Five-Area Weekly Average Direct Slaughter Cattle St. Joseph, Mo., Feb 11, 2002 - USDA Market News Service Sales in Texas/Oklahoma; Kansas; Nebraska; Colorado; and lowa/Minnesota Feedlots for Week Ending Sunday, February 10, 2002 CONFIRMED SALES: 182,200, IVE BASI SLAUGHTER STEERS Head Count Over 80% Choice 4,339 65-80% Choice 7,621 35-65% Choice 34,162 1-35% Choice 4,033 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS 3 654 10,647 30,524 1,450 Over 80% Choice 65-80% Choice 35-65% Choice 1-35% Choice PRESSED BASH SLAUGHTER ST Over 80% Choice 2 887 65-80% Choice 16,563 35-65% Choice 17,200 1-35% Choice 161 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS Over 80% Choice 2,262 65-80% Choice 15,230 35-65% Choice 13,810 1-35% Choice Weekly Accumulated Weii Head Count Live Steer 50,166 Live Heifer 46,275 Dressed Steer 36,857 Dressed Heifer 31,313 Week Ago Weighted Averages Live Steer Live Heife Dressed Steer Dressed Heifer Friend’s Stockyard Accident, Md. Report Supplied by Auction Monday, February 11,2002 STOCK STEERS AND BULLS 200- SOO lbs 55 00-105 00 STOCK HEIFERS. 200-500 lbs. 65 00-80 00 SLAUGHTER STEERS good to choice 66 00-73 10, medium to good 61 00-65.50, heavy choice over 1450 lbs 61 00-64.50. HOLSTEIN STEERS: heavy Choice 48.00-58.25, light 47 00-70 00 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS Good to Choice 66.00-72.00, Medium to Good 60 00-65 50. BULLS- heavy 4100-56 50. light 48 00-59 00 CONESTOGA VALLEY ENTERPRISES hi-mag I Agricultural Lime Spreading hi-cal Cash Discount Savings on Delivery Call Toll Free day and evening I *800*724*3277 Serving BA, MD, Delmarva, NJ, NY & (LI) ■J Are You —J Interested In Extra Farm Income? We have swine finishing contracts available We Offer • Qualified Service Personnel • Sound Genetic Program • Building Management/Environmental Monitoring • Facility Planning • Technical Support • Cash Flow Projections • Competitive Contract Payments • Purina Feeding Programs For more information Call 1-800-518-6458 Ext. 292 Purina Mills, Inc. Serving The Needs Of Agriculture Week Ago 169,043 Price Avg. Avg. Weight Range 900-1,600 724-1,600 900-1,560 940-1,475 Range Weight Price 68 50-73 00 1,369 71 13 69 50-72 50 1,340 7120 67 00-72 50 1,265 7182 69 00-72 50 1,263 7193 69 59-71 00 68 50-72 50 69 00-72 50 71 50-72 25 945-1,550 695-1,575 870-1,550 850-1,400 11000-11500 108 50-114 00 110 00-115 00 112 57-113 00 606-1,043 546-1,080 539-1,070 634-1,034 111 00-114 00 109 00-114 00 109 00-114 00 414-1,082 478-1,425 472-1,022 Beef Breeds): Avg. Weight 1,285 5 1,181 1 853 20 784 00 1,284 3 1.182 5 848 9 781 8 53,251 41,225 33,018 25,218 COWS: Utility (Holstems) 36.00- 44 00. Commercial to Good 32 00-39.50, cull cows 32.00 and down VEALS: Good to Choice 50.00-86.00, Med to Good 50.00-67 00. 808 CALVES: 50.00 and down. HOLSTEIN BULL CALVES, RETURN TO FARM: 90-120 lbs. up to 160 00, HOLSTEIN HEIFER CALVES, RETURN TO FARM 90-120 lbs up to 590.00, BEEF X CALVES return to farm up to 180 00 HOGS top quality, up to 45.00. SOWS’ up to 37 50 LAMBS. CHOICE, up to 80.00. Goats choice up to 50 00. Livestock prices arc all given per hun dred weights. 