Virginia Livestock Auction Summary Richmond. Va. February 12.2002 Report Supplied By USDA NORTHERN VIRGINIA LIVE STOCK Front Royal, Marshall, Rockingham, Shenandoah, Staunton Union, and Winchester for the week of Feb 4-9, 2002. All prices per hundred pounds liveweight (cwt.), except where noted. FEEDER CATTLE. 2759 head FEEDER STEERS- Med. and Lge. 1 200-300 lb 90-U3 00. 300-400 lb 90- 112.00. 400-500 lb 90-107 00; 500-600 lb 82-104 00; 600-700 lb 78.25-100.00; 700- 800 lb 77-86.00. 800-900 lb 72.75-77.50. 1000-1100 lb 69.35. Small 1: 300-400 lb 85-95 00; 400-500 lb 75-91.00; 400-500 lb 75-91.00; 500-600 lb 63-86.00; 64-84.00; 700-800 lb 69-78.00. Med. and Lge. 2: 200-300 lb 101.00; 300-400 lb 90-102.00 few 79-91.00; 400-500 lb 85-95.00; 500- 600 lb 74-95 00; 600-700 lb 68-90.00; 700-800 lb 67-83.00; 800-900 lb 67.50- 74.00; 900-1000 lb 66-72.00,1000-1100 lb 66 00. HOLSTEIN STEERS- Med and Lge 2 500-500 lb 78.00: 500-700 lb 64.00; 700-900 lb 64 00 HEIFERS. Med. and Lge. 1 200-300 lb 88.50-90.50; 300-400 lb 82-93.25; 400- 500 lb 76-90.50; 500-600 lb 71-80.25; 700-800 lb 70-73.00; 800-900 lb 68-69.25. Small 1: 300-400 lb 64-69 00; 400-500 lb 60 50-67 00, 600-700 lb 61 SO. Med. and Lge 2- 200-300 lb 80 50-82 00; 300-400 lb 74 50-91.00; 400-500 lb 82-88.50; 500- 600 lb 67-79.75; 600-700 lb 68-77.00; 700-800 lb 63-68.50. FEEDER BULLS' Med. and Lge I 200-300 lb 108-111.00; 300-400 lb 98- 112.00 few 90-110.00. 400-500 lb 89- The Building you want. The Lease you need. Telmark has been leasing equipment for over 30 years. Did you know that we’ve been leasing new buildings for that long too? Consider: • Tax deductibility and accelerated write-offs: Lease payments are income tax deductible over the term of the lease compared to 20-year depreciation of farm buildings and 39-year depreciation of commercial buildings. Could reduce tax liability this year. Low upfront costs: As little as one monthly lease payment Flexible lease term: Building lease terms from five to fifteen years Customized payment schedules: Lease payment schedules are specially designed to match your cash flow. First: Talk with a qualified builder to determine your needs and building cost. Then: Call your Telmark representative for your financing. Sue Doug Andrew Elizabeth Beshore Snee McLean Anderson PA, NJ, MD, VA WV Southwest PA.WV Delmarva Delmarva 717-932-1715 724-627-5941 410-827-5052 410-651-4128 Ken Darlington PA,NJ,MD,VA,WV 610-793-0150 Mike Mike Dixon Fullam Central PA, West MD Central PA 814-684-5707 570-966-9202 105 50; 500-600 lb 82-93.75, 600-700 lb 73-82.50; 700-900 lb 64-73.00. Small 1: 200-300 lb 74.00; 400-500 lb 75.00; 600- 700 lb 55-65.00. Med. and Lge. 2: 200- 300 lb 82-93.00; 300-400 lb 86-108.75; 400-500 lb 87.50-92.00; 500-600 lb 73- 87 50. SLAUGHTER CATTLE 415 head SLAUGHTER STEERS AND HEIF ERS. 48 head. STEERS: Choice 2-3, 1150-1300 lb 71-72.75, 1300-1450 lb 65 75-71 75 1240-1430 lb 60-65.00. HIEFERS. Choice 2-3. 950-1100 lb 68- 71 50. 1100-1300 lb 67-72.50. 1370-1525 lb 66 75-69 75; Select 2-3, 850-1100 lb 61-62.00, 1100-1340 lb 61-65.75; Com mercial 1280-1600 lb 50-59.00. SLAUGHTER COWS. 325 head. Breaking Utility and Commercial 2-4, 35-45.75; Cutter and Boning Utility 1-3, 34.50-47.25; Canner and Low Cutter 1-2, 25-39.75. SLAUGHTER BULLS: 42 head Yield Grade 1-2, 900-1300 lb 50.25- 54.00, 1300-1600 lb 50.25-57 00, 1600 lb and over 48.75-62.00. COWS RETURNED TO FARMS. Medium 1,3 yrs old thin, sold as exposed 700-735.00 per head; Medium 1, Com mercial Ist calf heifers 829-978 lb, bred 6-8 months, 