Northeast Broiler Fryer Parts Parti ATLANTA, GA. January 23,2002 Report Supplied By USDA Trucklot buying activity ranged light to no better than fair during midweek trading as dealers remained cautious and selective and were unwilling to extend floorstocks beyond most immedi ate needs. Offerings of bone-in breasts were at least adequate and boneless skinless breasts were available Legs and leg quarters were fully sufficient. Wings were readily available at discounted levels. Movement through retail and dis tributive channels was only fair at best The market tone was barely steady to weak on legs and wings, no better than steady on the balance. ICE PACKED BROILER/FRYER PARTS, DELIVERED TO FIRST RECEIVERS IN POOL TRUCKLOT AND TRUCKLOT QUANTITIES, CENTS PER POUND. ITEM CUR RENT NEGOTIATED TRADING BREAST - B/S 120 TENDERLOINS 100 BREAST - WITH RIBS 56-57 BREAST - LINE RUN 56 LEGS 38-39 LEG QUARTERS (BULK) 25-26 DRUMSTICKS 38-39 THIGHS 28-29 B/S THIGHS 85-86 WINGS (WHOLE) 93-94 BACKS AND NECKS GET A JUMP ON yOUR SPRING INSTALLATION “Take the worry out of your feed and storage handling” (SSI) AFFORDABLE QUALITY We handle a full line of grain storage and processing equipment including: • GSI Air Stream Fans and Heaters • Wet Tanks •Transport Augers • Bucket Elevators • Grain Dryers • Stirator System For More Information and Free Estimates call Our Grain Bin Salesperson Bill Shirey at 1-800-432-0988 • (STRIPPED) 10-12 LIVERS (5 POUND TUBS) 30-35 GIZZARDS (HEARTS) 55-60 INCLUDES NEW YORK CITY METROPOLITAN AREA, NORTH ERN NEW JERSEY, MASSACHU SETTS, CONNECTICUT, RHODE ISLAND, AND PENNSYLVANIA (NORTHEAST OF HARRISBURG). Livestock Cooperative Auction Market of North Jersey Poultry & Egg Hackettstown, N.J. Report Supplied by Auction Wednesday, January 22,2002 HEAVY FOWL .50-1.50 lb., 4.25 ea LEGHORN FOWL 3.50 ea , .65 lb PULLETS 4.25-5.50 ea, 4.75 lb GEESE 1.401 b. BANTAMS 2.10-3.75 ea. ROOSTERS 1.50-6.00 ea., 1 10-1 70 DUCKS 4.00 ea.,l 10-1.70 lb RABBITS .50-6.00 ea , 1 20-1 85 lb. PIGEONS 3 00-7.00 EA. GUINEAS 2.00-6.25 EA. GRADE A EGGS WHITE JUMBO, EX. LRGE. .69- 83, LARGE .76-.81, BROWN JUMBO, EX LRGE. .60-1.00, LARGE .43-90, MEDIUM .43-. SO. ERSHEY .EQUIPMENT CQ, INC :V" ''' c > Young Turkey Parts And Bulk Meat Des Moines, lowa January 23,2002 Report Supplied By USDA NATIONAL YOUNG TURKEY PARTS AND BULK MEAT, Frozen, unless specified, cents per lb, delivered first receivers, part and full trucklots, as of Jan. 23,2002. The trade sentiment on fresh tom breast meat was steady to weak, frozen tom breast meat steady to barely steady, and the balance of white meat was steady at best with scapula in the softest position. Fresh tom breast meat demand was sluggish to instances fair for the abundant offerings. Frozen tom breast meat inquiry was light to instances fair with most buyers bidding lower. Offer ings of frozen tom breast meat were available and held at mostly steady price levels. Demand on the balance of white meat items were light to instances fair Offerings were mixed with wing meat supplies held with the most confidence and scapula the least. Domestic market activity improved on most items with trading centered on a fair volume of fresh mechanically separated turkey. Export trading improved and centered on tom drums. A few industry