CERTIFIED ORGANIC FARM: Get over $2l cwt with free hauling. 101 acre farm near Richfield Springs with 90 tillable. 150 more organic acres to rent. Very good bam with 50 tie stalls on Delaval pipeline. Pens for 6 cows and 8 calves. 16x50 silo. 30x50 calf bam. Workshop and 2 story carriage house. Nice, white 3 bedroom ranch with oak floors and full dry basement. Comes with 56 drug free cows, 54 YS, 3 tractors and all machinery for $250,000 or $169,000 bare. JUST LISTED! Mort Wimple Associates Real Estate Sales - Management I'PFP PATAT OAfTVfi VfltflWWW U.S. ROUTE 20 E-mail: wimple@capital.net SLOANSVILLE N.Y. 12160 Internet Page; (518) 875-6355 www.tarmsunlimited com FAX: (518) 875-6749 THE REAL ESTATERS OF MANSFIELD 1671 S. Main St. (570) 662-2138 • Evening (570) 662-2363 realmans@7ouu-net.com Super 2-story camp or home built on 11.78 wooded acres in the Covington township, Pine Hill gated access subdivision. 1840 sq. ft. Electric 8.8. heat. 4 bdrms. up, multiple rooms down. New well and septic. Was $78,500 REDUCED TO $74,995 M-1519 In Farmington Twp. Tioga County PA. Spectacular views w/full service hook-ups (elect., water & sewer). 30x70 bldg, for store, gift shop, laundry, games & restrooms w/apt. overhead. 30 seasonal campers now gross approx. $21,000 p/y p/owner. Asking $229,000 M-1547 Located in Jackson Twp, Tioga County, PA Approx. 96± acres bordering paved & gravel roads. Beautifully remodeled 2-story 4 bdrm, 2 bath home w/oversized country kitchen. Former dairy bam for any type of livestock needs. Must see at $245,000. M-1546. ** May 1,2002 possession. 8.23 surveyed acres off Mitchell Creek Road. Rolling property with great views of the valley. Gas, electric & phone available. Approved sewage site. Minimal restrictions. Minutes to Mansfield, Wellsboro, Coming & Elmira. Just $23,900 M-1396 In Fox Township near Camp Brule & walking distance to State Game Lands #l2. Inground septic, electric & 90’ well. 1.39 acres w/12x60 old trailer. Fix it up or pull in newer unit or build. Just $26,500 M-1581 Local thriving eatery owner must leave area to help family elsewhere. Extended property lease avail. Approx. $35,000 in equip, included. List avail. Gross sales haVe increased substantially annually over last 3 yrs. Records & tax returns avail, for review to qualified buyers only. Owner will consider financing. Was $84,900, Now $79,000 M-1494 Beautiful home bordering approx. 30 acre fishing & boating lake between Mansfield & Troy, PA, on paved road. Approx 3,248 sq ft 2 sty home over full finished walkout bsmt. 13 rms, 5 bdrms, 4.5 baths. Deck, vinyl siding, attached 2-car garage! Mansfield schools. Jiwt $179,000. M-1578 w/small pond. 12.35 taxed acres in Wells Twp. Troy Schools. 1996 home w/1,431 sq. ft. of living area w/3 bdrms & 2 baths. New septic & well when built. 24x30 storage bam. Long views. Just $89,900. M-1560 JACK —— REALTORS:BETH SHOOP& DON SNELBAKER Af T 1 JFM Specializing in farm - land - histoncal properties - L dean & green acreage Give us a call today l 717-432-9726 REALTOR ERA Brochures available upon request! 28 Acre Horse Farm, currently setup for equine sanctuary Stone farmhouse, 7 outbuildings w/eleclnc and water 27 stalls Complete Horse facility $390,000. «Tf% Sit Well maintained brick farmhouse and outbuildings situated on 2 2 acres w/mdustnal zoning $250,000. YORK COUNTY LAND FOR SALE 60 Acres mostly wooded $lBO,OOO 67 Acres with stone bank bam, development potential $670,000. 50 Acres with industrial zoning $1,250,000. For More information on buying or selling a farm or speciality property please contact DON SNELBAKER OR BETH SHOOP • 717-432-9726 Mansfield, PA 16933 i i ' i “ 1 , -I i.i ' u j The ultimate setting, large lake/pond situated back a long private lane, bank bam w/stalls, inground pool all on 75 private acres $770,000. HBR* JIV.y-lSail! 67 Acre gentleman’s farm Property is impeccable Slone tarmhouse, stream, bank barn, detached summer house Must see 1 $595,000. Your Key to Sullivan County [J , ROBIN FIBSTER y'CjVYlyt/Xy' Broker/Owner REAL™ 8 ™" ESTATE 70 acres bordering State Lands, 10 room manor house overlooking 2 streams. 