Lebanon Valley Livestock Fredericksburg, Pa. Report Supplied By USDA February 12,2002 CATTLE 93...(PDA)..Compared with last week’s sale..steers .SO to LOO higher, cows 2.00 to 4.00 higher. STEERS. High Choice and Prime 2-4 1245-1440 lbs 73 25-74.25, Choice 2-3 1225-1375 lbs 69 75-73 75, Select 1-3 66 25-67.50. Standard 1-2 56 50-61.75. HEIFERS: few lligh Choice and Prime 2-4 1245-1275 lbs 72.00-73.00, Choice 2-3 1080-1275 lbs 67.00-72.00, Select 1-3 63.00-66.00, one Choice 2 1345 lbs Holstein 55.00. COWS- Breakers 75-80% lean 40.25- 44 75, Boners 80-85% lean 39.25-43 25, Lean 85-90% lean 36.00-41.25, High Yielding to 43.50 Shells down to 34.00. FEEDER CATTLE: BULLS- few Small 3 340-380 lbs 45 00 CALVES 144...VEALERS; few Stan dard and Good 80-95 lbs 40.00-75.00, Utility 55-90 lbs 20 00-35 00. FARM CALVES: Holstein bulls 7.00 to 10.00 lower, Holstein heifers mostly steady..No 1 Holstein bulls 90-120 lbs 130.00-160.00 mostly 140.00-150.00, BO SS lbs 122.00-132 00, few 75-80 lbs 95.00- 105.00, No 2 80-120 lbs 80.00-130.00 mostly 100.00-122.00; No 1 Holstein heifers 85-135 lbs 400.00-500 00, No 2 Pennsylvania Crop Insurance Program The PA Crop Insurance Assistance Program has been extended for crop year 2002. Benefits include: To receive agent www.RMA@usda.gov. insurance Enrollment Deadline: Pennsylvania encourages growers to have crop insurance protection as part of their farming risk management plan. All policy fees and approximately 20 percent of net premium costs are paid for growers. Sponsored by the PA Department of Agriculture with cost share support from RMA/USDA. 70-100 lbs 300.00-400.00, few to 150.00 Beef type bulls and heifers 80-100 lbs 70,00-140.00, one 175.00. HOGS 15 . Sows 1.50 to 2.00 higher SOWS 1-3 360-500 lbs 24.00-28.00, 500-655 lbs 28.50-29.00, few Medium 410-475 lbs 12.00-21.50. BOARS- one 645 lbs 14.00. FEEDER PIGS 3... SLAUGHTER: 1- 3 120-175 lbs 35.00-42.00. per cwt. SHEEP 0.. NO MARKET TEST' GOATS 0 NO MARKET TEST' Grantsville Livestock Grantsville. Maryland Report Supplied by Auction Saturday, February 9.2002 STOCK STEERS AND BULLS 200- 500 LBS 55.00-116.00 STOCK HEIFERS 50.00-100.00. SLAUGHTER STEERS GOOD TO CHOICE UP TO 69.00, MEDIUM TO GOOD 45.00-62.00. HOLSTEIN STEERS GOOD 42.00- 55 00, LIGHT 52.00-60.00. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS GOOD TO CHOICE UP TO 68.00, MEDIUM TO GOOD 50 00-58 50 BULLS HEAVY 41 00-55 00, LIGHT 48 00-60.00. COWS UTILITY HOLSTEINS 35 50-45.00, CANNERS 32.00-37.50, CULLS 32.00 AND DOWN. FREE “CAT” Coverage Discounted Premiums & Fees (Paid for “BUY-UP” Coverage) these Sam Hayes Secretary of Agriculture benefits, contact a crop List available at today. March 15 - Spring crops 808 CALVES 50.00 AND DOWN. HOLSTEIN BULL CALVES RETURN TO FARM 90-120 LBS. UP TO 142.00. HOLSTEIN HEIFER CALVES RETURN TO FARM UP TO 400.00. BEEF CROSS CALVES RETURN TO FARM UP TO 150 00 HOGS TOP QUALITY UP TO 52 00. HEAVY UP TO 42.00, LIGHT 30.00- 44.00. FEEDER PIGS BY HEAD UP TO 38 00 SOWS 20.00-43 00 MALE HOGS 8 00-23 00 LAMBS 70-85 LBS UP TO 125 00, 85-125 LBS. UP TO 100.00, 30-60 LBS. UP TO 135.00, CULLS UP TO 60.00 SHEEP UP TO 55 00 GOATS LARGE 55 00-150 00. MEDIUM 25 00-70 00, SMALL 10 00- 40 00. ALL BY THE HEAD Four Stales Livestock Monday Sale Hagerstown, Md. Report Supplied By Auction February 11,2002 SLAUGHTER COWS; 61 HEAD, STEADY TO 1.50 HIGHER. BREAK ERS 40 00-45.00, BONERS 40.00-46.75, FEW 47.00-49.00, LEAN 38.00-41.50, THIN 38 00 DOWN. BULLS. 