71 19 71 47 71 91 71 94 1,250 1,240 1.154 1.145 112 30 112 93 112 89 11261 880 860 844 750 810 793 770 11291 112 82 119 55 Avg. Price 71 67 71 75 112 85 11271 70 45 70 69 110 62 111 13 Pa. Weekly 13 Livestock Auctions Friday, February 8 Report Supplied By PDA CATTLE 4626.. Compared with 4719 head last week and 4101 head a year ago. Compared with last week’s summary steers SO to 1 00 higher with Holsteins steers mostly steady to SO higher with quality cattle showing gains of 1.00 to instances of 3.00 higher, si. heifers mostly 1.00 to I.SO higher, si. cows remain active with very good demand on Lean cows, bulls 2.00 to 3 00 higher. STEERS High Choice and Prime 2-4 72 75-76 00, Choice 2-3 68 00-74.00, Select and Low Choice 2-3 68.00- 71 00, Select 1-3 62.00-69 00, Standard 1-2 52 50-62 25 HOLSTEIN STEERS. High Choice and Prime 2-4 60 50-65 00, Choice 2-3 55 25-62 50, Select 1-2 50 GO -55 00, Standard 1-2 44 00-51.25 HEIFERS Choice few Prime 2-4 67 25-71 75, Select 1- 3 58 50-68 75. Standard 1-2 45.00-58 00 COWS Breakers 75-80 % lean 38 50-46 75, Boners 80- 85% lean 37 00-47 50, Lean 85-90% lean 35 00-45 75 Shells 34 00 and down BULLS Yield Grade 1 1000-2500 lbs 54 00-65 75, Yield Grade 2 900-2400 lbs 44 50-59 75 FEEDER CATTLE STEERS Medium and Large 1 300-500 lbs 85.00-94 00, 500-700 lbs 71 00-84 00, Medium and Large 2 300-500 lbs 71,00-87 00, 500-700 lbs 60 00- 63 00, Large 3 500-700 lbs Holsteins 50 00-73 00, HEIF ERS - Medium and Large 1 300-500 lbs 70 00-89 00, 500- 700 lbs 69.00-79 00, Medium and Large 2 300-500 lbs 59 00-66 00. 500-700 lbs 41.00-72.50, BULLS Medium and Large 1 300-500 lbs 74 00-95 00. 500-700 lbs 71 00- 81 00, Medium and Large 2 300-500 lbs 67 50-73 00, 500- 700 lbs 55.00-69.00, Large 3 500-700 lbs Holsteins 45 GO -59 00 CALVES 3354. .Compared with 3189 head last week and 2907 head a year ago Vealers steady to 5 00 higher VEALERS Good 180-345 lbs 67 00-75 00, Standard and Good 60-115 lbs 40.00-75.00, Utility 50-105 lbs 10.00- 55 00 1-ARM CALVES Holstein bull calves light to moder ate demand for the week and prices, Holstein heifers mostly steady with a few outstanding heifers 25 00 higher .No 1 Holstein bulls 90-120 lbs 120 00-170 00, No 2 80-115 lbs 80 00-150 00. few to 164 00, No 1 Holstein heifers 80-120 lbs 410 00-710.00, No 2 70-120 lbs 100 00- 490.00. Beef type bulls and heifers 60-150 lbs 100 00-212 50 HOGS 1486 ..Compared with 1196 head last week and 1408 head a year ago Barrows and gilts 1 50 to 200 higher, sows 1.00 to 300 lower BARROWS AND GILTS 49-54% lean 225-265 lbs 18 SO-41 75, 45-509 f lean 220-275 lbs 36 00-39 75, 40-45% lean 240-300 lbs 32 00-38 75 SOWS 1-3 300-500 lbs 25 00-27 00, 500-700 lbs 27 00-28.00 BOARS 15.00-28 00 FEEDER PIGS 236 Compared with 135 head last week and 162 head a year ago 1-3 15-10 lbs 16 00-38 00. 40-60 lbs 28.00-45 00. per head SHEEP 772 Compared with 890 head last week and 717 head a year ago Slaughter lambs fully steady SLAUGHTER LAMBS Choice 40-60 lbs 100 00-140 00, 60-80 lbs 90 00-125.00, 80-100 lbs 75 00-90 00, 110-140 lbs 65 00-75.00. SLAUGHTER SHEEP 30.00-60 00 ONE GRADED FEEDER PIG SALE 357 . Compared with 1107 head last week and 284 head a year ago Feeder pigs returning to farm 12.00 to IS 00 lower, slaughter pigs steady to 25 00 higher FEEDER PIGS 1- 2 70-75 lbs 72 00-76 00, 2-3 15-30 lbs 30 00-55 00, 40-50 lbs 40 00, Slaughter 20-25 lbs 105 00-165 00, 25-40 lbs 200.00-227.00, 45-55 lbs 65 00-82 00, 60-90 lbs 52 60- 67 (X). per cwt n«F~ All-Plant LIQUID PLANT FOOD 9-18-9 PLUS OTHERS! • Contains 100% white ortho phosphoric acid. Made in USA. • Non-corrosive. Won’t settle. •Top quality. Excellent service. • Newest equipment • Financially sound...and growing! } { Big Demand Requires ( More Distributors! » □ I sell to farmers. \ How do I become your distributor? \ □ I’m a farmer, r What’s the price? r' Where do I get it? P CALL or SEND FOR FACTS: \ Phone: 814-364-1349 f ALL-PLANT LIQUID PLANT FOOD, INC. I 821 State Rd. 511 N„ RFD 3, j Ashland, Ohio 44805 Lancaster Farmina. Saturday. February 16.2002-A1 Pasture JZS£S£S££ Pasture Perfect® Dealer of the Week Hess Farm Supply I’lus week Ampae Seed C'ompain and Rohm - Seeds rccogm/c Hess Farm Supph oFNow I lot l.nicl P\ We snppK organic and dam bed and sw me Farms with as aiicts oi' then needs including Forage seed Iced ingredients homeopathic products and balanced Feed programs wsplams Leon Hess owncrol Hess Farm Suppls Grass legume noses such as the Mid-Atlantic Cra/cr Mi\ R and his own Blue Ribbon me dose to a TVtR in the He lei Forage seed is one of their focuses Q\ci the \eais 1 \c tried oil - OlllCl IOIIIIWms Leon Hess products <ind I like Hess Farm Supply the qualih of Ampae seeds stated I con Of the qiasses I like Tek.ipo « orchaidgi iss and Duo >< festulolium the best The Tekapo ll has few stems is\er\ leafs <ind holds up well dining summer The Duok is n high qnalih glass similar to ncgiass but tougher against haish winters and dr\ hot summers I also like Jiimho K kidmo closer It is anc\eellcnl tall elo\ er that adds quahh and pio\ ides mtiogen to the soil I outlines aie crucial to making an excellent pasturc Starfircx red closer is also an excellent choice noted (01 its persistence as a icd cloxci ■ If <i uis>tomci is noi h<ipp\ with one of our mixes we will ninlsc custom mixes to meet our customers needs Contact Hess Farm Supply Leon Hess: 717-354-7972 Mark Rehak: 717-354-8847 Fax: 717-354-8847 Pasture Perfect® Mid- Atlantic Grazer Mix 50% Tekapo Orchardgrass 20% Tonga Perennial Ryegrass 20% Duo Festulohum 5% Starfire Red Clover 5% Jumbo Ladmo Clover m I*7« > -' -«■ leKapo (O(kdl)Ot 1 m t*z ~ For product details and local purchase info , please visit us on the web at Rohrer Seeds 717-299-2571 Pasture Perfect is a registered trademark of 'lntegrity & Excellence Our Foundation Your Guaiantee' Ww;: ■HH * * *' or call 7
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