Al4-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 16,2002 Leesport Livestock Auction Leesport, Pa. February 13,2002 Report Supplied Bv USDA CATTLE 242 .(PDA) ..(Supply in cluded 92 steers & heifers, 129 cows, 14 bulls and 7 feeder cattle) Compared with last week’s sale steers steady to firm, cows mostly 1 00 higher, heifers 1 00 to spots 2 00 higher, bulls mostly 2 00 higher STEERS High Choice and Prime 2-4 1250-1430 lbs 75.75-77 00, Choice 2-3 1100-1400 lbs 70 75-75 75. few Yield Grade 5 1460-1500 lbs 69 75, Select 1-3 66 75-71 00, returning to feed 7100- 73 00 HOLSTEIN STEERS High Choice and Prime 2-3 1490-1615 lbs 62 25-64 75, Choice 2-3 1350-1600 lbs 57 50-62 50, Select 1-2 56.25-58.00, Standard 1-2 52 00-55 00. HEIFERS- Choice 2-4 990-1325 lbs 69 25-72 50. few to 73.50, Select 1-3 64 50-67 50. Standard 1-2 52 75-61 75 COWS Breakers 75-80% lean 41 DO -47 00. Boners 80-85% lean 40.50-44.75, few to 47 50, Lean 85-90% lean 40.00- 44 00 Shells 38.00 and down BULLOCKS few Select 1-3 60 DO -66 50 BULLS- Yield Grade 1 1050-1700 lbs 59 00-62 00, Yield Grade 2 830-1225 lbs 56.00-58 50 FEEDER CATTLE STEERS. Medium 2 375-500 lbs 75 00-82 50, one lot Medium 2 775 lbs 58.00, HEIFERS one lot Large 3 775 lbs 58 00. BULLS few Medium 2 735 lbs 57 00. Large 3 315-595 lbs Hoi steins 60 00-75 00 CALVES 135 VFALERS Standard and Good 80-110 lbs 50 00-67 50, Utility 60-85 lbs 20 00-35 00 1 ARM tAl\ LS Holstein bulls steady to firm No I Holstein bulls 90- 120 lbs 135 00-152 50. 80-90 lbs 110 00- 137 50 No 2 80-120 lbs 100 00-127 50, weaker salves to 80 00, No 2 Holstein heifers 80-105 lbs 160 00-260 00 Beet is |>e bulls and heders 75-115 lbs 80 00-120 00. one 135 00 HOGS 14 Barrows and gilts 100 45’Trailers STORAGE $ 100 per TRAILER month rental I Sales & 48’Trailers Rental $ 120 per month rental •Dry Howard E. • Safe Groff Co. • Clean m e. state st. Quarryville, PA I 17566 717.—.. —M 786-216611 (717-2166 ] o .-UJL higher, sows steady to I 00 higher BAR ROWS AND GILTS 45-50% lean 230- 265 lbs 37 50-41 00 SOWS few 1-3 415-485 lbs 26 25- 29 50, lew 625 lbs 27 00-30 00 BOARS one 745 lbs 14 00. FEEDER PIGS 22. 1-3 45-55 lbs 90 00, Slaughter 90-150 lbs 35 50-45 00. per cwt SHEEP 10 SLAUGHTER LAMBS Choice 75-130 lbs 107 50-120.00 SLAUGHTER SHEEP: one 65.00. GOATS 13 .(All sold by the head) Medium Billies 70 00-85.00. Large Kids 45 00-52 00, Small 32 50-47 50 Middleburg Livestock Auction Middleburg, Pa. I uesday, February 12, 2002 Report Supplied By USUA CATTLE 297 (PDA) (Supply in cluded 113 steers and heifers, 125 cows, 9 bulls and 50 feeder cattle... Compared with last week’s sale steers 1 00 higher, Holstems 200 higher, heifers 100 higher. Lean cows 2 00 to 3.00 higher, Boners and Breakers steady. STEERS: High Choice and Prime 2-4 1200-1435 lbs 74.75-76.75, Choice 2-3 1100-1500 lbs 69 00-74 50. 1510-1610 lbs 69 25-71.00, Select 1-3 66.00-70.25, Stan dard 1-2 60.00-65.50 HOLSTEIN STEERS: High Choice and Prime 2-3 1300-1455 lbs 62.00-64.50, Choice 2-3 1205-1495 lbs 58.00-61.50, Select 1-2 55.00-57.50, Standard 1-2 50 00-53.75 HEIFERS few High Choice and Prime 2-4 1100-1225 lbs 74 00-75 75, Choice 2-4 1175-1375 lbs 68 50-73.50, Select 1-3 64 25-68 00. few Standard 1-2 62 50-64 00 COWS Breakers 75-80 V lean 40 00- 45 00, Boners 80-85% lean 39 00-45 75, Lean 85-90% lean 38 25-46 00 BULLS few Yield Grade 1 1100-2250 lbs 58 00-61 75, few Yield Grade 2 1260- 2730 lbs 44 75-52 50 FFFDFR CATTLE STEERS Medium and Large 1 765-970 lbs 71 00- 74 00. Large 3 600-685 lbs 58 00-64 00, 830-955 lbs 52 00-59 50. HEIFERS one In The Bloodstream In Minutes! Fast lesponse has a hi}* impact on bottom line profit Livestock oil teed results in costly treatment or death loss Nothing is more important than getting back on leed fast by correcting nutritional balance. !