435-720.00 per head; Medium and Small 1, 8 yrs old to aged 795-1092 lb, bred 2-5 months 320-500.00 per head: Med. and Lge. 1,4-8 yrs. 1182- 1420 lb, bred 5-8 months 510-725 00 per head. COWS WITH CALVES AT SIDE- 8 pairs Med and Lge 1, 4-8 yrs, 1180- 1360 lb with baby calves to 393 lbs 670- 930.00 per pair BABY CALVES RETURNED TO FARMS: 32 head. Newborn to 4 wks; Large 70-110.00 per head; Small 40- 65 00 per head; over 100 lb 78-121.00 per •AT & & Brenda Joe Pfleegor Polite Central PA Northwest PA 570-568-8440 724-981-1324 LMAHK, 800-451-3322 SHEEP: 162 head. SLAUGHTER LAMBS: 65 head. Woolcd; Choice and Prime 3-4, 144 lb 58.00, Choice few Prime 1-2 few 3, 96-110 lb 77-79.50: Good and few Choice 1-2, 86 lb 84.00. FEEDER LAMBS: 77 head. Med. and Lge 1-2. 70-85 lb 90 00; 60-70 lb 98 00. 50-60 lb 96.00 few 125-130.00. Small 1-2. 78 lb 92.25; 75 lb 116jOO; 73 lb 110.00; 63 lb 115.00; 47 lb 117.50. SLAUGHTER EWES & RAMS: 20 head. EWES- Choice 2-4, 35-40.00, Utility and Good 1-3, 45-48 50; Cull and low Utility 1-2. 44-47.00. RAMS. All wts. 45.00 Roanoke-Hollins Weekly Feeder Cattle Sale Hollins, Va. February 12,2002 Report Supplied By USDA Monthly State Graded Feeder Cattle for Feb. 11 Receipts 197 head. GRADED STEERS. 108 head. Med. and Lge 1-300-400 lb 107 50.400-500 lb 103.00-107.50; 500-600 lb 92.50-98.00, 600-700 lb 80.50-87.00, 700-800 lb 75.00- 79.50; 800-900 lb 73.50 Med. and Lge 2- 400-500 lb 104-108.00, 500-600 lb 93.50- 98.00, 600-700 lb 79-87 00; 700-800 lb 74,50-79 00 GRADED HEIFERS: 89 head. Med. and Lge 1- 400-500 lb 87-95.00, SOO-600 lb 78.25-81.75; 600-700 lb 71.50-75.00. Med and Lge 2 300-400 lb 93-95.00. 400-500 lb 89 75-94 00, 500-600 lb 80 50- 82.25; 600-700 lb 69.75-75.00. Hollins Weeky Auction, Feb 11 - BULLS. 39 head. Med and Lge. 1: 300- 400 lb 100-108.00; 400-500 lb 103 50- 107 00; 500-600 lb 95-104.00; 600-700 lb 82.50. r Lisa Francisco Sonnen Northeast PA, North NJ 717-866-9217 Staunton Weekly Feeder Cattle Sale Richmond. Va. February 11,2002 Report Supplied By USDA WEEKLY AUCTION for Feb 8 FEEDER CATTLE 470 head Prices per cwt based on in weights STEERS: 275 head. Med. and Lge 1. 200-300 lb 90-113.00, 300-400 lb 90- 112 00, 400-500 lb 90-107 00: 500-600 lb 88-101 00, 600-700 lb 86-101 00, 700-800 lb 77-86.00; 800-900 lb 73-80 50. 900- 1000 lb 72 50-77.50; 1000-1100 lb few 69.35. Small 1. 300-400 lb 85-95.00; 400- 500 lb 82-9100; 500-600 lb 78-86 00, 600-700 lb 75-84 00; 700-800 lb 69-78 00 Med and Lge. 2. 300-400 lb 90-102 00, 400-500 lb 85-95 00. 500-600 lb 85-95 00, 600-700 lb 82-90.00; 700-800 lb 80-86 00, 700-800 lb 75-83.00; 800-900 lb 70-74 00, 900-1000 lb 66-72.00; 1000-1100 lb 66.00. HEIFERS 165 head. Med and Lge 1 400-500 lb 79-89 00; 500-600 lb 78-86 00, 600-700 lb 72-77.00; 700-800 lb 70-73 00, 800-900 lb 68-69.25. BULLS - 165 head Med and Lge 1 300-400 lb 90-112 00, 400-500 lb 89- 102 00, 500-600 lb 83-91 00. 600-700 lb 73-79 00. 700-900 lb 69-73 00 Wytheville Weekly Feeder Cattle Richmond, Va. February 13,2002 Report Supplied by USDA Wytheville Weekly State Graded Feeder Cattle, Feb. 12. 144 head GRADED STEERS- 74 head Med and Lge. 1- 300-400 lb 111 00, 400-500 lb 99-102 00, 500-600 lb 92-96 00, 600-700 lb 75-80 50 Med and Lge 2 400-500 lb 95-96 00, 500-600 lb 95-98 00, 600-700 lb 80 00 GRADED HEIFERS 70 head Med and Lge I- 300-400 lb 9S 00. 400-500 lb 93- 00. 500-600 lb 82-83 50. 