A42-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 26,2002 (Continued from Page A 2) slaughter lambs and slaughter ewes sold fully steady SIAI'GHILR LAMBS Choree and Prime 2-3 40-60 lbs 100 00-140 00, 60-80 lbs 90 00-12 s 00 80-100 lbs 75 00-90 00, 110-130 lbs 65 00-75 00 SI AUGHT LR FVVLS Good and Choree yearlings and 2 year-olds 50 00- 70 00 Utility and Good 1-3 30 00-60 00 GOAT S (All sold by the head) Billies Large 100 00-125 00, lew up to 150 00 Medium 75 00-100 00 Mutton Choice and Prime 75 00- 100 00 Yearlings Choice and Prime 60 00- 80 00 Nannies Medium 40 00-70 00 Kids Choice and Prime 50 00-70 00 Good 20 00-50 00 Lancaster County Weekly Cattle New Holland, Pa. Report Supplied By USDA I nday.Jan. 25,2002 CATTLE CALVES THIS WEEK 2143 1771 LAST WEEK 2415 1620 LAS 1 YEAR 1944 1671 CATTLE Compared to last week's (.losing prices, slaughter steers sold 50- 100 higher Demand was very good, with prices advancing mostly for the av erage Choice cattle Trading was very active for holstein steers and prices closed lor the week 1 00-2 00 higher, in stances 250 higher on the top end Slaughter heifers traded steady to 50 higher Fcedlots in the Plains and Mid west reported few live cattle at 63 25- 68 00 avg 66 99 and few dressed basis at 107 00-108 00 avg 108 03 Thursday af ternoon Slaughter cows sold 2 00-3 00 higher on active trading Slaughter bulls opened the week steady to 1 00 lower and closed 200 higher by late in the week Supply included 35 percent steers, 10 percent heifers, 42 percent cows, 5 percent bulls, with the balance feeders SLAUGHTER STEERS High Choice and Prime 2-4 1200-1475 lbs mostly 70 50- 73 50, 1485-1540 lbs 67 50-71 75, few 1595-1615 lbs 65 50-68 25 Choice 2- 3 1105-1485 lbs 69 OQ-72.00, high dress ing 1-2 up to 73 50, 1485-1580 lbs 65 00- 69 50, 1600-1645 lbs 63 50-65 25 Select and low Choice 2-3 1230- 1475 lbs 63 75- 69 75, few 1650-1655 lbs 59 50-60 00 HOLSTEIN STEERS High Choice and Prime 2-3 1280-1400 lbs 61 25-63 50 Choice 2-3 1310-1590 lbs 58 25-60 50, late 59 00-60 50, 1615-1650 lbs 56 25- 57 00 Select and love Choice 2-3 1165- 1575 lbs 5 3 75-59 75 SI \LCiH 11 R HLII LRS Choice lew See pages 819-823 i- ' -•> f&K I What could be better than using Lancaster Farming's Mailbox Markets once a month? Using Mailbox Markets 2 TIMES* a month!! January and February you can submit 2 Mailbox Markets each month! *Ads must be different each time. iH j* tmmkm. Prime 2-4 1110-1460 lbs 66 00-70 00 mostly 68 00-70 00, few up to 72 75 Select and Urn Choice 2-3 1035-1470 lbs 64 25-68 75 SIALGHILR COWS PERCLNI I I AN WLIGHT BULK LOW DRESS ING Breakers 75-80 over-1400 lbs 39 25- 44 75 36 75-40 25 Boners 80-85 oyer -1200 lbs 39 00-43 75 36 75-40 00 Lean (Hi-Yield) 85-88 over-1200 lbs 39 DO -43 00 36 00-40 00 Lean 88-90 over-1000 lbs 38 25-42 50 35 75-39 50 Lean (Light- Wt) 85-90 750 -1000 lbs 37 00-42 50 35 00-38 00 SLAUGHTER BULLS \ leld Grade 1 1030-2135 lbs 55 75-62 25 Yield Grade 2 1075-2330 lbs 45 00-56 00, late 48 50-56 00 Bullocks Select 2 indi vidual 1150 lbs 56 50 CALVES. Com pared to last week, vealers sold 5 00-9 00 higher Large slaughter calves not well tested Holstein bulls returning to farm traded 17 00 to as much as 58 00 lower for the week Holstein heifers were steady to 50 00 higher, with prices ad vancing on the lighter weights VEALERS Good and Choice 70-125 lbs 50 00-66 00 Utility 60-90 lbs 11 00- 40 00 SLAUGHTER CALVES Not well tested RETURNED TO FARM Holstein bulls 90-125 lbs 117 00-157 00, 80-90 lbs 120 00- 164 00. Plainer-type bulls 82-125 lbs 100 00-146 00, 75-80 lbs 132 00, weaker calves 65-110 lbs 32.00-92 00 Holstein heifers 83-115 lbs 420 00- 650 00, 73 lbs 300 00 Plainer-type heif ers 80-115 lbs 170 00-360 00. Beef-type bulls and heifers 75-90 lbs 155 00-235 00 Indiana Livestock Hunter City, Pa. 1 hursday, Jan. 24,2002 Report Supplied By Auction CATTLE- 110. COWS: STEADY TO 300 HIGHER STEERS: CHOICE 2-3 1260/1570 LBS 65 50-69 75 SELECT 1- 3 6 1 00-65 00 STANDARD 1-2 53 CO -59 75 HOLSTEIN STEERS CHOICE 2-3 1570 LBS ONE AT 57 25 HEIFERS CHOICE 2-4 1190/1360 LBS 65 50-72 50 SELECT 1-3 COUPI E 58 00 & 58.25 STANDARD 1-2 48 00-55 75 COWS BREAKERS 75-80% LEAN 41 00-44 25 BONERS 80-85% LEAN 37 50-41 75 LEAN 85-90% LEAN 33 00-38 00, SHELLS DOWN TO 32.00 & DOWN BULLS. FEW YIELD GRADE 1 1550 LBS ONE AT 58 25 YIELD GRADE 2 1740 & 1815 LBS 49 25 &. 50 00 FEEDER CATTLE SILERS M-l 290/420 71 00-80 00, 1 1 W 520/ 7 20,72 00-83 50 HLIFERS FEW M-l 310/470, 65 00- 76 00, COUPLF 590