8 stall horse barn, indoor nding arena and hundreds of miles of grass trails Visit the website for a tour www.robinrealestate com BRAND new log cabin on Dream Lake Great room with a wall of glass looking at the water 1 bedroom and a loft M/2bath $114,500 near Shunk All season house with a view 1 acres Newer construction $72,900 Log house near Muncy Creek 2 Bedrooms. 15 5 acres $95,000 Cabin building sites 5 acres bordering State Forest Wooded and Wildlife $25,000 5 acres bordering Muncy Creek Open Land Commercial or residential $39,900 Eagles Mere building sites 2 acres $60,000 hurry These won t last lone Eagles Mere office (570) 525-3929 Muncy Valley office (570) 482-2912 SANFORD G. LEAMAN, RE ALTOR/AU CTIONEER 101 White Oak Drive, Lancaster, PA 17601-4842 Phone (717) 569-4264 • Toll Free 1-800-836-8113 FAX (717) 569-8847 “Specializing in Farms, Mountain land, & Farm Equipment” “The Auction Method & Brokerage" See us on the Web, “www lamnauct com” Email, farmboy@lamnauct.com Blair County This modern 200+ dairy cow facility is only 4 years old and is ready for new ownership immediately. You have 176 acres of good fertile land, feed storage, implement storage, plus a large manure lagoon big enough for 400+ animals for 12 months. There is a 4 bedroom modernized log home which could be returned to it’s original log exterior. It’s priced right and you can move in soon. Fields are available now. Snyder County 2 farms for rather quick possession and both have owner financing. You can move into the one immediately and the other in about 45 days. One is a 72 acre dairy and the other is a 98 acre grain farm. Lancaster County 141 Acre dairy w/54 stanchions & 80 free stalls 2 implement sheds, shop, garage, brick house and lots more. Call me for all the details. LAST WEEK DAUPHIN COUNTY BEEF & POULTRY NEEDED NOW Picturesque setting dairy farm. Farmettes Poultry farms - broiler - layer - ducks or turkeys 34 Years of Continuous, Friendly, Knowledgeable Experience. Dedicated to you the farm Community. Call 1-800-836-8113 my nickel. •• \\ M C'l lON is when wc put "I " in \< I ION" ♦4- Immaculate home with over 3,000 sf living space, separate ranch guest home, inground pool, paddocks, board fencing on approx 45 acres $735,000. Renovated Mill situated on 6 breathtaking acres along the Conewago Creek Main level redone for residence, endless opportunities $395,000. gamiiiiMiiiiMMMiiiiiiMniiiaaiiiiiiiMMiiMiatMiiitniiiiiiiaiiMiiii FARMS WANTED I have ready buyers for farms 50 to 200+ acres both dairy 8i non-dairy with or without buildings, clear or wooded, flat or rolling terrain. J In areas of Franklin, Adams, Fulton, Bedford, j* * Huntingdon, Juniata Counties in PA. £ | Call Pete John, Mason Dixon Realty * * 717-263-7776 or 800-377-3020 * i mdrealty@lnnernet.net It POSSOW REALTY Auction Service #1717 -38’x270’ barn, 126 tie stalls, tail to tail, easy to feed and milk Barn slopes for pipeline. 3 silos & hay storage. Very nice home, 9 rooms 5 bedrooms. 140 acres of flat land. Great location close to school and town. Only $220,000. Price is firm. Additional land for rent or purchase Health forces sale. Cattle and equipment available. #1685 -Another Best Buy! 220 acres, flat to gently rolling land. 40’x 165’, two story bam, 80 tie stalls tail to tail. Two silos. Easy milking and feeding. Big hay storage, machinery bldg. Nice 7 room home plus 4 rm. apartment. Great location, quiet dead-end road. Close to shopping and schools. Family problems forces sale. $200,000. Price is firm. Cattle and equipment available. #l6BO -200 Cow Free Stall Operation - located south of Syracuse. 200 acres of the very best land. Excellent growing season. 