A2O-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 13, 2002 East Fluid Milk And Cream Review Madison, Wis. April 10,2002 Report Supplied by USD A Spot prices of class II cream, dollars per lb. butterfat: F. 0.8. producing plants: Northeast: 1.4700-1.6293 Delivered Equivalent; Atlanta. 1.4700-1.6170 mostly 1.4823-1.5068. PRICES OF CONDENSED SKIM, dollars per lb. wet solids, F. 0.8. produc ing plants: Northeast; Class 11, includes monthly formula prices: .9550-1.0250; Class 111 - spot prices - .7500-.9700. SPOT SHIPMENTS OF GRADE A MILK: FLORIDA: This week - In 0, Out 37; last week - In 0, Out 69; last year - In 0, Out 150. SOUTHEAST STATES: This week - In 0, Out 0; last week - In 0, Out 0; last year - In 0, Out 0. The following are the March 2002 Class and component prices under the Federal Milk Order pricing system: Class II $12.19 (down $0.09 from February), Class 111 $10.65 (down $0.98); and Class IV $11.42 (down $0.12). The following are product price averages used in computing Class prices: butter $1.2333, NDM $0.9060, cheese $1.2087, and dry whey $0.2066. The Class II butterfat price is $1.3708 and the Class 111/IV butterfat price is $1.3638. Milk production is increasing slowly in the Northeast and Middle Atlantic, gener ally steady in the Mid-South, and steady to slightly lower in the Gulf Coast states. In Florida and other Deep South states the “peak” has been reached and, in a few areas, starting to decrease. Fluid milk supplies are still excessive and manufac turing plants are operating at near capac ity levels. Bottled milk sales are seldom better than fair. School pipelines, for the most part, have been refilled and bottling schedules are settling into normal or typi cal patterns. Reports indicate that plant problems did cause milk to be relocated in the Northeast. The condensed skim market is weak. Demand is sluggish at best and offerings are increasing. Many producers would rather sell condensed skim than send it through their dryers. Buyers are resisting current prices and some suppliers have discounted their prices, particularly on Class 111, to keep it moving. The fluid cream market remains weak. Demand is just fair and offerings are ex cessive. Spot prices are generally lower as the CME butter average was fractionally lower last week. So far this week, butter prices declined moderately on April 8 and some cream buyers are waiting to see what will happen at the April 10 session before placing additional orders. Ice cream producers are taking their con tracted loads and few spots. Ice cream output ranges from steady to increasing slowly. Cream cheese production is mixed. Producers’ demand ranged from steady to improved. Bottling is slow to fair. Churning is heavy and many loads of excess cream continue to clear to the Mid west. Midwest Dally Livestock Summary Amarillo, Texas April 10,2002 Report Supplied By USDA Daily Livestock Summary Five area direct slaughter cattle for live trade was 2.00- lower, while dressed trades closed S.OO-7.00 lower. Steers: Live basis: over 80% Choice 69.00-71.00, weighted average price 69.89; 65-80% Choice 68.00- weighted average price 69.29; 35-65% Choice 67.00-69.25, weighted av erage price 68.89; 0-35% Choice 68.00- weighted average price 68.97. Dress basis: over 80% Choice 109.00- weighted average price 110.51; 65-80% Choice 107.00-112.00, weighted average price 110.26; 35-65% Choice 107.00-111.00, weighted average price 109.55. Slaughter heifers: Live basis; over 80% Choice 68.50-70.00, weighted average price 69.04; 65-80% Choice 68.50-69.00, 68.93; 35-65% Choice 68.00- weighted average price 69.00. Dress basis; over 80% Choice 109.00- weighted average 109.55; 65-80% Choice 108.00-111.00, weighted average 109.79; 35-65% Choice 107.00- weighted average