members were watching some unsettledness de velop in the broiler leg quarter market 255 PLANE TREE DRIVE LANCASTER, PA 17603 (pi Igi. ===^ Ife:- IBS: • Feed Bins • Grain Bins • Flex Auger Systems •And Much More... DOMESTIC TRADING; BREASTS, 4-8 lbs; Grade A - 99.00; Plant Grade none. DRUMSTICKS; TOM - avg 27 50, HEN - 27.00. WINGS, FULL CUT: TOM - avg. 27.00; HEN - avg 28.00. WING, V-TYPE: TOM - avg. none; HEN - avg. 37.50. NECKS: TOM - avg. 26.50; HEN - none. BREASTS, B/S, TOM avg, 130.00; FRESH 134.60. THIGH MEAT, none. BREAST TRIM MEAT - avg. 109.00. SCAPULA MEAT, 109.00. DESTRAPPED TENDERS, avg. 131.00. WING MEAT WITH SKIN - 81.00. MECHANICALLY SEPA RATED 14.43. EXPORT TRADING. DRUM STICKS. TOMS - avg. 27 94. WINGS, FULL-CUT- TOM - 28.00. WINGS V TYPE: - TOMS - none TAILS 27.00. MECHANICALLY SEPARATED, avg. 10.00. THIGH MEAT - avg. 63.00. Eastern Region Frozen Eggs ATLANTA, GA. January 18,2001 Report Supplied By USDA Mostly prices were unchanged to higher on whole, whites and sugared yolks when compared to previous week’s trading. Demand increased and ranged light to moderate for adequate offerings The undertone was steady to fully steady Liquid and frozen eggs (ingred- (717) 393-5807 FAX (717)291-1534 "■'-"Vi 'j liP Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 26,2002-A5 icnts included) processed under federal inspection in the Eastern region for the week ending January 12, 2001 were 32% higher than the previous week and 8% higher than the same week last year WHOLESALE SELLING PRICES (CENTS PER POUND IN 30 LB. CON TAINERS) TRUCKLOTS: WHOLE 39-44, mostly 40-42; BLENDS (/) TFEWR, WHITES 22-31, mostly 22-25, SUG ARED YOLKS (min. 43% solids) 72-79, mostly 74-77, SALTED YOLKS (mm 43% solids) 69-73. LESS THAN TRUCKLOT (mm. 25 cont.). WHOLE 48-51; BLENDS 65-85, WHITES 28-48; SUGARED YOLKS (mm. 43% solids) 81-88, SALTED YOLKS (mm. 43% solids) 77-90 (/) - WHOLE PLUS YOLK PLUS SWEETENER, GENERALLY 28-32% EGG SOLIDS Prices were unchanged The market tone was steady to fully steady Demand slowed in some locations and ranged light to moderate, best where items were featured. In the Philadelphia vicinity, large 18 pack eggs were advertised for 99 cents Supplies were adequate to close for trade needs. Breaking stock offerings were light and demand was moderate Light type fowl were mostly adequate for slaughter schedules PHILADELPHIA PRICES TO RE TAILERS, SAIES TO VOLUME BUYERS, USDA GRADE A AND GRADE A, WHITE EGGS IN CAR TONS, DELIVERED STORE DOOR, CENTS PER DOZEN RANGE EXTRA LARGE .70-77, LARGE 69- 75, MEDIUM 60-.67 BOSTON: PRICES TO RETAILERS, SALES TO VOLUME BUYERS, USDA GRADE A AND GRADE A, BROWN EGGS IN CARTONS, DELIVERED STORE DOOR, CENTS PER DOZEN RANGE. EXTRA LARGE 1 11-1 13, LARGE 1 04-1 06, MEDIUM 76- 78 NEW ENGLAND PRICES PAID TO PRODUCERS, CASES EX CHANGED. GRADE YIELD BASIS. BROWN EGGS LOOSE, AT FARM, CENTS PER DOZEN RANGE JUMBO 1 20-1.23, EXTRA LARGE 92- .95, LARGE .85- 88, MEDIUM 57-.60, SMALL 25-28 HAY, STRAW & GRAIN SALE Every Thursday at 12 NOON Vintage Sales Stables, Inc. (Rt. 30, Paradise, PA) For more information (717) 442-4181 (717) 768-8204 Every Wed. WOLGEMUTH’S AUCTION formerly Good’s Auction 109 North Maple Ave. Leola, PA 17540 North Atlantic Eggs Atlanta, Georgia Report Supplied by USUA January 23,2002