Pa. Grain Report February 11,2002 Report Supplied By PDA COMPARED WITH LAST MON DAY’S MARKET FOR EASTERN AND CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA: Corn and Soybeans mostly steady Wheat steady to 05 higher. Barley steady to OS higher. Oats steady to strong. Ear Corn fully steady. PRICES PAID DELIVERED TO DEALERS DOCK, All prices per bushel, except Ear Corn per ton. SOUTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA CORN No. 2-y, 2.25-2.45, avg. 2.34; contract for harvest 2.20-2.36. WHEAT No. 2, 2.77-3.03, avg. 2.92; contract for harvest 2.77-2.98. BARLEY No. 3, 1.70- 1.95; contract for harvest 1.40 OATS No. 2. 1.80-2.30, avg. 1.95. SOYBEANS 3 98-4.10, avg 4.05, contract for harvest 4.08-4.17 Gr Sorghum, few 2.10. Ear Corn 60.00-70.00, avg. 66.75. SOUTH CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA CORN No. 2-Y, 2.25-2.35, average 2.31; WHEAT No. 2, 2.60-2.90, average 2.71; BARLEY No. 3,1.50-1.80, average 1.60; OATS No. 2, 1.49-1.80 average 1.68; SOYBEANS No. 1, 3.84-4.15, aver age 3.97; EAR CORN 60.00-70.00, avg. 62.57. WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA CORN No. 2, 2.06-2.35, avg. 2.26; WHEAT No. 2, 2.15-2.76, avg. 2.57; BARLEY No. 3,1.70; OATS No. 2, 1.50- 1.73, avg. 1.56; SOYBEANS No. 1, 4.01; EAR CORN 61.00-66.00, avg. 63.50. CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA EAR CORN No. 2, 2.24-2.40, avg. 2.35; WHEAT No. 2, 2.40-2.50, avg. 2.45; BARLEY No. 3, 1.65-1.90, avg. 1.73; OATS No. 2, 1.65-1.85 few to 2.30, avg.l.BB; SOYBEANS, No. 1, 4.00-4.10, avg. 4.02; EAR CORN 65.00-66.00, avg. 65 33 LEHIGH VALLEY CORN No 2-Y, 2.25-2 38, avg. 2.36; The Big Dutchman Univent Layer Cage System is the first choice of profitable poultry producers. More than 90,000,000 birds are housed in Big Dutchman battery belt cage systems worldwide. Efficient manure removal Manure begins to dry on collection belts and is easily removed from the house. Univent provides easy access and bird comfort Doors slide horizontally across the full width of the cage, providing easy bird management. Wire partitions assure improved air flow and bird comfort, helping Hershey /EQUIPMENT COl, INC WHEAT No 2. 2 95-3 12, avg 3 06. BARLEY, ISo. 3, 1 70-1.90. avg 1 80; OATS No 2, 1 75-1.90, avg. 1.85, SOY BEANS No. 1, 3 90-4.10, avg. 4.00, GRAIN SORGHUM 2.50-2 65. avg. 2.58. EAR CORN 66.00-70 00, avg 67 33 EASTERN AND CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA CORN 2.25-2.45, avg. 2 34, month ago 2 36, year ago 2.22 WHEAT No 2 2 65-3 12. avg. 2.83. month ago 2 87, year ago 2 46. BARLEY, No 3, 160-1.90, avg. 1.71; month ago 1 62, year ago 1.53. OATS No. 2, 1 65-1.90, avg. 1.71; month ago 1.62, year ago 1.39 SOYBEANS No. 1, 3 90-4.10, avg. 4.01, month ago 4.13, year ago 4.31 EAR CORN 60.00-70.00, avg. 65.24; month ago 65.67, year ago 60.00. NORTH CENTRAL OHIO (Prices FOB Truck): CORN 1.92-1.97; WHEAT 2.61-2.77; OATS 1.50; SOY BEAN MEAL; bulk 44% 147.60-154.00, bulk 48% 157.60-163.00. Kutztown Produce Hay Auction Fleetwood, Pa. Report Supplied by Auction Saturday, February 9,2002 Hay—Straw—Grain 59 LOTS. ALFALFA HAY: 84.00-215.00 GRASS HAY: 56.00-106,00. MIXED HAY: 75.00-170.00. TIMOTHY HAY: 85.00-140.00. CLOVER HAY: 65.00. WHEAT STRAW: 85.00-145.00. OAT STRAW; 110.00-160.00. HAY BY THE BALE: 2.00. LARGE ROUND OR SQUARE BALES: 20 00 FIREWOOD: 50.00-60.00 LOAD. EAR CORN; 65.00. birds achieve peak egg performance. Manufactured of proven Galfan® wire Galfan wire is coated with a combination alloy of aluminum and zinc, providing up to three times longer life than heavy galvanized wire. The ultimate feeding system The superior Champion™ chain feeder accommodates your management practices and helps improve feed conversions. Let our experienced sales and service network help you configure your own Univent Layer Cage System Call Hershey Equipment Co., Inc. at (717) 393-5807 or Toll Free at 1-800-432-0988 today. Layer Cage System Middleburg Hay Middleburg, Pa. Report Supplied by Auction Tuesday, February 12,2002 HAY 61 LOTS 100 LOTS TOTAL ALFALFA; 7 LOTS, 107.50-167.00 MIXED HAY- 33 LOTS, 85.00- 175.00. TIMOTHY: 8 LOTS, 100 00-142.50 ROUND BALES 9 LOTS, 12 CO -85 00 BALE ORCHARDGRASS 4 LOTS, 60 00- 110.00 STRAW- 9 LOTS. 52.50-137 50 EAR CORN 16 LOTS. 75 00-97 00 FIREWOOD- 3 LOADS, 20 00- 130.00 OATS- 11 LOT, 2.00-2.45 BU 255 PLANE TREE DRIVE LANCASTER, PA 17603 (717) 393-5807 or 1-800-432-0988 FAX (717)291-1534 Shippensburg Hay Auction Shippensburg, Pa. Report Supplied By Auction Feb. 9 and 12,2002 Hay—Straw —G rain 128 LOADS. ALFALFA. 