if k “V* l": U* y* >**Ki LANCASTER FARM AND: HOME CENTER Elizabeth Brown Dr. Cindy lannarelli of her father's untimely death She operates a consulting company tor family businesses, Dr lannarelli's Business Cents. penndleld corporation *- V'* - ■ ' < 1 * ,»•* A farm accountant, Elizabeth Brown, of Record and Tax Services, in Chambersbuig, was born and raised on a poultry farm in Crawlord County, Pa Alter graduation from Penn State in 1978, she moved to Chambersburg to take a job with Agway and has lived there since. She worked tor Agway and Farm Credit for 10 years, after which she estab lished her own farm accounting prac tice Brown works primarily with small businesses, most of whom are farmers, and provides a full range of accounting services, from payroll to tarm transfers "Dr Cindy.' as she noted, is the "nation's leading expert on compiehensive business skill naming for children " She is the founder and director tor the Center tor Family Business at Indiana University ot Pennsylvania She teaches at the University ot Pennsylvania's Wharton Program tor Family Controlled Coiporations, Dr Cindy earned an MBA and doctorate at the University of Pittsburgh's School of Business She credits her eaily experience in hei family's business and stepping in to iun these enterprises at age 20 because Thanks to our participating sponsors... crHVwiTftß 8:00 am-8:50 am 8:50 am 9:00 am-10:00 am 10:00 am-10:15 am 10:15 am-ll:00 am 11:00 am-Noon Noon-1 pm 1:00 pm-l:15 pm 1:15 pm-3:00 pm 3:00 pm CONSOLIDATED NUTRITION.I «= Mid Atlantic Farm Credit attlie • > ->..v f , „ Si >S Registration (coffee and donuts provided) Introduction (Master of Ceremonies) Farm Marketing In The New Economy What farm product retailers are looking for and why John Lord, Professor of Food Marketing, St. Joseph’s University (Includes a 5-minute Question and Answer Session) Meet The Sponsors Part I Separate 5-minute presentations Managing Family Farm Finances What farm owners need to know when transferring the farm to the next generation. Elizabeth Brown, Farm Accountant, Chambersburg (Includes a 5-minute Question and Answer Session) Specialization and Improving Profits A look to the realities of dairy farms and product positioning and marketing in the New Economy. Brad Hilty, Penn State Dairy Alliance (Includes a 5-minute Question and Answer Session) Lunch Provided by Lancaster Farming Please visit exhibits. Meet The Sponsors Part II Separate 5-minute presentations Keeping Your Family Business Peaceful and Profitable How to ensure stability in the family farm enterprise Dr. Cindy lannarelli, Business Cents End of Seminar MES SICK'S The Lancaster Lancaster Farming. Saturday. November 3.2001 -A! W *" V W sfiKTV/fIXF-A n ■ > • * % ft ft J'Hb ' . r< .. , i..u •.. t Bank of Lancaster County The Better Bank. a * ‘a