■Lancaster Ft irmina. Saturdav Anrll 1 a 9nop Frank J. Janicki, Ph.D. Dairy Nutritionist and Management Consultant, Purina Mills, LLC Many management and nutrition-related factors contribute to a successful transition program. Management-related factors include: • Moving cows into the pre-fresh group three weeks prior to expected calving. • Pre-fresh group pen is clean and well bedded which can help reduce infections. • Cows are kept comfortable... correctly sized free-stalls or tie stalls are used that are easy for the cow to stand up or lie down in, bedded pack is clean and not over crowded, ventilation and lighting requirements are met, cows are kept dry, and adequate bunk space is provided with good footing throughout the pen. • Cows have clean, fresh water readily available at all times. • Cows have fresh feed in front of them at all times with 5% refusals. • Cows are moved as few times as possible between the far-off dry group and the lactating group to reduce social stress (pecking order). • Cows dry-off with a body condition score (BCS) of 3.5 and maintain that BCS during the dry period (cows will gain weight but should not change BCS). • If an anionic ration is fed, urine pH levels are monitored weekly. • Cows are observed regularly for feed, water, and health needs. BROOKLAND MILLS, INC. McVeytown, PA 17051 717-899-6772 K & K FEED, INC. 23 N Park Street Richland, PA 17087 717-866-2324 WOODSTOWN ICE & „ pn imp NORTH GLADE FEED & SUPPLY 12435-AWoodsboro Pike 50 Esst Grant Strost tin Woodstown, NJ 08098 856-769-0069 301-898-3414 ALBRIGHT’S MILL 9927 Kistler Valley Rd Kempton, PA 19529 610-756-6022 FARMER’S UNION CO-OP 30 East Walters Avenue Greencastle, PA 17225 717-597-3191 FRANKLIN FEED & SUPPLY 5458 Cedar St Williamson, PA 17270 717-369-3724 HAAG’S FEED STORE a Box 48 Beaver St Troutville, PA 15866 814-583-7556 ® Trademark of Ralston Purina Company HIGH BROS. MILL 441 Centerville Road Gordonville, PA 17529 717-354-0301 H.C. SUMMERS, INC. 4002 Jefferson Pike Jefferson, MD 301-473-8300 OLEY VALLEY FEED RD 2 - Box 271 A Oley, PA 610-987-3568 WILLIAM GOWER & SON Rt 1, Box 50 Williamsport, MD 21795 301-582-2818 UMBERGER’S MILL R D #4 - Box #545 Lebanon, PA 17042 717-867-5161 HECK H BOARI 239 W Mam St Knoxville, PA 16928 814-326-4178 http://dairy.purina-mills.com DR. FRANK TRANSITION COW MANAGEMENT AND NUTRITION I am often asked for input regarding the “ideal”,transition cow program. The transition period is from three weeks prior to calving to 3-4 weeks post-calving. Transition goals include maximizing dry matter intake with palatable feeds and forages; avoiding heavy grain feeding, yet still meet nutrient requirements; providing effective fiber to keep the rumen working; minimizing stress at calving; and minimizing weight loss after calving. Nutrition-related factors that contribute to a successful transition program include: • Dry matter (DM) intake is greater than 22 pounds and monitored daily. • Cows are fed, a specific pre-fresh ration to meet their nutritional requirements. • Dietary cations are minimized by maintaining potassium level of the ration at less than 1.3% DM and maintaining sodium level at less than 0.2% DM. • Sources of fermentable starch and digestible fiber are provided to initiate rumen papillae growth and maintain a healthy rumen environment. Properly managed, fed and conditioned dry and just-fresh cows and heifers have fewer calving problems, have healthier calves, have fewer metabolic and infectious disorders, have fewer breeding failures, and can produce 1000 to 2000 pounds more milk in their next lactation. Purina Mills has recently introduced a new line of feeds for the pre-fresh and post-fresh period designed to help meet the nutritional needs of transitioning dairy cows. Be sure to talk to your Purina representative about our Pre-FreshStart™ and Fresh Start™ products. FARM CHOICE, INC. 297 Chesapeake Avenue Harrisonburg, VA 22801 540-434-4601 R D BOWMAN & SONS, INC. FRANKLIN FEED & SUPPLY 1977 Philadelphia Ave Chambersburg, PA 717-264-6148 MARTIN’S FEED & FERTILIZER, INC. Coburn, PA 16832 814-349-8787 GERMANSVILLE FEED & FARM SUPPLY, INC. ASK Englar Rd Westminster, MD 21157 410-848-3733 WELLCO FEED RR 2, Box 1-A Wyalusmg, PA 18853 1-800-326-9651 717-746-3442 17130 Bake Oven Rd Germansville, PA 18053 610-767-9650 Feeds designed with you in mind. EAST GATE SEED & GRAIN Reedsville, PA 717-667-6656 Paradise, PA 17562 717-442-4183 1-800-635-3592 KREIDER’S MILL, INC. P.0.80x 146 Loysvllle, PA 17047 1 -800-789-M1LL(6455) 717-789-3535 BEDFORD FARM BUREAU Bedford, PA 814-623-6194 Everett, PA 814-652-2313 New Enterprise, PA 814-766-3328 BERLIN MILLING RD #1 - Box 88 Berlin, PA 15530 814-267-4124 RITTER FEEDS PO Box 306 - LR 3008 Paxtonville, PA 17861 570-837-3606
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