4 HEAD YG#2 1500-1700 LBS. 53.00-56.75, LOW DRESSING 875-1000 LBS 48.00-49.00. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 16,2002-Al9 FED STEERS- 1 LOW CHOICE 1250 LBS 69.00. FED HEIFERS: LOW CHOICE HOLSTEINS 1158 LBS AT 49 00 CALVES: 119 HEAD 1 GOOD 210 LBS AT 82 00, GOOD 80-100 LBS 57.00- 00; HOLSTEIN BULLS RE TURNING TO FARM, STEADY PRICES #l9O-110 LBS 14S00-15800, 115-140 LBS 125 00-142 00, 80-90 LBS 125 00-137 00, #2 80-115 LBS 120.00- 143 00. 80-90 LBS 8000-120 00, 70-80 LBS 70.00-90 00, HOLSTEIN HEIF ERS, HIGHER PRICES #1 95-110 LBS 530.00-615.00, #2 80-120 LBS 300.00- 60-80 LBS 140.00- 220.00; BEEF X BULLS AND HEIF ERS #1 70-100 LBS. 135.00-157 00, #2 70 00-125.00 BUTCHER HOGS #1 AND 2 215- 260 LBS 38.00-42.00 SOWS 300-400 LBS 20 00-30 00 STEERS- 14 HEAD 1 425 LBS AT 94.00; 1 650 LBS AT 72.00 HEIFERS ISO LBS AT 90 00, 550 LBS AT 65 50 BULLS 300-400 LBS 84 00-10100, 1 500 LBS AT 74 00 PIGS AND SHOATS 14 HEAD BY THE HEAD. 20-30 LBS 25 00-27.00, 6 HEAD 50 LBS AT 33 00 National Sheep Summary San Angelo, Texas February 12,2002 Report Supplied By USDA At midwest market centers slaughter lambs 4.00 higher, slaughter ewes and feeder lambs steady At New Holland. PA slaughter lambs and slaughter ewes steady At San Angelo, TX slaughter lambs 2 00-4 00 higher, slaughter ewes 4.00-6 00 lower, instances 10 00 lower, not enough feeder lambs to test market 9.000 head estimated for today SLAUGHTER LAMBS Choice and Prime 2-3 90-150 lbs San Angelo shorn and wooled 90-150 lbs 66 00-75 00, few 73.00-79 00 Midwest, shorn 65 00-67 00, wooled 60 00-62 00 New Holland wooled 80-100 lbs 75 00-9000, 110-130 lbs 65 00-75 00. Virginia wooled 95-110 lbs 77 00-79 50 Missouri shorn and wooled 110-140 lbs 58 00-59 00 SLAUGHTER EWES- San Angelo Good and Choice 2-4 20 00-30 00. Good 2-3 34 00-42 00, Utility and Good 1-3 37 00-51 00. Utility 1-2 25 00- 38 00, Cull and Utility 1-2 2000-28 00 Mid west Utility and Good 1-3 25 00-30 00 Cull 1-2 20 00-25 00 New Holland Good and Choice 2-4 50 00-70 00, Utility and Good 1-3 30 00-60 00 Billings Good 2-3 29 00-40 25, Utility 1-2 31 00, Cull 1 24 00-25 00 FELDER LAMBS Medium and Large 1-2 San Angelo no test Midwest 60-80 lbs 75 00-85 00, 80-100 lbs 65 00- 75 00 Virginia 50-60 lbs 96 00,60-70 lbs 98 00, 70-85 lbs 90 00 Billings 60-70 lbs 72 00-78 00,70-80 lbs 74 00-79 75, 80- 90 lbs 69 00-76 75. 90-100 lbs 70 00-75 00 100- 110 lbs 68 00-70 50 REPLACEMENT EWES Medium and Large 1-2 San Angelo Mixed age ewes with lambs 32 00-44 50 per head, set solid mouth ewes with lambs 60 00 per head Billings Bred 2-3 vear olds 77 50-79 00 per head Water Bowls • Stay Clean, Fast Water Flow Valve #Cast • Farmers really like them! Blue Plastic * Wholesale or Retail HOOF TRIMMING SUPPLIES • Roto-Clip Inc. trimming and shaping disks • Bovi Bond block adhesive and wood blocks DANIELS FARM STORE 324 Glenbrook Rd., Leola, PA 717-656-6982
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