CENTRAL VIRGINIA; Farms and land available from 5 to 500 acres, reasonable prices, very low taxes, farmer friendly communities, agricul tural economy. State Wide Realty Co. Farmville, Virginia 434-392-6163 www.vastatewiderealty.com CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA FARMS. FARMETTES. LAND AND CABINS Our Farm and Land Division currently has many farms, farmettes, land parcels, and cabins available in central Pennsylvania. We would be happy to send you a free farm and farmette list and/or rural land and cabin list. See the March 30 th or February 23 R| issues for a complete farm and farmette inventory. Farm and Land Division Fred Strouse Mel Rockey George Demchak Tim Lake titers Koch Homestead Ready [Step 91 Princeton St Wellsboro, PA 570-724-3500 9 North Mam St Mansfield, PA 570-662-3287 W 530 - LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION - This 3 acre parcel has endless commercial possibilities. Ideal location across from Weis Markets on Rt. 6 with a traffic flow of over 8,000 vehicles daily. Just waiting for your business. $129,900. #111146 W4OO - “OH” WHAT A VIEW! 44+ Acres of nice open land with road frontage on two sides. Find the peace and quiet that everybody wants! $44,400. #lOlOO9 M 132 - NICE RANCH HOME on 109 acres. 3 bdrms, 1 full & 2 three-quarter baths. Partially fin ished basement. Commercial & subdivision possi bilities. "Borders Rt. 15 and Mansfield Boro line. $285,000. $104154 E 264 - 126 ACRES of rolling fields with some woods, rural views, hardtop road frontage. Currently farmed, requires perc for building. Efkland Schools. $104,000. #llllO6 Check out our web site www.koch-real-estatB.com CHESTER COUNTY - Parksburg area, 5 or 6 BR house, on 11.8 acre wooded lot, House built in 1995, 32x56 bank barn w/shop area & horse stalls, built in the year 2000. Fenced pasture to barn. Chicken house, 16x29 outbuilding, Amish equipped. LANCASTER COUNTY - Salisbury Twp., 1.5 +/- acres, zoned industrial, frontage along route 30. PENNS VALLEY Centre County, area, 75+/- acres, 60+/- tillable, 4 BThouse, 40x80 bank barn, w/ 12x15 milkhouse, 40x100 pole barn, 2 garages, 3 silos, heifer barn, corn crib. PRICE REDUCED! LEHIGH COUNTY - Upper Macungie Twp., vacant land, 45± acres, 20 tillable, balance wooded, wonderful view of preserve open space. Zoning 65,000 sq ft subdivision potential. SALE PENDING FOR DEVELOPMENT LEHIGH COUNTY - Upper Macungie Twp., 52± acres vacant land, 25 tillable, stream with pond, extensive road frontage. SOLD FOR FARMING! MONTGOMERY COUNTY - Upper Salford Twp., 30 acres, zoned residential. SOLD FOR DEVELOPMENT. MONTGOMERY COUNTY - Lower Salford Twp., 48 acres, residential cluster zoning with public water and sewer. SOLD FOR DEVELOPMENT. LANCASTER COUNTY - 82 acres with farm buildings, public water & sewer. SOLD FOR (814) 364-1705 (814) 466-6688 (814) 625-9151 (814) 364-1327 2300 South Atherton State College, PA 16801 (814) 234-4000 1-800-876-3395 403 E Mam St, Elkland PA 16920 814-258-7117 LAND FOR RENT PA Area 11 Acres More Or 1 jess Of Fenced In Land Ntfith Small Stream. Suitable For Tilling or Pasture. Located in Rd., Near Immediately Available. || Harold, Becky or DaOe 717/733-6556 Centre County 500 acre Mountain Retreat in a highly secluded location 18 acres of mountain fields planted with food for game, large fresh water stream pond, some mature timber, 30 minutes from State College. Bedford County 80 acres of woodland close to Shawnee State Park ideal for cottage or hunting camp road frontage. Bedford County 161 acre farm with excellent soil 130 acres tillable, 2 story historic brick home, large barn, work shop, river frontage, owner willing to finance. Bedford County 5 acre farmette with restored 2 story brick home, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, summer home, large barn, 1800 sq. ft., 1 story bldg, ideal for business, minutes from turnpike & 199. Rural America Realty Group Wes Appleyard Broker/Owner Altoona, PA i• 800•405•1110 * ENDLESS MOUNTAIN * REAL ESTATE CO. US Rt. IS, Covington, PA 16917 570-659-5684 TIOGA & BRADFORD COUNTIES Tioga County: Secluded setting for this cottage in J need of completion, 1240 sq ft of living, 2 BR including loft, oversized 1 car det. garage, well | installed, electric connected, sewer permit | available, 2+/- acres, mostly wooded, gated access, ( remote area, plenty of seclusion! $29,900 (#912) 1 Bradford County; Spectacular views w/southem exposure from this 2+/- acre parcel just waiting for your new home or camp, all wooded, perk/survey complete. State Lands nearby. $13,800 (#925) Tioga County; Cozy cottage w/Pine interior, 2 BR, 1 bath in need of completion, ceiling fan, EBB r* heat, woodstove, small deck, cozy front porch, c Cedar siding sewer permit available, well needs installed, 2.75+/- acre, mostly wooded, gated access, remote location, come take a look' $39,900 (#929) Tioga