A2O-Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, February 16,2002 East Fluid Milk And Cream Review Madison, Wis. February 13,2002 Report Supplied by USDA Spot prices of class II cream, dollars per lb butterfat F.O B producing plants Northeast 1 4235-15833 Deliv ered Equivalent Atlanta 1 4357-1 5817 mostly 1 4600-1 4844. PRICES OF CONDENSED SKIM, dollars per lb. wet solids, FOB pro ducing plants Northeast- Class 11, in cludes monthly formula prices. .9700- 1 0500, Class 111 - spot prices - .9200- 9900 SPOT SHIPMENTS OF GRADE A MILK FLORIDA This week - In 0, Out 0, last week - In 6, Out 0, last year - In 0, Out 92 SOUTHEAST STATES' This week - In 0, Out 0, last week - In 0, Out 0, last vear - In 0. Out 0 Regional Milk Market Administrators announced the following, January 2002 uniform prices Northeast $l3 81, Mideast $l2 88, Southeast $l4 13, Flor ida $l5 76, and Western New York (a state order) $l3 22 at the base cities/ counties in the orders (For the North east, Mideast, and Western New York orders, statistical uniform prices are rc- ported ) Milk production is steady to heavier in most ol the East Milk output continues to show gams in the Southeast, particu larly in the Gulf Coast states Milk output in the Northeast and the Middle Atlantic is showing some increases Most contacts attribute the gains to the mild winter that region has experienced thus far Most contacts comment that the mild weather and good supply of good quality feed is causing a mid-winter flush Reports indicate that fat and pro tein tests on the incoming milk are in creasing Fluid milk supplies are heavy and manufacturing plants are very busy Milk normally earmarked for delivery into the Southeast is, for a while, staying m the region and adding to volumes to be processed Manufacturing plants m the Southeast are operating as needed, mostly on weekends Those few opera tions that are running daily still have ca pacity should it be needed Bottled milk sale are a little slower this week as bot tling schedules get back to more normal levels There were fewer retail features reported as well as no storm-influenced sales this week The condensed skim market is un changed at weak levels. Offerings are heavy and spot demand is slow at best. Prices for wet solids are unchanged The fluid cream market remains weak Offerings are burdensome and a high percentage of the available loads are clearing to butter plants. Class II demand is mostly contractual Prices are often lower as the CME butter average for last week dropped more than nine cents Some suppliers say they “see the light at the end of the tunnel” in this market, ‘but it’s so far away it isn’t worth thinking about.” Ice cream pro duction is seasonally light to moderate, but some operations are starting to put up some inventory for spring needs. Cream cheese output is about steady, but few spot purchases have been reported Churning activity is heavy and most Eastern producers are full The volumes of cream being shipped to Midwest butter makers are significant National Feeder Cattle Weekly Summary St. Joseph, Mo. February 8, 2002 Report Supplied By USDA NATIONAL FEEDER CATTLE SUMMARY for week ending Feb 8 Re ceipts this week 148,200; last week 185,300; year ago 165,500. This week’s reported volume included 49 percent weighing over 600 lbs Compared to last week, feeder steers and heifers sold steady to 2 00 higher across most of the United States, according to the USDA Livestock Market Ncvs Service Certain areas such as the Southeast, experi enced uneven prices as lev weather im pacted the market and curtailed