— BWatel In Stock for... W “ St DAIRY, SHEEP, f GOATS & VEAL |r Dairy & Veal available in gallons Medium and Large 3 475 lbs 45 50, few 810-870 lbs 40.50-49 00, BULLS one Large 3 560 lbs 56 00. few 670-785 lbs 50.00-55 SO CALVES 222. VEALERS Standard and Good 75-115 lbs 40 00-65 00, Utility 60-100 lbs 10 00-40 00 FARM CALVES: Holstein bulls and Holstein heifers steady No 1 Holstein bulls 90-120 lbs 135 00-160 00 mostly 140 00-155 00, 80-85 lbs 120 00-137 00, No 2 75-120 lbs 80 00-137 00; No 1 Hol stein heifers 85-105 lbs 510.00-670.00, No 2 75-100 lbs 285 00-460 00 HOGS 133 . Barrows and gilts 6 00 to 7 00 lower sows steady to 100 lower BARROWS AND GILTS- 45-50% lean 225-280 lbs 34 00-39 25 with one lot 43 00, 40-45% lean 285-340 lbs 33.00- 39 25 SOWS- 1-3 310-450 lbs 24.50-33.50, 500-700 lbs 25 00-33.50 BOARS 425-645 lbs 13.00-14.50, 225- 265 lbs 19 00-22 50. FEEDER PIGS 16 .1-3 30-60 lbs 26 00-37 00 —per head. SHEEP 9 SLAUGHTER LAMBS one Choice 35 lbs 97.00, few 60-75 lbs 97 00-117.00, couple 110 & 120 lbs 63 00 & 70 00 SLAUGHTER SHEEP- few 43 00- 44.00. GOATS 9 (All sold by the head) Few Medium Billies 78.00, couple Large Nan nies 60.00 & 82.00, Medium with Kids 110.00 & 120.00, couple Large Kids 40 00 & 60.00 New Wilmington Livestock New Wilmington, Pa. Report Supplied By PDA Monday, February 11,2002 SALE NOT REPORTED FEBRU ARY 11,2002. Backed by 20 years of research, field trials, and 2 U.S. patents, Nutri-Drench ™ is a liquid supplement precisely formulated for the special needs of livestock off teed. BOVIDR LABORATORIES, INC. Huber's Animal Health Supplies 810 Tulpehocken Road, Myerstown, PA 17607 717-866-2246 Mon 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Thurs. & Fri. 7:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. lues. & Wed. 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday 7:30 a.m. to Noon Weekly Meat Production Under Federal Inspection WASHINGTON, DC, Feb 8- . USD \ NASS, - Total red meat produu.on under federal inspection lor the week ending .at , e , was es t 8858 9 million lb according to the USDA s Agricultural Marketing Service This was 1 8% lower than a week ago and 5 9% higher than a year ago Cumulative meat production tor the sea, to date was 0 3% higher compared to the previous yeai MEAT PRODUCTION (million pounds) Week Ending (1) Beef ''caMWeal Pork (2) Lamb/Mutton Totals (3) 09- 484 4 3 7 366 6 4 1 »S 8 i 02-Feb-02 497 4 3 8 368 9 4 2 8743 Change dn 26% dn 2 6Vr dn 06C dn „4% dn 18% 10- 452 4 3 7 3511 4 8113 Change up 71% 0% up 44% 0/' ups 9/r 2002 YTD 2882 8 120 7 21426 22 1 SUOB a 2001 YTD 2827 1 22 3 21806 245 5054 Change up 20% dn 72% dn 1 l°/< dn 90 k up 03 h 1- Previous week estimates may be revised Year ago data are actuals 2- Excludes lard 3- Totals may not add due to rounding 2002 totals are subject to revision LIVESTOCK SLAUGHTER (head) Cattle Calves/Vealcrs Hogs Sheep/Lambs 633.000 19,000 1,843,000 58,000 650.000 20,000 1,853,000 60.000 dn 2 m dn 5 0% dn 0 5% dn 3 3% 618.000 18,000 1,797,000 55,000 up 24% up 56% dn 26% up 55% 3.762.000 107,000 10,821,000 328,000 3.843.000 115,000 11,107,000 372,000 dn 2 1% dn 6 8% dn 2 6% dn 25% AVERAGE WEIGHTS (lbs.) Cattle Calves/Vealcrs Hogs 1264 320 268 1264 316 268 1221 333 264 Week Ending 09-Feb-02 02-Feb-02 Change 10-Feb-01 Change 2002 YTD 2001 YTD Change Week Ending LIVE 09- Estimate 02-Feb-02 Estimate 10- Actual DRESSED. 09- Estimate 769 196 200 02-Feb-02 Estimate 769 194 200 10- Actual 776 205 196 PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL SLAUGHTERED BY CLASS CATTLE HOGS Steers Heifers Cows Bulls/Stags Barrows/Gilts Sows Boars/Slags 47 1% 34 9% 16 3% 1.7% 96 7% 30% 03% 46.9% 34 0% 17 4% 1.7% 96.4% 31% 03% Wk Ending 26- 27- • Will Not Rust Equipment • • Low Rates per Acre* •Lower Costs, Higher Yields* Nutra-Flo* Pure Grade™ Liquid Plant Food has the highest nutrient usability available. When applied in-furrow, 2x2, foliar or in a transplant solution you have the ability to achieve greater fertilizer efficiency with lower rates equaling greater profits. 5-15-15 9-18-9 0-0-30 20-0-0-8 Low-Salt • Chloride-Free • Neutral pH • 100% Available PARS, Inc. Elizabethtown 800-929-2676 Charlie Bomgardner Annville 717-867-2890 Herb Fritz Orangeville 570-683-5950 Doug Wood Millerstown 717-694-3648 Contact a Pennsylvania foSr Nutra-Flo® Dealer TODAY! Kevin Grubb New Enterprise 814-766-3576 Art Benjamin Lancaster 717-892-1556 Romberger Farm Supply Klingerstown 570-648-2081 Little Britain Agri-Supply Quarryville 717-529-2196 Sheep/Lamb 141 142 145 70 70 72
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