40.00-200.00 MIXED HAY; 70.00-147.50. TIMOTHY- 40.00-102.50. BROMEGRASS; 70.00-105.00 STRAW 56 00-105.00. EAR CORN. 62.50-82.00. CORN FODDER. 35 00-65.00. OATS; 2.30-2.75 BU MULCH; 25.00-36.00. FIREWOOD: 24.00-58.00 Dewart Hay Dcwart, Pa. Report Supplied By Auction Monday, February 11,2002 HAY: 40 LOTS, 50.00-150 00 STRAW: 4 LOTS, 87.50-90.00. WOOD- 8 LOTS. 30.00-50 00 CORN- 4 LOTS, 60.00-77.50 OATS: 7 LOTS, 1.45-2 00 BU. w! Dutchman Lebanon Produce Hay Auction Reistville, Pa Report Supplied By Vuction 'I uesdav, February 12,2002 May—Straw—Crain ALFALFA 110 00 ALFALFA MIX 135 00 TIMOTHY. 95 00-115 00 MIXED HAY 90.00-120 00 GRASS HAY 75 00, 1 00 BALE FOR LARGE BALE WHEAT STRAW 112 00 OAT STRAW. 75 00-100 00 FIREWOOD 25 00-35 00 PICK-UP LOAD SALE DAYS 1 UESDAYS, 10 A M Kirkwood Hay Kirkwood, Pa. Report Supplied By Auction Tuesday, February 12,2002 90 LOTS. MIXED HAY: IST CUTTING 85.00- 155.00. 2ND 85.00-147.00 TIMOTHY-69 00-162.00 ALFALFA. IST CUTTING 102.00- 142.00, 2ND CUTTING 122.00-170 00, 3RD 130.00-195.00,5 TH 185.00. CLOVER: 111.00 GRASS: 60.00-150.00. WHEAT STRAW; 92.00-135 00 CORN FODDER 80.00. FIREWOOD 45 00-82 00 PICK-UP LOAD. SALE DAYTUES. 10 A.M. Belleville Hay Belleville, Pa. Report Supplied By Auction Wednesday, February 13,2002 Hay—Straw—Grain ALFALFA HAY 90 00-155.00 MIXED HAY 65.00-140 00 STRAW 55 00-125 00 Big Dutchman. Inc Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 16,2002-A7 Movement of ready-to-cook whole birds was moderate and clearing the market at a reasonable rate Demand was moderate with average buyer inter est and trading Live supplies were mod erate for the market being reported an estimated slaughter of 1,389,000 com pared to 1,3 39,000 last I uesday Weights were desirable Processing schedules were moderate Supply of bone m breast are moderate for the market being reported while the demand is light and at equilibrium Actual slaughter for the week of 2/4 to 2/9 was 6,867,047 head with an average weight of 4.88. Negotiated FOB dock prices, 2 pounds and heavier ice-packed broilers and fryers, trucklot sales of US Grade A or equivalent were steady at 47 - 60 per pound, less than trucklot sales 49 -.67 per pound Eastern Region Miscellaneous Poultry EASTERN REGION MISCELLA NEOUS POULTRY FOR CURRENT DELIVERY for the week of February 4 DUCKLINGS. Prices negotiated by first receivers. US Grade A, 4-5 pounds, delivered in trucklot and pool trucklot quantities- LONG ISLAND—Frozen 137. Fresh 143 MIDWEST—Frozen 122-126. Fresh—l 23-127 ROASTERS Prices negotiated by first receivers, US Grade A and Plant Grade, 5 pounds and up, delivered ICE PACKED (12 per box) 60-65 mostly 63- 65 VACUUM PACKED (6-9 per box) 65-85 mostly 67-73 SQUABS New York Wholesale Prices. Frozen, Plant Grade, dollars per dozen, 1 to 10 boxes 12 oz 60 48-69 66, 14 oz 66 96-76 14.16 0/ 73 44-83 43 The eastern region includes C 1 D 1 FI . GA, MA MD MI , NC NH Nl NV. PA CCA certification makes a difference Today's farms demand expert advice and comprehensive services' Crops • Soils • Animal Operations Nutrient & Pest Management X Contact a Certified Crop Advisor Today See www agronomy org for a list of PA CCAs or call PennAg at 717 651 5920 Rogers Community Auction, Inc. § t=a '* m where buyer and seller get together KEN, BILL BAER AUCTIONEERS One half mile west of Rogers, Ohio on St Rt 154 330-227-3233 Tri State Area’s Largest Open Air Market open every Friday FREE PARKING • NO ADMISSION FEE CONSIGNMENT AUCTIONS Every Friday Furniture & misc 1p m Produce & Eggs spm Poultry Barn 6pm FIRST TUESDAY OF EACH MONTH FARM EQUIPMENT CONSIGNMENT AUCTION 3pm Miscellaneous auction 4pm Garden tractor auction spm Firewood 6 p.m. Farm Machinery EVERY Wednesday 1 p.m. Hay & Gram Auction FAMILY OWNED AND MANAGED SINCE 1955 Virginia Broilers And Fryers Harrisonburg, Va. February 12,2002 Report Supplied By USD V Atlanta, GA. February 8,2002 Report Supplied By USDA
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