Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 06, 2002, Image 19
Eighty-Four Livestock Auction Eighty-Four, Pa. Monday, April 1,2002 Report Supplied By Auction CATTLE 190...(PDA)...Compared with last week’s sale..cows steady to 2.00 high er. STEERS: few Standard 1-2 50.00- HEIFERS: few Standard 1-2 55.00- COWS: Breakers 75-80% lean 41.00-44.00, Boners 80-85% lean 38.50- Lean 85-90% lean 35.50- Shells 34.50 and down. BULLS: Yield Grade 1 1460-1595 lbs 54.50- Yield Grade 2 1045-1485 lbs 44.50- FEEDER CATTLE: STEERS: few Me dium and Large 1 410-650 lbs 81.00- Medium and Large 2 400-800 lbs 64.00-75.50; HEIFERS: Medium 1 350-585 lbs 74.00-87.00, Medium and Large 2 550-825 lbs 43.00-64.00; BULLS: few Medium 1 330-625 lbs 74.00-89.00, Medium and Large 2 335-810 lbs 61.00- CALVES 150...(A11 calves sold per cwt). VEALERS; Standard and Good 90-115 lbs 50.00-75.00, 60-85 lbs 40.00-75.00, Utility 50-80 lbs 15.00-35.00. FARM CALVES; Holstein bulls steady to 25.00 higher.No 1 Holstein bulls 90-125 lbs 130.00-179.00, one 185.00, No 2 75-125 lbs 80.00-135.00; couple No 1 Hol stein heifers 95 lbs 550.00 & 560.00, No 2 70-115 lbs 160.00-350.00. Beef type bulls and heifers 80-125 lbs 125.00-181.00. HOGS IS...BARROWS AND GILTS: 45-50% lean 230-300 lbs 33.50-37.00. SOWS: 1-3 340-455 lbs 20.00-23.00, one 555 lbs 25.00. FEEDER PIGS 12...1-3 43 lbs 31.00. per head. SHEEP 109... SLAUGHTER LAMBS; High Choice and Prime 100-125 lbs 65.00-78.00, Choice 25-50 lbs 94.00-97.00. FEEDER LAMBS: Good and Choice 35-60 lbs 65.00-82.50. SLAUGHTER SHEEP: 17.00-45.00. GOATS 38...(A11 sold by the head). Large Nannies and Wethers 60.00-79.00, Medium Nannies 26.00-57.00, Large Kids 28.00-47.00, Small 15.00-25.00. •Will Not Rust Equipment* • Low Rates per Acre* •Lower Costs, Higher Yields* Nutra-Flo* Pure Grade™ Liquid Plant Food has the highest nutrient usability available. When applied in-furrow, 2x2, foliar or in a transplant solution you have the ability to achieve greater fertilizer efficiency with lower rates equaling greater profits. 5-15-15 9-18-9 0-0-30 20-0-0-8 Low-Salt • Chloride-Free • Neutral pH • 100% Available PARS, Inc. Elizabethtown 800-929-2676 Charlie Bomgardner Annville 717-867-2890 Herb Fritz Orangeville 570-683-5950 Doug Wood Millerstown 717-694-3648 Contact a Pennsylvania fWEr* Nutra-Flo® Dealer TODAY! • IMHDxitlUti.tmliiiilililliimUiiHHlifltlllll.tkl National Feeder Cattle Weekly Summary St. Joseph, Mo. March 29,2002 Report Supplied By USDA NATIONAL FEEDER CATTLE SUMMARY for week ending Mar. 29. This report reflects a newly expanded format. Receipts from the previous for mat will be available for one year for comparison purposes. RECEIPTS; Auctions: this week 202,800, last week 234,400. Direct: this week 46,100, last week 49,800. Video/ Internet this week 33,000, last week 13,100. Total: 281,900, last week 297,400. Old Format: this week: 140,100, last week 149,000, last year 196,000. Compared to last week, feeder and stocker cattle prices were very uneven. Certain areas showed strength early in the week and pressure late in the week and in other areas the flipside was true. For example; the market at the Stock yards in Oklahoma City was surprisingly strong on Monday, but at other auctions across the High Plains later on in the week prices turned lower again. Many of these salebams had the same buyers and/ or orders sitting in the stands. In the Southeast, prices started out much lower and then rebounded toward the end of the week. For the most part, losers out weighed gainers and a lower undertone still looms over the cattle market. No one seems to have a handle on which way this thing is going to go, but there are plenty of opinions in rural coffee shops and bars. Doomsayers say there is a lot more room to go down than there is on the up side. The June and August CME futures contracts are trading in the mid-sixties and there is a large glut of unsold cattle that will be coming off of graze-out wheat in a few weeks. However, the optimists also have a decent argument. They say that the spring rains have started and Kevin Grubb New Enterprise 814-766-3576 Art Benjamin Lancaster 717-892-1556 Romberger Farm Supply Klingerstown 570-648-2081 Little Britain Agri-Supply Quarryville 717-529-2196 things will