Philadelphia Fruit Terminal Market February 13.2002 Report Supplied By USDA CITRUS FRUITS -CLEMENTINES OFFERINGS INSUFFICIENT TO QUOTE -GRAPEFRUIT. MARKET STEADY 4/5 buctns FL U S. One Indian River Red 23s 1100-12.00 27s 11.00- 12 00 32s 10.00 36s 9 00-9.50 40s 8.00- 900 mostly 9.00 48s 8.00 -LEMONS' MARKET STEADY ctns CA Shprs Ist Grade 95s 18.00 115 s 21 00 140 s 20.50- 21 00 165 s 23 00-24.00 Shprs Choice 95s 1400-15.00 115 s 14 50-15 00 mostly 15 00 140 s 17 50-19 00 mostly 19 00 165 s 22.00-23.00 15 kg cntrs SP BOAT 70s 15 00 80s 15 00 140 s 16 00 160 s 16.00 - LIMES MARKET STEADY 10 llj-ctns MX 42s 7.00-8.00 48s 6.50-8.00 mostly 6.50-7 00 54s 6.50-8.00 63s 7.00-8.00 mostly 7.75-8.00 40 lb ctns MX 110 s 22 50 150 s 22.50 fr cond 14.00-18.00 175 s 24.00 fr cond 14.00-18.00 200 s 24 00 fr cond 18.00 -MISC CITRUS: NO SALES REPORTED -ORANGES: MARKET ABOUT STEADY ctns CA Shprs Ist Grade Navel 56s 14.00-16.00 mostly 15.00-16.00 some 13.00 72s 17.00- 18 00 mostly 17 00 88s 17 00-19.00 mostly 17 00-17 50 113 s 17 00-19 00 Shprs Choice Navel 48s 12 00 56s 12.00- 12 50 72s 13 00 88s 14.50 113 s 17.00 138 s 16 50 4/5 buctns FL Navel 100 s 9.00 Valencia 80s 11.00 100 s 10.00 125 s 9.50 - TANGELOS. NO SALES REPORTED - TANGERINES: MARKET SLIGHTLY HIGHER 4/5 buctns FL Honey 80s 17.00 100 s 16.00 120 s 14 00 150 s 13.00 180 s 12.00 -TEMPLES. MARKET STEADY 4/5 buctns FL 100 s 10 00 #1 in Beans Planted On More Acres Than Any Other Brand. ‘According to Farm Progress Companies Chemical and Seed National Brand Surveys (1997-2000) and Pioneer Brand Concentration Surveys (1991-2000) Pioneer® Variety 93867 (RR > 93872 (RR > 93884 <rr) 93885 9492 (RR) 94823™ $3OB Income/Acre calculated with price of soybeans at $5 25 per bushel 2001 harvest data from the eastern states, northeastern and north central Ohio 94854 m For more information on Pioneer* brand products and their performance, see your Pioneer sales representative or log on to RR = Pioneer® brand soybean varieties with the Roundup Ready' gene mgjm ' Registered trademark of Monsanto Company Pioneer® brand products are provided subject to the terms and conditions of purchase which are part of the labeling and purchase documents Pioneer is a brand name, numbers identify varieties and products ®, SM TM Trademarks and service marks, registered or applied for, of Pioneer Hi Bred International, Inc 0 2002 PHH 30617 BERRiES -BLUEBERRIES MARKET HIGHER tits 12 ‘/>pt cups with lids CL med-lge 16 00-18 00 mostly 18 00 tr cond 13.00-14 00 ord cond 4 00- 500 -CRANBERRIES TOO FEW SALES TO QUOTE -MISC BERRIES fils 12 5 6-oz cups with lids CL Blackber ries 16 00-18.00 mostly 18.00 - RASPBERRIES: MARKET HIGHER fits 12 6-oz cups with lids CL Red 18.00 - STRAWBERRIES. MARKET CA HIGHER, FL ABOUT STEADY fits 12 1-pt bkts CA Ige 28 00-30 00 med-lge 21.00-24 00 FL med-lge fr cond 12 00- 15 00 Prelerred Varieties med-lge 18 00 fits 8 1-lb cntrs with lids FL med ord cond 3 00-4 00 MELONS -CANTALOUPS MARKET HIGHER Vi ctns CR 9s 13.00 12s 13.00 GU 9s 11.00-12.00 12s 13.00- 14.00 15s 15.00 -HONEYDEWS. MARKET HIGHER % ctns CR 4s 10.00 5s 10.50 6s 11.00 GU Ss 10 00 6s 10.00 - MISC MELONS: OFFERINGS INSUF FICIENT TO QUOTE WATERMELONS. MARKET CR LOWER, MX STEADY ctns per ctn CR Red Flesh Seedless Type 4s 20.00 5s 15.00 6s 10.00-12.00 MX Red Flesh Seedless Type 4s 27.00 5s 25.00 Allsweet 3s 18.00 4s 17 00 Sangria 3s 16.00-18 00 mostly 16.00-17 004 s 16.00-17 00 NON-CITRUS FRUITS -APPLES: MARKET STEADY ctns trypk WA WAExFcy Red Delicious 64s one label 24.00 72s one label 22 00 80s one label 22.00 88s 16.00 one label 22 00 113 s 18 SO Golden Delicious S6s one label 26 00 64s one label 26.00 72s one label 26 00 80s one label 26 00 88s one label 26 00 100 s 20.00 one label 22 00 Granny Pioneer* brand soybeans vs. the competition in 2001 Yield Pioneer Comparison Yield Yield I Comparisons Yield Yield Advantage % Win 6 61.2 58.9 2.2 67% Companion Brand/Vanety Asgrow AG3701 m Asgrow AG3302 (rr.sts> B Asgrow AG3701 w 9 Asgrow AG3701 w 6 Asgrow AG3901 m 3 Asgrow AG3701 w) 6 Asgrow AG4602 (RR) 5 Asgrow AG3901 w 3 Asgrow AG4602 w 4 47.7 50.0 54.3 55.5 52.2 55.6 43.8 50.1 58.9 62.2 50.0 51.0 43.8 45.7 53.1 58.6 STS Identifies soybean varieties that contain the STS 1 gene and carry in plant tolerance to sulfonylurea herbicides that carry the STS designation, such as Synchrony STS 1 1 Registered trademark of E I du Pont de Nemours and Company [2 gv PIONEER. I J A DuPont Company Smith 88s 20 00 one label 26 00 100 s 17 00 Fuji 72s one label 30 00 Gala 88s one label 26 00 U.S. Fey Golden Deli cious 80s 15 00 88s 15 00 CON TROLLED ATMOSPHERE STORAGE ctns trypk NY U.S. ExFcy Red Rome 72s 12 00 88s 14 00 PA U S ExFcy Fuji 88s 15 00 WA WAExFcy Red Delicious 72s 16.00-18 00 some 19 00 80s 13 00- 18.00 mostly 16 00 some 19 00 88s 15 00- 18.50 some 1900 100 s 1600-18 50 113 s 15 00-16 00 125 s 16 00-18 50 ctns celpk NY U S ExFcv Mcmtosh 80s 20 00 100 s 19 00 120 s 17 00 U S One Mcmtosh 80s 9 00 100 s 9 00 120 s 9 00 Empire 80s 9 00 100 s 9.00 120 s 9 00 ctns 12 3-Ib fllmbags NY U.S. Fey Red Delicious 2 '/«” up 10 50-11.00 Red Rome 2 'A” up 10 50- 1100 Mcmtosh 2 'A” up 10.50-11.00 - APRICOTS OFFERINGS INSUFFICIENT TO QUOTE AVOCADOS: MARKET ABOUT STEADY ctns 2 lyr MX Hass 48s 26.00 - BANANAS: MARKET STEADY 40 lb ctns IMPORT 11 00 fr qual 10.00-10 50 mos 10.00 sml 8 00-8 50 petite 14 50 40 lb ctns bagged IMPORT 1100 - CHERRIES: TOO FEW SALES TO QUOTE -FRUITS OTHER, ctns 1 lyr CA Apple Pears Shinko 15s 1100 FL Carambola - Star Fruit 16s 9.00 10 lb ctns FL Guava few 28.00 -GRAPES' MARKET ABOUT STEADY 18 lb cntrs bgd CL BOAT Thompson Seedless exlge 16.00-19.00 mostly 18.00 Ige 14.00-16 00 med-lge 12 00 sml-med 8 00-10 00 some 700 Flame Seedless exlge 19 (X) Ige 16 00-17 00 med-lge 13 00-14 00 mcd 10 00-1100 sml-med 7 00-9 00 mostly 8 00 White Seedless Type Ige fr cond 8 00-12 00 med-lge 1100-12.00 med fr Pioneer Moisture Moisture Advantage 11.5 -0.1 12.2 67% -0.1 11.5 67% 10.4 83% 11.1 100% 11.3 67% 10.4 60% 10.7 67% 10.2 100% cond 8 00-9 00 Red Globe med-lge 14 00- 15 00 med 13 00-14 00 16 lb lugs wrpd CL BOAT Thompson Seedless Ige 16 00 Black Seedless med-lge 16.00 - KIWIFRUIT fils 1 lyr IT Hayward 33s 7.00 9 kg entrs IT Hayward 33 sz 16 00 - MANGOES- MARKET STEADY fits 1 lyr PE Kent 7s 4.50-5 00 8s 4 50-5 00 9s 4 50-5 50 mostly 5 00 one lot 3 75 10s 4 50-5 50 mostly 5 00 12s 4 50-5 00 Tommy Atkins 9s 5.00-5 50 10s 5 00- 5 50 PR Tommy Atkins 7s 4 00-4 50 8s 4 00-4 50 9s 4 00-4 50 10s 4 00-4.50 12s 4 00-4 50 Parvin 8s 4 00 few 3 50 9s 4 00 12s 4 00 -NECTARINES OFFERINGS LIGHT ctns 2 lyr trypk CL BOAT Red Diamond 30s ord cond 2 00-3 00 40s ord cond 2.00-3 00 50s ord cond 2.00-3.00 - PAPAYA: MARKET STEADY 