County; Price drastically reduced! Beautiful ranch home, 3 BR, I bath, custom Cheny cabinets & woodwork, bnck fireplace, carpet covered high grade Oak floors, full bsmt, NG/HWBB heat, oversized 2 car det. garage, paved drive, nice 042+/-acre, must see's69,9oo (#935) *= FOR SALE MIRV FARM 91 ACRES BRICK HOME W/BASEMENT * DAIRY BARN * ALL METAL EQUIPMENT SHED * TWO SILOS *TWO GRAIN BINS LOCATION; KY-TN Line; Todd Co., KY - 3 miles south of Trenton, KY on Hwy 104 For Pictures & Details; \\ 1.15: \\ \' TURNER & ASSOCIATES 2212 Ft. Campbell Blvd. Hopkinsville KY 270-887-9977 • 270-885-6789 KY Dial FREE 1-888-303-8862 Linda Turner, Tommy Anderson Jay Fiese 270-439-7786 270-886-9042 270-466-5976 Broker-Auctioneers Auctioneer J Completely remodeled 4 BR, 1 75 BA farmhouse Well appointed horse barn w/66’x120’ indoor arena 40’x90’ equip barn Garage Nice country setting 20 mm to Scranton $449,000 View on web at www country landmarks com Country Landmarks RE. 1*570»278«900D f. 2,225 Acres Located in Clearfield Co , PA, just f 50 min from Penn State Univ & 5 mi from two U T exits on Interstate 80 Price includes hunting I lodge,two log cabins,bunkhouse,stable, two |i j tractor sheds, and fully furnished ranch house, Ip V as well as a large barn and two lovely ponds The property is perfect for hunting clubs or U Li. corporate outings All buildings are in an JJ '•f- exceptional state of repair $3 2 million -rf 1 1 Acreage can be expanded up to 5,200 acres. |, U. Contact our website for pictures at: - is | www.curtinrcalestatc.net, 1 ff telephone 814*355*2324 - f i or Dave Nelson at telephone T 814*857*7481 ext. 305 It West Virginia Farms No. 2395 - 128.175 AC. Farm w/2 - story 4 BR Farmhouse Lg. Barn and several out building Free Gas APO in Doddridge Co. $260,000 No. 2373 - 26 AC. Private beautiful Horse/Cattle farm bordering Middle Island Creek. 4 BR, 1 BA ranch, Lg Barn, 2 stocked ponds and Free Gas APO in Doddnge Co. $169,900 No. 2385 - 46.22 AC. Secluded Ridge top farm w/2 Homes, lg. workshop, barn & a view' Free Gas APO in Ritchie Co $148,500 No 2397 - 65.78 AC. Farm w/4 BR, 1 BA Ranch, 2 Barns, Cellar house w/workshop. Corn Crib, Free Gas APO in Ritchie Co. $137,500 No 2392 - 47 AC. Private Ridge top Farm w/2 BR, 1 BA ranch home & barn w/Free Gas APO in Pleasants Co $88,900 No 2418 - 29.8 AC. Country farmette with 2000 Double wide, single garage, old barn and outbuildings in Ritchie Co $73,500 No 2420 - 25 AC. Farmette with 3 BR, 1 BA - 2 storv larmhouse & cellar house both m need of a little TLC Free Gas APO in Doddridge Co $69,900 ADRIAN PROPERTIES 304»869»3256 or 304»873*1736 F'or more information call or visit our website www.adrian-properties com email. adrian_properties@ruralnet org “NO ONE KNOWS THE COUNTRY LIKE WE DO” Bruce Wmkelmann, Broker, Jane Wilson, Owner LANCASTER COUNTY FARMS * A 2 story brick & vinyl dwelling with 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, mod. eat in kitchen, formal dining room, Ig. living room with brick F.F. beautiful family room in basement with wood stove, oil forced hot air baseboard heat, heat cost less than $5OO per year, oversized 2 car garage. Central air includes a 4675 S F. warehouse, with 448 s.f. for 2 offices and powder room, 2 loading docks, 1 plus acre lot located in Rapho Twp. Asking $349,500. Must see to appreciate. ★ 54 Acre 37 tillable acres with brick house and bank barn, would make good horse farm. Asking $338,000. When You Need A Farm Salesman Call Gene HOMESALE SERVICES GROUP 1255 S Market St, Elizabethtown, PA 17022 717-361-HOME 717-665-HOME Gene Kreider, Realtor 717-367-1112 (Fax) 1 -800-850-1069 (PA Only) 717-898-2345 or 717-653-2646 717-367-3500 or 717-653-6600 Lancaster Farming, Farm Financing Available companies and wealthy Even bankiuptcies, bad credit and difficult loan situations can be helped CONFIDENTIALITY Tom McAbee Farm Finance Consulting (716) 243-5174 iturday, April 13, 2002-01 Juniata Co. - Arch Rock 19.19 Wooded Acres. 2 story log sided house, Inground pool, 3 rental cabins, 3 stall barn, SECLUDED! $225,000 Call Judy Century 21 G&B Assoc. 717-527-4127 x 23 SOUTHERN CHESTER COUNTY Land owners, If you want the Best Price Look at more than One Offer. 1031 Ex-change a consid eration. Life Estate a concern. Ref. avail. Call Rich Goss 610-932-5500 ext 214 Century 21 Pierce & Bair FARMS FOR SALE 155 +/- Acres 95 +/- Acres Located N. Queen Anne’s County, MD Contact for further info: Chabbott Petrosky Commercial Realtors Judy Hopkins 800-678-7105 302-653-4538 eve/wknds Serving MD and DE For all your Real Estate needs To buy, build, expand, improve or refinance your farm business to increase cash flow & profitability. Loans, Mortgages, Leases and Lines of Credit for Real Estate, Cattle & Equipment from conventional lenders, insurance private investors call Gcneseo, NY 153
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