-90.00. Selection 3: 30-45 lb 70-75.00; 50-70 lb 72-78.00. BOER CROSS KIDS: Selec tion 1-2:30-45 lbs 85-90.00; 50-70 lbs 90- 95.00. DOES/NANNIES: Selection 2. Choice 60-85 lbs 52-58.00; 85 lbs and up 48-52.00 Selection 3, all wgts. 40-45.00. BUCKS/BILLIES: 75-110 lbs 58-65.00, 110 Ibs/up 60-65.00. SURPLUS EQUIPMENT AUCTION We will be selling excess equipment and tools surplus to the needs of Blaise Alexander. Located on premises 109 Maynard St., Williamsport (Lycoming County), PA. Watch for auction signs off the Maynard St. exit of Rt. 220 at Williamsport. SAT., APRIL 20, 2002 AT 9:30 A.M. Garage Equipment, Tools, Building and Auto Supplies, Appliances, Household, Farm Tractors, Trucks, Vehicles, Buildings (to be tom down). Held inside heated building with lunch (bring chairs). Parking available. Complete listing in Sun Gazette Sun., 4/14/02 or call auctioneer for faxed copy. Conducted by Scott Younkin & Associates, AU-1666-L. Phone (570) 323-9011. PUBLIC CONSIGNMENT SALE SAT., APRIL 20, 2002 Time 8:30 A.M. Located 3 mile north of Carlisle, Pa along Rt. 74 Partial listing of Consignment: Farmall 300 Tractor, M.F. 1080 Diesel w/Loader, 8 N. Ford w/Plow, Fordson Dexta Diesel, 1941 Oliver #6O Tractor, Plus Other Tractors, Oliver Self-Propelled Combine, Hesston 5800 Round Baler, 10’ Rotary Hoe, N.H. 56 Rake w/Rubber Teeth, Int. 710-4 Bottom Plow, J.D. K.B.A. Disc, Chisel Plow, 4 Row S. Tine Cultivators, 300 Welsh Sprayer - Like New, Silage Blower, Heavy Bush Hog Offset Disc, N.H. 890 Forage Harvester w/7’ Grass Head, J.D. 10 Tooth Chisel Plow, Brillion 24’ Harrow, Wagons of All Kinds, Balers, Plows, Harvesters, Manure Spreaders, Com Planters, Lumber, Bam Boards, Posts, Steel, etc. Large Amount of Lawn and Garden Equipment, Wagon Loads of Farm Related Items. Hay and Straw 40’ Van Storage Trailer 45’ Van Reefer Trailer, Vehicles & Much More V\fe’D Be Accepting Fann hems Until 4:00 pm April 19th. No Sunday business. Will not accept household items, windows, glass, or worn out tires. We’ll be selling with two auc tioneers all day. Terms of sale cash or PA check. Settlement day of sale. Announcements day of sale take precedence over printed listing. Auctioneers - Kevin M. Wickard LC 2541 L Rick Foremen & Charlie Byers Phone (717) 243-1018 (717) 245-2015 (717) 241-5341 Southern & Eastern Direct Feeder Pigs Columbia, S.C. April 5,2002 Report Supplied by USDA Southern And Eastern US Direct FOB Feeder Pig Report. Weekly summary of prices FOB farm basis, week ended Apr 5 Receipts 38,205, last week 30,081 Compared to last week, early weaned pigs 1.00 per head lower, 40-50 pound feeder pigs 1 00 to 3.00 lower per head. Demand light for moderate offerings Receipts include 22,780 pigs shipped to lowa and Central US. PIGS, EARLY WEANED 10 LB BASIS, Estimated 50-54% Lean Value: Lot size 250 or less: 815 head, 25.00- 32.84, wtd. avg. price 30.11. Lot size 250- 750: 4,980 head, 22.55-34.31, wtd. avg. price 28.86. Lot size 750 or m0re.10,970 head, 22.66-32.00. wtd. avg. price 27.75. Total Composite: 16,765 head, 22.55- 34.31, wtd. avg. price 28.20. PIGS, 40 LB BASIS, Estimated 50- 54% Lean Value: Lot size 250-750:1,520 