10 lb ctns BZ Sunrise 9s 10.00-11.00 40 lb ctns FL Green Cooking Type 21 00-22 00 30- 35 lb ctns BZ Maradol 10s 28 00 - PEACHES OFFERINGS LIGHT ctns 2 lyr trypk CL BOAT Various White Flesh Varieties S2s fr cond 6.00-8.00 -PEARS MARKET STEADY 4/5 buctns wrpd OR U S. One D’Anjou 70s 19 00 80s 19.00 90s 19.00 100 s 16 00-17.00 110 s 16.00-17.00 Bose 80s 18.00 90s 18 00 100 s 16 00 WA U S. One D’Anjou 70s 19 00 80s 19.00 90s 19.00 100 s 1900 18 kg entrs CL BOAT Bartlett 110 s 19.00 120 s 18 00 -PERSIMMONS, ctns 1 lyr IS Triumph 14s 7 00-7 50 16s 7 00-7 50 18s 6 50-7 00 -PINEAPPLES MARKET 5 FEADY ctns 1 lyr CR golden ripe 8s 12 00 9s 10 00 HI AIR 6s 14 00 - PLANTAINS 50 lb ctns CB Yellow 15 00 EC Green 15 00 -PLUMS OFFERINGS LIGHT ctns 2-lyr Cl Test Weight Advantage 0.8 Pioneer Income/A Income/A Advantage $l2 $321 $l2 $262 -2.0 $6 $lB $33 $291 $292 $263 $l7 $327 $5 $lO $268 $240 $29 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 16,2002-Al3 BOAT Aurora 90s poor cond 300 - POMEGRANATES. OFFERINGS NONE -PRUNES OFFERINGS NONE WEEKLY AUCTION for Feb 8 Prices per hundredweight based on out weights FEEDER CATTLE 258 head STEERS 85 head Med and Lge I 200-300 lb 127-130 00, 300-400 lb 104- 119.00, 400-500 lb 97-106.00, 500-600 lb 99-106 50. 600-700 lb 85-91 50, 700-800 lb 76-77 50,800-900 lb 73-75.00 Small 1 400-500 lb 88-92 00, 500-600 lb 85 50- 90 00, 600-700 lb 75-8000 Med and Lge 2 300-400 lb 92-95 00, 400-500 lb 94-98.00, 500-600 lb 92-99 00, 600-700 lb 80-84.00 HEIFERS 122 head Med and Lge 1 200-300 lb 91-96 00, 300-400 lb 98-92 00, 400-500 lb 80-84 50, 500-600 lb 79 50- 84 50, 600-700 lb 76-8100, 700-800 lb 64 50-70 00, 800-900 lb 56-59 00 Small 1 300-400 lb 90-97 00, 500-600 lb 73- 81 00 Med and Lge 2 300-400 lb 88- 94 00, 400-500 lb 84-89 00, 500-600 lb 79 50-84 50, 600-700 lb 65 50-74 00, 700- 800 lb 55-64 00 BULLS 51 head Med and Lge 1 200-300 lb 115-137 00, 300-400 lb 108- 126 00. 400-500 lb 90-99 00, SCKI-600 lb 89-98 00, 600-700 lb 71-77 00, 700-900 lb 63-75 00 Small 1 300-400 lb 90-97 00, 51X1-600 lb 73-81 00 Med and Lge 2 200-31X1 lb 100-112 00, 300-400 lb 100- 109 00. 400-500 lb 89-93 00, 51X1-61X1 lb 81-87 IXI 700-800 lb 60-64 (X) fr i and Bunnies ' Jv ~' Highest prices paid Call 609*687*6800 leave message visit our website: I WHAT’S AHEAD FOR... « | I MILK FUTURES AND | I OPTIONS $ I E g | Lehigh Valley Futures, Inc. through its H I clearing FCM, offers access to all major | I exchanges’ Futures and Options. I I Serving the Farm Community I e for more than 30 years. - c When buying options, your risk is in some | cases limited to the premiums paid plus | transaction costs G G G E FOR INFORMATION, CONTRACT | DETAILS AND FUTURES AND | OPTIONS STRATEGIES... | PHONE (610)366-7979 or 800-543-8939 | LEHIGH VALLEY FUTURES INC. | Commerce Plaza, Suite 249, | 5000 Tilghman Street, | | Allentown, PA. 18104 | | e-Mail: | I web site: H ■ n b The risk of loss in trading futures and option can be c e substantial Futures and options trading may not be H | suitable for everyone You should carefully consider the | e risks in light of your financial condition in deciding □ | whether to trade. ® gimuiwawummmmamamumttiuiiauMamuiamLiaMmammiainuiatrieitaE Tri-State Weekly Feeder Cattle Sale Richmond, Va. February 11 2002 Report Supplied By USDA
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