Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, December 15, 2001, Image 55

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    Register For
Quilting Class
Carol Lee Shirk will teach classes on making Rock and
Roll Logs, a quilt pattern she designed to incorporate
even and uneven blocks. Blocks may be arranged several
ways to give multiple design effects. The classes sched
uled at the Farm and Home Center, 1383 Arcadia Drive,
Lancaster, begin Jan. 9, 16, and 23, from 6:30 p.m.-8:30
p.m. The same class will be offered Jan. 11, 18, and 25,
frpm 9:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m. Cost is $35. Register by send
ing' payment with your name, address, and home and
work phone numbers to Penn State Cooperative Exten
sion, 1383 Arcadia Dr. Lancaster, PA 17601.
$34.00 5Sr
$63.00 years
(Other Areas $45 00 Per Year
or $85.00 For Two Years)
Call 717-626-1164
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Managing Money, Resources
Co.) Celebrating holidays and
other special occasions often
causes families to expend large
amounts of money and other re
sources. Having realistic holiday
expectations can prevent a lot of
problems. Gifts are not always a
sign of love and caring. A family
can have a memorable cele
bration without spending an
exorbitant amount of money.
Using your savvy and managing
all available resources (your
money, time, energy, talent, skill)
can help you have a happy holi
day and avoid overspending.
Look at the big picture. The
amount you spend may vary de
pending on family values. Spend
ing at the last minute, or spend
ing haphazardly without limits
leads to overspending. Spread
costs for holidays and cele
brations throughout the year.
When it comes to holiday spend
ing, some months are more ex
pensive than others. Keep holi
day expenses from interfering
with your ability to make ends
meet, especially in December, by
setting aside an equal amount
each month. For example, if you
estimate that you spend $1,200
total per year for holidays and
celebrations, set aside $lOO each
month. Take out what you need
for varying months throughout
the year, setting aside the bulk of
the money for months such as
December when you might spend
• Plan holiday spending. Once
you know how much you can
spend for the year, decide how
the money will be used. Start by
making a list of the holiday and
special occasions you plan to cel
ebrate. .Determine how much of
your holiday money you wish to
spend for each special occasion,
and don’t forget to set aside
money for unforeseeable occa
sions, such as baby showers,
graduations, and housewarm-
Christmas Shopping Doesn’t
Get Any Easier Than This!
Give The Gift That Comes
Week After Week.
A Subscription To
I Clip And Mail This Coupon
1 With Your Check To:
1 Lancaster Farming
I P.O. Box 609
J Ephrata, PA 17522
1 Name:
' Address:
; State:
I Gift Card To Read From
ings. Keep in mind that it’s the
thought that really counts.
• Use credit wisely. If you use
credit cards for holiday shop
ping, consider several factors to
avoid over indebtedness. Charge
only an amount that you can
safely repay in a few months. If
you have multiple credit cards,
limit your charges to one card.
This will help facilitate bill pay
ing when the bill comes due, and
wiU provide a clear picture of
your spending. Evaluate your
overall credit picture before
shopping for the holidays. Trade
cards with higher annual per
centage rates and annual fees for
cards that offer lower rates and
no annual fees.
• Shopping. Shop early for
gifts that you purchase. Practice
wise consumer strategies. Com
parison shop. Compare price,
quality, and warranties. Read la
bels and handtags. Watch for
sales. Plan shopping by making a
list, checking ads in newspapers
and flyers, and shopping at stores
that are in close proximity to one
another to help you save time
and energy.
• Gifts. The best gifts don’t al
ways have the biggest price tag.
They are fun or useful, and cho
sen with the recipient in mind.
Using your talent and skill to cre
ate gifts from your sewing room,
craft corner, kitchen, or garden
adds a special touch of love. A
gift of time is the most precious
gift. Why not start a gift shelf in
your home? Throughout the year
as you shop and find wonderful
items on sale or as you create
hand crafted items, place them
on a shelf for use when you need
a special gift, or to give for a holi
day occasion. A gift shelf can
save you shopping time and
• Greeting cards. It’s easy to
have a large bill for the purchase
of greeting cards and postage
throughout the year. Consider
these ideas.
Look for
ways to
prune your
list. Send
cards to only
Saturday, December 15,2001-811
Lancaster Farming,
For Holidays
family and friends you are not
likely to see on the holiday. Make
your own greeting cards using
blank cards and special stencils
and stamps. You can avoid shop
ping trips and extra costs by pur
chasing a supply of greeting
cards for all occasions from the
discount card and party store.
• Decorations. The best time
to buy holiday decorations is
after die holiday. Or better yet,
look for ways to make decora
tions or use the items you already
have. Properly stored decorations
can be used from year to year. To
create new decorations look
around your house for items that
can be used to create a wreath,
centerpiece, or decorate a tree.
Use your imagination and talent
to create a wonderful holiday at
mosphere without spending a lot
of money.
• Entertainment. Social gath
erings highlight holiday seasons
as calendars filled with parties
and activities. Consider co-host
ing an event with another family
member or co-worker to consoli
date time, effort, and expense.
For special events, evaluate the
necessity of a meal. Consider ap
petizers or snacks instead. Also
consider a potluck dinner as op
posed to a lavish buffet.
• Travel. Visiting family and
friends can be an expensive part
of holiday plans. Shop early for
the best airfares. When estimat
ing travel expense, include gaso
line and car maintenance when
driving and airfare when flying,
as well as lodging, and meals.
• Charitable Donations. Re
membering the less fortunate is
an important part of many holi
days. Some families donate
money to selected charities on be
half of other family members
rather than buying gifts for one
another. While a contribution of
money is always appreciated, a
donation of time is also valuable.
A realistic and affordable plan
for spending your money and
your time should always be at the
center of your holiday plans. De
velop a plan and carry it out.
Make your holidays a time for
living, laughing, loving, sharing,
caring, and learning.