600-700 lb 72 50-75 00 Med and Lge 2 300-400 lb 94- 00; 400-500 lb 91-92 50, 500-600 lb 77 50; 600-700 lb 74-75 50 Wytheville Regular Weekly Auction. Feeder Cattle 68 head. Prices per cwt, based on in weights. HOLSTEIN STEERS: 41 head Med. and Lge 2: 200-300 lb 72-87 00; 300-500 lb 62-78 00; 700-900 lb 55-58 00; 900- POULTRY GUARD New Poultry Guard“ Litter Amendment is a unique activated clay that delivers consistent ammonia control without the handling inconvenience associated with other poultry litter treatments. Unlike these other treatments, Poultry Guard Litter Amendment is easy and convenient to apply and needs no incorporation or activation Fewer application variables mean more consistent performance In addition, Poultry Guard can be applied up to five days before bird set, whenever it’s convenient for the grower Using Poultry Guard Litter Amendment Is As Simple As... Oppiy Simply spread over poultry litter. • No incorporation • No moisture activation • No complicated instructions for heating and ventilation in conjunction with application You be the judge! We are confident this litter amendment will improve your poultry and your profits. BEITZEL’S SPRAYING Witmer, PA 17585 • 717-392-7227 or ToU Free 1-800-727-7228 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM CERTIFIED COMMERCIAL APPLICATORS LICENSED Spraying Since 1961 INSURED Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 16.2002-A9 Southwest Virginia Board Sale Special State Graded Sale at Daleville, Feb 11 Total receipts 288 head sold Prices per cwt STEERS (Home raised, VQA Gold Tag) Bedford. Va —66 head, Med and Lge 1.625-775 lb, avg 6801 b, 83 60 HOLSTEIN STEERS. Pulaski, Va 48 head. Lge 2. few 1,940-1050 lb lb. avg 1000 lb, 59 50; 46 head Lge 2. ew 1 975- 1125 lb. avg 1050 lb 58 50 WEEKLY AUCTION for Feb 11 FEEDER CATTLE 376 head Prices based on in weights STEERS 99 head Med and Lge 1 300-400 lb 109 SO. 400-SOO lb 102 50- 107,50, 500-600 lb 88-98 50, 600-700 lb 81 50-85 00, 700-800 lb 75-78 50, 800- 900 lb 77 00 Med and Lge 2 400-500 lb 82-91 00, 500-600 lb 86-92 00. 600-700 lb 71.00 HOLSTEIN STEERS 11 head Med and Lge 2 500-700 lb 52-53 00, 700-900 lb 55 00,900-100 lb 55 00 HEIFERS 162 head Med and Lge. 1 200-300 lb 101 00, 300-400 lb 96-101 00, 400-500 lb 86-93 25. 500-600 lb 78 50- 85 00. 600-700 lb 74 50-80 00 Small 1 300-41X1 lb 70 00, 500-600 lb 62-65 00. 600-700 lb 58 00 Med and Lge 2, 300- 400 lb 82-95 00, 400-500 lb 78-86 50, 500-600 lb 73 50-80.00, 600-700 lb 72 50- 76 00, 700-800 lb 71 00 BULLS- 160 head Med and Lge 1 200-300 lb 112-113 50, 300-400 lb 108- 117 00, 400-500 lb 95.50-106 50, 500-600 lb 83 50-95 50, 600-700 lb 75-82 00 Small 1 400-500 lb 72 00, 500-600 lb 58 00 Med and Lge 2 300-400 lb 91- 102 00 400-500 lb 81-80 50. 500-600 lb 74 50-86.50,600-700 lb 70-73 00 Oird Set Poultry Guard can be applied when it's most convenient, up to live days before bird set • No application timing headaches between clean out and bird set • No last minute application after equipment has been lowered For More Information Call Virginia Electronic Feeder Cattle Sale Richmond, Va. February 12.2002 Report Supplied By USDA HEIFERS (Home raised and Guaran teed Open) Dublin. Va 66 head, Med and Lge 1 & 2. 700-825 lb, avg 750 lb, 76 00 HEIFERS (Guaranteed Open, source verified) Stuart, Va 62 head, Med and Lge 1, 650-875 lb, avg 750 lb, 74 70 Winchester Weekly Feeder Cattle Richmond, Va. February 12,2002 Report Supplied by USDA LITTER AMENDMENT Ammonia Poultry Guard will deliver immediate and long-term ammonia control and give birds a healthier growing environment • No more dangerously high levels of ammonia to stunt growth
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