green-up and get better. It does seem that the packers have let them selves get awful close to the knife, giving up some precious leverage to the feedlots. This was evident on Good Friday, when fat cattle prices turned the tide, after con siderable trading on Thursday. Prices ended up finishing at mostly 71.00 and 113.00 dressed, after it looked like the market had settled on 70.00 and 112.00. This is very unusual, especially on a holi day week. All of this uncertainty has kept direct feeder cattle buyers out of the coun try as they don’t want to insult their cus tomers with the bids they are carrying. This is causing a lot of sellers to gamble on the salebarn market, which currently could be several dollars one way or the other. Surely there is something that will stabilize this cattle market soon. Wait, “can't you smell that smell” it’s your neighbor cranking up his barbeque grill just in time. This week’s reported auction volume included S 3 pet over 600 lbs and 47 pCt heifers. NOTE: Comments on the cattle mar ket only are printed here. The full re port with prices is available online at SJ_LSBso.txt Belknap Livestock Belknap, Pa. Report Supplied By USDA April 3,2002 CATTLE 151„.(PDA). STEERS: one Choice 2-3 1368 lbs 69.50, few Select 1-3 60.00-66.00, Stan dard 1-2 52.75-60.00. HOLSTEIN STEERS: Select and Low Choice 2-3 990-1106 lbs 57.50-63.00. HEIFERS; few Select 1-3 59.50-65.50, few Standard 1-2 49.50-59.50. Agricultural Generators Spectrum Detroit Diesel ' v \ IOSiHT L.P. Gas, Diesel, Natural Gas Generators 5 to 2,000 KW Today 03/27/02 Ap 02 71625 69 900 My 02 - Jn 02 66 300 65 475 Jl 02 Auo2 65 825 65 400 S 02 002 68 550 68 325 N 02 DO2 70 350 69 825 J 02 F 03 71550 71000 Mr 03 72 700 72 200 COWS. Breakers 75-80'7r lean 38.00- mostly 43.25-45.25, Boners 80-85Vr lean 42.50-46.75, Lean BS-90 r r lean 37.00-43.50. Shells down to 32.25. BULLS: few Yield Grade 1-2 1542-1890 lbs 50.00-59.00. FEEDER CATTLE: STEERS: few Me dium and Large 2 SOO-6SO lbs 68.00- HEIFERS: few Medium and Urge 2 320-640 lbs 64.50-79.00; BULLS; few Medium 1-2 440-690 lbs 68.00-78.00. CALVES 141...VEALERS; few Choice 230-255 lbs 105.00-115.00, couple Good 148 & 152 lbs 125.00 & 150.00, Standard and Good 75-110 lbs 44.00-65.00, Utility 50-75 lbs 23.00-47.50. FARM CALVES: No 1 Holstein bulls 90-125 lbs 127.50-155.00, 75-85 lbs 80.00- No 2 80-110 lbs 25 to 135 KW Units In Stock! Service - Rental - New & Used Units In Stock MMMTMS Jr~M-MWMW svstf/ws Power Generation Systems Specialists 0330 Fonderwhite Road, Lebanon, PA 17042 Call Leonard Martin Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Apnl 6, 2002-Al9 LIVESTOCK FUTURES MARKET Chicago Mercantile Exchange Wednesday, April 3, 2002 Choice Feeders Today 03/27/02 79 000 78 500 78 950 78 475 Choice Steers 82 100 81 475 81 950 81 500 81925 81450 82 215 82 300 82 300 82 400 DONT SWEAT THE SUMMER SEASON Ebersole Electric has a variety of COOL AIR CONDITIONING DEALS to help you beat the summer heat • Water Furnace (geothermal) and American Standard (air to air) Systems. • 10-year parts and labor warranties • Special financing to qualified buyers on some packages - NO PAYMENTS UNTIL 2003! For more information or to set up a FREE consultation, please call toll free 866-693-5938 or 610-693-5938 717-273-4544 Fax 717-273-5186 Live Hogs Frozen Lean Value Pork Bellies Today 03/27/02 Today 03/27/02 47 700 52 550 57 975 62 750 59 775 62 825 58 350 59 100 55 950 56 900 71 025 76 275 71 900 77 400 70 500 76 000 47 725 48 000 45 600 45 400 47 600 47 300 68 700 70 250 6B 450 70 250 72.00-125 00; few No I Holstein heifers 80-110 lbs 500.00-600.00, No 2 75-105 lbs 270 00-475 00 Beef type bulls and heifers 70-110 lbs 160.00-285.00, couple down to 70.00. HOGS 16... BARROWS AND GILTS. 49-54<7r lean 230-260 lbs 32.50-34.00, 45-50<7r lean 220-280 lbs 30.50-32.00, 40-45rf lean 220-300 lbs 29.00-30.00 SOWS: 1-3 500-660 lbs 25.50-31.75, 350-500 lbs 25.50-33.00, Medium 230-390 lbs 22.00-26.00. FEEDFR PIGS 59... 1-3 60-70 lbs 44.00-54.00,40-50 lbs 34.00. per head. SHEEP 18... SLAUGHTER LAMBS: Choice 55-83 lbs 85.00-90.00. SLAUGHTER SHEEP: few 20 00-23 00. GOATS 42..(A11 sold by the head). Couple Large Nannies 49.00 & 61.00, few Medium 29.00-40.00, few Large Kids 26.00-31 00, Small 7.50-22.50.