price 109.52. At So. St. Paul terminal market, slaughter steers, heifers and Holstein steers traded at steady prices. So. St. Paul: Steers; Choice 2-4 1150-1510 lbs 67.00- Select and Choice 2-4 1120-1585 lbs 65.50-66.50. Holsteins: Choice, few Prime 2-3 1380-1735 lbs 59.50-62.90, few crossbreds 64.00-64.75. Select and Choice 2-3 few 1360-1440 lbs 58.00- Heifers: Choice 2-4 1135-1350 lbs 67.40-69.10, YG 4-5 65.50- 66.00. Select and Choice 2-4 pkg 1355 lbs 66.00. Sioux Falls terminal slaughter steers and heifers trending 2.00-3.00 lower at mid-session. Steers; 2 loads Choice and Prime 3 Blacks 1340-1390 lbs 70.10-70.40. High Select and Choice 2-3 1260-1440 lbs 68.60-69.50. Select and Choice 2-3 1190-1345 lbs 67.00-68.50 Holst e i n s High Select and Choice 2-3 1380 lbs 60.60. Select and Choice 2-3 1320-1535 lbs 57.00-58.50. Heifers: Part load Choice 3 Blacks 1160 lbs 70.00 High Select and Choice 2-3 1150-1340 lbs 68.10-69.80. Select and 'Otter only available for off-road diesel fuel purchases made through November 15 2002 while supplier last Price-cap and non plan delivenes must be paid within 10 days of delivery for quoted net rates Plan will expire after taking the final delivery of the predetermined overall amount of fuel that you arrange for in jour agreement Premium off-road dleseL-fuel is available for an additional 2t per gallon Offers available only to customers within our service territory - including the Pa counties of Adams Berks Chester Cumbedand. Dauphin Franklin Lancaster Lebanon Lehigh Montgomery Perry Schuylkill and York Offers may change or be withdrawn without prior notice See agreement for complete details Choice 2-3 1030-1200 lbs 67.25-68.00. Estimated daily cattle slaughter under federal inspection for Wednesday was es timated at 132,000 head compared to 128,000 a week ago and 122,000 a year ago. Week to date totals through Wednes day 377,000 head compared to 351,000 last week and 351,000 a year ago. CME Futures Closes for Live Cattle: April 67.42, down 150; June 62.50, down ISO; August 62.37, down 145. Slaughter cows at South St. Paul sold steady on light test. Premium White 70-75 percent lean over 1200 lbs 47.00-48.00. Breakers 70-80 percent lean over 1100 lbs 44.75-47.00. Boners 80-85 percent lean over 1050 lbs 43.50-46.50. Lean 85-90 percent lean over 850 lbs 41.50-42.00. Barrows and gilts at terminal markets traded 1.00-1.50 lower 26.50- 29.00 on 220-270 lb 47-51% lean barrow and gilts. The National direct trade prices are based on 185 lbs hog carcass with 0.9-1.1 inch back fat and 6 inch square loin/2.0 inch depth plant delivered. National direct trade closed 1.50 lower prices ranging 36.00- weighted average price 39.67. lowa-S. Minnesota direct trade trended 1.50 lower ranging from 36.00-43.24, with weighted average price 39.40. The West ern Cornbelt closed 1.00-1.25 lower with prices ranging 36.00-43.24, weighted aver age price 39.54. The Eastern Cornbelt prices were 1.50 lower ranging from 36.00- an average price 39.87. Hog slaughter under federal inspection estimate on Wednesday was estimated at 380,000 head compared to 380,000 a week ago and 376,000 a year ago. Week to date totals through Wednesday 1,139,000 head compared to a week ago 1,044,000 head and a year ago actual slaughtered 1,120,000. CME Future Closes for Lean Hogs: April 41.45, down 107; March 48.72, down 200; June 53.87, down 200. Capo -roa costs today. Leffler Energy's 2002 Price-Cap Plan is the smart way to manage expenses. While volatile market conditions affect the daily off-road diesel prices for many, we want to make sure you can protect yourself from uncertain future prices with the 2002 Leffler Price-Cap Plan* On our easy-to-use plan, you'll enjoy: A floating market price on every delivery. Get extra savings by