500 additional acres rented. Double 6 parlor with meters and take-offs. Solar bam for calves. Heifer facility. Two good homes. Asking $499,000. Will sell without one house for $460,000. Visit us on the web at www.possonrealty.com If You Have A Farm You Need To Sett “TflU to Paul” (800) 582*2554 ext.ll6 (877) 327*0910 Direct Line FRANKLIN COUNTY -195 acres w/bee( barn and hog finishing buildings (under con tract) 110 tillable, 63 pasture and creek frontage Very nice home with first floor master suite Very private end of the road farm in excellent condition - well managed $925,000 (FUIBOS67PG) To view additional photos of properties please visit www.penmarpropeity.com • ADAMS COUNTY - New listing! Classic Civil War Era Farm on 60+ private acres Beautiful large restored brick home w/guest quarters Bank barn in excellent condition New 40x80 cedar barn w/kitchen All fenced l Greenhouse w/office, garage & bath Views! $789,900 (AD4165677PG) • ADAMS COUNTY - East Berlin, Gentlemen's Farm - renovated 1776 stone home on 67 acres 4 fireplaces l Wood floors' New furnace, Pella windows and CAC Bank barn and bldgs in immaculate condition Summer/guest house Crops reserv $595,000 (AD2202749) •ADAMS COUNTY - New Oxford horse country 10 acres with more land available Beautiful barn with stalls Nice 4-bedroom 1900 home 2 car garage, attached office and more' $225,000 (2110584 P) • ADAMS COUNTY - Breathtaking UAMR|3Barmhouse situated on 85+ acres near Cavalry Battlefield overlooking 3 afftfstfitSyik barn and Big Round Top Horses, Fields and privacy $895,000 Thinking of Leasing your farm? Vie may have the prospective tenant for you. We have interested parties looking to rent dairy farms. • CUMBERLAND COUNTY - Wonderful old stone farmhouse on 56 rolling acres Bring the horses to fill the large barn $419,900 (10075664JM) • CUMBERLAND COUNTY - Gentleman's Horse Farm with 90 acres Includes guest cottage, bank barn, horse stalls, turnout shed, fenced pasture, 3 ponds, Riding trails and more. $575,000. (C840098605T) • CUMBERLAND COUNTY - HistodcJß«KM> Brick Home in Newville - On 14+ acres Eligible for National bank barn w/free stalls, fenced pasture and outbuildings A must se??Mfrefty32B9,3oo (10068634JB) • FRANKLIN COUNTY -106+ acre farm with 85 tillable acres includes 2 barns, several outbuildings and more 4 BR house, HW floors Price reduced $450,000 (FL4036278PG) • FRANKLIN COUNTY - Rose Hill Farm on 86 acres with beautiful view of the Cumberland Valley Lovely brick home, wide bd floors $325,000 (FL4068859H8) • FRANKLIN COUNTY - Horse Farm - Turnkey horse facility on 74+ acres Bank barn w/stalls, large indoor arena 13 stall center aisle barn, auto waterers and more Price Reduced $550,000 (FI 347621 SPG) • FRANKLIN COUNTY - Ideal small farm operation on 70 acres with bank barn, imple ment shed and more Original log construction country home $375,000 (FL4049714RM) • HUNTINGDON COUNTY - Dairy of Distinction - Tannery Road Farm on 140+ acres Large bank barn, free stall and other buildings in excellent condition* Property also includes 2 homes $625,000 (HU3462036PG) • YORK COUNTY - Hickory Ridge Farm Wonderful views Circa 1830 home on 90 acres 5 additional building rights Bank barn and garages Restored stone spring house Rolling pastures and stocked pond $749,000 (2108029 P) ForTha Host Complete information On Farm* Available In South Central PA and Fradarick <c Washington Counties in MD We have buyers for • Country properties in South Central PA or MD • Farms for beef cattle • Horse farms large or small in PA or MD » Stone or Brick Homes w/acreage tSi— □ Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 13, 2002-D55 787 Bates Wilson Road Norwich, NY 13815 BEST BUYS IN NEW YORK m “ ****' 'Talk to Paul" Paul Gunder Jack Gaughen Realtor ERA 1 (800) 582-2534 ext. 116 To view additional photos of properties please visit www.penmarproperty.com Member of PA Farm Bureau Robeson IWp. , Berks Co. 12+ A, 1802 | stone farm , ; house, 3BR, 15 min. from 1 turnpike, asking $325,000 610/796-9621 u*»*»*h*»mJ (607) 334-9727 www possonrealty com PAUL GUNDER Selling Farms for over 22 years
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers