AlB-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 16,2002 Belleville Livestock Auction Belleville, Pa. Febraury 13.2002 Report Supplied By USDA CATTLE 314 (PDA). (Supply in cluded 222 cows and heifers in the Dairy sale) Compared with last week’s sale cows unevenly steady HOLSTEIN STEERS: one Select 1-2 52 75, one Choice 2-4 1195 lbs 64.00. HEIFERS one Choice 2-4 1195 lbs 64 00. couple Standard 1-2 45.50 & 4t> 75 COWS- Breakers 75-80% lean 40.00- 42 75. Boners 80-85% lean 37 75-42 75. Lean 85-90% lean 36 75-4100 Shells 35 50 and down BULLS, few Yield Grade 1 1265-1860 lbs 54 00-65 00, one Yield Grade 2 1220 lbs 51 75. FEEDER CATTLE STEERS Large 3 315-480 lbs Holsteins 61 50-64 50, few 825-970 lbs Holsteins 53 50-58 00; HEIFERS one Medium and Large 1 370 lbs 68 00, couple 630 & 635 lbs 65 50 & 68 00, one Medium 2 680 lbs 53 00, BULLS Medium and Large 3 220-310 lbs 50 00-58 00. one 650 lbs 54 00 CALVES 77 VEALERS Standard and Good 75-105 lbs 50 00-72 00. few Ulilili 60-70 lbs 20 00-40 00 FARM ( AI \ I S Holstein bulls steads to 5 ()() higher No 1 Holstein bulls 90-120 lbs 135 00-174 00 mostly 145 00-167 00 80- 85 lbs 12000-135 00, No 2 75-120 lbs 85 00-132 00, one No I Holstein heifer 100 lbs 500 00, few No 2 75-80 lbs 105 00-450 00 Few beef (vpe hulls and heifers 80-125 lbs HO 00-157 00 HOGS 16 Barrows and gills steady BARROWS AND GILTS 45-50% lean 250-290 lbs 55 00-58 00, one lot 45 00 lew 40-45% lean 500-550 lbs 5) 00-55 00 SOWS lew 1-5 .505-455 lbs 22 00- 27 00 one S(H) lbs 25 00, one Medium 485 lbs 15 00 FEEDER PIGS 79 1-3 25-40 lbs 15 00-28 00, 40-65 lbs 32 00-46 00 per head SHEEP 14 SLAUGHTER LAMBS tew Choice 65-70 lbs 72 00-96 00. one 155 lbs 62 00 NEW CROP lAMBS t hoice 20-45 lbs 100 00-110 00 SIALGHLFR SHEEP lew 18 00- 4(1 00 One man operation - cannot slip out of * * position due to unique rump frame \ that encircles the rear of the cow .. • Rotating lever system to help ' '*** maneuV er difficult calvings • All stainless steel for long life. JSST FISHER& THOMPSON INCORPORATED Main Office 15 Newport Rd., Leola, PA 17540 * 717-656-3307 QUEEN-GIL Drip Irrigation Tape Means... 10 Drippers for less than the cost of 5! And WeTl Throw in Superior Quality and High Performance at No Extra Charge! Queen'Gil Ibpe: Superior Quality. t , ! Superior Performance. J Queen-Gil Tope: Superior Quality. Superior Performance. & 1; mjW *"1 8 ml 6600' 4" Dnpper Spacing Low Flow 16 g.p.h. Med. Flow 32 g p.h. High Flow 64 g.p.h. Per 100’ \ MARTIN’S PRODUCE SUPPLIES \ 625 Britton Rd., Shippensburg, PA 17257 ] 717-532-5918 Toll Free 1-888-381-8641 ,1 GOAFS 5 (All sold by the head) One Large Bills 88 00 few Large Nannies 42 00-61 00, one Small Kid 22 00 DAIRY COWS 825.00-1750.00 per head. Eighty-Four Livestock Auction Eights-Four, Pa. Monday, February 11,2002 Report Supplied By Auction CATTLE 167. .(PDA)..cows steady to 2 00 higher S 1 EERS one Select 63 00, Standard 1-2 50.00-60.50 HEIFERS: one Choice 2 985 lbs 69 00 COWS- Breakers 75-80% lean 42.00- 47 00. Boners 80-85% lean 39.00-43 50, Lean 85-90% lean 35.00-40.00, shells .34 00 and down BULLS Yield Grade 1 2050 lbs one 56 00. one Yield Grade 2 2065 lbs S 3 00 FEEDER CATIIE STEERS few Medium and Large 1 400-555 lbs 74 50- 80 (K), few Medium and Large 2 425-830 lbs 60 00-70 00. HEIFERS Medium and Large 1 300-500 lbs 73 00-83 00, 520-610 lbs 73 00-79 00, Medium and Large 2 350-500 lbs S 3 00-67 00, Medium and Large 2 550-750 lbs 51 00-67 00, BULLS Medium and Large I 320-560 lbs 78 00- 99 00. Medium and Large 2 400-715 lbs 55 00-76 50 CAI VLS 157 (All alves sold per cwt) VEALERS Choice 140-165 lbs 92 50-102 50. Standard and Good 90-120 lbs 40 00-70 00, 70-85 lbs 37 50-67 50, Utility 50-90 lbs 17 50-55 00 FARM CALVES - Holstein bulls steady No 1 Holstein bulls 90-125 lbs 125 (HI-151 00. No 2 80-130 lbs 75 GO -122 50, No 1 Holstein heifers 85-105 lbs 385 00-575 00, No 2 70-130 lbs 140 00- 550 00 Beef type bulls and heifers 65-110 lbs 110 00-190 00, 235-275 lbs 67 50-108 00 HOGS 55 45-509 f lean 220-500 lbs 4100-48 50, 40-45% lean 255-280 lbs 56 00-42 00 45-50% 155-175 lbs 5100- 52 (Ml FEEDER PIGS 0 NO MARKET I FST 1 SHFFP 74 SLAUGHTER LAMBS Steady to 10 00 higher High Choice and Prime 150-170 lbs 66 (HI-70 50, Choice 55-75 lbs 103 00-118 00, 85-95 lbs 91 00- 108 00 Vink Calfpuller $92/roll 28 or more rolls free freight in PA & most of OH SLAUGHTER SHEEP: 36.00-59.00. GOATS 12...(A1t sold by the head). Large Billies 92 00-121 00, Large Kids 40 00-45 00 CATTLE 297 .(SUPPLIED BY THE AUCTION) Compared with last week’s sale steers active, strong demand High Choice beef, cows very active on Lean cows. STEERS: High Choice and Prime 2-4 1200-1470 lbs 72 00-77 50, Choice 2-3 1100-1570 lbs 68.00-74.00, Select 1-3 55 00-60.00, Standard 1-245.00-55.00. HOLSTEIN STEERS Choice 2-3 1200-1800 lbs 53 00-58 00, Select 1-2 48 00-55 00, Standard 1-2 42.00-48.00. HEIFERS' High Choice and Prime 2- 4 1260-1400 lbs 72.00-75.75. Choice 2-4 1000-1400 lbs 68 00-74.00. Select 1-3 60 00-87 00, Standard 1-2 42 00-51 00. COWS Breakers 75-80% lean 34 00- 48.00, Boners 80-85% lean 42.00-47.00, Lean 85-90% lean 38 00-42 00 Shells down to 15.00 DAIRY & MILKING EQUIPMENT SALES & SERVICE C /*EE pTAtoa Mercer Livestock Auction Mercer, Pa. bebruary 12,2002 Report Supplied By Auction Walk-ln • Catalog • Web Sales - Call or email us today for a FREE catalog. TOLL FREE -1-800-845-3374 • 717-866-7565 SUL ve HEATERS jtosme** r \ The Purafire heater provides a consistent. cleanburning and fuel efficient source of warmth for all types of poultry and swine houses Choose from two models; the CBOM variable output (40,000-80,000 BTUH) and the C 225 (225,000 BTUH) Each is LP or natural gas compatible and can be mounted inside or outside your confinement house Electronic ignition FEED BINS « We assemble deliver and set up bins on your farm * Weather tight die formed roof “Stronger engineered sidewalls “Ground controlled fill caps “Galvanized roll-formed legs “Engineered leg braced systems “Fast flowing hopper bottom With CORE AUGERS and ® Flex-flo™ AUGER SYSTEM in 2 1/4” dia. to 5” dia. f Call Us For All Your ” DAIRY - POULTRY - SWINE & Equipment Installation Needs^ „ , INDIVIDUAL CALF HUTCHES by Calf-Tel 1 ' 1 RH &LH Access Our Deluxe model features a new, extra tall offset entry door opposite a right or left side feed access floor Lets you group hutches side-by-side lor easy ~ , feeding and service Comes with two large A hK.i|S j pails, inside pail holder and eyebolts for V [IBf I lifting Rainproof ridge top ventilators keeps r? > calves dry and comfortable 77/S LIVESTOCK WATERERS . Jf* j l • m 8 Gal | 1- w/Heat #612010382 | 2- w/Heat #612010383 , VI BULLS: Yield Grade 1 1260-1900 lbs 35.00-62,00, Yield Grade 2 45.00-55.00 FEEDER CATTLE STEERS Medium and Large 1 300-500 lbs 80 00- 90.00; HEIFERS; Medium and Large I 320-500 lbs 70 00-86 00. 570-800 lbs 45 00-90 00. Large 1 200-300 lbs Hol stems 65 00-74 00, BULLS Medium and Large 1 300-500 lbs 73 00-90.00, 570-890 lbs 53 00-61.00, Large 1 350-570 lbs Hol steins 50.00-65.00. CALVES 105 VEALERS Good 50.00-85.00, Utility 50-90 lbs 12.00- 33.00. FARM CALVES: No 1 Holstein bulls 90-115 lbs 120.00-160.00, No 2 80- 130 lbs 100.00-137.00, No 1 Holstein heifers 100-110 lbs 500.00-565 00, No 2 70-90 lbs 140.00-215.00. Beef type bulls and heifers 70-120 lbs 115 00-205.00 HOGS 46 BARROWS AND GILTS 49-54% lean 240-290 lbs 34.00-39 50, 45- 50% lean 195-290 lbs 31 00-35 00 SOWS 1-3 400-580 lbs 25 00-31.00 BOARS; 200-500 lbs 15.00 FEEDER PIGS 0 ..NO MARKET TEST' SHEEP 3 .SLAUGHTER LAMBS one Choice 82 lbs 80 00 GOATS 6 .(All sold by the head) Medium Bdhes 30 00-42.50. Small Kids 10 00 15 00 < QUALITY PRODUCTS AT WHOLESALE PRICES Calf-/e/ Multi-Max Ideal Group Housing for Calves • Goats • Sheep • Ostriches • Pigs The experts, engineers and veterinarians agree - the best building is a naturally ventilated building. Herculite curtain systems offer stale of the art adjustable sidewalls Even when closed, the curtains allow for natural light and provide a snug environment Utilizes a threaded drive and drive screw directly coupled to a heavy-duty, direct drive gear motor to activate the curtain. Thermostat and timer are available in a variety of curtain travel speeds BASKET FANS With Cord and Ceiling Mounting Brackets r Call Us For All Your DAIRY - POULTRY - SWINE & Equipment Installation Needs A BROOK p. ODURA 0 DURAB E D MATTRESS 100 oz Waterproof the only one of its kind • The Heaviest • The Driest • The Strongest • The Most Effective • The Best Why Buy Anything Else'’ New Moo 2™ Free Stall Mattress Systen Neyy DURAMAT™ Solid Rubber comfort for the traditional barn and grooved bottom for more softness & drainage ALLEYMAT™ Continuous Flooring WnlHW*"* 1 "*** 11 >1 .i<IER BOY Afi Supply OLESALE AGRICULTURAI SUPPLIE 1-800-845-3374 New Holland Dairy Sale New Holland Sales Stables Report Supplied by Auction Wednesday, February 13,2002 172 DAIRY COWS, 272 HEIFERS. IS BULLS MARKET STRONGER. Prices per head LOCAI FRESH COWS 500.00- 1675 00. FEW 1725.00-1775.00. LOCAL SPRINGER 1100.00-1500.00. BETTER FRESH COWS 1785.00- 1950 00. LARGE HEIFERS 1575 00-1785.00,1 AT 1950 00 SHORT BRED HEIFERS 715 00- 1450 00 OPEN BREEDING AGE HEIFERS 1210 00-1325 00 BULLS 310 00-650 00. PURE BREDS7SO 00-1050 00 UPSTATE LOADS FRESH 1225.00- 1800 00 FRESH HEIFERS 835.00-1675 00 REGISTERED HEIFERS 1225 00- 2250.00. SMALL HEIFERS 600 00-1400 00. SMALL OPEN HEIFERS 385 00- 475.00 SMALI ER OPEN HEIFERS 575 00- 1100 00 Cows see the life.. HERCULITE Heavy Duty Black-Out Tunnel, Dairy & Poultry Curtains CURTAIN ilf I CONTROLLER ijM" Direct Drive 1/3 Hp, 24” 1/2 Hp, 24” & 1/2 Hp, 36” Quantity Pricing Available ***
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