receipts The slick conditions played havoc on livestock marketing from Ok lahoma up to northern Missouri and dow n to Louisiana Heavy ice broke tree limbs and knocked out electricity to thousands Some rural areas of Okla homa, Kansas, and Missouri may be without power for several more weeks. The winter storms did bring some much needed precipitation to the Plains and improved spring graze-out wheat pros pects This spurred a renewed interest m stocker cattle and caused higher prices. The higher yearling market was inspired by a strong fat cattle market February CME Live Cattle contracts matured this week which brought an onslaught of delivery tenders, totaling 440 loads by Friday morning. This caused holders of long positions to scurry and gave feedlots the leverage they needed to ask more money for this week’s showhsts The threat of delivery is what keeps cash and futures markets in line at maturity Occasionally this comes to reality and reminds hedgers and traders that they are dealing with a commodity, and net just rolling dice in Las Vegas. The future continues to get brighter for cattle feeders, but triple digit closeout losses are still fresh on their mind. Buyers remain cautious at the auction markets and direct trading has been slow A large number of wheat yearlings have yet to be contracted, which could leave feedlots short-bought But. if history repeats itself, a few weeks of breakevens or mild profits should give the cattle feeders amnesia East Coast and North Central Veal Report Des Moines, lowa Februaryl3.2oo2 Supplied By USDA CARLOT VEAL CARCASS REPORT' Northeast and North Central Basis- Compared to trading last week Northeast special fed veal steady on light to moderate offerings and a moder ate demand. North Central steady to firm on light to moderate offerings and a moderate demand. VEAL CARCASS, SPECIAL FED, HOT BASIS, FOB PRODUCTION POINTS' Hide-On. 240-300 lb- North east 70 head. North Central 361 Hide- Off. 215-27 S lb North East 218-220 00, North Central 210-219 00 CONTRACT INFORMATION Hot Basis, Hide-Off. as of Feb 13, 2002 - Contract calves slaughtered this week. 210-219.00 many 212-216.00 Packers calling market 205-210.00 Future con tracts olfered Firm Bottom 203-205 00; Firm lop 215-225 00 Firm Bottom, Split Top 202-220.00. Firm Bottom, Open top 200-205 00 •North Central - OH, IN, 11, Ml & WI •Northeast - MA. MD. PA, NY, NJ, DU, CTK VT WLEKIY DISTRIBLIIVE LESS I HAN C ARLOI, EAST COAST AREA VEAL CUTS T RADE, SPECIAL FED. Market for Tues. Feb 12 Compared to last week: Distributive special fed veal cuts steady with firmness on some leg items and weakness on loins Offerings light to moderate and demand moderate to good. Prices per hundredweight Carcass, hide off. 200-250 lb 220-260 00, Foresad dles 85-110 lb 165-190 00; Kosher Foresaddles 90-110 lb 185-200 00, Hind saddles 85-115 lb 300-330 00. Loins, reg ular 17-25 lb 250-320.00; Loins, 4x4 trmd 12-18 lb 400-485.00; Hotel Racks, 8 rib 15-21 lb 400-450.00, 7 rib 14-20 lb 400- 490.00,6 rib 13-17 lb 475-550.00; Chuck, square cut 36-47 lb 120-160.00; Shoul der, full 14-20 lb 140-195 00; Legs, double 70-90 lb 305-330.00, TBS 3-ptece 24-32 lb 550-650.00. BHS heel-out 27-35 lb 425-525 00; Top Round, trmd, cap-off 8-10 lb 900-975 00; Breast 10-12 lb 80- 10S 00 Necks, bone-in 24-28 lb 110- 140 00. Stew Meat, regular 175-250 00, Boneless Trimmings 75-80% lean 70- 81 00 Heavy Nature Green Hides, per piece 28-33 00 Agricultural Generators Spectrum Detroit Diesel Automatic L.P. Gas, Diesel, Natural Gas Generators 25 to 135 KW Units 5 to 2,000 KW In Stock! Service - Rental - New & Used Units In Stock j5y'S7lE r A/7S Power Generation Systems Specialists Call Leonard Martin LIVESTOCK FUTURES MARKET Chicago Mercantile Exchange Wednesday, February 13, 2002 Live Hogs Frozen Lean Value Pork Bellies Today 02/06/02 Today 02/06/02 -S4PS 56 650 76 025 75 000 76 175 75 650 Choice Steers Choice Feeders Today 02/06/02 Today 02/06/02 73 675 74 600 - - F 02 Mr 02 Ap 02 75 925 76 275 My 02 Jn 02 71 050 71 175 Jl 02 - Au 02 70 775 70.975 S 02 0 02 N 02 D 02 J 02 FO3 72 325 72 550 73.000 72 500 74 000 74 500 Livestock Cooperative Auction Market Of North Jersey Hackettstown, N..J. Report Supplied by Auction February 12,2002 Hay—Straw—Grain ALFALFA 9 LOTS, 1 20-3 80 BALE MIXED HAY- 28 LOTS, 75-3 10 BAIE TIMOTHY 7 LOTS, 1 00-3 00 BALE GRASS 11 LOTS, 1 30-3 00 BALE OAT STRAW- 2 LOTS AT 2 90 WHEAI STRAW 3 LOTS. 1 50-2 90 RYL STRAW 2 LOTS. AI 210 1 ACH SHEILLDCORN HOT AT 120 I UMBER I LOT AT 2 15 FIREWOOD 1 LOT AT 20 00 65 LOTS TOTAL. West Virginia Feeder Cattle Charleston, W. Va. February 11,2002 Report Supplied By USDA FEEDER CATTLE; Regular Sales from Parkersburg, Weston, and Green brier Valley, W. Va. from Feb 8 and 9. Prices per hundredweight. STEERS: 81 head. Med. and Lge 1: 200-300 lb 101-107.50; 300-400 lb 93- 105,00; 400-500 lb 91-98.00; 500-600 lb 82.50-9100; 600-700 lb 74-85.00; 700- 800 lb 76.50-81 00 Med. and Lge 2- 200- 300 lb 104.00, 300-400 lb 104.00; 300-400 lb 80-86.00; 400-500 lb 81.00: 500-600 lb 76 50-82.50; 700-800 lb 65.50-73.50; 800- 1000 lb 95.00. Small 1 and 2; 300-400 lb 75-91.00; 400-500 lb 60.00. HEIFERS; 120 head-Med. and Lge. 1 300-400 lb 81-94.00,400-500 lb 83-94.00; 500-600 lb 78 50-84.50; 600-700 lb 74- 80.00; 700-800 lb 64.50-74.50, 800-900 lb 69.00 Med and Lge. 2- 300-400 lb 75.50- 85 00, 400-500 lb 80-92 00; 500-600 lb 0330 Fonderwhite Road, Lebanon, PA 17042 82 925 84 275 83 500 84 975 83 650 84 850 60 273 61973 66600 67 173 66 330 67 773 - 61400 64 100* 77 600 77 200 60 900 62 030 76 300 75 000 85 250 86 250 85 275 86 100 52 400 53 200 85 300 86 100 85 750 86 500 49 950 6SO 85 750 88 500 SIW 51 550 70-82 00, 600-700 lb 63-70 00 Small 1 and 2 200-300 lb 87 00. 300-400 lb 71- 80 00. 400-500 lb 60-7100, 500-600 lb 67 50-70 00 BULLS 66 head Med. and Lge. 1: 300-400 lb 95 00, 400-500 lb 90-97.00; 500-600 lb 84-93 00, 500-600 lb 84-93 00, 600-700 lb 74-81.00, 700-800 lb 73-73.50: 800-1000 lb 64 00. Med. and Lge 2- 400- 500 lb 83-88 00, 500-600 lb 87.50, 600- 700 lb 70 00, 700-800 lb 52 00 Small 1 and 2 400-500 lb 65 00, 500-600 lb 58- 71 00, 700-800 lb 6100 National Weekly Lamb Report Des Moines. lowa February 12,2002 Report Supplied By USDA National Weekly Lamb Report for week ending Monday, Feb. 11 Prior Week Slaughtered Lamb Head Count Domestic: From Forward Con tracts 1,400; From Formula Arrange ments 29,882. Imported' None. Slaughtered Packer Owned Sheep. Domestic: 3,609 head; 52-80 lbs, avg. 72; lbs, dressing percentage range 49 2- 50.0%, avg. 49.3 Choice or better 99.8 Formula Contract Purchases None Formula Purchases Domestic 1,780 head, 59-65 lbs avg. 63.2 lbs, 123.49- 129.80, wtd avg. price 125 75; 18,494 head, 66-75 lbs avg. 72.2 lb, 113.57- 126.64, wtd. avg. price 122.48; 8,184 head, 75-85 lbs avg. 79.6 lbs, 107.41- 124.16, wtd. avg. price 115.40; 1,865 head, 85-91 lbs avg. 87.6 lbs, 104.17- 124.00, wtd. avg 119.89; 8,967 head, 75- 85 lbs avg. 80.0 lbs, 107.72-120.24, wtd, avg 112 58: 3.146 head, 86-91 lbs avg 88 8 lbs, 1014-106 60, wtd avg 105.53 Imported None -aak 717-273-4544 Fax 717-273-5186 77 650 77 350 .j 2SS&HT
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