head, 52.00- 54.50, wtd. avg. price 53.38. Lot size 750 or more: 2,450 head, 46.41- 46.50, wtd. avg. price 46.45. Total Com posite- 3,970 h ead, 46.41-54.50, wtd. avg. price 49.10. Pigs, 45 LB BASIS, Estimated 50-54% Lean Value: Lot size 250-750: 1,650 PUBLIC SALE SAT., APRIL 27TH, 2002 10:00 A.M. LOCATED 4 MILES WEST OF MANNS CHOICE ALONG RT. 31, BEDFORD CO., PA, AT THE JOE SR. & SUSAN HLATKY PROPERTY REAL ESTATE & FARM MACHINERY REAL ESTATE Consisting of Approx. 71 Acres of Land, Approximately 28 Acres Woodland, Balance Cleared Land; Having Thereon 2 Story Brick House, 4 Bedrooms, Modem Kitchen, Living Room, 1-1/2 Baths, Sewing Room, Enclosed Porch, Oil Hot Air Heat, Bank Bam, 3 Silos 2-20- SO, 1-24-80, Loafing Shed & Machine Shed. Real Nice Home. Complete Listing Next Week. *' TERMS: Personal Property Cash or Approved Check. REAL ESTATE: 10% "frown Day of Balance on Delivery of Deed. Seller Has Right to Accept or Reject, All Bids. Stanley Claycomb & Ass6c.-Auct. JOE SR. & SUSAN HLATKY 814-733-4363 Shown By Appointment Not Responsible For Accidents PUBLIC AUCTION JOHN M. HESS AUCTION SERVICE INC. LIQUIDATING FOUR HOUSEHOLDS FRL, APRIL 19, 2002 2:00 P.M. Location: Wolgemuth Auction Center 109 N. Maple Ave. Leola, PA 17540 **LOOK FOR THE FULL AD IN SECTION B** Gun Related Items: Remington Cardboard Advertisement, Tin Hunting Licenses (20’s, 30’s & 40’s), Cardboard Hunting Licenses (40’s, 50’s & 60’s), Tin Fishing Licenses (50’s) Guns: (4:00 PM) Ithaca Gun Co. Side By Side Double Barrel, Remington 30 06 Model 760 w/scope, Winchester 30-30, Winchester 12 Ga, Everbest 410, Stevens 12 Ga., Stevens Side By Side 12 Ga., Savage 300 (Model 99), Springfield 22, Mossberg Bolt 22, Single Barrel 12 Ga., 22 Hand Gun And More. All Guns Subject to Required Background Check Before Purchase. M _ John M. Hess IP I^ gg ‘ (AU-003484-L)Auctioneer auction service inc Phone (717) 733-8192 or (717)656-2947 Dennis & Robert Wolgemuth head, 48.37-54.00, wtd. avg. price 50.78. Lot size 750 or more: 10,560 head, 42.95- 52 50, wtd avg. price 48.12. Total Com posite: 12,210 head, 42.95-54.00, wtd avg price 48.48. PIGS, 50 LB BASIS, Estimated 50- 54% Lean Value; Lot size 250-750: 1,460 head, 43 24-48.00, wtd. avg. price 45 30 Lot size 750 or more 2,600 head, 43 24- 50.00, wtd. avg price 47 14. Total Com posite; 4,060 head 43.24-50.00, wtd. avg price 46.48. PIGS, 55 LB BASIS, Estimated 50- 54% Lean Value: Lot size 750 or more: 1,200 head, 55.23. Prices quoted on per head basis picked up at sellers farms in NC, SC, GA, TN, KY. AL, MS,AR, MO.TX, OK, KS, IN, OH, MI, CO, UT, and WY. Prices do not included freight or brokers fees. Many lots of 40-60 lb pigs sold with a 2S-.40 per lb slide. Also, some lots of early weaned pigs have a 1.00 per lb slid ing valued adjusted from a 10 lb basis. Early weaned pigs under 19 days old. Estimated lean value is projected to base slaughter weights with normal con finement feeding conditions. This report does not cover any trades which include proflt/loss share agree ments or any other form of shared or re tained ownership agreement.
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