buying at competitive prices that may go lower with market conditions. Ask us for today's price! / Knowing that your price will be capped at 91.9< per gallon - namatter how high the market prices may go! ✓ Getting only the amount of fuel you wish to buy on the 2002 Price-Cap Plan. ✓ Extended delivery period - you can accept price-capped deliveries on the amount of fuel you agree to take now through November 15, 2002! But you must sign up before April 30, 2002! Call your local Leffler Energy Service Center today, and ask for the 2002 Price-Cap Plan. If you prefer other ways to buy fuel, Leffler Energy has more competitive options, too. fust ask! Lancaster New Kingstown Richland Sinking Spring Stewartstown York 1-800-692-6276 1-800-332-2988 1-877-496-8764 1-800-292-9259 1-800-368-2050 1-800-338-5075 Slaughter lambs traded steady at So. St. Paul, MN. Shorn; Old crop; Choice, end Prime 2-3 110-140 lbs 61.00-63.00. Wooled; Old crop; Choice, end Prime 2-3 110-140 lbs 56.00-58.00. At San Angelo slaughter lambs traded firm to 2.00 high er, instances S.OO-7.00 higher. Slaughter lambs; Choice 2-3 shorn and wooled 90-150 lbs 59.00-69.00; few 140-165 lbs 54.00- new crop 90-120 lbs 73.00- Good and Choice 1-2 60-90 lbs 79.00-83.50. Sheep and lamb slaughter under feder al inspection estimate on Wednesday was estimated at 12,000 head compared to 11,000 a week ago and 16,000 a year ago. Week to date slaughter for sheep through Wednesday 34,000 head compared to a week ago 32,000 head and a year ago same day actual slaughtered 49,000 head. CATTLE 274...(PDA)...(5upp1y in cluded 93 steers & heifers, 110 cows, 4 bulls and 67 feeder cattle)..Compared with last week’s sale..steers beef type steady, Holsteins steers 1.00 to 2.00 lower, cows 1.00 to 2.00 lower, heifers 1.00 to 3.00 lower. STEERS: Choice 2-3 1280-1445 lbs 68.50-73.75, Select 1-3 59.50-69.25, couple Standard 1-2 51.50 & 53.00. HOLSTEIN STEERS: Choice 2-3 1015-1510 lbs 58.00-61.75, Select 1-2 53.75- Standard 1-2 47.00-53.00. HEIFERS: Choice 2-4 1010-1295 lbs 64.75- Select 1-3 58.50-64.00, couple Standard 1-2 43.00 & 46.50. COWS: Breakers 75-80% lean 39.75- Boners 80-85% lean 37.25-42.75, Lean 85-90% lean leffler. leffler.com Leesport Livestock Auction Leesport, Pa. April 10,2002 Report Supplied By USDA 3S.SO-41.75. Shells 35.00 and down. BULLOCKS; one Select 1-3 62.50. BULLS: few Yield Grade 1 1370-1570 lbs 54.00-SB.OO. FEEDER CATTLE: STEERS: Medi um and Large 2 320-395 lbs 75.00-90.00, 515-910 lbs 61.50-75.00, couple Large 3 340 & 430 lbs Holsteins 75.00; HEIFERS: Medium 2 350-455 lbs 72.50-83.00, Medi um and Large 2 525-965 lbs SS.OO-76.00; BULLS: Medium and Large 2 385-450 lbs 57.50- 540-980 lbs 58.00-72.50, Large 3 500-735 lbs Holsteins 50.00-59.00. CALVES 152...Vealers steady to 5.00 higher. VEALERS: Standard and Good 85-100 lbs 45.00-65.00, Utility 55-105 lbs 22.50- FARM CALVES: Holstein bulls 10.00 to 15.00 higher, Holstein heif ers steady..No 1 Holstein bulls 90-120 lbs 140.00-175.00, 75-85 lbs 122.50-150.00, No 2 80-120 lbs 95.00-155.00; No 1 Hol stein heifers 85-105 lbs 230.00-595.00, No 2 75-95 lbs 160.00-280.00. Beef type bulls and heifers 80-120 lbs 95.00-165.00. HOGS 32...8arr0ws and gilts 1.00 to 3.00 lower. BARROWS AND GILTS: 45-50% lean 230-235 lbs 26.00, 40-45% lean 260-310 lbs 23.75-25.00. SOWS; 1-3 420-480 lbs 20.50-23.00. BOARS; 365-505 lbs 12.50-14.00. FEEDER PIGS 20...1-3 40-50 lbs 55.00- 80 lbs 40.00. - per cwt. SHEEP 28... Slaughter lambs 5.00 to 10.00 lower. SLAUGHTER LAMBS: Choice 40-65 lbs 70.00-100.00, 70-90 lbs 70.00- SLAUGHTER SHEEP: 15.00- GOATS 24...(A11 sold by the head). Few Medium Wethers 31.00-51.00, Medium Billies 30.00-65.00, Large Kids 39.00-44.00, Small 16.00-24.00. * v * iesd- 1 f
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